Цитата сообщения Tauwind
ну да... в этом, наверное, весь дух ирландцев.
"The Irish take delight in the jokes made against them and print selections on linen tea-towels and sell them in souvenir shops [это ж надо додуматься... о_О]. On souvenir towels one can also find the Irish philosophy of optimism. It reads as follows:
There are only two things to worry about: either you are well or you are sick. If you are well, then there is nothing to worry about. But if you are sick, there are two things to worry about: either you will get well or you will die. If you get well, then there is nothing to worry about. If you die, then there are two things to worry about: either you will get to heaven or to hell. If you get to heaven, there is nothing to worry about. But if you get to hell, you'll be so damn busy shaking hands with friends, you won't have time to worry. Why worry?"
И ещё понравилось вот это:
For the great Gaels of Ireland
Are the men that God made mad,
For all their wars are merry
And all their songs are sad.
© G.K. Chesterton
Ballad of the White Horse