-Ïîèñê ïî äíåâíèêó

Ïîèñê ñîîáùåíèé â Toropyschka

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Ñòàòèñòèêà LiveInternet.ru: ïîêàçàíî êîëè÷åñòâî õèòîâ è ïîñåòèòåëåé
Ñîçäàí: 07.01.2013
Çàïèñåé: 1812
Êîììåíòàðèåâ: 15
Íàïèñàíî: 1837


×åòâåðã, 13 Íîÿáðÿ 2014 ã. 07:51 + â öèòàòíèê
Öèòàòà ñîîáùåíèÿ candra ÓÇÎÐÛ Â ÊÎÏÈËÊÓ. ÌÊ.

Row 1: : 2 ch miss, 5 dc/sc in next chs, 5 ch, 2 ch miss, 9 dc/sc in next chs, 5 ch, 2 ch miss, * 5 dc/sc decrease, 5 ch, 2 ch miss, 9 dc/sc in next chs, 5 ch, 2 ch miss, 4 dc/sc in next chs, 3 dc/sc in the same ch, 4 dc/sc in next chs, 5 ch, 2 ch miss, 9 dc/sc in next chs, 5 ch, 2 ch miss; rep from*, 5 dc/sc decrease, 5 ch, 2 ch miss, 9 dc/sc in next chs, 5 ch, 2 ch miss, 4 dc/sc in next chs, 2 dc/sc in the last ch, turn.

Row 2: 5 ch, 1 d.tr / tr in first dc/sc below, 3 ch, 2 clusters with 3 ch between in the same dc/sc below, 3 ch, 1 dc/sc in space of 5 ch, 3 ch, 3 clusters with 3 ch between in fifth dc/sc below, 3 ch, 1 dc/sc in space of 5 ch, * 1 dc/sc in space of 5 ch, 3 ch, 3 clusters with 3 ch between in fifth dc/sc below, 3 ch, 1 dc/sc in space of 5 ch, 3 ch, 5 clusters with 3 ch between in sixth dc/sc below, 3 ch, 1 dc/sc in space of 5 ch, 3ch, 3 clusters with 3 ch between in fifth dc/sc below, 3 ch, 1 dc/sc in space of 5 ch; rep from*, 1 dc/sc in space of 5 ch, 3 ch, 3 clusters with 3 ch between in fifth dc/sc below, 3 ch, 1 dc/sc in space of 5 ch, 3 ch, 2 clusters with 3 ch between in ch below, 1 cluster of 2 d.tr / tr in the same ch below, turn.

Row 3: 2 ch, 1 dc/sc in top of first cluster below, 3 dc/sc in space of 3 ch, 3 dc/sc in top of next cluster, 3 dc/sc in space of 3 ch, 2 dc/sc in next space of 3 ch, 1 dc/sc in dc/sc below, 2 dc/sc in space of 3 ch, work 3 dc/sc in each space between clusters and 3 dc/sc in top of middle cluster, 2 dc/sc in next space of 3 ch, * 2 dc/sc in next space of 3 ch, work 3 dc/sc in each space between clusters and 3 dc/sc in top of middle cluster, 2 dc/sc in next space of 3 ch, 1 dc/sc in dc/sc below, 2 dc/sc in next space of 3 ch, work 3 dc/sc in each space between clusters and 3 dc/sc in top of second, third and fourth clusters, 2 dc/sc in next space of 3 ch, 1 dc/sc in dc/sc below, 2 dc/sc in space of 3 ch, work 3 dc/sc in each space between clusters and 3 dc/sc in top of middle cluster, 2 dc/sc in next space of 3 ch; rep from*, 2 dc/sc in next space of 3 ch, work 3 dc/sc in each space between clusters and 3 dc/sc in top of middle cluster, 2 dc/sc in next space of 3 ch, 1 dc/sc in dc/sc below, 2 dc/sc in next space of 3 ch, work 3 dc/sc in each space between clusters, 3 dc/sc in top of second clusters and 2 dc/sc in top of last cluster, turn.

Row 6: 5 ch, 1 d.tr / tr in first dc/sc below, 3 ch, 2 clusters with 3 ch between in the same dc/sc below, 3 ch, 1 dc/sc in space of 5 ch, 3 ch, 3 clusters with 3 ch between in sixth dc/sc below, 3 ch, 1 dc/sc in space of 5 ch, * 1 dc/sc in space of 5 ch, 3 ch, 3 clusters with 3 ch between in sixth dc/sc below, 3 ch, 1 dc/sc in space of 5 ch, 3 ch, 5 clusters with 3 ch between in sixth dc/sc below, 3 ch, 1 dc/sc in space of 5 ch, 3ch, 3 clusters with 3 ch between in sixth dc/sc below, 3 ch, 1 dc/sc in space of 5 ch; rep from*, 1 dc/sc in space of 5 ch, 3 ch, 3 clusters with 3 ch between in sixth dc/sc below, 3 ch, 1 dc/sc in space of 5 ch, 3 ch, 2 clusters with 3 ch between in ch below, 1 cluster of 2 d.tr / tr in the same ch below, turn.

Repeat rows 3 - 6 until you have reached your desired length.



Ðóáðèêè:  ÓÇÎÐÛ/Óçîðû êðþ÷êîì


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