
  • (2226)
  •    , (519)
  •    , (368)
  •    , (330)
  •     (276)
  •     (230)
  •     (175)
  •     (90)
  • (2219)
  •     () (1057)
  •    , (655)
  •     () (425)
  •    () (132)
  • . . (1421)
  •    ,, (153)
  •     (152)
  •     (150)
  •    , (139)
  •    , (101)
  •     (83)
  •     (79)
  •     (73)
  •    , , (68)
  •    , , (59)
  •    , , (46)
  •     (39)
  •     (39)
  •    , (36)
  •     (33)
  •     (25)
  •     (12)
  • (1050)
  •     (323)
  •     (219)
  •     (161)
  •    , (139)
  •     (104)
  •     , (97)
  • , (776)
  • (711)
  • , (592)
  • , , , (578)
  • . . (474)
  • , (439)
  • (437)
  • (433)
  • (416)
  • (382)
  • ART: , foto (357)
  • (337)
  • (305)
  • , (295)
  • ... (284)
  • (270)
  • (265)
  • - (258)
  • (230)
  • (226)
  • (207)
  • , (205)
  • , (205)
  • (194)
  • (193)
  • (179)
  • (168)
  • (163)
  • (152)
  • (151)
  • (139)
  • (97)
  • (81)
  • ! (62)



 - e-mail




( : 1) ---


: 27.11.2009
: 16997
: 730
: 18575



: , (205), (151), (193), (152), (433), (139), (97), -(258), (81), (1050), !(62), (305), (437), (416), , , , (578), , (776), (194), , (295), ...(284), (163), (382), , (592), (230), ,(439), (2226), (179), (168), (207), . .(474), , (205), (337), (711), (270), (265), . . (1421), (2219), ART: , foto(357)

- .

, 28 2017 . 18:22 +
_ [ + !]

. . 11 - 15.

- - - , . , -.

- 11 - 15.

1 Underground Giant ( ) - It Hurts (!)
2.Amusement Park ( ) - Play (!)
3.Wild West Part 1 ( ) - Caw ()
4. Wild West Part 2 ( ) - Look For it ( -)
5.Sneezy Bear ( ) - Honey ()


" ":

1 - - .
2 - , : - 1 100.
27 - . . - 1- 5.
28 - . . 6 - 10.
29 - . . 11 - 15.


, 18 2017 . 03:58 +
gyord-pro-ladies [ + !]

4425087_rsz_dollarphotoclub_796927381024x768 (700x525, 80Kb)

    ,     — , ,    , .



, 08 2017 . 06:37 +
_ [ + !]

. . .

: - . 1 * 2 * 3 * . .

: . . )). , . !

+ 15 >>>


, 04 2017 . 17:38 +
heregirl [ + !]

300 (.) 24 .

300 (.) 24 .

please () - , . sorry () -
you are welcome ( ) - ,
hello () - . hi () -

goodbye () - , . see you (c ) -
yes () - . no () - . not () -
this () - . that ()

name () - . address () -
phone number ( ) - . age () -
married () - ,
letter () - . email () -

what () , . who () - . where () ,
how () - . why () - . when () -

I () -
you () ; ;
he () -
she () - ;
it () -
we () -
they () -

my () -
your () ,
his () -
her ()
our () -
their ()

and () -
but () -
or () -
because () -
if () -
that ()

something () - -
everything () -
nothing () - ,
here () ;
there () ;
now () - ,
already () -
still ()
yet () ()
many () - +
much () - +
few () - +
little () - +
very () -
every () -
all () ;
such ()
so () -



, 02 2017 . 02:30 +
11111 [ + !]


01-gjtXfVp6E54 (522x700, 310Kb)




, 29 2017 . 04:46 +
_ [ + !]




heart ['h:t]
large intestine / colon
liver ['liv]
pancreas ['pkris]
small intestines [in'testins]
spinal chord
stomach ['stmk]
urinal bladder

eye ['a]
eyebrow / brow [bra]
eyelid / lid
eyelash / lash
forehead ['frd] (BrE) / [for'hed] (AmE)
hair ,
nape, back of the head
tongue ['t]
tooth (. .: teeth ) ()

breast ( )
chest ( )
navel ['nevl] / belly button ,

arm ( )
hand ()
finger ()
thumb ['m]
index finger
middle finger
ring finger
little finger ,
knuckle ['nkl]

ankle ['kl]
calf ['k:f] ( : calves) ()
hip , ( )
foot (. .: feet ) , ( )
knee ['ni
leg ( )
thigh ['a] ( )
toe ['tu]
big toe
little toe
shin / shank

blood ['bld]
nerve [nv]
vein [ven]
vessel ()
JjTWNAe3axw (600x363, 53Kb)



, 20 2017 . 17:42 +
heregirl [ + !]

