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, 07 2013 . 12:09 +



, 18 2013 . 12:51 +



My friends went to Setlock on Saturday
and said I could write about what went down.
There were only ten or less fans all day.. they all behaved extra nice, and the crew & cast were nice to them in return. Benedict, Louise and Amanda all came to have a little chat with the group, and Martin kept smiling and waving whenever he spotted them.
Ben had been especially nice, he was very worried about the fans being cold in the rain and saying he was sorry he couldnt come out earlier.. I dont think any of them got any pictures of him right there, since they didnt wanna ruin the moment.
The Egypt sign wasnt for the fans (come on, any of you actually believe hed be rude to fans?), but for some pap douchebag who was stalking the actors with a huge zoom lense all day, trying to get a photo of Benedict in costume or something. Thats why B waited until he was finished with filming and back in his own clothes to come out and talk to people.



I need to reblog this again. Because of all the amazing things this man has said and done in the past, this one is probably the one that touches me the most. I have been communicating with my friends and family in Egypt about the situation and its crazy over there. Unbelievably terrifying. The police (yes, police, not the MB) was shooting protesters in the street where my best friend lives and my host brother and host sister have to go to school to the sound of gunfire. Im heartbroken because Egypt is falling apart, and I love that BC is calling attention to this - that he is pointing out the uselessness of paparazzi who take pictures of celebrities and the culture of consuming those images.
And I am so fucking glad that Benedict is now such a high profile actor, because it means that his words and thoughts reach more people, and by God, we need more sense in this world, and he adds to that, even if its just a message like this. But its a hugely important message on several levels and if I ever meet him again I will thank him for this. I will not ask for a picture, or an autograph, but I will thank him for this gesture, because it means so much to me.


, 14 2013 . 16:42 +
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, 05 2013 . 21:24 +


, 27 2013 . 18:11 +



, 27 2013 . 17:43 +
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, 27 2013 . 13:42 +

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