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Участник сообществ (Всего в списке: 4) КОТОГАЛЛЕРЕЯ Кулинарная_книга kazan Вкусно_Быстро_Недорого
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Создан: 10.10.2003
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Day by day ...

It is what it is.

Четверг, 02 Мая 2013 г. 07:43 + в цитатник
At the moment, it's hard to explain, or analyze the situation. It's just happening, the process has begun, and it feels like it's spiraling faster and faster. The funny thing is, I've been actively asking for it, but when it started happening I got scared, overwhelmed and angry; all of a sudden my mind was refusing to accept the situation...Yet it's slowly settling in and I'm letting myself relax. Nothing particular is really happening, just another cycle of evolution, something that I wouldn't have been able to comprehend or accept just a couple of years ago. The fight to dissolve any confusions or disturbances. I realize this sounds like a crazy talk, but no, I'm not losing my mind. :)

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Понедельник, 17 Октября 2011 г. 00:44 + в цитатник
Don't have much time for rest lately, just realized why...Here's my after work schedule:

Monday 8-11 pm Tango Practica

Tuesday 5-6:30 Cardio/strength training
7-9 Meditation Circle

Wednesday 6-7:30 Yoga
8-9 Belly dancing

Thursday 7:30-9:30 Tango classes
10-12 Weekly latin dance parties

Friday Sometime between running errands squeezing in 1.5 hrs cardio/strength training

Saturday Either Milonga or Latin dancing

Sunday 5 mile outdoor run

It's all good though. :)

Busy bee

Вторник, 26 Июля 2011 г. 03:52 + в цитатник
Just realized there are certain plans for every weekend till the end of August, which is great - local kinds of stuff...some parties, some classes, etc. Which means no traveling this whole time. What about Boston, Rhode Island and Finger Lakes wineries? I'll figure something out.

Every few weeks I have to travel somewhere on the weekends, especially in summers. It's just something I love and need to stay sane. And it's always nice to come back home. Am I a gypsy?

Just like that

Воскресенье, 24 Июля 2011 г. 20:38 + в цитатник
It all begun a couple of years ago, and in the past few months it started picking up intensity. I finally feel like I am into something, into realizing what I am, why I'm here and what I can do. You know, it's like you've suspected something for a long-long time, but it seemed so blurry, far-fetched and even crazy, and all of sudden, it's all so clear and you realize that it's all true and you haven't lost your mind over things, as you might have suspected. I got exhausted with all the petty things, dead-end relationships and so on. I'm not interested in participating in mundane habits that bring zero satisfaction. It's amazing how finally I'm starting to get in touch with my intuition, sometimes you just think of something, and it surfaces right in front of you. It's still a process, and I do get into a habit of diminishing my gut feeling, contemplating, rationalizing...So much conditioning, what do you expect? Those layers don't come off that easily. Yet I realize now that I am on a right track and am intensely grateful for my opportunities, and I have NOTHING to complain about. Let the journey continue...

F*** that!

Пятница, 15 Апреля 2011 г. 04:15 + в цитатник
Influx of exes in my life...Three of them are trying to grab a piece of me at the same time. Thanks, but no, thanks. One of them broke my heart really bad; a couple of years ago he was "the man of my life", seriously. It took me a full year to get over him, ugh. I like him, but those feelings are gone...Haven't experienced what I've experienced with him neither before or after. At this point I'm OK being friends( we have a lot in common, including the best sex ever), even friends with benefits...We both are unattached, so why not? While the other part of my life full of passion unravels...I'll just be enthusiastic about whatever the day brings my way.

*** *** ***

Вторник, 14 Декабря 2010 г. 03:36 + в цитатник
Just realized that it's been a while since I've been in love...hmm, at least two years. So unlike me. Yet I'm perfectly fine with that.


Воскресенье, 17 Октября 2010 г. 21:40 + в цитатник
Has anyone heard of or participated in Burning Man? Just found out about this wild experiment and am curious about it...