Air conditioner [e][kn'dnr] .
Airbag [e][bg] .
Arm rest [:m][rest] .

Back seat [bk][si:t] .
Boot [bu:t] .
Brake [brek] .
Brake lights [brek][lats] -.
Brakes [breks] .
Breakdown van ['brekdan][vn] .
Buckle ['bkl] .
Buckle up ['bkl][p] .
Bumper ['bmp] .

Caravan ['krvn] , .
Clutch [kl] .
Cowl [kaul] .

Diesel ['di:zl] .
Door handle [d:]['hndl] .
Driver's license ['drav's ]['lasns] .
Driver's seat ['drav's ][si:t] .
Driving license ['drav]['lasns] .

Engine ['enn] .

Fender bender ['fend][,bend] .
Filling station ['fl]['sten] .
First gear [f:st][g] .
Fix [fks] .
Flat tyre [flt]['ta] .
Freeway ['friwe] , , .
Fuel [fjul] .

Garage ['gr☺ .
Gas [gs] .
Gas gauge [gs][ge] .
Gas pedal [gs]['pedl] .
Gas station [gs]['sten] .
Gas tank door [gs][tk][d .
Gasoline ['gsuli:n] .
Gear lever [g]['li:v] .
Gear shift [g][ft] , .
Gear stick [g][stk] .
Glove compartment [glv][km'p:tmnt] .

Handbrake ['hn(d)brek] .
Head light [hed][lat] .
High beam [ha][bi:m] .
Horn [h:n] .

Ignition key [g'nn][ki .
Ignition switch [g'nn][sw] .
Indicator ['ndket] .
Indicator switch ['ndket][sw] .

Jack [k] .
Jump start [mp][st:t] , .

Lens [lenz] .
License plate ['lasns][plet] .
License plate number ['lasns][plet]['nmb] .
Lock [lk] , , .
Low beam [lu][bi:m] .

Miles per hour [mals][p:]['au] .
Moonroof [munruf] .
Motor ['mut] .
Motorway ['mutwe] .

Neutral ['nju:trl] .
Number plate ['nmb][plet] .

Oil [l] .
Outside mirror ['aut'sad]['mr] .

Parking ['p:k] .
Parking light ['p:k][lat] .
Parking ticket ['p:k]['tkt] .
Passenger seat ['psn][si:t] .
Petrol ['petrl] .
Petrol cap ['petrl]['kp] .
Petrol gauge ['petrl][ge] .
Petrol station ['petrl]['sten] .
Power locks ['pau][lks] .
Pump [pmp] .

Rear light [r][lat] .
Rear seat [r][si:t] .
Rear window [r]['wndu] .
Rearview mirror [r][vju:]['mr] .
Reverse [r'v:s] .
Reversing lights [()v][lats] .
Rim [rm] .
Roundabout ['raundbaut] .

Safety belt ['seft][belt] .
Safety seat ['seft][si:t] .
Screwdriver ['skru:,drav] .
Seat [si:t] .
Seat belt [si:t][belt] .
Shift [ft] .

shift stick [ft][stk]
shoulder ['uld]
side mirror [sad]['mr]
sidelight ['sadlat]
skid [skd] ;
sliding sunroof [sld]['snruf]
spare part [spe][p:t]
spare tire [spe]['ta]
spare wheel [spe][wi:l]
speed limit [spi:d]['lmt]
speedometer [sp'dmt]
steering wheel [st][wi:l]
stick shift [stk][ft]
stop-lights [stp][lats] -
sun visor [sn]['vaz]
tail light [tel][lat] ,
tailgate ['telget]
taillight ['tellat]
tepney ['stepn]
ticket ['tkt]
tire ['ta]
tool [tu:l]
traffic light ['trfk][lat]
traffic signal ['trfk]['sgnl]
trailer ['trel]
trailer hitch ['trel][h]
transmission [trnz'mn]
truck [trk]
trunk [trk]
tube type [tju:b][tap]
tubeless [ubles]
turn signal lever [t:n]['sgnl]['li:v]
understeering ['nd'str]
upholstery [p'hulstr] ,
u-turn [t:n]
vanity mirror ['vnt]['mr]
vehicle ['vi:kl]
wheel [wi:l]
winch [wn]
window ['wndu]
windshield ['wndi:ld]
windshield wiper ['wndi:ld]['wap] ,
wiper ['wap]
wrench [ren]
lM4M2rG-gfc (576x604, 194Kb)


, 20 2017 . 04:15 +
Mellodika [ + !]

