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  •    + (29)
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  • (7)



 - e-mail



( : 2) __


: 09.06.2011
: 2198
: 32
: 2271



: (7), (241), (70), (13), (277), (750), (23), (262), (333), (23), (50), (0)

, 17 2015 . 15:41 +
[ + !]

15 YouTube





170 ,  




, 17 2015 . 09:16 +
Nonochka2 [ + !]

take (514x417, 204Kb)

came (518x417, 210Kb)

get (492x388, 208Kb)

go (604x492, 276Kb)

make (253x199, 69Kb)

look (604x483, 273Kb)

have (604x512, 270Kb)



, 13 2015 . 19:04 +
_ [ + !]

. 5000 . . . .


aa_0001 (538x700, 238Kb)


, 07 2015 . 19:16 +
justvitek [ + !]


1. Extremes meet —
2. East or West home is best — ,
3. Better late than never — ,
4. All’s well that ends well — ,
5. Out of sight out of mind — ,
6. As fit as a fiddle ,
7. No sweet without sweat ,
8. A penny saved is a penny gained — ,
9. By one’s father’s side ,
10. Just a joke

11. Have a heart! !, !
12. A good beginning makes a good ending
13. Too good to be true , / ,
14. Who knew, who is who — « »
15. New lords new laws -….
16. Honesty is the best policy —
17. A light purse is a heavy curse ,
18. It’s like putting a saddle on a cow
19. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth ,
20. I dare swear

21. As snug as a bug in a rug ,
22. Look who’s talking! , !
23. There is no rose without thorn
24. If there is a will, there is a way
25. There is no place like home ,
26. There is no smoke without fire
27. Lovely weather for ducks! !
28. There is a black sleep in every flock —
29. But … There is always but… … -, …
30. There are spots even on the sun

31. When a friend asks, there is no tomorrow

32. There is no royal road to learning
33. There’s many a slip between the cup and the lip /
34. While there is life, there is hope [] –
35. There is no flying from fate
36. There is a small choice in rotten apples

37. If there were no clouds we should not enjoy the sun ,
38. There is no so faithful friend, as a good book ,
39. No buts! !
40. No new – is a good new —

41. Tastes differ
42. Where there is a will there is a way — / ,
43. One man’s meat is another man’s poison ,
44. Pull your finger out / to make more effort

45. Turn over a new leaf , , ,
46. Break a leg / good luck !
47. Rome wasn’t built in a day
48. The early bird catches the worm
49. Practice makes perfect
50. Start from scratch

51. All in the same boat -.
52. You can count it on your fingers
53. Twist the knife in the wound
54. Put that in your pine and smoke it
55. But there is no flying from fate

56. A dog is a manger –
57. Well begun is half done /
58. A lame duck
59. It’s never too late to learn
60. True love has no happy end, true love – has no end at all

61. No man can serve two masters

62. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today
63. You can’t judge a man’s character by his looks

64. A man can do no more than he can
65. You can’t have it both ways ,
66. Put one’s money where one’s mouth is
67. If you can’t beat them, join them ,
68. One cannot be in two places at once
69. The leopard cannot change his spots
70. You can’t sell the cow and drink the milk

71. You can’t eat your cake and have it
72. You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs ,
73. Man can’t live by bread alone
74. One can’t make a silk purse if a sow’s ear
75. He that can’t obey cannot command ,
76. You can’t get blood from a stone
77. Pigs to you ! !
78. Nothing is stolen without hands
79. Men may meet but mountains never . —
80. The evil would may be cured but not the evil name

81. What may be done at any time is done at no time
82. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart
83. A bird may be known by its song
84. Nothing is so certain as the unexpected ,
85. As well be hanged (hung) for a sheep as for a lamb ,
86. Every man has a fool in his sleeve
87. Men leap over where the hedge is lowest

88. No man is born wise or learned
89. He knows all the answers.
90. They that think they know everything, know nothing
, , ,

91. Wit once bought is worth twice taught ,
92. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink
93. Learning is the eye of the mind ,
94. He know most who speaks least ,
95. Money makes the mare go
96. Money can’t buy you love
97. The love of money is the root of all evil
98. Money doesn’t grow on trees
99. One swallow does not make a summer
100. Make hay while the sun shines , ; ,

4208855_k1iPpfxH0zg (604x380, 86Kb)



, 21 2015 . 13:21 +
[ + !]



    langinfo (1) (569x421, 266Kb)

, , . 
, , , . , , . - , , « , ?».
, , , .



