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: 01.12.2012
: 54127



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, 16 2015 . 13:49 +


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, 16 2015 . 13:33 +


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5136662_119761464_genia164 (700x700, 154Kb)

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, 16 2015 . 13:19 +

5136662_0_13ba18_4fc44470_orig (700x525, 822Kb)


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, 16 2015 . 06:36 +

5136662_0_10b44d_9b3b3c2_orig (700x612, 803Kb)


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5136662_119561535_genia160 (700x573, 159Kb)


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, 12 2015 . 05:35 +

5136662_ab995ee4941bc34299496030273c94d440894493 (700x525, 205Kb)


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5136662_ab995ee4941bc34299496030273c94d447266584 (525x700, 160Kb)5136662_ab995ee4941bc34299496030273c94d4594031764 (700x470, 396Kb)5136662_ab995ee4941bc34299496030273c94d41239866851 (700x468, 62Kb)5136662_ab995ee4941bc34299496030273c94d41246211762 (700x466, 58Kb)5136662_ab995ee4941bc34299496030273c94d41270608179 (700x466, 222Kb)5136662_ab995ee4941bc34299496030273c94d41282476678 (700x464, 83Kb)5136662_ab995ee4941bc34299496030273c94d41729779643 (700x466, 91Kb)5136662_ab995ee4941bc34299496030273c94d41807865363 (700x466, 69Kb)5136662_ab995ee4941bc34299496030273c94d42028350199 (525x700, 239Kb)5136662_ab995ee4941bc34299496030273c94d42059859227 (700x489, 81Kb)5136662_ab995ee4941bc34299496030273c94d42121320651 (584x700, 249Kb)



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, 28 2015 . 08:44 +







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5136662_4069 (604x455, 82Kb)

5136662_0_54941_7dd9f6d6_XL (700x548, 172Kb)

5136662_40187790_ByaluynickiyBirulya_V (554x700, 58Kb)

5136662_19636833_1204725844_stepan_nesterchuk (301x400, 42Kb)

5136662_40187972_Vinogradov_S (668x700, 97Kb)

5136662_40188466_Levitan_I (594x700, 73Kb)

5136662_40188115_ZHukovskiy_S (700x563, 86Kb)

5136662_40188795_CHernuyshev_N (700x577, 79Kb)

5136662_19636050_1204725611_BORISOVMUSATOV_VESNA (600x416, 92Kb)




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, 21 2015 . 16:14 +

 (306x306, 163Kb)


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4430707_Oleg_Ildukov_fleitistka (459x650, 41Kb)


   (471x650, 41Kb)

  WoManDance (480x650, 48Kb)

  -  (447x650, 43Kb)

  - 3 (473x650, 50Kb)

   .  (468x650, 41Kb)

    (469x650, 50Kb)

   (455x650, 58Kb)

     (461x650, 43Kb)

   (442x650, 45Kb)

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   (452x650, 47Kb)

   (700x509, 57Kb)

   (466x650, 45Kb)

   (463x650, 52Kb)

   (472x650, 47Kb)

5136662_110956975_FlashMagic (300x189, 39Kb)




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, 20 2015 . 10:22 +
taisya [ + !]



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, 18 2015 . 11:18 +
Irinka_Pavlovna [ + !]

. «» , . «--» . «» . « , , » . - . , , — :
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. , « » , . … , , . , , , «If» — «»:
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, «». , — «». , , , , , — , ? — . , , , - c .
« », — . : « ». , , , , …
, «If» — «», 13 :

Rudyard Kipling - "If"

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream — and not make dreams your master;
If you can think — and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build'em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: «Hold on!»

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings — nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And — which is more — you'll be a Man, my son!

, . , . , «If» , . «If» «», , — . - — , …
, , , «If» « », . , , :

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, , «my son», , : « », « ». , , 1910 , .

1914 , , . , . — -, , -, . . - , (« » « -»), , . - 2 . 1915 . …
, 25 1915 , :
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… 25 - — « » — , . «» . .
«», . , 27 1915 , , . , .
- . , - …
. , , . 1915 , . . : « ». — ...

« . . 27 1915 . 18 »
1992 , , , « » . , .
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, 15 2015 . 09:04 +

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, 14 2015 . 04:36 +


5136662_91790425_kino19 (500x412, 62Kb)


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5136662_0_100f8d_53fa7b64_L (500x375, 44Kb)



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, 10 2015 . 13:31 +
_ [ + !]