Un- / im- / ir- / il- / dis- / in- . , : legal illegal , like dislike , usual unusual
Mis , : misunderstand ( understand ) , misprint (print- )- , misinformation (information )
Re- , : rewrite (write ) , replay (play-) , refill (fill ) ,
Over- -: overcook (cook- ) , overcrowd (crowd- ) , oversleep (sleep ) ( )
Under : underground (ground- ) (), underwear (wear ) (, )
Ex- ex-president , ex-girlfriend

6WEJerb_mCM (700x621, 250Kb)


, 20 2017 . 04:14 +
heregirl [ + !]

Ace 1. , . 2. , .
Hey, ace, lets go out tonight! , - !

Airhead .
Although he is rather clever, sometimes he behaves like an airhead. , , .

All wet , .
Your impression from their conversation is all wet. .

Awesome , .
What an awesome day we had last week! !

Bananas, go bananas , .
I cant imagine why he went bananas then. , .

Beemer BMW, .
He has just bought a new beemer. It was his dream. , .

Big daddy , .
When did you see him last time? He has become such a big daddy. ? .

Bigmouth , .
Dont tell her any secrets! Dont you know what a bigmouth she is! ! , !

Betcha! ! !
You will never win the competition! Betcha! ! !

Bloody , .
I hate this bloody country! He cried in despair. ! .

Cheesy .
Although she is very nice, she wears such cheesy clothes. , .

Crap , .
Stop talking all this crap! !

Dude (pal) , .
Wow, dude, are you serious? , , ?

Fake , .
Dont even try to fake me! I know you quite well. ! .

Get it , .
Have you finally got it? , , ?

Give a shit -.
He doesnt give a shit about his own future. .

Head (loo) , .
I really need to find a head somewhere. -.

Jam , .
How did you get into this jam? ?

Knockout .
Where is that knockout I saw with Jack? , ?

Mickey Mouse , .
She is doing a mickey mouse job all her life. - .

Nut ,
He is a complete nut. How can you go out with him? . ?

Paw .
How dare you to touch me with your paws? ?

Piss off , , .
Every time you act like that you piss me off incredibly. , , .

Red tape , .
I have no idea how to avoid all this red tape. , .

Rolling stone -, .
A rolling stone gathers no moss. , . ()

Split , , .
Hurry up, Lucy, it is time to split! , , .

Threads , .
How could you spend 1000$ on threads? 1000 ?

Uptight , , .
Jack is so uptight. Whats wrong with him? . ?
c0bHQ_RPPEw (510x310, 95Kb)


, 14 2017 . 05:43 +
__ [ + !]

400 , 75%

, !



, 14 2017 . 05:24 +
Viktoria_84 [ + !]

5640974_3k2sCMn8_g0 (386x400, 27Kb)

Amber -  
Aqua -  
Aquamarine -  
Azure -  
Beige -  
Black - ׸ 
Blue -  
Bronze -  
Brown -  
Chocolate -  
Copper -  
Crimson -  
Emerald -  
Gold, Golden -  
Green -  
Grey, Gray -  
Indigo -  
Khaki -  
Lemon -  
Light green -  
Lilac -  
Mazarine - - 
Olive -  
Orange -  
Peach -  
Pink -  
Purple, Magenta -  
Red -  
Sand -  
Scarlet -  
Sienna -  
Silver, Silvery -  
Snow-white/ niveous -  
Turquoise -  
Violet, Purple -  
White -  
Yellow -


, 18 2017 . 03:54 +
ravingdon [ + !]

 , -,   .   ,   — ,   .



, 14 2017 . 07:34 +
Mellodika [ + !]

. !


1. Are you kidding? - ?
2. Are you shitting me? - ?
3. Are you sure? - ?
4. Are you positive? - ?
5. Believe it or not - ,
6. Eyes were going to pop out of one's head -
7. Fancy that! - !
8. How could you approach him unnoticed? - ?
9. How in the world can you do that? - , ?
10. How could you say that to her for God's sake? - , , ?
11. Incredible! - !
12. It's impossible! - !
13. It can't be true! - !
14. I can't believe it! - !
15. I'm speechless! - !
16. I am shocked! - !
17. I am astounded! - !
18. I was surprised at her being honest. - , .
19. I never would have thought it possible! - , !
20. I'm sure he's lying. - , .
21. I would never have expected such an answer! - !
22. I didn't expect Jo to come on time. - , .
23. It took my breath away! - !
24. It's too good to be true! - , !
25. It comes as no surprise that Jane dumped him after the honeymoon. - , .
26. I can't imagine you did that. - , .
27. I'll believe it when pigs fly! - , .
28. I just can't believe we are together again. - , .
29. It was the first time in living memory -
30. Mary has come to my wedding, what a surprise! - , !
31. Marta got the sack after her presentation, No kidding? - , ?
32. My foot! - !
33. No-one could really believe their eyes -
34. No wonder he failed! - , !
35. No shit! - !
36. Really? - ?
37. That's a good one! - !
38. They published my article, I'm dreaming! - , , : !
39. To be startled - ,
40. To be speechless - , ( , )
41. To blink, as if you have seen a ghost - , (: , )
42. To get the shock of one's life - ; .
43. Unbelievable! - !
44. To catch one's breath -
45. To faint -
46. To jump out of one's skin - , ( )
47. To make smb. jump - , ( , )
48. Would you believe it? - ?
49. You must be joking! - , , !
50. You're joking, right? - , , ?
51. You're pulling my leg, aren't you? - , ?
52. You, of all people! - ? !
53. You were invited to the show. How amazing! - . !
54. You're not serious! - !
55. You don't say! - !
56. You could have knocked me down with a feather - , , ; .
57. Who could have imagined that? - ?
58. Who would have thought you would marry Nick? - , ?
6aA9NxQql7s (700x700, 160Kb)


