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Annie made her

Пятница, 25 Марта 2011 г. 17:52 + в цитатник

Pickwick, trying to get up an awful frown and only succeeding in producing an amiable smile. I planned it, and she only gave in after lots of teasing. Allow me to present the club key, and with many thanks for your favor, take my seat. Weller deposited a little key on the table and subsided, the warming pan clashed and waved wildly, and it was some time before order could be restored. A long discussion followed, and everyone came out surprising, for everyone did her best. So it was an unusually lively meeting, and did not adjourn till a late hour, when it broke up with three shrill cheers for the new member. Tragedies and cravats, poetry and pickles, garden seeds and long letters, music and gingerbread, rubbers, invitations, scoldings, and puppies. How they laughed when the secret came out, never dreaming how many love letters that little post office would hold in the years to come. I want to learn some new songs, and my children need fitting up for the summer. They are dreadfully out of order and really suffering for clothes. Fun forever, and no grubbing! They all drank it merrily, and began the experiment by lounging for the rest of the day. Beth began by rummaging everything out of the big closet where her family resided, but getting tired before half done, she left her establishment topsyturvy and went to her music, rejoicing that she had no dishes to wash. Amy arranged her bower, put on her best white frock, smoothed her curls, and sat down to draw under the honeysuckle, hoping someone would see and inquire who the young artist was. As no one appeared but an inquisitive daddylonglegs, who examined her work with interest, she went to walk, got caught in a shower, and came home dripping. At teatime they compared notes, and all agreed that it had been a delightful, though unusually long day. Jo had burned the skin off her nose boating, and got a raging headache by reading too long. But these were mere trifles, and they assured their mother that the experiment was working finely. Beth got on pretty well, for she was constantly forgetting that it was to be all play and no work, and fell back into her old ways now and then.

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It was easier

Пятница, 25 Марта 2011 г. 17:49 + в цитатник

Yonder he comes, arrayed like a bridegroom, except the black mask. The revel was at its height when a priest appeared, and withdrawing the young pair to an alcove, hung with purple velvet, he motioned them to kneel. Father, we wait your services. Curiosity and wonder possessed all hearts, but respect restrained all tongues till the holy rite was over. Then the eager spectators gathered round the count, demanding an explanation. Now, my children, let the play end. Unmask and receive my blessing. It is full of unruly members. A gorcerman bought and put it in his shop. That same morning, a little girl in a brown hat and blue dress, with a round face and snub nose, went and bought it for her mother. She lugged it home, cut it up, and boiled it in the big pot, mashed some of it with salt and butter, for dinner. If our young friend studied punctuation, it would be well. Pickwick had plunged his head and shoulders into a tub of water, upset a keg of soft soap upon his manly form, and torn his garments badly. On being removed from this perilous situation, it was discovered that he had suffered no injury but several bruises, and we are happy to add, is now doing well. Weeks have passed, but no trace of her has been discovered, and we relinquish all hope, tie a black ribbon to her basket, set aside her dish, and weep for her as one lost to us forever. All members to appear in uniform and shoulder their brooms at nine precisely. Snodgrass rose to make a proposition. Come now, do have him. I say he may come, and his grandpa, too, if he likes.