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Francisco Garcia - Besame mucho

21.03 - 20.04

 (227x422, 168Kb)

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: , !

21.04 20.05

 (227x420, 160Kb)

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3290568_0_8fea2_d0d2901f_M (160x21, 4Kb)
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. - " ..."

, 07 2015 . 17:44 +
_ [ + !]

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, 07 2015 . 08:26 +
BAROMA [ + !]

( - 474 )


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, 06 2015 . 07:35 +
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1 (495x690, 69Kb)



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, 01 2015 . 07:42 +


, 01 2015 . 06:33 +




5136662_1227012618_snowqueen (405x562, 61Kb)


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5136662_0_41c40_6494af0d_XL_1_ (431x700, 90Kb)

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5136662_Anastasiya_Arhipova_2 (492x670, 109Kb)


5136662_1316104793_the_snow_queen_and_her_lover_by_alicechand46p156_1_ (589x700, 279Kb)


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5136662_56115412_1267950044_3D_Girl_35 (700x394, 141Kb)




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, 27 2015 . 16:48 +

 5136662_sn4_koroleva (333x500, 57Kb)





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5136662_4490 (700x525, 113Kb)



5136662_273277_1 (700x520, 128Kb)
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5136662__ (600x450, 92Kb)

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5136662_51256678_88 (493x699, 232Kb)

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5136662_2sn_koroleva (359x480, 67Kb)

5136662_354eab72d9764e543b90e4f0a5c712aa_full (622x414, 55Kb)

5136662_1291742921_85 (375x500, 95Kb)

5136662_68119322462007 (450x569, 56Kb)


5136662_snezhnaya_koroleva (500x362, 38Kb)

5136662_uspenskaya (700x502, 136Kb)

5136662_snejnaya_koroleva (429x600, 86Kb)


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, 25 2015 . 08:36 +



25 ,


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5136662_1311687574_f_11287744 (449x500, 69Kb)

1960- , ( , , , , , .), «», ,


5136662_604405_original (700x467, 68Kb)

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(« », « …» .).

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25 1980.

5136662_imgpreview_1_ (200x200, 11Kb)

5136662_4a10c0fe6ab953510df20b1a473f0f9d6dad4c116214848 (604x400, 33Kb)

5136662_vysockiivladiekaterinburg01 (600x450, 49Kb)

5136662_vladimir_visockii_1_ (600x450, 65Kb)








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, 25 2015 . 07:05 +



5136662_1312086725_323 (427x370, 52Kb)

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5136662_38622611_1232800968_tat66 (500x387, 32Kb)


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, 25 2015 . 05:50 +


5136662_fdff2bc30ad8 (604x425, 29Kb)


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5136662_7582396 (600x419, 128Kb)

Olga S-M


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, 25 2015 . 05:33 +

5136662_kniga (700x457, 57Kb)


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5136662_Creative_Wallpaper__039248_32 (286x180, 25Kb)



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, 25 2015 . 05:08 +
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, 24 2015 . 14:11 +

5136662_Blanco_y_negro2542x462 (542x462, 20Kb)

2 1967 -, . , , .

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5136662_0_58de2_b15135f2_XL (591x591, 63Kb)

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5136662_1d5eb620fe5da267a283183aa3890a61 (525x700, 125Kb)

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5136662_07ea0362a631 (531x700, 76Kb)

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5136662_9ba4482f4d19 (598x476, 40Kb)

5136662_40df21576eb87cde5d15484c9ba (525x700, 47Kb)

5136662_63822155_1284064872_3_Balcony_at_Buenos_Aires588x436 (588x436, 47Kb)

5136662_63822429_1284065370_Balcony_at_Buenos_Aires_XI633x475 (633x475, 38Kb)

5136662_1287480565_11 (569x456, 44Kb)

5136662_image019 (624x469, 33Kb)

5136662_image061 (623x517, 33Kb)

5136662_lastmerlot (556x669, 29Kb)

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, 24 2015 . 13:12 +

, (Catherine Abel), -, 20 .

( ) , , . , , , , -, .
2000 , , , . , , . " ". 3 -. , , , , , .

