


: 13.07.2007
: 12897



, 18 2014 . 03:46 +
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, 11 2013 . 00:14 +
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All the debunking of the Cartesian separation of mind and body by modern philosophy and modern science has not reduced by one iota this culture's conviction of the separation of face and body, which influences every aspect of manners, fashion, sexual appreciation, aesthetic sensibilityvirtually all our notions of appropriateness. This separation is a main point of one of European culture's principal iconographical traditions, the depiction of Christian martyrdom, with its astounding schism between what is inscribed on the face and what is happening to the body. Those innumerable images of Saint Sebastian, Saint Agatha, Saint Lawrence (but not of Christ himself), with the face demonstrating its effortless superiority to the atrocious things that are being inflicted down there. Below, the ruin of the body. Above, a person, incarnated in the face, who looks away, usually up, not registering pain or fear; already elsewhere. (Only Christ, both Son of Man and Son of God, suffers in his face: has his Passion.) Our very notion of the person, of dignity, depends on the separation of face from body, on the possibility that the face may be exempt, or exempt itself, from what is happening to the body.

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, 19 2013 . 22:18 +

I remember my own childhood vividly I knew terrible things. But I knew I mustnt let adults know I knew. It would scare them. (Maurice Sendak, in conversation with Art Spiegelman, The New Yorker, 27 September 1993)


, 07 2013 . 01:42 +
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, 20 2013 . 21:14 +
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, 11 2012 . 23:24 +

I want your life, wrote the girl Id never met before.
She isnt the only one. There have been periods when I cant go a week without opening an e-mail like this from a woman somewhere between the ages of 17 and 25. Im not a celebrity, a trendsetter or an heiress. I am an escort.
So why would some women want to duplicate my circumstances?
We could blame the usual scapegoats. Secret Diary of a Call Girl is a cutesy fantasy full of adventure and expensive fashion. One-time Eliot Spitzer date Ashley Dupre became known to the country as a tan, lanky beauty sporting designer accessories on a yacht. And so-called No. 1 Escort in New York Natalia McLennan recently released a memoir of her days making $2,000 per hour. But I think the causes are far more complex than a few pop culture artifacts. The glamour of prostitution cant be traced back to the 1970s Happy Hooker Xaviera Hollander or the unrepentant schlock of Pretty Woman. Its the persistent symptom of a society that still insists sexual desirability is a womans duty, and wealth is the most important hallmark of success. A young woman who is desirable is a young woman who wields power, and that power is often bestowed in the form of cold, hard cash.

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, 03 2012 . 20:52 +
' 1973 :

Playboy: You want to be with people who live nearby and think exactly as you do?
Vonnegut: No. That isn't primitive enough. I want to be with people who don't think at all, so I won't have to think, either. I'm very tired of thinking. It doesn't seem to help very much. The human brain is too high-powered to have many practical uses in this particular universe, in my opinion. I'd like to live with alligators, think like an alligator.

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Playboy: Even if you don't remember it, did the experience of being interned -- and bombed -- in Dresden change you in any way?
Vonnegut: No. I suppose you'd think so, because that's the cliché. The importance of Dresden in my life has been considerably exaggerated because my book about it became a best seller. If the book hadn't been a best seller, it would seem like a very minor experience in my life. And I don't think people's lives are changed by short-term events like that. Dresden was astonishing, but experiences can be astonishing without changing you. It did make me feel sort of like I'd paid my dues -- being as hungry as I was for as long as I was in prison camp. Hunger is a normal experience for a human being, but not for a middle-class American human being. I was phenomenally hungry for about six months. There wasn't nearly enough to eat -- and this is sensational from my point of view, because I would never have had this experience otherwise. Other people get hit by taxicabs or have a lung collapse or something like that, and it's impressive. But only being hungry for a while -- my weight was 175 when I went into the Army and 134 when I got out of the P.O.W. camp, so we really were hungry -- just leads to smugness now. I stood it. But one of my kids, at about the same age I was, got tuberculosis in the Peace Corps and had to lie still in a hospital ward for a year. And the only people who get tuberculosis in our society now are old people, skid-row people. So he had to lie there as a young man for a year, motionless, surrounded by old alcoholics -- and this did change him. It gave him something to meditate about.


oh, canada

, 10 2012 . 20:40 +
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Thats what were going to attempt here; talk and jokesI hoperising out of the reading of the New Testament. Not that its a great book for jokes, though Christ once made a pun on Peters new name that he had given him: 'Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church'. Of course Peter is petras, a stone, in Greek. If that were translated 'Thou art Rocky and upon this rock I will build my church,' people would get the point, but it would hardly be worth it.

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, 01 2012 . 14:27 +
Nora Ephron:

One of the things people always say to you if you get upset is, dont take it personally, but listen hard to whats going on and, please, I beg you, take it personally. Understand: every attack on Hillary Clinton for not knowing her place is an attack on you. Underneath almost all those attacks are the words: get back, get back to where you once belonged. When Elizabeth Dole pretends that she isnt serious about her career, that is an attack on you. The acquittal of O.J. Simpson is an attack on you. Any move to limit abortion rights is an attack on you whether or not you believe in abortion. The fact that Clarence Thomas is sitting on the Supreme Court today is an attack on you.



, 10 2012 . 19:45 +
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