Среда, 29 Сентября 2010 г. 03:52 + в цитатник
Long, long time ago...sometime during the late summer or early fall of 2001 I was nearing the end of my exciting adventure with the Work and Travel. Oh, the best time of my life...No worries, no thoughts about future, no major responsibilities, just taking it a day at a time. I was working in a hotel in beautiful Lake Placid, NY, where this guy was staying for a couple of days. I forgot why he approached me, probably the accent and stuff(well, the usual); so we got talking, and talking, and talking...I believe there was some sort of a mutual attraction, whether physical, emotional, cultural, or intellectual. Or simple curiosity? But I had never dwelled on that. Then it was time for him to go back home, to NYC. Since my stay in the country was temporary(that's what I believed then, lol), I didn't have a home phone or a cell phone, so he suggested we exchange e-mail addresses instead, and so we did. We did share a few e-mails, then I started dating my now ex-husband, and the communication with this charming guy from NYC somehow just fizzled out. Life went on, picking up speed by the minute, and soon I forgot about him, deleting his e-mail address eventually. But I would never forget his name, it had such a musical sound to it. Since then I've thought of him randomly, whenever word "piazza" came up, since that word would forever be associated with him in my brain. There were no recent occurrences. Till a few nights ago...I was doing something online with the TV on the background(and I rarely turn TV on while at home, I'm more of a movies and books kinda girl), it was HBO and I just randomly glanced up, when my eyes caught the name on the bottom, Vincent Piazza; I looked up and saw HIM, at an opening of a new HBO show. It just hit me! So the next thing I do, is google him up, and there he was...Actor Vincent Piazza. My first though was that it was someone else, because he never mentioned acting back then when we met. But I guess he turned into acting in 2005 when his hockey career at Villanova came to an abrupt end only after a year due to recurring shoulder injury. Since then he's been in a few indie movies, some shows, a couple of appearances on The Sopranos, and now he's playing Lucky Luciano in the new biopic HBO series directed by Martin Scorsese called "Boardwalk Empire". I'm surprised...he's just so natural at this, so talented. After watching an interview with Vincent, I was pleased to see the same humble charm, humor...he still seems to be grounded and down to earth. And I believe the chances are he'll stay that way regardless of all this new coming fame. Random people in our lives...
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Воскресенье, 26 Сентября 2010 г. 19:44 + в цитатник
OK, I have a question...which European country is the most favorable for a week long visit in February? I'm hoping for some mild weather...

*** *** ***

Суббота, 19 Июня 2010 г. 02:10 + в цитатник
Wow, it's been 3 months since my last post here. What can I say, 2010 has been a heck of a year so far...Discovered many things for myself and about myself. Looking forward to the rest of the year...with arms wide open.
 (700x525, 99Kb)

Spring jogging

Четверг, 18 Марта 2010 г. 02:15 + в цитатник
It's 65 F. It's March 17th. And for the first time since the winter 5K, I went running outdoors. I could hardly wait till the work day was over, since I already set my mind for the run, and the breeze coming from a slightly open window was forcing the spring sensation onto me. Nice run along the Mohawk river; geese and ducks are courting and coupling, those birds amaze me. I stopped for a few minutes to observe them, it's interesting how they stay close to each other and make cute sounds...so devoted and non-dramatic. I would love to have a partnership like that. :) Anyways, I've been staying off the treadmill for the past few weeks, and relying on other forms of cardio, since after the first mile on the treadmill, I would get an unbearable pain in the front shin area of both legs; it would get so bad, that I had to stop and walk. Nothing like that happens on elliptical or any other cardio machines. I suspect I might have either stress fractures(from daily 5mi runs earlier on) or just some overtightened underdeveloped muscles(which is more likely). Thus, I was emotionally prepared for the pain. It did start coming on aroung the 3/4 of a mile and I walked next 1/4; then I got into a stride and the next 4 miles went so smoothly, I had no desire to stop; the propelling power was fantastic. Yay! I'm back on track, and it's time to build up the stamina for the upcoming 5Ks.

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