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Davis, resolved to

Пятница, 25 Марта 2011 г. 17:33 + в цитатник

So altogether she had a very nice time, till she overheard a bit of conversation, which disturbed her extremely. She was sitting just inside the conservatory, waiting for her partner to bring her an ice, when she heard a voice ask on the other side of the flowery wall. Sallie says they are very intimate now, and the old man quite dotes on them. She may tear it tonight, and that will be a good excuse for offering a decent one. She was proud, and her pride was useful just then, for it helped her hide her mortification, anger, and disgust at what she had just heard. For, innocent and unsuspicious as she was, she could not help understanding the gossip of her friends. As that was impossible, she did her best to seem gay, and being rather excited, she succeeded so well that no one dreamed what an effort she was making. She was very glad when it was all over and she was quiet in her bed, where she could think and wonder and fume till her head ached and her hot cheeks were cooled by a few natural tears. Everybody dawdled that morning, and it was noon before the girls found energy enough even to take up their worsted work. They treated her with more respect, she thought, took quite a tender interest in what she said, and looked at her with eyes that plainly betrayed curiosity. Moffat, lumbering in like an elephant in silk and lace. Her friends repeated the pleasing phrase enthusiastically, and for several minutes she stood, like a jackdaw in the fable, enjoying her borrowed plumes, while the rest chattered like a party of magpies. She very soon discovered that there is a charm about fine clothes which attracts a certain class of people and secures their respect. Several young ladies, who had taken no notice of her before, were very affectionate all of a sudden. Several young gentlemen, who had only stared at her at the other party, now not only stared, but asked to be introduced, and said all manner of foolish but agreeable things to her, and several old ladies, who sat on the sofas, and criticized the rest of the party, inquired who she was with an air of interest. Moffat reply to one of them. He was staring at her with undisguised surprise, and disapproval also, she thought, for though he bowed and smiled, yet something in his honest eyes made her blush and wish she had her old dress on. He glanced at her frizzled head, bare shoulders, and fantastically trimmed dress with an expression that abashed her more than his answer, which had not a particle of his usual politeness in it. I wanted you to see her, but they have spoiled her entirely.

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But he liked

Пятница, 25 Марта 2011 г. 17:31 + в цитатник

It would have been bad enough to go to her seat, and see the pitying faces of her friends, or the satisfied ones of her few enemies, but to face the whole school, with that shame fresh upon her, seemed impossible, and for a second she felt as if she could only drop down where she stood, and break her heart with crying. During the fifteen minutes that followed, the proud and sensitive little girl suffered a shame and pain which she never forgot. To others it might seem a ludicrous or trivial affair, but to her it was a hard experience, for during the twelve years of her life she had been governed by love alone, and a blow of that sort had never touched her before. Davis, looking, as he felt, uncomfortable. She was in a sad state when she got home, and when the older girls arrived, some time later, an indignation meeting was held at once. March did not say much but looked disturbed, and comforted her afflicted little daughter in her tenderest manner. Davis was quite benignant in the afternoon, also unusually nervous. I wish all the girls would leave, and spoil his old school. You are getting to be rather conceited, my dear, and it is quite time you set about correcting it. You have a good many little gifts and virtues, but there is no need of parading them, for conceit spoils the finest genius. There is not much danger that real talent or goodness will be overlooked long, even if it is, the consciousness of possessing and using it well should satisfy one, and the great charm of all power is modesty. That is why he is so charming and we all like him so much. Amy bridled up at this insult, and determined to find out the secret, if she teased for an hour. Now do be still, and stop bothering. For now and then she forgot her grownup ways and acted like a spoiled child. Her anger never lasted long, and having humbly confessed her fault, she sincerely repented and tried to do better. She assumed an injured air as they came in, never lifted her eyes from her book, or asked a single question. Amy poked the fire and said nothing. Jo saw her color rise and was down upon her in a minute.


It shimmered in the midday glare.

