
  • (48)
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  • (16)
  • - (14)
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  • (7)
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  • (4)
  • (3)
  • (3)
  • (3)
  • (3)
  • (3)
  • (3)
  • (2)
  • (1)

 - e-mail




khmer malagasy marathi nepali panjabi sami tagalog wolof


( : 1) emsemble
( : 1) emsemble


: 02.03.2005
: 525



: (32), (11), (3), (12), (4), (3), (1), (8), (30), (5), -(14), (10), (33), (17), (21), (7), (2), (31), (10), (7), (3), (16), (3), (9), (16), (35), (3), (48), (3)

, 28 2008 . 11:56 +


- .

, 27 2008 . 15:06 +


, 05 2008 . 22:54 +
crazy_laces () =)
, , ? ?
, =)


, 27 2007 . 13:59 +
karjela () "" ? , : sectarian. , ... . , sectarian , , "" .
! .


The American's PDFs

, 17 2007 . 23:35 +
_ () "The American" PDF.  . (16  2006 2007)

, , , .
, " ...". , "" .

, .

, _! The American


Spotlight November 2005

, 17 2007 . 17:54 +
_ ()

“Spotlight” 2005 .

Spotlight_Novermber2005.pdf of size 44.17 MB


Ecotourism. Holidays with a conscience

Bollywood. The romance of indian cinema

Sinn Fein. The Irish party's new image

Guy Fawkers. England's night of fun and fireworks.

Everyday english: going to the theatre

Regular sections:

World view. News and people from aroung the world

On this day. US humorist Mark Twain

Press Gallery. Views on recent events from the world's press

Letter from America. Thanksgiving tradition.

Tomorrow's world. Science and technology news: what makes us human.


Boost your vocabulary!

, 12 2007 . 23:03 +
_ ()
, .

Boost your vocabulary 2 part (for pre-intermidiate)

Boost_Your_Vocabulary_2_-_Chris_Barker.pdf of size 5.48 MB

Boost your vocabulary 3 part (for intermediate)

Boost_Your_Vocabulary_3_-_Chris_Barker.pdf of size 9.24 MB

Boost your vocabulary 4 part (for advanced)
boost your vocabulary 4.djvu of size 27.991 MB

Business vocabulary in use (for advanced)
ADV_VOC_full.pdf of size 18.584 MB

English Vocabulary in use (for advanced)
English Vocabulary In Use - Advanced_op.pdf of size 52.403 MB

A good turn of phrase (for intermediate)
a_good_turn_of_phrase.pdf of size 9.109 MB

Vocabulary in Practice (for advanced)
Vocabulary_in_Practice_1.pdf of size 2.861 MB

More than words (for upper-intermediate)

more_than_words_book_2.pdf of size 5.537 MB

More than words (for intermediate)
more_than_words_book_1.pdf of size 5.446 MB


Spotlight January 2006

, 11 2007 . 05:38 +
_ () .

COVER STORY Improve your English! Tools for self-study, reviewed by us and explained by three language experts: Do it yourself!Click here

SOCIETY Getting into the United States from Mexico can be a matter of life and death: Dangerous crossingClick here

GREAT TRAIN JOURNEYS The Deccan Odyssey offers luxury and culture as it crosses western India from Mumbai through Goa to Aurangabad. Part two of a three-part series: Dance, dine, ride the railsClick here

BOOKS Those of us who have come to expect a certain darkness from Paul Auster may be surprised by this work: Premium The Brooklyn FolliesClick here


Spotlight_January2006.rar of size 24.15 MB

, , .


English civil wars

, 11 2007 . 04:39 +
_ ()
. , , :
Soldiers of the English Civil War - Infantry
Soldiers of the English Civil War - Cavalry
The English Civil Wars 1642-1651
The English Civil War
English Civil War Artillery 1642-51







, 30 2007 . 12:21 +


, 10 2007 . 17:15 +
Shalifai () - ! - ... ( ). !



, 16 2007 . 03:41 +
Ya_Malyshka () . , , ?



