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Letter to Europe-EN ( )

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Letter to Europe-EN
Peoples of Europe!
Citizens of Germany, France, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Greece, Bulgaria and other countries!
All people of good will who do not want the madness of a global war into which globalist gerontocrats like Soros, Biden and Pelosi, who have lost their minds, are trying to drag us all!
My name is Alexander Rogers. And I'm Russian. Not a minister, not an official, not a propagandist working for the state, but an independent economic expert.
Read these two pages of text, because this is probably one of the most important texts in your life.
Russia never wanted war. And now he still doesn't want to.
Putin endured all the antics of the Kyiv regime for eight years. Twice persuaded them to sign the Minsk chords - the first and second. According to which Donbass remained part of Ukraine, but its Russian population received autonomy regarding the right to speak their native language and preserve their culture. In full compliance with the European Charter.
And Ukraine itself pledged to maintain a neutral status. Not to be part of Russia, not to become its vassal - Russia was quite satisfied with the neutrality of Ukraine.
The one that was spelled out in the Constitution of Ukraine at the time of its creation in 1991. And rudely trampled after the armed coup 2014, inspired from the outside, which overthrew the constitutional order and adopted anti-constitutional amendments to the laws that spelled out “aspiration to join NATO” in them.
The coup d'état was carried out for American money, according to American manuals, and relied on Soros's paid structures and neo-Nazi groups nurtured by American intelligence services. Despite declarations of a European and democratic orientation, the coup d'état had a pronounced neo-Nazi and anti-Russian character. With which the inhabitants of the South-East of Ukraine, ethnic Russians, could not agree.
In fact, these regions are the only ones that remained faithful to the Constitution of Ukraine, not recognizing the results of the armed coup. The uprising in Odessa was brutally suppressed by Nazi fighters, there was a massacre and burning of people alive. In Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk, similar massacres were also planned, but they failed to be carried out.
Then the Kyiv conspirators unleashed a civil war. In order to prevent the genocide of Russians, Russia was forced to intervene in a limited way.
They try to make Zelensky a democrat, but he banned opposition parties, imprisoned most opposition politicians, journalists, political scientists and economists, and subordinated all the media in the country to a single information center, creating a state monopoly on information. This is an open terrorist dictatorship that represses and kills all dissidents.
At the end of 2021, Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the collective West on the inadmissibility of further NATO expansion to the east. Because this creates direct and unambiguous threats to the security of the Russian Federation.
Russia has once again called on the West (primarily the United States) to negotiate collective security. These calls were ignored.
Even after the start of the SMO (special military operation) of Russia in Ukraine, the Russian Foreign Ministry did not stop trying to negotiate peace. And in Istanbul, both sides practically managed to agree on a compromise. But then the United States and Great Britain actually forbade their Kyiv puppets to conclude a peace treaty and even simply continue negotiations.
As further evidence of our peacefulness, Russia did not use all of its armed forces (numbering about two million people) for a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, but operates with a limited contingent, which until recently was smaller in number than the size of the armed forces of Ukraine. And only now, after eight months of hostilities, it will be increased.
Russia is ready for negotiations today, as both Putin and Lavrov have repeatedly said. But the Kyiv regime, on the orders of its masters, legally forbade itself (which is complete madness) to negotiate peace.
Joe Biden and Boris Johnson (and now Liz Truss, who continues Johnson's policy) and their inner circle are solely to blame for the continuation of this useless war.
Moreover, this military conflict is directed not so much against Russia as against Europe. Europeans have been forced into accepting a huge number of suicidal sanctions (most of which American companies do not comply with, in places even increasing trade with Russia), which are destroying the economies of European countries.
Today the European economy is on the verge of collapse. Rationing is introduced for the temperature in houses, for the consumption of hot water. Utility tariffs, prices for gas and electricity, for heating and hot water, have increased by orders of magnitude over the past year. Europeans are offered to eat grasshoppers and wash reusable toilet paper (and where can you get hot water for this?).
 In France, there are huge problems with gasoline - it is not only getting more expensive, it is almost non-existent in quantity. The same will soon happen to many other European countries.
Even the oldest pub in the UK is now closed. Survived the Napoleonic wars and Nazi bombings, but could not stand the rule of Boris Johnson.
And, worst of all, factories are closing. Murder of the economy, decline in GDP, unemployment, poverty.
This is done in order to bring European production facilities to the United States. The Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg openly write about it, even without hiding.
Ursula von der Leyen, Josep Borel, Annalena Berbock, Robert Habek and many others are traitors to Europe.
The Russians do not need the ruins of Europe, the Russians need reliable partners and solvent markets. The destruction of Europe is necessary only for the United States, which is rapidly losing the remnants of its former strength and trying to save itself by devouring the EU countries.
The US even blew up Nord Streams out of fear that Europe might come to an agreement with Russia. Because anti-war rallies with similar demands are already taking place all over Europe.
Russia has gas, oil, heat, nuclear energy. We have created a new generation nuclear reactor BN-800, based on fast neutrons, which can provide the entire planet with cheap and safe electricity for several thousand years to come. We have even more advanced developments.
The US has nothing. Except for the insanely huge debt. They are bankrupt. The United States is desperately trying to negotiate energy supplies with Iran, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela, but all these countries refuse them. OPEC+ has been cutting production by 2 million barrels a day since November. US strategic oil reserves are at their lowest level since 1940. And they continue to rapidly deplete them.
Russia can (and is ready) to save Europe. The US cannot (and does not want to).
This is not propaganda. This is a reality that is obvious to every sane person.
Take to the streets. Demand the resignation of puppet pro-American governments and re-elections in their countries. Demand an end to support for the neo-Nazi regime in Kyiv. Demand the independence of your countries from the United States. Demand friendship with Russia. The Russians do not need your submission, the Russians need your willingness to build a common future.
As Putin said 15 years ago, "Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok." In Orthodoxy there is the concept of catholicity. The Chinese have a concept of a common destiny. Together we create the concept of catholicity of a common destiny.
As the great Beatles sang, we all live in a yellow submarine. The world has a common destiny.
If necessary, create a new party. International Peace Party (if necessary, I can even help with writing its program).
Only free peoples can save the world from the global war that Soros, Schwab and Biden (and those behind them) are trying to drag it into.
I do not issue ultimatums to anyone (I am a simple person, I have neither armies nor powers). I give you all a choice.
You can trust me (and other Russians) today. Or six months from now, those of you who survive the cold, hungry, and dark winter will be bitterly sorry that you didn't believe me.
The choice is always yours.
: https://alexandr-rogers.livejournal.com/1609615.html


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