5136662_0_2c91e_b2430cdd_XL (500x150, 48Kb)

5136662_0_2c91e_b2430cdd_XL (500x150, 48Kb)

5136662_Catherine_Abel_01 (572x700, 91Kb)

5136662_0_2c91e_b2430cdd_XL (500x150, 48Kb)


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5136662_0_2c91e_b2430cdd_XL (500x150, 48Kb)


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5136662_0_2c91e_b2430cdd_XL (500x150, 48Kb)



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5136662_0_2c91e_b2430cdd_XL (500x150, 48Kb)




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5136662_0_2c91e_b2430cdd_XL (500x150, 48Kb)

5136662_Catherine_Abel_02 (700x559, 138Kb)

5136662_Catherine_Abel_04 (581x700, 64Kb)

5136662_Catherine_Abel_05 (543x700, 237Kb)

5136662_Catherine_Abel_10 (486x700, 210Kb)

5136662_Catherine_Abel_11 (493x700, 253Kb)

5136662_Catherine_Abel_12 (504x700, 224Kb)

5136662_Catherine_Abel_17 (635x700, 111Kb)

5136662_Catherine_Abel_20 (566x700, 103Kb)

5136662_dab3e2e35c9c (579x700, 98Kb)

5136662_Catherine_Abel_13 (520x700, 250Kb)

5136662_Catherine_Abel_06 (700x465, 73Kb)



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, 24 2015 . 12:59 +

5136662_0014045Assol (250x325, 13Kb)



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5136662_80920 (320x192, 19Kb)
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5136662_119550 (640x327, 39Kb)
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5136662_091945ef6b508720d33b1d598a96c960 (650x433, 179Kb)
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5136662_kinematografasovetskogoepizodyetointeresnopoznavatelnokartinki_389577180 (400x300, 82Kb)
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5136662_04307defdead (544x603, 30Kb)


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3 . ""

, 24 2015 . 12:41 +


(Carol Cavalaris) – , , – . , -, .

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5136662_910079630 (700x576, 16Kb)

5136662_84_SweetTasteOfSpring2_Pic (700x700, 46Kb)

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: « ?»
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5136662_1306778490_www_nevsepic_com_ua_49_dancingpoppies_pic (500x375, 127Kb)

5136662_1306778490_www_nevsepic_com_ua_62_strangebunnies_pic (500x625, 218Kb)

5136662_s01911603 (500x477, 26Kb)

5136662_s04784796 (450x600, 32Kb)

5136662_s21854119 (500x333, 22Kb)

5136662_s24562036 (447x600, 36Kb)

5136662_s33205528 (500x331, 21Kb)

5136662_s42506988 (500x500, 36Kb)

5136662_s17345331 (450x600, 32Kb)



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, 24 2015 . 12:22 +


5136662_28536744 (200x200, 6Kb)

Cavalaris .  , , , , -, . , , . . , . ,     , .     .
Cavalaris : « , , , , , , . , ».  
Cavalaris . . 2006 .
Cavalaris :  « , ,   . , , , , .
,   . : , , ».

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" "

  " "  .   . , , - , . , , . , . . .   , , , .


5136662_24_WildFire_Pic (700x524, 31Kb)

5136662_27_LionessIsNear2_Pic (643x700, 34Kb)

5136662_96_WildcatNight_Pic (700x700, 67Kb)

5136662_103_CatPower_Pic (700x525, 53Kb)

5136662_30_CircleOfLife_Pic (700x564, 28Kb)

5136662_1244167532_02_innocence_pic (500x375, 29Kb)

5136662_1261921734_117 (392x700, 41Kb)

5136662_1261921735_112 (500x517, 36Kb)

5136662_1261921769_111 (500x500, 38Kb)

5136662_1244167894_10_cheetahmoods_pic (500x581, 56Kb)

5136662_1244167702_04_foxmoods_pic (500x333, 31Kb)

5136662_1261921819_124 (500x375, 39Kb)

5136662_1261921820_121 (500x406, 35Kb)

5136662_1306778452_www_nevsepic_com_ua_22_hadley_pic (500x666, 191Kb)

5136662_1306778505_www_nevsepic_com_ua_114_spiritofwhitelion_pic (500x605, 211Kb)

5136662_1306778447_www_nevsepic_com_ua_46_snowleopard_pic (500x442, 134Kb)

5136662_1306778490_www_nevsepic_com_ua_33_lioninthesky_pic (500x375, 115Kb)

5136662_1306778475_www_nevsepic_com_ua_148_alovesogrand_pic (500x605, 230Kb)

5136662_71IjgYwhEQU (500x447, 19Kb)