Пятница, 25 Марта 2011 г. 14:25 + в цитатник

She put some more coals on the iron stove, hoping it would stop her trembling, but the cold was in her bones, not just her flesh. And the girl, she was a liar, she was as bad as him. Will, too, felt the pain where his daemon had been, a scalded place of acute tenderness that every breath tore at with cold hooks. Angry tears dashed from her eyes. Every atom of me and every atom of you. It was all we had. And now we learn that you are planning to open a way to the upper world and lead all the ghosts out into the air. The group swung around and moved down the slight slope, going slowly through the grass. Will paused in the center of the little village and looked around, wondering where to go, and as he stood there, two or three men appeared ahead and stood staring at him. There was silence in the courtroom. She simply moved a little to let the light from outside show the pistol in her hand. Where do we go then, when we die? They used to be impregnable. Oh, this is extraordinary. I want to consider this proposal for a garrison on the southern border. We shall send her nightmares. We shall scream at her in her sleep! I shall stay with you. The village was half a mile away, and the people were coming toward them, close together in the middle of the road. There are more windows than we thought. The man felt the bones of his head move against each other, and he knew that another blow like that would kill him outright. All around them there was movement, noise, and struggle. The shadows moved to and fro like branches in a high wind. The underlying color was dark, almost black, but the surface was paler, as if it had been ground down or worn by crushing. Will watched the great insects charging fearlessly up at them, for all the world as if the harpies were flies and they could snap them up in their jaws, big as they were. He thought how much the brilliant creatures would love it when the sky was open and they could skim about over bright water again. A naphtha lamp hung over the table, and a brazier held burning coals against the bitter chill of the night. Inside the door, a small blue hawk was perching on a bracket. And there is a village burning beyond the fields.


If people really knew.

Пятница, 25 Марта 2011 г. 14:21 + в цитатник

But the longer she looked, the more she began to see another kind of motion. Underlying the random drifting was a deeper, slower, universal movement, out from the land toward the sea. She and the golden monkey were crouching inside the cave mouth, watching and listening, as the light from the zeppelins swung from side to side above the treetops and the engines roared, and shouts, male voices warning or calling orders, made it clear that they should move fast, very fast. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. But there is nothing to be afraid of. She is my daughter, and she is under a spell that made her fall asleep. Come and see her, if you like. No noise, not even a whisper. They think that a great crisis will come before very long, and that the fate of everything will depend on how she behaves at that point. Beyond this point, he explained, there would be not enough depth below the keel, even with the massive flood from the north. She looked at him, struck by the idea. At once the creatures moved away, and some of them brought cushions and rugs from the nearest house and laid them on the firm soil under a tree nearby, whose dense leaves and lowhanging branches gave a cool and fragrant shade. Have you told the ghosts what we were planning? The harpy was watching, the ghosts behind were crowding close. Lyra could see their faint faces in the dimness. He cut a little hollow space in the rock of another world, put all the tiny golden hairs into it, and replaced the rock before closing the window. Iorek told her how to place them, and where, and showed her exactly the kind of draft she should get moving, with a leafy branch, to make sure the gas flowed evenly over the work piece. Yes, she had thought that. She had never seen soldiers, but people did talk about strange and frightening men, or they might be ghosts, seen on the mountainsides at night. But there had always been ghosts in the mountains, everyone knew that. So they might not have anything to do with the woman. Ama looked at the figure in the sleeping bag. Her lips were pressed tightly together, and she was deeply asleep, there was no doubt about that, for her daemon lay coiled and unconscious at her throat. He had the form of some creature like a mongoose, but redgold in color and smaller. She was taken away from me and brought up by strangers. Perhaps that made it hard for her to trust me. They will not let her live.


