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 - e-mail



: 06.04.2011
: 69704



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, 25 2018 . 00:25 +
___ [ + !]


1 . Frankly speaking —

2 . To cut it short –

3 . So to speak –



, 24 2018 . 20:34 +
Viktoria_84 [ + !]

Antique Shop
Chemist’s / Drugstore (.)
Grocery Store
Ticket Office
Lost and Found
« » Poste restante
Parcels delivery
Cloakroom / Coat Room
Hot Food
Hotel / Inn ( )
Barber Shop
Snack Bar
Petrol Station
Pet Shop
Italian Cousine
Chinese Cuisine
Art Gallery
Pay Desk
Book Shop / Bookstore
Rug Store
Candy Store
Coffee House / Coffee Shop / Perk
Underground/ Subway (.)
Ice Cream
B&B (bed and breakfast)
Health Care Center
Gift Shop
Greeting Cards
Post office
Postage Stamps
Food Store
Rent-A-Car / Car Hire
Shoe Repair
Beauty Salon / Beauty Parlor
Sporting Goods
Taxi rank
Men’s Shop
Department Store
French Bakery
Private Parking Lot
Private Property
Private Beach
Jewelry Store

1 (601x700, 418Kb)

2 (602x700, 343Kb)



, 28 2018 . 23:36 +
justvitek [ + !]


4208855_WF8ZTbOlYIo (590x401, 38Kb)

. , , . EnglishDom , . Check it!


, . « », « », « » . — , , , .

(?) + ( ?) + ( ? ?) + (? ? ?)

. — He bought a car.

, , . , , «it».

. — It's cold outside.


. , -. -.

? — Do you like music?

. — I won't (will not) go to the party.

, , 16 .

3. be, have, do




, 18 2018 . 22:10 +
11111 [ + !]


001-5qi1aI9lW8g (481x700, 256Kb)




, 04 2018 . 23:25 +
Nik2003 [ + !]




. , , .

, . — , . .












. -, 100

, 01 2018 . 16:30 +
vipstart [ + !]

. -, 100

4250751_english (700x234, 68Kb)





1 - -
2 - ...
14 - 15 YouTube
15 - -
16 - . -, 100
17 - .


, 18 2017 . 17:40 +
almiria_kh [ + !]






, 26 2017 . 22:34 +
Viktoria_84 [ + !]



the recipe —
This recipe is very easy to prepare. .

the ingredients —
Buy the necessary ingredients. .

the preparation method —
The preparation method is the way to make the dish. – .

the cooking time —
The cooking time indicates the time the food should be heated. , .

to wash —
Wash the potatoes and the tomatoes. .

to peel —
Peel the onions. .

to cut —
Cut the carrots and the asparagus. .

to chop — ,
Chop the onion into very small pieces. .

to beat —
Beat five eggs. .

to drain —
Drain the pasta to get rid of the water. , .

to grate —
Grate the cheese. .

to pour —
Pour the fish stock into the pot. .

to add —
Add a spoonful of oil. .

to mix —
Mix everything well. .

to stir —
Stir for 15 minutes. 15 .

to toast —
Toast the bread until it’s crunchy. , .

to cook —
Cook for 35 minutes on a low heat. 35 .

to boil —
Boil the potatoes. .

to roast —
Roast the fish. .

to grill —
Grill the meat. .

to fry —
Fry the potatoes and the onion. .

to bake —
Bake the bread. .

to melt —
Melt the cheese. .

to heat —
Heat the sauce. .

to serve —
Serve it cold. .

1 (595x700, 322Kb)

2 (601x700, 398Kb)



. . 16

, 21 2017 . 22:19 +
_ [ + !]

. . 16 .

- , , 16 .


. 1.

3290568_0_8fea2_d0d2901f_M (160x21, 4Kb)

" ":

1 - - .
2 - , : - 1 100.
7 - , : : , , .
8 - , . : .
9 - . . 16 .
10 - ... .
11 - . .
28 - . . 6 - 10.
29 - . . 11 - 15.
30 - . . 16 - 20.



, 03 2017 . 09:19 +
11111 [ + !]


01-nBncv0TNkw (443x699, 261Kb)




, 26 2017 . 22:48 +
_ [ + !]



JsPc7INpAkg (537x347, 144Kb)

S3bIWXQC4uQ (550x480, 197Kb)

2wOUM2OSZCY (550x559, 227Kb)



, 29 2017 . 21:34 +
__ [ + !]


  ,   . !!!


*  *  *


,     ,   —   .  



