
: 39 : 0
: 31 : 0
: 252 : 0
: 190 : 0
mamy blue
: 124 : 1

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: 27.01.2005
: 2398


, 02 2014 . 15:54 +
_ : , "" ""

  ,   -  (c) The Fitzwilliam Museum; Supplied by The Public Catalogue Foundation

      8 1824 , - .

, . , .
       , , Antrobus & Co, , . ... , , , 1843 , ( 150 - 1999 ).

      ظ 1847 . 23- , 16 , , . , :
" . 3- , ."
       , - 25 1848.
       , , , , 1815 1847 . , , , , , . .

       , , .
  (. William Collins; 17881847)        1 1844 :
" , , , , . , , ."

       (. William Collins; 17881847) , . , - 1814 . - 1820 .

       , , , , , .

" "

The Minnow Catchers

", , "

"Seaford, Sussex"

Barmouth Sands, 1835 (" ")

"Early Morning - Cromer" (" - ")

Frost Scene (" ")

       , , , , , , .

The Skittle Players, 1832 (" ")

The-Cherry-Seller (" ")

Girl Mending Nets (" ")

May Day (" ")

" "

       , , , , , , (1837-39) , , , , , , .

The World of the Cloister ( )

" " 1841

A Girl of Sorrento

" " The Seafowl, William Collins The Kitten Deceived 1816 The Kitten Deceived 1816
" "

" "

       , , , , , , , . ( ).

Happy as a King (, )


       " , " . o , -, . 1850 ", " ("Antonina, or the Fall of Rome", 1850). 1851 .

text_1966_about-1 (300x459, 107Kb)       (Collins), (8.I.1824 -- 23.IX.1889) -- , " - , , , , ". . 25 .

       1851 , ; " " ("The lazy tour of two idle apprentices", 1857), " , " ("Dr. Dulcamara, the member of Parliament", 1858), " " ("No thoroughfare", 1867) .
       , , , , , .
       , , , 50--60- .
       (1868), .

       , . , :
" " ("Woman in white", 1860) -- ,
" " ("Moonstone", 1868) -- ,
"" ("Armadale", 1866) -- ,
" " ("Man and wife", 1870) -- ,
" " ("New Magdalen", 1873) -- "" .
(Heart and Science, 1883) , , , .

YA-pIX_i7mM (700x441, 61Kb)

       , , " " , . , , .

       - , , - (25 1828 9 1873 ).

       , , 1850 .
       , .

       1850- , . , 1860 .
       , , .

Charles Allston Collins,

Collins, Charles Allston | May, in the Regent's Park

       , , 45 . , . ( Macready (1839-1929) , (1839-1918).

       16 ...
       , . 1858 , , .

       - :

, .

: http://dic.academic.ru/ http://gallerix.ru/ http://az.lib.ru/k/kollinz_u/ http://www.artclon.com/artist/william-collins/
http://ru.wikipedia.org/ http://bookmix.ru/authors/index.phtml?id=173 http://www.rubylane.com/item/61838-943369x20130008LXP26/William-Collins-R-London-1788

Leda Avetis

: [1] []


: ( )