Mary found the mulefa

Пятница, 25 Марта 2011 г. 14:02 + в цитатник

Then Iorek sat up again, his head rearing high into the shadow. He stopped on the dazzling slope and said to Ama:  We must be very quick and completely silent. No noise, not even a whisper. We must have climbed a fair way now, Will said. I could try the knife and see what I find. Lord Asriel smiled and said, And what has she learned?" "The Society thinks that your daughter is the most important child who has ever lived. They think that a great crisis will come before very long, and that the fate of everything will depend on how she behaves at that point. As for the Consistorial Court of Discipline, it's holding an inquiry at the moment, with witnesses from Bolvangar and elsewhere. My spy in the Court, the Chevalier Tialys, is in touch with me every day by means of the lodestone resonator, and he is letting me know what they discover. In short, I would say that the Society of the Work of the Holy Spirit will find out very soon where the child is, but they will do nothing about it. It will take the Consistorial Court a little longer, but when they do, they will act decisively, and at once. Eventually the steamer could sail no farther, because at this point the riverbed had narrowed and become shallow. The skipper brought the vessel to a halt in a valley bottom that normally would have been carpeted with grass and mountain flowers, where the river would have meandered over gravel beds; but the valley was now a lake, and the captain insisted that he dared not go past it. Beyond this point, he explained, there would be not enough depth below the keel, even with the massive flood from the north. Mary's mind felt like the moon and the clouds trying to hold back the Dust as she cried out silently: Don't look under the tree, go away from the tree ... She looked at him, struck by the idea. "Will his knife open the way back, do you think? Lyra was following it all with still-dazed eyes. It had taken no more than two or three seconds, but it was enough for the Swiss to regroup, and now their leader was raising his crossbow, and Will had no choice: he swung up the pistol and clamped his right hand to the butt and pulled the trigger, and the blast shook his bones, but the bullet found the man's heart. At once the creatures moved away, and some of them brought cushions and rugs from the nearest house and laid them on the firm soil under a tree nearby, whose dense leaves and low-hanging branches gave a cool and fragrant shade. The rabbit daemon opened her round eyes and gazed fearfully at the President, and then shut them again and hid her face. "Will you ever tell me what you and Will's daemon did while we were apart?" But that fact seemed to be the very thing they were worried about, because when Will spoke, there was a soft gasp from the living people, and even the figures outside shrank away a little. "Did you come here to spy on me, or to help?" she said. He told her, and added, "We're going to have to move somewhere else before I can find a world we can open into. And those harpies aren't going to let us. Have you told the ghosts what we were planning?" "Lots of little chances for me, too," he began, thinking of the cat under the hornbeam trees. If he'd arrived there thirty seconds earlier or later, he would never have seen the cat, never have found the window, never have discovered Cittagazze and Lyra; none of this would have happened. The harpy was watching, the ghosts behind were crowding close. Lyra could see their faint faces in the dimness. Frightened and bewildered, she stood biting her lip while Will did as his father told him, his face close up to the knifepoint in the paling dragonfly light. He cut a little hollow space in the rock of another world, put all the tiny golden hairs into it, and replaced the rock before closing the window. And that she couldn't answer. "I think I'm dreaming, Roger," was all she could find to say. Lyra set about searching, and with owl-eyed Pantalaimon's help soon had a dozen or more stones to hand. Iorek told her how to place them, and where, and showed her exactly the kind of draft she should get moving, with a leafy branch, to make sure the gas flowed evenly over the work piece. The Chevalier looked down on the slow-moving millions on the floor of the land of the dead, all drifting after that bright and living spark Lyra Silvertongue. He could just make out her hair, the lightest thing in the gloom, and beside it the boy's head, black-haired and solid and strong. Had she thought there was no meaning in life, no purpose, when God had gone? Yes, she had thought that. Ama didn't know. She had never seen soldiers, but people did talk about strange and frightening men, or they might be ghosts, seen on the mountainsides at night.  But there had always been ghosts in the mountains, everyone knew that. So they might not have anything to do with the woman. Ama looked at the figure in the sleeping bag. It was a girl older than she was, by three or four years, perhaps; and she had hair of a color Ama had never seen before, a tawny fairness like a lion's. Her lips were pressed tightly together, and she was deeply asleep, there was no doubt about that, for her daemon lay coiled and unconscious at her throat. He had the form of some creature like a mongoose, but red-gold in color and smaller. The golden monkey was tenderly smoothing the fur between the sleeping daemon's ears, and as Ama looked, the mongoose creature stirred uneasily and uttered a hoarse little mew. Ama's daemon, mouse-formed, pressed himself close to Ama's neck and peered fearfully through her hair. In the faint, faint light she made out the lean form and the sardonic smile of the Texan aeronaut, and her hand reached forward of its own accord, in vain.  The ghosts themselves listened as he spoke, though without much curiosity. They seemed to have settled into a dull trance, and Lyra wanted to shake them, to urge them to struggle and wake up and look around for a way out. "I know I didn't look after her well when she was young. She was taken away from me and brought up by strangers. Perhaps that made it hard for her to trust me. But when she was growing up, I saw the danger that she was in, and three times now I've tried to save her from it. I've had to become a renegade and hide in this remote place, and I thought we were safe; but now to learn that you found us so easily, well, you can understand, that worries me. The Church won't be far behind. And they want to kill her, Will. They will not let her live. Well, now, Mary said when they'd eaten some bread and fruit and drunk a scalding infusion of something like mint. Yesterday you were too tired and all you could do was rest. But you look a lot more lively today, both of you, and I think we need to tell each other everything we've found out. And it'll take us a good long time, and we might as well keep our hands busy while we're doing it, so we'll make ourselves useful and mend some nets. They stopped in the center of the village, and the others, who had seen them coming, gathered around raising their trunks and speaking words of welcome. Truly, he said, "I am dead.  I'm dead, and I'm going to Hell. he washed and changed into the one clean shirt she had left. The cold wind that shook the windows and the gray morning light made her shiver. She put some more coals on the iron stove, hoping it would stop her trembling, but the cold was in her bones, not just her flesh. "What are you going to do?