, 06 2017 . 21:58 +
__ [ + !]


,   -    .      .       .     ,        ,    .     ,    ,         .




: , ,

, 12 2017 . 14:35 +
listra55 [ + !]

: , , .

: , , .


5284814_1aaasnapshot_jpgb (700x393, 59Kb)




, 13 2017 . 10:29 +
Maja2012 [ + !]


- . , , , .   " " , .

to stop – , , , – – -ing. - , - , - - .

- .



I began to write this letter yesterday. / I began writing this letter yesterday. - .
They continued to applaud for five minutes./ They continued applauding for five minutes. - .
They started to complain again./ They started complaining again. - .
To stop whining. - .
To stop wasting time. - .
To stop complaining. - .
They stopped arguing. – .
He stopped procrastinating. – .

She stopped calling him. – .
She stopped to call him. – .

He stopped smoking. – .
He stopped to smoke. – .

They stopped talking. – .
They stopped to talk. – .
They stopped (in order) to talk. – ( , ) .



. .

, 12 2017 . 22:14 +
LediLana [ + !]



, 20 2017 . 16:43 +
Maja2012 [ + !]


Cheer up! — ! !
Chin up! — !
Don't give up! — !
Come on, you can do! — , !
Keep going! — !
Lighten up! — !
Look on the bright side ... — ...
Smile! — !
There are plenty more fish in the sea. — .
There's no use crying over spilt milk. — .
Worse things happen at sea. — .
You're coming along well. — .
Keep up the good work! — !
That's a good effort. — .
That's a real improvement. — .
You're on the right lines. — .
Every cloud has a silver lining. — .
It's not the end of the world. — .





: place, space room

, 05 2017 . 00:13 +
Maja2012 [ + !]

: place, space room

, . : " - “”, : “place”, “space” “room”? “” . "space", "place" "room". , ?"

, .



They decided to go to his place to have a cup of coffee. -  .
I don't have enough room in the refrigerator. -  .
Hawaii is a beautiful place. - 
- .
I visited many places. -  .
I’ve been to many different places. -  .
It’s my favorite place. -  .
I love this place. -  .
On the first blind date it’s better to meet in a public place. -    .
I am looking for a bigger place. - (, , )
Do you remember that place? -  ?
What’s the name of that place? -  ?
Do you remember the place where we stopped for gas? -  , ?
I’d like to buy a place in the country. -  .
Let’s meet at my place. -  ().
Place of birth –
Place of work –
A polling place -

A parking space – (. . / , ).
How many parking spaces does it come with? -  ?
This apartment comes with two parking spaces. -  .
There isn’t enough room for two cars. -  .

If you need more room, use the back of the sheet. -  ,
Do you have room in your garage? -  ?
There is so much room here! -  !
There is no room in the refrigerator! -  .
Can we make room for one more person? -  ?
Same place, same time. -  , .

, .



, 17 2017 . 12:41 +
Leskey [ + !]


1. Extremes meet
2. East or West home is best ,
3. Better late than never ,
4. Alls well that ends well ,
5. Out of sight out of mind ,
6. As fit as a fiddle ,
7. No sweet without sweat ,
8. A penny saved is a penny gained ,
9. By ones fathers side ,
10. Just a joke
11. Have a heart! !, !
12. A good beginning makes a good ending
13. Too good to be true , / ,
14. Who knew, who is who
15. New lords new laws -.
16. Honesty is the best policy
17. A light purse is a heavy curse ,
18. Its like putting a saddle on a cow
19. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth ,
20. I dare swear
21. As snug as a bug in a rug ,
22. Look whos talking! , !
23. There is no rose without thorn
24. If there is a will, there is a way
25. There is no place like home ,
26. There is no smoke without fire
27. Lovely weather for ducks! !
28. There is a black sleep in every flock
29. But There is always but -,
30. There are spots even on the sun
31. When a friend asks, there is no tomorrow

32. There is no royal road to learning
33. Theres many a slip between the cup and the lip /
34. While there is life, there is hope []
35. There is no flying from fate
36. There is a small choice in rotten apples

37. If there were no clouds we should not enjoy the sun ,
38. There is no so faithful friend, as a good book ,
39. No buts! !
40. No new is a good new
41. Tastes differ
42. Where there is a will there is a way / ,
43. One mans meat is another mans poison ,
44. Pull your finger out / to make more effort

45. Turn over a new leaf , , ,
46. Break a leg / good luck !
47. Rome wasnt built in a day
48. The early bird catches the worm
49. Practice makes perfect
50. Start from scratch
51. All in the same boat -.
52. You can count it on your fingers


850 , !

