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12:16 11.12.2012
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: 12.02.2012
: 2862



, 21 2012 . 15:48 +
Bite the bullet
: , -
: I didnt want to go to the doctor, but I bit the bullet and went.

Bite the dust
: Poor old Bill bit the dust while mowing the lawn. They buried him yesterday.

Bite the hand that feeds one
: ,
: Im your mother! How can you bite the hand that feeds you?

Bitter pill to swallow
: ,
: We found his deception a bitter pill to swallow.

Black as coal
: The strangers clothes were all black as coal.

Black out
: I was so frightened that I blacked out for a minute.

: The child was black-and-blue after having been struck.

Bleep something out
: , ""
: He tried to say the word on television, but they bleeped it out.

Blessing in disguise
: Our missing the train was a blessing in disguise. It was involved in a crash.

Blind as a bat
: Im getting blind as a bat. I can hardly read this page.

Blood, sweat, and tears
: ,
: After years of blood, sweat, and tears, Timmy finally earned a college degree.

Blow a gasket ; blow a fuse; blow ones cork; blow ones top; blow ones stack
: I was so mad I almost blew a gasket.

Blow someone or something to smithereens
: The bomb blew the ancient church to smithereens.

Bone of contention
: ,
: Weve fought for so long that weve forgotten what the bone of contention is.

Bone up (on something)
: ,
: I have to bone up on the state driving laws because I have to take my driving test tomorrow.

Bore someone stiff ; bore someone to death
: The play bored me stiff.

Born out of wedlock
: In the city many children are born out of wedlock.

Born with a silver spoon in ones mouth
: Sally was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.

Borrow trouble
: Do not get involved with politics. Thats borrowing trouble.

Boss someone around
: Stop bossing me around. Im not your employee.

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12 - (be/get) used to
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