On the floor of the endless plain

Пятница, 25 Марта 2011 г. 13:53 + в цитатник

That is fair, said Salmakia, and the other travelers agreed. But the longer she looked, the more she began to see another kind of motion. Underlying the random drifting was a deeper, slower, universal movement, out from the land toward the sea. There it was. He moved away and felt somewhere else: there it was again. No, they're bound to kill her. If they could, they'd go back to the Garden of Eden and kill Eve before she was tempted. Killing is not difficult for them; Calvin himself ordered the deaths of children; they'd kill her with pomp and ceremony and prayers and lamentations and psalms and hymns, but they would kill her. If she falls into their hands, she's dead already.  Finally, Fra Pavel, said the Inquirer, tell us what you know of the child's present whereabouts. I asked the alethiometer, she told him, and it said we shouldn't try and escape from the little people, because they were going to save our lives. So maybe we're stuck with 'em. He turned around to see the two angels talking closely together, and then they came up to him, humble and awkward, but proud, too. Indeed. But may we. But before she could work it out, the creature had risen, and the group began to move away along the highway, with Mary riding among them. "And I think it was at that party, or it might have been at another one, that we kissed each other for the first time. It was in a garden, and there was the sound of music from inside, and the quiet and the cool among the trees, and I was aching, all my body was aching for him, and I could tell he felt the same, and we were both almost too shy to move. Almost. But one of us did and then without any interval between, it was like a quantum leap, suddenly, we were kissing each other, and oh, it was more than China, it was paradise. "I have no name. I didn't know I was born until I was torn away from his heart.  Then she pressed the plates together and moved them around to spread the oil evenly, and held them a hand span apart once more. Will's left hand was tight around Ama's wrist. Mrs. Coulter got up, fully dressed, lithe, alert, not at all as if she'd just been asleep. Perhaps she'd been awake all the time. She and the golden monkey were crouching inside the cave mouth, watching and listening, as the light from the zeppelins swung from side to side above the treetops and the engines roared, and shouts, male voices warning or calling orders, made it clear that they should move fast, very fast. Soon you will see what it means. But now, Serafina went on, you must listen carefully, because I'm going to tell you what you should do. Would you like something to drink? said Mrs. Coulter. "I'll have some, too. It's quite safe. Look.  Lyra felt a great sob of rage building up in her chest, and stamped her foot, unable to keep still. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. All he could do was point at Will and Lyra.  It wasn't hard to follow you. He looked up, bemused, nervous, and nodded. But she didn't quite have the measure of it yet. The craft hung still for some moments, slightly tilted, before she found the controls to move it forward, and in those few seconds, Lord Asriel did three things. He leapt to his feet; he put up his hand to stop King Ogunwe from ordering the soldiers to fire on the intention craft; and he said, Lord Roke, go with her, if you would be so kind. I propose to send a man to find her and kill her before she can be tempted. And Lyra's not harmed?