, 11 2017 . 23:30 +
watson71 [ + !]

850 , !

850    ,      !


: "" ""?

, 25 2016 . 22:12 +
Annakraj [ + !]

: "" ""?


: "" ""?



, ) ! 



10 ,

, 24 2016 . 13:21 +
lipa_fv [ + !]

10 ,

, ? , , , ( ) , ? , , , ...

1 (700x437, 355Kb)

, , , ....
, . , ...

Round trip

2 (700x437, 207Kb)
, round trip — -. , , (one way ticket) .


3 (700x462, 311Kb)
, , , , , , . , — , — . , .

103691774_RdaleeIG1IG1IG1__3_ (242x91, 13Kb)


. 15 !

, 04 2016 . 12:52 +
vdomarvik [ + !]

. 15 ! . .

. 15 ! . 1.

! . 2.



400 , 75%

, 02 2016 . 23:13 +
Dansing_Dragon [ + !]

400 , 75%

400 , 75%


, , -,  .

Oxford English Corpus ( ), .

0/funnyreps.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/0-29-300x241.jpg" target="_blank">http://funnyreps.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/0-29-300x241.jpg 300w, http://funnyreps.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/0-29-370x297.jpg 370w" width="1024" />

, 100 50% ( ).


100 , 100 , 400 , . .

. . . , .

1/funnyreps.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/1-37-267x300.jpg" target="_blank">http://funnyreps.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/1-37-267x300.jpg 267w, http://funnyreps.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/1-37-264x297.jpg 264w" width="800" />

4/funnyreps.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/4-25-267x300.jpg" target="_blank">http://funnyreps.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/4-25-267x300.jpg 267w, http://funnyreps.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/4-25-264x297.jpg 264w" width="800" />

3/funnyreps.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/3-30-267x300.jpg" target="_blank">http://funnyreps.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/3-30-267x300.jpg 267w, http://funnyreps.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/3-30-264x297.jpg 264w" width="800" />


2/funnyreps.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/2-28-267x300.jpg" target="_blank">http://funnyreps.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/2-28-267x300.jpg 267w, http://funnyreps.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/2-28-264x297.jpg 264w" width="800" />



, 31 2016 . 13:35 +
ravingdon [ + !]

     , .   , , — , 10   .



, 29 2016 . 19:50 +
Viktoria_84 [ + !]

1. You look very pretty -
2. Your new hairdo is not bad. - .
3. You look lovely -
4. You have a wonderful taste in clothes. - .
5. You look so well after the holiday! -
6. What a charming girl you are! - !
7. You don't look your age -
8. Thank you for your compliment. - .
9. Thank you for a nice day. - .
10. I haven't seen you for ages! Why, you haven't changed the least bit. You do wear well. - , ! . !
11. Thank you for picking me up. - , ( ).
12. That’s very kind of you. - .
13. You’re very generous. - .
14. I’m really grateful to you. - .
15. You have a fine sense of humor -

5640974_P1J0Uumel4k (604x428, 81Kb)


EveryLang Pro 2.9.6 -

, 12 2016 . 16:01 +
_ [ + !]

EveryLang Pro 2.9.6 - .

1475243233-7786-214011 (200x130, 9Kb) EveryLang Pro 2.9.6 - . EveryLang, , 12.09.2016. EveryLang Pro, . ( ). , -, . : 2 Ctrl. , , , , , PDF. , , . , . , , .


, 09 2016 . 22:55 +
lazy_Mary [ + !]

euUCdAljeRyFCADhfVioDw-article (500x375, 79Kb)

Ankle strap shoes -
Ankle boots - ( )
Ballerina flats -
Bondage boots -
Brogues -
Chukka boots (desert boots turf boots) - , – ( , ). chukka .
Chunky heel shoes -
Cone heel shoes -
Converse - Converse,
Crocs - ( )
D’Orsay pumps - ’ ( ). , ’.
Espadrilles - ,
Flip flops - ,
Kitten heel shoes - «»
Knee high boots -
Mules - ,
Peep toe, open toe shoes -
Platform shoes -


, 09 2016 . 22:55 +
RUSSA_N [ + !]



rukod_1_001_big (700x497, 285Kb)

, :



/, ,
/, ,


170 ,

, 08 2016 . 13:17 +
anngol [ + !]

170 ,


1 (604x554, 191Kb)

2 (604x537, 184Kb)

3 (604x507, 165Kb)

4248238_64 (144x106, 37Kb)

 : [5] 4 3 2 1