Last year has been a different one; I've met a lot of new, interesting people; new experiences - physical, spiritual and emotional. It was quite a roller coaster, I was thrown off of a fantastic ride when I least expected it and hit the ground really hard, which resulted in some deep wounds, as well as minor scratches; scars are the only reminders though, as of right now. You live, you learn; you fall, you pick yourself up and go. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes not so much.
Anyways, I've been to my first Zen retreat last year. That shook me up, in every possible way. I've come to realize how weak I am, still...more physically and emotionally, rather than spiritually. Zazen is no joke. Have been practicing some Healing Tao meditations, hard to describe the positive changes within myself. I feel I'll get back to that as soon as I'm done fighting some minor \"demons\", that I (un)willingly let interfere with my current practices.
As for the other more widely accepted aand tangible accomplishments - I've gotten my first ice skating experience, ever; after being quiestioned by many americans how a russian- born female does not happen to be an experienced and championship winning figure skater. LOL. It was fun, and was not as bad as I expected it to be, definitely will continue with that invigorating form of athletic training.
Oh yeah, learned(and already forgot) how to operate a mid-size tractor/excavator. Mowing a huge field with a gigantic bush-wacker was plenty of fun. For everyone, including the largely amused baby calves. Haha.
Another exciting new hobby of mine, a very recent one - poker. Oh, how much fun it is!
So, guess what was the last fun thing I've done before the clocks hit midnight? Exactly - played poker! Not just a regular one, but my first ever strip poker, hahaha. And yes, I've had plenty of clothes left on by the end of the game to be broadcasted in PG-13 events. ;) Yay! x3!
It was a first quiet New Year's celebration for me in years...Just me and my honey. :)
The picture was taken right before the poker game, I was not allowed to snap any "after" shots. ;)