, 16 2015 . 19:16 +
__ [ + !]



, 07 2015 . 13:25 +
_ [ + !]

. 5000 . . .

0001 (512x700, 109Kb)


, 08 2014 . 02:14 +
_1 [ + !]



, 08 2014 . 02:12 +
__ [ + !]



, 27 2013 . 16:49 +
L_e_n_u_s_y_a [ + !]



, 27 2013 . 16:42 +
galinaras [ + !]



, 27 2013 . 16:41 +
_ [ + !]

1 - 2

6-9 , 1-2 .

aa_0001 (529x700, 225Kb)


, 27 2013 . 16:38 +
Olga_777 [ + !]


1. !

, , , , . : , . - , , , . The good news , . , .
. , - "". - .
. :
1) ;
2) . , . " ", , .

2. !

- .
2. - (: DID, HAVE, WILL, ARE)

How many times did Mike marry? - ?
Why are the children crying? - ?
When did the gorilla eat my breakfast ? - ?
Who will my favourite pig meet tomorrow? - ?
. 2, 3 4.
Did the gorilla eat my breakfast?
Are the children crying?
, , .
- , . "What have the girls bought?" - " ?". "have" - , , Present Perfect. (! - Present Perfect? - !)
, , :
3. , 1-2-3-4 (. )
1. ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
5. ?

Key to the exercise
1. ?Why did Richard open this door?
2. ?Where will you have dinner (Where are you going to have dinner?)
3. ?When do Edward and his wife usually get up in the morning?
4. ?Have you bought the mushrooms (Did you buy the mushrooms?)
5. ?What did Uncle Morgan watch on TV yesterday?

3. "I like" "I'd like"?

"What does Anna like?" "What is Anna like?"
"I like" "I'd like" - " " " ".
"What does Ann like?" - " ?" "What is Ann like?" - " ".
1a) "I like coffee" - " " . I like grapefruits. I like travelling. like - , "".
1b) "What does Ann like?" - " ?" like - , "". , "does".
2) "I'd like some coffee" - " " ("I'd" "I would", ).
, "I like" -ing' (I like travelling - ), "I'd like" - (I'd like to travel around Russia - .)
3) "What is Ann like?" - " " (: " ?"). like - , " ". , "is".
"I don't like cooking" - " ". ( 1a)
"Why don't you like hamsters?" - " ?" ( 1b)
"I'd like to visit Italy again" - " " ( 2)
"He isn't like his father" - " ". ( 3)
"I really like white coffee?" - " " ( 1a)
"Do you parents like living in the country?" - " "? ( 1b)
"Would you like some more wine?" - " ?" ( 2)
"Is Berlin really like Boston?" - " ?" ( 3)
1. . .
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
Key to the exercise
1. . .I wouldn't like any coffee now. I'd like some tea.
2. ?What's the island of Tenerife like?
3. ?Do your friends like living in the country?
4. ?Would you like to watch this film again?
5. .English films aren't like American ones.

4. "do you have", - "have you"?

