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Furman_Ed   обратиться по имени Суббота, 26 Февраля 2011 г. 10:52 (ссылка)
Доброе утро , Ирина ! Твой Журнал очень профессиональный ..Я все время думаю , почему ты ведешь этот Журнал?!И это я спрашиваю потому , что читатели на Лиру мало пишут комментариев.
"Самое благородное применение человеческой мысли состоит в изучении творений Создателя"
Очевидно , что не у многих есть желание изучать реальный мир.
Ты, Ирина, «молодая девушка» , и тебе удалось создать целую географическую энциклопедию. И тут возникает вопрос о твоей специальности ..Неужели ты , Ирина, учитель географии? Каждый из тех , кто пишет журнал ставит перед собой определенные цели. В моих глазах , самое главное в журналах выражение своего личного мнения ..А оттуда после внимательного и осмысленного чтения , процесс усвоения , а потом к личной практике.
Идея познания мира появилась у меня в 2003 году ..На интернете можно найти много материалов по всему миру..Конечно , интересно погулять по всему свету ...Но , во всяком случае , это уже не для меня и моей жены...
В 2003 году мы стали вести Полиглот , чтоб с помощью изучения иностранных языков , познавать реальный мир , через общение с людьми из разных стран ...С людьми , которые являются носителями национальной культуры , и тоже заинтересованы в изучении иностранных языков..Первой нашей подружкой была девушка из Китая по имени Жени ...По воле судьбы наша переписка прервалась ..

Мы с jenny решили написать нашу книжку ..Вот часть из неё ..Тут же есть наши 25 русско- арабских уроков

Metargem ( hanoch) wrote,
@ 2003-03-31 00:01:00

Chapter 5 (jenny)About China , about friends , about life
I was deeply moved by the chapter you write!!I really did!!
In fact, I was surprised when I was invited to write a book.To write a book is not an easy thing, and I'm only a girl of18,am I have enough knowledge to write a book?Will I succed in writing it?
I have lived in a little town for 18 years.My life circle is limited.I spent most of my time at school and at home.All I knew about the outside world was from TV,books,my perants...Not until very recently did I realized how wonderful the world is: exciting,beautiful,marvellous...
But also,there are danger everwhever!Everyday,when I turn on the TV or when I read the newspaper,there always will terrorism,people lose family,death....
All these seem too far away from me,but,I hate seeing people lose lives,I hate fighting and killings!
In China,many people believe the god,which we call "BUDDHA".They believe that the
Buddha would them,so they go to the temple and pray.My nother also belongs to one of them,but I don't,I believe science and,myself! But when my mother went to the temple
with me,I would pray, I would sank on both knees,and pray:Wars and killings will desappear forever and ever.No more people will die because of the fighting and killings.No
discrimination,no poor,no hunger...All of us could live in an equal society,all of us could live peacefully.So,I call my name:"We are the would!!"and"sunshine"everywhere!:-))
I'm a lucy girl who was born in a peaceful country ,a happy family.My perants love me,most my friends treated me will,the enviroment is comfortable for me,and I'm not lack of anything.Everything about me is so beautiful.So I value my life,I respect the people who treated me well!!
Mr Ed,my dearest friend,to know you is my greatest honour!Your chapters are useful
for me.I print out each of them,and read several times.You have a strong mind of living,
you are eager to study,you can never be beaten!!
I will learn from you,you are my example,I will even more value my life,I will not waste my time anymore!!

I always think that it is not easy to come to the world,it is not easy to be a human.The life of a person is so short,I won't spend my life in a small place for most of my life time willingly,also,I will not content to just live as a normal person do--go to school for education;then find a job when graduate from school,earn a living,and then find a husband and have children....--NO!Maybe this simple wau of life is fuitable for many people,but as i had lived insipidly for 18 years,I damand changes in my life,I want to go out into the world ,I desire to be indepandent,I long for advanture...
These are my points of view.
Now,the chance to paint my life has come.To write a book is a serious thing,,but if we dovote our hearts to it,we will both improve our mind,wisdom,and make our life meaningful.
So I will go along with you,I will not give up and continue writing the book!!
The question you ask me about how long of every our chapter,well I think it depends on our mind,we just go along with our feelings,do not try to limit it.
Yes, I agree that in every of our chapter must be a laugh or a nice picture,a joke,ect.Maybe I couldn't do everything as you say,you know,I spend anout 12 hours
at school from Monday to Friday.When I arrive home,it almost 10:00pm.I should go over my lessons,do my homework...I might not have enough time to write the chapter during the week,I could only finish it on Saturday and Sunday.But I will try my best!!
Our chapters could also includ something useful that we learn from the books we read or we know about from other ways.
In China,there are some provebs:1 Never too old to learn;2 Not feel ashamed to ask and learn from one's subordinates;3 To share one's joys and sorrows!
So,let's learn by writing our Rainbow;let's express our feelings by writing the book;let's paint the friendship colourful by writing the chapters!!
The Mandarin you wrote me was very intersting,but if I didn't see the english you explained,it would be diffcult for me to guess the meaning(haha....joking)
But actually,that's not a croccet way of learning Chinese.We learn the Chinese at
school started by PinYin,and them the characters.
My Chinese name is¡°µֻ±ּׁ‏¡±,in PinYin(Mandarin) is "DengBiYao",and"BiYao"means "Jasper;Emerald";my former name is "µֻ±ּװֶ"--"DengBiYun","BiYun"means "a white cloud in the bule sky",and my English name,you know,"Jenny" :-DD
Well my dear friend,as you tell me life is not easy in your country,and as I watch TV everyday,there are always fighting or killings between your country and the Arab country,
why don't you leave your country,and have you ever had any dangerous experiences in your life?
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Ирина_Арнюшкина   обратиться по имени Воскресенье, 27 Февраля 2011 г. 00:20 (ссылка)
Мой журнал - для меня!
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