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, 19 2014 . 14:56 +

Starry Starry Night...

5177462_DSC_3642 (393x700, 63Kb)5177462_DSC_3643 (393x700, 73Kb)

In between making all these hats the Star Stitch kept screaming in my head to make a hat. But the Star Stitch is mainly used in scarfs, blankets, etc straight projects and not round ones.

I think I started this project at least 8 times to find the perfect increasing Star Stitch.

The hat was made with 3 colors of Drops Nepal. I just love the Drops yarn. I order my yarn at Wollyhood.

I also ordered some Drops Andes in similar colors. And using Hook Needle 8 mm I mad a cowl. Too bad that the naturel color of the cowl is more cream than white. But it's ok for now.

I will post the pattern of the Cowl here as soon as I have written it down!



I also made a little Baby Star Stitch Hat. And a Scarf using DC's and all 3 colors and Hook Needle 19mm.




I will be working on the pattern in the coming days and hopefully it'll be soon available in my shops!

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: ( )