, 03 2007 . 12:46 +
Midnight_Romance () !

, , .
, 3 :
1) : , , , , , , , , , - , , ?

2) : , , ( ), ? ?
) -
) - -
) ( )


3) :
: solar energy, Sonnenenergie. .. .. , .. .
( ), .

: - - ? , . , - - .
. , .

: , ? !


I need your help!

, 28 2006 . 16:33 +
Queen-of-Spades () , ?

.. .

. ?

Help, please!:)



, 21 2006 . 09:19 +
Crazy_Smile_1986 () . , ( , , ). . , ? ?


the parts of speech

, 20 2006 . 17:57 +

A noun is the name of anything,

As school, garden, boy or thing.

Adjectives tell the kind of noun,

As great, small, pretty, white or brown.

Instead of nouns, the pronouns stand,

As he, she, us, your arm, my hand;

Verbs tell us something being done:

to read, write, laugh, carry, run.

How things are done the adverbs tell,

As slowly, quickly, badly, well.

Conjunctions join the words together,

As men and women, wind and weather.

The prepositions stands before

A noun, as by or through a door.

The interjection shows surprise,

As Oh! How pretty! Ah! How wise!

Three little words you often see

Are articles a, an and the.

The whole are called the parts of speech.

Which reading, writing, speaking teach.





, 12 2006 . 20:57 +
crazy_laces () , ... - "About Myself"... ... , - , ... =)


, 18 2006 . 15:20 +
z_a_z_a_z_u () SINGULAR
1. Material nouns sugar, oxygen, oil
2. Abstract nouns means, music, anger, advice, applause, traffic
3. Natural nouns darkness, light, fog, thunder
4. Collective nouns luggage, furniture, money
5. Time, distance 5seconds, 7 meters
6. Diseases cancer, measles, mumps, rickets
7. Games bowls, billiards, dominoes
8. Ending in ics politics, classics, economics
!!! , plural
EX. What are your politics?
9. Some proper names The Thames, The United States, Wales, The United Nations.
10. !!!!!!!!! Traffic lights, evidence (), crossroads, summons (), gallows ().

1. Names of tools, consisting of 2 equal parts, which are joined
Binoculars, glasses, scales, scissors, jeans, tights.
2. Antics,arms,annals,archives
3. The Commons, contents, customs, earnings, wages, goods, outskirts (), greens, holidays, manners, stairs, surroundings, thanks, The Middle Ages, whereabouts, clothes, looks, odds (), congratulations, people, police, lodgings (), premises ()
4. The East Indies, The Hebrides, The Netherlands...
People Compasses
Nouns which refer to a group of people
Crew Family
Staff Jury
Army Team
Club Company
Audience Council
Class Crowd


, 08 2006 . 12:22 +
 () , . .
, . , .
 (600x404, 70Kb)


I have.../I have got

, 08 2006 . 10:20 +
 () ... =)) .
. I have I have got.
 (700x330, 71Kb)


Present Continuous and Present Simple

, 07 2006 . 12:55 +
 () , , . , . , , .
, Present Continuous Present Simple. - .
 (700x256, 55Kb)


Present Continuous Questions

, 07 2006 . 11:15 +
 () Present Continuous
 (699x359, 87Kb)
, , , . , . . , .
- ? , , .
- () ? , .
- ? .
. am, is, are .



, 23 2006 . 21:30 +

.  , .

 (400x213, 45Kb)




, 21 2006 . 14:41 +
 () Idioms b Phrasal Verbs.
 (700x419, 152Kb)



, 19 2006 . 14:58 +
 () . Headway (Elementary) New, . , , .
 (700x600, 241Kb)



, 06 2006 . 19:22 +


, 06 2006 . 11:27 +
 () , - , . , , .
 (484x699, 152Kb)


. . .