1) "I have a house, a husband and a car" - " , ". have - ", " " ".
: I don't have a wife.
: Do you have any money?
"I'm having a flat" ( continuous) - .
1b) HAVE ( 1a) HAVE GOT: "I've got a flat, a wife and two computers" - " , ". !
: I haven't got a wife.
: Have you got any money?
"have". "I have got a computer" (!), "I've got a computer".
2) "I never have breakfast" - " ". "have" - . , . , , . : "have a shower" (" "), "have a coffee" (" "), "have fun" (""), "have a swim" - , "Thanks for having me" - ", ", ", " ( , , .)
: I don't have breakfast.
: Do you usually have a morning swim?
"I'm having breakfast " ( continuous) - .
3) "Sorry, I have to go" - ", ". "have" - , " ", " ".
: I don't have to go. ( ", , ").
: Do you have to do work at weekends?
"I'm having to go " ( continuous) - .
4) "I've bought a new car" - " ". "have" - , , , , Present Perfect. (! - Present Perfect? - !)
: I haven't bought any eggs.
: Have you seen my new pen?
"have". "I have answered all my emails" "I've answered all my emails".
! , ! , : he, she, it, , he, she, it ( John, Melissa, my favourite yellow chair, .. - ) - "he have"! HE HAS!
"I have a cousin in New York" - " ( ) -". ( 1a)
"Have you got some time for me?" - " ?" ( 1b)
"Valerie! Are you having a shower?" - "! , ?" ( 2)
"Do you really have to leave?" - " , ?". ( 3)
"I haven't finished yet, please wait" - " , , " ( 4)
"Peter doesn't have a TV." - " ". ( 1a)
"Peter hasn't got a TV" - " ". ( 1b)
"Have fun!" - " !" ( 2)
"Ray's wife doesn't have to work." - " ". ( 3)
"Have you been to Japan? - Yes, I have. Twice." - " ? - . ." ( 4)
, HAVE (1a, 1b, 2, 3, 4) :
1. : do you have, have you
2. : I don't have, I haven't
3. Continuous,
4. , - - .
1. ? - .
2. ! !
3. ?
4. .
5. ?
6. 6 .
7. !
8., - !
Key to the exercise
1. ? - .Where's Jennifer? - She's having (a) coffee. (2)
2. ! !I haven't seen your socks! Look for them yourself! (4)
3. ?Does she have to be (present) at the meeting too? (3)
4. .Susan doesn't have a boyfriend. (1a) or Susan hasn't got a boyfriend. (1b)
5. ?Does your car have air-conditioning? (1a) or Has your car got air-conditioning? (1b)
6. 6 .I have to return home by 6. (3)
7. !Laura's bought ( Laura has bought) a new motorbike! (4)
8., !Yes, it's true - I never have a shower!

5. Present Perfect?

, : , - .
, , :
2) .

Present Perfect?

Present Perfect
+ have / has + 3

Ive written three love letters. ( ).
Doctor Pedros just arrived. .
+ have / has + NOT + 3

I havent spoken to him yet. .
My luggage hasnt arrived yet. .
(. ) + have / has + + 3

(Why) have you eaten my sandwich? () ?

HAVE , , .
(do - did - done), - ! - -ED (answered, worked). : I've answered all my emails ( ).
he, she, it ( 3 ) HAS ( have). : Jeremy has eaten your lunch (Jeremy he, he has).
Present Perfect. ( : Present Perfect ?)
1.We (have) five dance teachers. .
2.I (buy) a fat hamster. .
3.Mr Collins (not marry) his neighbour yet. .
4.You know, this girl (not be) to a casino. , .
5.Michael, (you / paint) the chair yet? - , ?
6.(Your friend Puppo / ever / try) Mongolian tea with fat? - - ?
? ?
, , :

Present Perfect?
Present Perfect . . : - , һ. , , , Present Perfect.
'My cat has eaten a fly' - ' '. , , - Present Perfect. , ( ), : 'Look! I've broken your cup!' (Present Perfect).
) (just), (already) (yet) Present Perfect. Ive already done it! Ive just finished! I havent finished yet! , - Present Perfect.
b) - ?, - has he arrived yet? ( already)
c) : Not yet. .
2. :
1. .
2. ?
3. .
4. .
5., - .
6. .
7. , ? .
Key to the exercise
Present Perfect - .
1.Weve had five dance teachers ("have had" - !) .
2.Ive bought a fat hamster. .
3.Mr Collins hasnt married his neighbour yet. .
4.You know, this girl hasnt been to a casino ( has never been to a casino)., .
5.Michael, have you painted the chair yet?, ?
6.Has Puppo ever tried Mongolian tea with fat? - ?
Present Perfect .

1. .Ive bought a amazing pineapple.
2. ?Have you come back ( returned) from Bolivia yet?
3. .Vanya and George have already drunk six mugs.
4. .Hes decided to learn Chinese.
5., - .Tina, I know. Your husband has already sold your diamonds.
6. .John Lennon has visited me at night and told me about my future. (: told has told ).
7. , ? .Have you washed your feet yet, honey? Not yet.