Then let me speak to the ghosts.

Пятница, 25 Марта 2011 г. 02:55 + в цитатник

Will held out his hand. Thanks to his father's ointment, the raw surfaces were healing well, but they were still very tender. The bear sniffed at them. She went as often as she could to the little valley, to run errands for the woman or simply to chatter and listen, for the woman had wonderful tales to tell. Again and again she hoped for a glimpse of the sleeper, but it had only happened once, and; she accepted that it would probably never be allowed again. Will took the papers the man was holding out, and then held Lyra's arm and urged her away. So he shook her hand, finding it firm and cool and soft. She turned to the golden monkey, who had been sitting behind her all the time, and a look passed between them that Will couldn't interpret. His father's smile was full of pride and tenderness. "Well done, my boy. Well done indeed," he said. Metatron said, "Where is she? Where is your daughter?" "Not only that, but ordinary seeing at the same time. Try it now." Meanwhile, the Chevalier was busy, and after a few minutes he put his lodestone away and said, "I have told Lord Roke of our position, and they are sending a gyropter to bring us away as soon as you have spoken to your friend." The aged being gestured shakily at the intention craft, and cackled and muttered to himself, plucking incessantly at his beard, and then threw back his head and uttered a howl of such anguish that Mrs. Coulter had to cover her ears. "Make for the top of the cliff," said the dragonfly rider, "and give yourself up to the Africans. They're your best hope." "But what are you going to do?" she said. "Will she reveal anything willingly? Or will she need to be tortured?" said Lord Roke, watching her directly as he spoke. With that in mind he let himself stumble, and uttered little moans of pain, and pleaded once or twice for the other to stop, all the time watching closely, moving nearer, estimating how big the other was, how quickly he could move, which way he was looking. And after another hour of toil, he said to her: Atal, the zatif who was her particular friend, exclaimed with astonishment one day when Mary unfolded the knife and showed her all the parts, and explained as well as she could, with her limited language, what they were for. One attachment was a miniature magnifying glass, with which she began to burn a design onto a dry branch, and it was that which set her thinking about Shadows. Finally she heard the door closing in the other room and roused herself to stand up.


Yes, I do, said the angel.

Пятница, 25 Марта 2011 г. 02:53 + в цитатник

Then I want to take my daemon with me when I go to the land of the dead," she said firmly. "And I want to come back again. Has it ever been known, for people to do that?" The vast trunk, supported in the grove by its torn-up roots and out on the grass by the mass of branches, was high above their heads. Some of those branches, crushed and broken, were themselves as big around as the biggest trees Will had ever seen; the crown of the tree, tight-packed with boughs that still looked sturdy, leaves that were still green, towered like a ruined palace into the mild air. "But excuse me, sir," said Lyra, "I hope you don't mind me asking, but how can we have come this far if we en't dead? Because this is the world of the dead, isn't it?" They climbed up beside the waterfalls and refilled Will's canteen before striking off across the plateau toward the ridge where the alethiometer told Lyra that Iorek had gone. "And had he settled?" said Lyra. A drift of gray was leaving the Clouded Mountain, a slowly spreading smudge against the blue sky. But it couldn't have been smoke: it was drifting against the wind that tore at the clouds. "If you do not find a way out of the world of the dead, we shall not meet again, because I have no ghost. My body will remain on the earth, and then become part of it. But if it turns out that you and I both survive, then you will always be a welcome and honored visitor to Svalbard; and the same is true of Will. Has he told you what happened when we met?" "And if you found her so easily...” When Atal had had enough, she set herself on the wheels again and moved away to help with the evening meal. Mary turned back to her lacquer, and almost at once she made her discovery. But someone else came from nowhere to help them: Balthamos, in a blur of desperation, hurled himself between the children and the soldiers. The men fell back, amazed, as this apparition shimmered into being in front of them. And then a strange thing happened. Little by little (as she reinforced those sense-memories, adding others, tasting an iced margarita in California, sitting under the lemon trees outside a restaurant in Lisbon, scraping the frost off the windshield of her car), she felt the Dust wind easing. The pressure was lessening. "If they got hold of us," said Pantalaimon, meaning him and Lyra, "and got their stings ready to stick in us, Will’d have to do what they said." She was trembling. She felt very young as he held her to his side. "Are they still there, somewhere else? Will we see them again?"