, 05 2006 . 23:36 +
 () . s
ch, sh, s, x, - es
o - es
 (394x699, 215Kb)


Present Continuous

, 01 2006 . 17:07 +
 () .
+ (do, is, does) + V+ ing

- She `s eating. She isn`t reading.
- It `s raining. The sun isn`t shining.
- They `re running. They aren`t walking.

ing , .
, , . .. , .
, ( ).
 (640x142, 4Kb)


Present Simple

, 01 2006 . 12:05 +
 () Present Simple.

1. facts and permanent states -
2. general truths and laws of nature -
3. habits and routines - ()
4. timetables and programmes (in the future) ( )
5. sporting commentaries, narrations ( ,)
6. feelings and emotions ( )

. Present simple.
The train leaves at 6 o'clock. 6 .

, - . , . ( 5 , ).



, 01 2006 . 11:04 +
 () , . . , , . .

. . , .


I am a doctor - .
You are a student - .
Sue is at home. - .
- , not

I am not a doctor
You are not a student
Sue is not at home

Am not - amn't
Is not - isn't
Are not - aren't ain't ( )
what `s = what is
who` s = who is
how` s = how is
where` s = where is

 (640x277, 84Kb)



, 29 2006 . 18:14 +
 ()  (400x293, 41Kb)
, , . . .

( - Erika Aoyama)

A bad apple -  ( )
, , , .
"One bad/rotten apple spoils the (whole) bushel/barrel."

Be a piece of cake -
( )   ,
, , .

Be all ears 
( ) - ,
, , . Now tell
us all about your adventures in Afraica last summer. I'm all ears.
( . .)



, 29 2006 . 08:18 +
Fen-Fire ()
once in a blue moon –
Sophie goes to the cinema once in a blue moon, she doesn’t like it much.
to  be black and blue – ,
Jack fell down the stairs and he is black and blue all over.
to have green fingers
Angela definitely has green fingers – everything in her garden grows really well.
to be a bit big green –
He is a bit big green – he hasn’t got much experience in this kind of work.
a little white lie –
They knew that if she found out the truth it would hurt her feelings, so they told her a little white lie.
in black and white –
She doesn’t want to say anything until she has seen the facts in black and white.
to have butterflies in smb’s stomach – ,
He was so nervous he had butterflies in his stomach before he gave his speech.
crocodile tears –
I’m sure Jean wasn’t really upset, those were just crocodile tears.
the lion’s share –
He has done most of the work, so he should get the lion’s share of the money.



, 23 2006 . 22:53 +

, 13 2005 . 14:38 +
 () .. , , . .
, - doctor
- jurist
- economist
- architect
- teacher
- businessman
- lawyer
- judge
- hairdresser, barber ( )
- seller
- pupil
- student
- policeman
- scientist
- programmer
- cleaner

- hospital
- school
- bank
- kindergarten
- canteen( , , ), restaurant ( )
- cafe
- university

, , .


A/An, The

, 04 2005 . 23:06 +
 () . .
-Hello. ()
- Hello. ()
- What is your name? ( )
- Inga, and your? (, ?)
- Tima. ()
- Nice to meet you. ( )
- Nice to meet you. ( )
- Bye. ()
- Bye. ()
her name is ___ .
, . , .
Her name is _____.
His name is _____.
Its name is ____.
Their names are ____ and _____.
. . , . , .
, the, a, an

a an
, :
bat, cat, dog, apple, egg, forest, cup, accident
a an. - , . , an, n
a. :


. am\is\are

, 17 2005 . 17:47 +
 () "" , is. - . , My name is ____ . .
, , , .
+ is, are, am + , , .


, 15 2005 . 20:52 +
- "" [ -- ], . .
- , .
- "", ""
- "", "", . .
- ( - , , )
- ,
- ,
- ( ), ( ). 2 - , , - .
- (.. , , )


, 10 2005 . 22:27 +
 () , .
. , ,
I ()

, You ()

He ()

She ()

They () Th - , .

It* ()

- - My ( )

My name is
Vika .


, .

Her name is Kitty. -
Ÿ . () .
His name is Vova.- . ()
Its name is Sharik. - / . () /Ÿ .

* It - .

: , , ,


, 04 2005 . 20:31 +
 () - .

 : [2] 1