6. Present Perfect -

Present Perfect. ( , Present Perfect . 5).
2: " (, , ..) ".
, ( :-), , , Present Perfect.
I've visited Thailand eight times. 8 . ( , Present Perfect).
, , Past Simple.
I visited in Thailand in 1999. ( Past simple)
I've visited Thailand eight times ( 8 Present Perfect). I visited it for the first time in 1999. After this I went there every year. ( 1999 , Past Simple)
"have you ever been to" - " - ...". TO, IN ( ). , . : " " - "I've been to Jamaica", " " - "I was in Jamaica last summer".
3: " 10 ".
" 10 ", " ", " ", " 8 ". - , , PRESENT SIMPLE. , "HOW LONG" - . : "I live in Moscow" - , "I live in Moscow for 10 years" - . , , Present Perfect. "I've lived in Moscow for ten years". "Zo has worked for this company since April".
: Present Perfect 3, : 1) ( Present Simple) 2) :
I've known Mike since school / We haven't seen each other for two weeks / How long have you lived in this country? / How long have you known Mike? / She hasn't worked since she had a baby.
, - ( Present Continuous), Present Continuous (I'm riding my bicycle) Present Perfect Continuous (I've been riding my bicycle for 2 hours). .
last but not least. , 1 2 Present Perfect , 3- .
Look! I've dropped your glass! ! (1 ; ).
I've never been to India. (2 ; ).
I've worked for Coca-cola since last October. Coca-cola . (3 , )
Present Perfect. .
1. 2 .
2. - The Mars Volta?
3. 2 .
4. ? .
5. .
6. , . .
7. !
8. 10 .
9. ? .
10. The Mars Volta, .
Key to the exercise
1. 2 .I havent seen my uncle for 2 years.
2. - The Mars Volta?Have you ever heard The Mars Volta?
3. 2 .Laura and Jack have known each other just for two weeks.
4. ? .Who has been to Sweden? I have.
5. .He hasnt come back from work yet.
6. , . .Please buy some sausage my friend. Ive already bought some.
7. !Ive never had breakfast so late!
8. 10 .Weve been together for ten years.
9. ? .Have the workers finished fixing the car yet? Not yet.
10. The Mars Volta, .I havent bought all The Mars Volta albums yet, but I will.

7. Present Perfect Past Simple?

Present Perfect? , . : "Wow! Youve bought great new jeans!" ( , ).
, , , Present Perfect , PAST SIMPLE.
1 .
Present Perfect , Past Simple. :
- Look! I think Ive broken your phone! (Present Perfect , )
- Oh have you? What did you do? ( , Past Simple).
- Well, I decided to phone Kevin. Then I took my coffee ( Past Simple.)
2 .
, Past Simple: " , " - "The cat ate a fly, came back to the kitchen and jumped onto the chair" . , .
3 .
, , - Past Simple, . " " - "The cat ate a fly forty minutes ago", " " - "Misha tore a hole in his coat last year", " " - "In July my hamster had a baby".
, : , (this week, this year, today, ..), Present Perfect: " ". "I havent been on holiday this year." " ?" -"Have you seen Ms Lowell today?"
1) -! Ive bought a CD ( , => PRESENT PERFECT).
2) , I came to the shop, took a CD from a shelf and went home. ( => PAST SIMPLE)
3) , ? Peter, have you drunk all your milk yet? ( => PRESENT PERFECT).
4) , . Peter drank his milk and said that it was off. ( , => PAST SIMPLE)

Past Simple
2- *

I drank your beer. .
I kicked my friend and ran away. .
didnt + 1-

I didnt drink your beer. .
I didnt kick my friend. .
Did + + 1-

Did you drink my milk? - ?
Did Kevin find my passport? ?

*2- +ed ( ask-asked, work-worked), : go-went-gone. , .
. .
1. .
2. ! ?
3. ! !
4. ? .
5. .
6. .
7. ?
8. ! !
9. ? . ? .
10. . .
Key to the exercise
1. .Ive never been to Japan. ( 6, 2)
2. ! ?Ive bought a new watch! Where did you buy it? ( 7, 1)
3. ! !I havent been to the gym for a month! Its great! ( 6, 2)
4. ? .Has Maria woken up yet? Not yet. ( 5, 1)
5. .I didnt see my boss yesterday ( 7, 3)
6. .I havent seen my boss today. ( 7, 3)
7. ?How long have you known each other? ( 6, 3)
8. ! !Wash your hands! Ive already washed them! ( 5, 1)
9. ? . ? .Has Tim come back from France? Yes, he has. When did he return? On Wednesday. ( 7, 1)
10. . .Ive never been to Rio. And I went there last April. ( 6, 2 7, 3)


, - "IF" ( ""), . .
Zero conditional ( )
First conditional ( )
Second conditional ( )
Third conditional ( )
Mixed conditional ( )
IF, :
1., - , ""
2., (, ) .
, , conditional' . "" ( conditional ), ! Your grammar is fantastic!