He was a soldier from Lyra's own world, an African.

Пятница, 25 Марта 2011 г. 02:51 + в цитатник

His daemon was a long-legged tawny cat spotted with black, and she drew back her teeth and prepared to spring. So she said, It is not realty light, but you see it and it looks like that light on water at sunset? The answer came almost immediately. Yes, we do. My name is Balthamos. My companion is Baruch."The second time was at Bolvangar, when I found her just in time, under the... under the blade of the.  My heart nearly stopped. It was what they, we, what I had done to other children, but when it was mine..Oh, you can't conceive the horror of that moment, I hope you never suffer as I did then.  But I got her free; I took her out; I saved her a second time. But she had hardly time to feel the thrill of that idea before she heard sounds on the path outside, and in a shiver of guilt she and her daemon darted behind a ridge of rock at the side of the cave. She shouldn't be here. She was spying. It was wrong. If it could tell us, we'd know. But since it can't, I'm not going to kill it. That would be considering our feelings rather than the toad's. When she came to the first trunk, she rested her hands on the deeply ridged red-gold bark. The ground was covered ankle-deep in brown leaf skeletons as long as her hand, soft and fragrant to walk on. She was soon surrounded by a cloud of midgelike flying things, as well as a little flock of the tiny hummingbirds, a yellow butterfly with a wingspread as broad as her hand, and too many crawling things for comfort. The air was full of humming and buzzing and scraping. Lord Roke climbed down hand over hand in the thick fleece of her coat, until he reached the hem at the level of her knees. There he clung and looked around. "You might let us go in through that door and find the ghost we've come here to look for; I hope you would, anyway. If you'd be so kind. Will had no words, though his breast and his throat were full. He managed to say, "Thank you, Iorek Byrnison," but that was all he could say. It was toward one of these gullies that they led her. She had dismounted when they left the road, and she walked steadily at their pace over the brow of the hill and down into the gully. Anyway, their shape, and the roads, and the wheel trees coming together all made it possible. A lot of little chances, all coming together. When did your part of the story begin, Will? When he reached the cave, the woman was waiting for him.


He couldn't even guess.