, 07 2017 . 07:49 +
___ [ + !]




, 03 2017 . 05:51 +
anngol [ + !]


400 , 75% .

1 (600x563, 187Kb)

2 (570x583, 180Kb)

3 (565x604, 207Kb)

4 (570x589, 170Kb)


, 08 2016 . 06:09 +
justvitek [ + !]

You look very pretty -  
You look lovely -  
You have wonderful taste in clothes -  
You look so well after the holiday! -  
What a charming girl you are! - ! 
You don't look your age –  
Thank you for your compliment -  
Thank you for a nice day -  
That’s very kind of you -  
You’re very generous -  
Much obliged -  
I’m very much obliged to you -  
You are a good specialist -  
You are an outstanding musician -  
You have a fine sense of humor -  
You are a good listener -  
You warm my heart -  
You bring out the best in me –  
You make working on a project a joy -  

How can you be so …

Charming -  
Attractive –  
Sunny –  
Warm –  
Stunning –  
amazing -  
sweet –  
gentle –  
cheerful –  
wise –

4208855_zmVBGbFky08 (700x700, 382Kb)


, 27 2016 . 06:30 +
justvitek [ + !]

mother -
father -
daughter -
son -
sister -
brother -
grandfather -
grandmother -
aunt -
uncle -
niece -
nephew -

parents -
children -
grandparents -
grandchild (. grandchildren) - , ()
grandson -
granddaughter -
great-grandchildren (great-grandson, great-granddaughter) - (, ) 
twins - ,
twin-brother - -
twin-sister - -
cousin - , , ,
step-father -
step-mother -
step-son -
step-daughter -
wife -
husband -
widow -
widower -
father-in-law - ,
mother-in-law - ,
son-in-law - ,
daughter-in-law - , ,

4208855_RTKSklTIZ8s (604x457, 58Kb)


, 12 2016 . 17:47 +
Mellodika [ + !]

-50 .

-50 .

1. Can you help me? - ?
2. I'm looking for... - ...
3. How much is this? - ?
4. Sorry -
5. Please speak more slowly. - , , .
6.I don't understand. -
7. Could you repeat that? - ?
8. What is your name? - ?
9. My name is . . . . - ...
10. Nice to meet you! -
11. How are you doing? ?
12. Where is . . . the bathroom, restaurant, museum, hotel, beach, embassy? - , , , , , ?
13. Can I ask you a question? - ?
14. Could you write it down on paper?- ?
15. I am hungry. - .
16. I am thirsty. - .
17. I am cold. - .
18. I am feeling sick. - .
19. I need help. .
20. What time is it? - ?
21. I need to go now. - .
22. Excuse me! - ( )
23. I speak English a little bit - -
24. Where can I buy ...? - ...?
25. That's (too) expensive. - ()
26. I'll take one / it / this. -
27. I like this. -
28. I don't like that -
29. Can I pay by credit-card? - ?
30. Can I exchange this? -
31. That's all, thanks - ,
32. Excuse me, where can I get a taxi? - , ?
33. This address , please - , !
34. Stop here, please. - , .
35. I'd like a ticket to...- ...
36. When does the check-in begin? - ?
37. Here is my luggage -
38. It is a business trip -
39. I want to book a room. .
40. Here you are. , .
41. Keep the change -
42. Could you break this 100 (hundred) dollar bill? - 100- ?
43. The hange is not correct -
44. I need... - ...
45. I agree. - ()
46. With pleasure. - .
47. I am sorry, but I cant. - , .
48. Thank you so much!- !
49. You are welcome! - ( ).
50. Have a good time! - !
1442222551_2-awnkjnjxy (604x403, 104Kb)


, 25 2016 . 14:13 +
justvitek [ + !]


, :))))))))) , , . :)))))))))))))) , , , :)))))))))

4208855_BhPFofQluDY (604x469, 59Kb)

 : [12] 11 10 ..
.. 1