Zero conditional

- , -, .
, . If you keep coffee in the freezer, its aroma stays longer.
If + present simple | Present simple
First conditional

, "trifle" ("" "" - "). If you buy some cream, I'll make some trifle.
If + present simple | will + 1st form
Second conditional

, . ( .. ). If I lived in Amsterdam, I'd visit the Van Gogh museum every day.
If + past simple | would + 1st form
Third conditional

, . ( , ). If you had bought the tickets in advance, we would've seen the concert.
If + past perfect | would have + 3rd form
Mixed conditional

( "") - . ( "") - .
20 , . ( , - ). If I had married Peter Jackson 20 years ago, we'd live in New Zealand now.
If + past perfect | would + 1st form

! , - , . . , - . Zero Conditional, . "", Second, Third Mixed conditionals.
First Conditional , "after IF no WILL". Zero Conditional . .
. , : 1) ""? 2) ? conditional'a. ! ( . ).
1. , .
2. , .
3. , .
4. , .
5. , .
6. , .
7. , .
8. , .
9. , .
10. , .
Key to the exercise
1. , .ZERO conditional. If you try to do one same thing for a long time, sooner or later it happens.
2. , .FIRST conditional. If you don't come tomorrow, I won't come either.
3. , .SECOND conditional. If I didn't have a mobile phone, life would be hard.
4. , .MIXED conditional. If I hadn't learnt Chinese at school, I wouldn't live in China now.
5. , .THIRD conditional. If Misha hadn't broken the neighbour's door, she wouldn't have stolen his bicycle.
6. , .FIRST conditional. I'll phone you if you leave me your phone number. "if" , . "If you leave me your phone number, I'll phone you".
7. , .THIRD conditional. If I had come five minutes later, I would've missed the train.
8. , .ZERO conditional. If it rains at the end of March, summer is usually cold.
9. , .MIXED conditional. If I'd given her the key, we'd be home now.
10. , .SECOND conditional. If I were you, I'd buy a new car immediately. " " "If I were you".

9. : 2nd and 3rd conditionals

2nd and 3rd conditionals.
- "", , "Conditionals", . : " , ". If the car doesnt start, well dance around it.
"" - . , "".
. , ?
1. " , , . , ".
2. " , C ".
, , . : . "". . "".
, c , " ".
(c ) , Second conditional.
(c ) , Third Conditional. ( Conditionals . ).
Second and Third Conditionals..
Second conditional. ( )
"" Second conditional: IF + + Past Simple | + would + 1 .
: , "Samaritaine". - If I lived in Paris, Id buy all my clothes at Samaritaine.
( : 1) "" - , conditional. 2) "" - 3) . 4) Second Conditional. 5) Second Conditional ).
: , . - If I didnt know the answer, Id ask you.
I would Id. . , .
: If I were you. .
Third conditional ( ).
"" Third conditional: IF + + Past Perfect | + would have + 3 .
: , . If I had met you yesterday, I would have returned your book.
( : 1) "" - , conditional. 2) "" - 3) . 4) Third Conditional. 5) Third Conditional ).
: , . We would have watched this film together, if you hadnt arrived so late yesterday.
( if , ).
Past Simple?
+ 2-
The train arrived at six oclock. ( ed)
I ate your sandwich. ( 2- )
+ didn't + 1- ( , )
The train didnt arrive at seven oclock.
I didnt eat your sandwich.
+ did + + 1- ( , )
Why did the plane arrive so late?
Why did you eat my sandwich?

Past Perfect?
+ had + 3-
Id asked him before you arrived. ( ed)
Id eaten your sandwich before you arrived. ( 3- )
had d.
+ hadnt + 3-
I hadnt asked him before you arrived.
I hadnt eaten your sandwich before you arrived.
+ had + + 3-
Why had you asked him before I arrived?
Why had you eaten my sandwich before I arrived?

? , "-". . " ". "" "-" , . "" "-". " " " - ". , "" "" - . ( , , ).
1-, 2-, 3- ?
1- , : walk, drink.
2- - - + -ED: walked. - 2- : drank.
3- - - + -ED: walked. - 3- : drunk.
? , .
d had would? , . , , .
. ! , , advanced . , , . 200-250 conditionals , .
(2 3) .
. .
1. , .
2. , .
3. , .
4. , .
5. , ?
6. , .
B. .
1. , .
2. , . ! !
3. , .
4. , , , .
5. , .
6. , .
7. , .
8. , .
. " , ". , ( ""). Second Third Conditional? , ? " , " (If I knew the answer, Id tell you). : " , " (If Id known the answer, I would have told you).
, , : "" , , . , .