5136662_23_IfTigersCouldFly_Pic (700x467, 25Kb)

5136662_21_SixWildTigers_Pic (434x700, 140Kb)

5136662_1306778369_www_nevsepic_com_ua_08_comewithme_pic (500x500, 197Kb)

5136662_1306778522_www_nevsepic_com_ua_56_herecomesrainagain_pic (500x375, 102Kb)

5136662_1306778426_www_nevsepic_com_ua_04_gitana_pic (500x500, 147Kb)

5136662_1306778457_www_nevsepic_com_ua_27_supermodel_pic (500x600, 194Kb)

5136662_hTltHwS4e7I (453x604, 39Kb)

5136662_1306778475_www_nevsepic_com_ua_42_arana_pic (500x333, 110Kb)

5136662_b7eecebfc30e (700x454, 36Kb)

5136662_0_6b8c6_30e3485c_XL_jpg (700x390, 613Kb)

5136662_0_6b8f1_bad6f961_XL (700x464, 169Kb)

5136662_0_6b8f4_5ddbaf66_XL_jpg (700x693, 1006Kb)

5136662_0_69b8f_aa7bd8b6_XL_jpg_ (700x462, 698Kb)

5136662_0_69b82_7e8938d9_XL (700x467, 187Kb)






. " "

, 21 2015 . 09:14 +

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  28.01.77 . –
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5136662_ef57c3cd (511x700, 95Kb)












5136662_0a073763e2b39269158b494242feb1a3 (582x700, 39Kb)




5136662_827997746877372288 (620x647, 39Kb)
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, 08 2015 . 12:07 +



1408348946_7047960R3L8T8D650fantasywirewirefairysculpturesrobinwight23 (650x445, 128Kb)



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1408348974_7051860R3L8T8D650fantasywirewirefairysculpturesrobinwight2 (650x465, 135Kb)


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1408348994_7054460R3L8T8D6501039585_635468139883501_1348662447268657428_o (650x462, 140Kb)




– .

1408349017_7055760R3L8T8D650622785_502629289834054_550638472_o (467x700, 132Kb) ,



1408349039_7055960R3L8T8D6501167307_483432985087018_387787023_o (467x700, 127Kb)

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1408349066_7056410R3L8T8D650922428_486058958157754_114662915_o (650x433, 61Kb)

1408349099_7056560R3L8T8D650202640_469676553129328_39143340_o (650x433, 71Kb)

1408349122_7056760R3L8T8D65010551646_651849601578688_4537596602037623857_o (525x700, 154Kb)

1408349142_7057110R3L8T8D650981351_443946329035684_1196243125_o (650x446, 119Kb)

1408349186_7057860R3L8T8D6501979200_603024059794576_1147289946012277030_o (650x433, 92Kb)




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, 04 2015 . 03:33 +

5136662_Bezimyannii (564x575, 828Kb)

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, 26 2014 . 08:54 +

5136662_mantra (699x700, 236Kb)




, 24 2014 . 10:35 +
[ + !]

" "





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, 14 2014 . 09:38 +







, 14 2014 . 06:24 +



5136662_08 (542x355, 56Kb)



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5136662_07 (353x523, 51Kb)

5136662_04 (547x355, 50Kb)

5136662_0e114a17ef8d (537x343, 64Kb)

5136662_5c58a0649a90 (544x350, 31Kb)

5136662_015_1_ (540x347, 52Kb)

5136662_017 (552x356, 47Kb)

5136662_86f949569633_1_ (546x350, 30Kb)

5136662_c3f78f18159b (551x350, 40Kb)

5136662_c33d98be03eb (534x350, 35Kb)


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XX . (1843 - 1914) .

1857 - 1864 . , .

1870 . . : 1875 - 1889 . 14 . , ; . ; , .

- . 300 , . , . , . 1915 . " " , : " , . . , , . ,

. ".




, 12 2014 . 07:28 +
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, 12 2014 . 07:24 +
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, 02 2014 . 05:52 +
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, 28 2014 . 06:26 +
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, 22 2014 . 06:20 +
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, 22 2014 . 04:15 +
1416618722_kofe2 (500x351, 301Kb)





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, 21 2014 . 15:49 +
VKINDER [ + !]





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, 12 2014 . 13:28 +
VKINDER [ + !]

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, 06 2014 . 01:54 +


1415314415_1292085829_1 (620x445, 94Kb)

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