Пятница, 25 Марта 2011 г. 02:45 + в цитатник

 As they moved on, they could see a movement on the horizon to the left and right, and ahead of them a dirty-colored smoke was rising slowly to add its darkness to the dismal air. The movement was people, or ghosts: in lines or pairs or groups or alone, but all empty-handed, hundreds and thousands of men and women and children were drifting over the plain toward the source of the smoke.
She withdrew, taking the dream-Mary with her, until she found herself in the house again, cross-legged on the earthen floor, with Mary's eyes glittering as they looked at her.
"Lyra," she said, "something's happened, they've found something they can't explain and it's... I don't know what it is... I've got to go and look. It's an hour or so away. I'll come back as soon as I can. Help yourself to anything you need from my house, I can't stop, they're too anxious...”
Yes, I do. But I didn't believe them until now. I saw the boy and the girl so clearly, and a voice told me to prepare for them.
All she could do was respond. "I am a human," she said.
"Does that mean we shall be birds, like witches' daemons?" said Pantalaimon.
"Of course. I certainly wouldn't give it to anyone else, ever."
She looked up from time to time and touched the spyglass in her pocket, but she couldn't use it till they'd stopped moving. And these mulefa were moving urgently, with the air of not wanting to stop for anything. After an hour's hard riding they swung inland, leaving the stone road and moving slowly along a trail of beaten earth that ran between knee-high grass past a stand of wheel trees and up toward a ridge. The landscape glowed under the moon: wide, bare hills with occasional little gullies, where streams trickled down among the trees that clustered there.
"Mr. Scoresby is dead," Serafina went on. "Before I parted from him, I gave him a flower to summon me with, if he should need me. I heard his call and flew to him, but I arrived too late. He died fighting a force of Muscovites, but I know nothing of what brought them there, or why he was holding them off when he could easily have escaped. King Iorek, I am wretched with remorse."
When we have grown up... Again Mary had to keep herself from becoming incoherent. One of the things she'd begun to suspect about Shadows was that children and adults reacted to them differently, or attracted different kinds of Shadow activity. Hadn't Lyra said that the scientists in her world had discovered something like that about Dust, which was their name for Shadows? Here it was again.
"Otyets Semyon," he said, standing, "you have been very kind, and I wish I could stay longer to taste your drink and to hear you talk, because what you tell me has been very interesting. But you understand I am unhappy about my family, and very anxious to find them again, so I think I must move on, much as I would like to stay."
He still hadn't answered her first question, and he wasn't going to, and she knew it.
"Where's the bomb?" he said, close to her ear. "They've just begun to unload it. It's the big crate on the ground over there. I can't do anything till they take it out, and even then...”
The crystals that gave them light were neither mounted on sconces nor enclosed in glowing pillars, but scattered loosely on the floor, and there were no flaring torches to add to the heat, so little by little the party began to feel cold again; and presently they came out, quite suddenly, into the night air.
There was Lord Roke, lying in the open on a patch of moss. How could they not have seen him? But something had happened, for he wasn't moving.
"But she has to follow him, if he has the knife. And I think that as soon as the knife's intact again, they'll use it to slip into another world, so as to get away from us. Did you see how he stopped her from speaking when she was going to say something more? They have some secret purpose, and it's very different from what we want them to do."
"Do, not much. Does she know something?"


To the Lady Coulter.

Пятница, 25 Марта 2011 г. 02:42 + в цитатник

But the man is worn out; he can do no more until he's rested."
The Gallivespians were on her at once, darting close at her face and then darting away again, unable to get in a blow but distracting her so that she beat her wings clumsily and half-fell onto the ground. "Was it hard to leave the Church?" said Will. They wouldn't get in the way, but they were there if they were needed. Slowly, as if they were moving themselves in her mind, things joined up. Don't worry, said Atal, come with me, we shall not hurt you.
"There's probably a great deal that's mysterious to you, my Lord President, starting with the relations between a mother and her child. If you thought for one moment that I would release my daughter into the care, the care! , of a body of men with a feverish obsession with sexuality, men with dirty fingernails, reeking of ancient sweat, men whose furtive imaginations would crawl over her body like cockroaches, if you thought I would expose my child to that, my Lord President, you are more stupid than you take me for." "The Specters?" said Will. "We saw them during the battle, for the first time. What about them?"


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Воскресенье, 13 Февраля 2011 г. 04:48 + в цитатник

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Воскресенье, 13 Февраля 2011 г. 04:47 + в цитатник

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Воскресенье, 13 Февраля 2011 г. 04:45 + в цитатник

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Воскресенье, 13 Февраля 2011 г. 04:45 + в цитатник

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Воскресенье, 13 Февраля 2011 г. 04:44 + в цитатник

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Воскресенье, 13 Февраля 2011 г. 04:42 + в цитатник

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Воскресенье, 13 Февраля 2011 г. 04:41 + в цитатник

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Воскресенье, 13 Февраля 2011 г. 04:40 + в цитатник

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Воскресенье, 13 Февраля 2011 г. 04:38 + в цитатник

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Воскресенье, 13 Февраля 2011 г. 04:36 + в цитатник

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Воскресенье, 13 Февраля 2011 г. 04:35 + в цитатник

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Воскресенье, 13 Февраля 2011 г. 04:33 + в цитатник

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Воскресенье, 13 Февраля 2011 г. 04:33 + в цитатник

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Воскресенье, 13 Февраля 2011 г. 04:30 + в цитатник

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