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! - ! WARNING! The Afterlife "Life Review" Is A Trap!

, 25 2017 . 12:30 +

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who are the beings we meet when we die
for a long time
earth has been oppressed under a heavily
controlled prison grid that keeps souls
trapped and enslaved on this planet
the parasitic beings that run the prison
system are not only the dark entities
known as organs and reptilians
they are also entities who pose as
angelic and seemingly loving beings of
light when most people die they
experience moving through a tell where
they meet beings of light known as the
Lords of karma they are perhaps the
worst violators of free will and need to
be exposed to begin with they are
responsible for forcing people to
reincarnate over and over and over again
in the free universe outside of the
earth's prison grid a being is free to
incarnate on to any planet they choose
no where in the process is a hierarchal
group of manipulative beings like the
Lords of karma present the primary tool
the Lords of karma used to manipulate a
being into accepting repeated
reincarnation on this planet is the life
review when a person's body dies they
move out into the astral realms and
begin to shed most of their previously
held identity if this process were
allowed to occur without interruption
the true light of that being would
emerge from within them and release
layer upon layer of limiting beliefs
generated in that incarnation however
within the prison system what happens is
the Lords of karma intercept that being
just as their light is starting to
emerge from within and surround them in
a dazzling display of colorful external
light this is why most people with
near-death experiences report going
through a tunnel of light
the dazzling outer display distracts the
being in hypnotizes them through
frequency entrainment and activation of
any and all religious programming that
being had been exposed to during their
incarnation the Lords of karma and other
members of the false light hierarchies
such as the Ark and angels and ascended
masters will often be present in the
background during this process as the
individual is filled with a feeling of
universal love and connectedness
they are told that this feeling is
coming into them from the external
beings of light that surround them
however this feeling of universal
oneness and love is actually emerging
from inside the person and is being
reflected back to them by the Lords of
karma the individual doesn't have any
time to reflect on what is happening
because they are quickly moved into the
life review phase of the process they
are shown a little movie of their life
which focuses only on the
disappointments unfulfilled desires
painful experiences and hurtful actions
the person experienced during their life
through this biased and manipulated life
review the being is made to feel bad
about their life which is exactly what
the Lords of karma want they tell the
person that even though they fail that
so many things in their life they will
be given a chance to go back one more
time and get things right in a new
incarnation the person is then grateful
at this chance for redemption and
accepts the agreements the Lords of
karma present them with to incarnate
again after agreeing to reincarnate the
person is then sent to a heavenly realm
in the middle to upper astral realms to
await reincarnation this realm is nicely
decorated with simulations of nature
lovely views and a staff of beings who
pose as guardian angels who make sure
those beings go back to earth when their
time comes
of course those guardians are actually
parasitic sheep herders tending to their
flock and there is no allowance for
people in this realm to go elsewhere as
if the content of the person's unhealed
wounds painful regrets and unfulfilled
desires isn't bad enough they are
presented with an even more brazen
deception karmic transference the person
has shown what they are told is their
own past life where they committed
horrible crimes they are told that they
need to continue incarnated into adverse
and difficult conditions in order to pay
off that bad karma in reality the life
they are shown is not their own it is
the actions of some other being closely
aligned with the Lords of karma who made
pacts with them to avoid taking
energetic responsibility for their
some of that criminal beings malicious
energy is then projected onto the
individual who is being tricked into
believing they were once that horrible
criminal the person then takes
agreements to pay off the bad karma this
is done to coerce the persons agreements
to reincarnate and take responsibility
for crimes they did not commit ensuring
that the person's next life is going to
be filled with undue hardships this
karmic transference allows those dark
entities aligned with the Lords of karma
to avoid repercussions of their own
actions coerced sole contract agreements
one more very important aspect of the
agreements that are forced upon people
by the Lords of karma are the original
soul contracts that the people coming
into the prison grid are forced to make
in order to gain entry into the system
many of us came from the free universe
to help dismantle the prison system from
within and the Lords of karma imposed an
extensive list of coerced agreements
upon these free souls in order to limit
their effectiveness these entry
agreements also contain clauses that
allow for unspecified hardships to be
leveled against a person during their
incarnation including but not limited to
birth to bad parents physical abuse
sexual abuse psychic attacks ethic
implantations dream manipulation
relationship issues health problems
financial problems physical abduction
lack of self-worth and much more some of
us negotiated more fiercely than others
and were saddled with fewer of these
pernicious agreements but no one came in
unscathed regardless of how many coerced
entry agreements we have it is important
to remove all of these agreements in
order to get clear and proceed with our
chosen tasks of healing and awakening
others as well as pulling apart the
prison system from the inside

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johny7652   , 03 2018 . 20:38 ()
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