Key to the exercise
. .
1. , .(3rd) If you hadnt forgotten the key at work, you wouldve opened the door.
2. , .(2nd) Id help you if I had time, but I dont have time.
3. , .(2nd) If I lived in Paris, Id have croissants for breakfast.
4. , .(3rd) He wouldnt have married her if she hadnt cooked so wonderfully.
5. , ?(2nd) Would you buy a ticket tomorrow if you had free time?
6. , .(2nd) If I were you, Id phone her.
B. .
1. , .(3rd) You would have understood yesterdays lesson much better if youd read more slowly.
2. , . ! !(2nd) If I werent so busy, Id go to the cinema with you. But look! So much work!
3. , .(3rd) The conference would have failed if Peterson hadnt made such a wonderful report.
4. , , , .(3rd) Id probably have answered you before if Id had exact information on this issue.
5. , .(3rd) If Oleg had known when to stop, he wouldnt have smashed the couriers nose.
6. , .(3rd) We wouldnt have gone to this resort if the children hadnt asked us.
7. , .(3rd) If Tchaikovsky hadnt drunk a glass of water, he wouldnt have died of cholera three days after.
8. , .(3rd) If we lived on the Canary Islands, wed miss the Russian snow.


"" ( " "!!! 9), 90%
First Conditional.
: , . If you phone me in the evening, Ill explain everything to you.
: , . I wont pay you back if he doesnt tell me everything.
- . -? - IF Present Simple ( . ), .
: , ! If Michael wears dirty shoes again tomorrow, Ill beat him up!
, :
after if no will! After IF no WILL. AFTER IF NO WILL. : ( , ): A-F-T-E-R ! I-F ! N-O !! W-I-L-L!!!
! .
10% ?
Zero Conditional.
Zero Conditional - , "" ( First Conditional), .
: " , ". If you eat a lot of butter, you become fat.
: 100 , ( ). If you boil water, if evaporates.
Present Simple ( . ).
, . If children dont watch TV in the evening, they sleep badly.
Zero Conditional - , .
. ZERO FIRST Conditional .
1. , .
2. , .
3. , (to copy) .
4. , .
5. , , .
6., Sparks, (to give) .
Key to the exercise
1. , .(1st) Youll lose the game if you dont prepare.
2. , .(1st) If you buy a new coat, Ill buy you a beautiful scarf.
3. , (to copy) .(1st) The teacher wont see if I copy the homework.
4. , .(Zero) If a car is new, it usually doesnt break down.
5. , , .(Zero) If a girl wears a ring on her finger, it doesnt mean shes married.
6., Sparks, (to give) .(1st) Alex, if you like this Sparks CD, Ill give you one more.

Present Simple?
+ 1- .
he, she, it 1 s ( sh, ch es).
I like gorillas.
He likes bananas. Mary watches TV all night.
+ dont + 1- .
he, she, it dont doesnt + - 1- .
We dont read newspapers.
Alex doesnt speak French.
+ do + + 1- .
he, she, it do does.
Why do you live without a fridge?
How often does William take shower?

? , "-". . " ". "" "-" , . "" "-". " " " - ". , "" "" - . ( , , ).
1-, 2-, 3- ?
1- , : walk, drink.
2- - - + -ED: walked. - 2- : drank.
3- - - + -ED: walked. - 3- : drunk.


, 27 2013 . 16:37 +
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, 27 2013 . 16:36 +
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, 27 2013 . 16:35 +
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Learning English   BBC   ,   . Words in News,    . , ,     . , , ,  ,   —   ,   ,   .   : , . ,   .


«» — , .   —    .   — -     .


        . :     — , . . ,   (  «» ,   -).  , (beginner) . 20     . ,  «»  linguafarm.ru, - «».

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2000    .     interactiveselfstudy.com,   .





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  HTML-  «-». 1,3  .


1,5    PDF.   — - . , : books.google.com/m.





, 27 2013 . 16:31 +
Ananta [ + !]


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, 27 2013 . 16:30 +
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, 27 2013 . 16:29 +
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