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: 27.04.2012
: 1191
: 148
: 1761


, .

: (35), (15), -(2), (68), (8), , , ..(25), (1), (50), (56), (1), - Boho(11), (11), (1), (16), , . (37), (1), :(75), : -(60), .(58), (21), (27), , (23), (28), : , , (63), - (82), (15), (0), (6), (36), , (7), (66), (17), (28), (60), (3), . (3), (6), (8), (10), (142), (28), , ,(57), (5), - (19), (34), (6), , , , ...(16), (48), (25), (8), ,, (4), Picture(1), MOVIES(3), Engelbert Humperdinck(4), Dance with me!(10), (0), (0), (0)

Reading in English, Movies

, 29 2015 . 10:33 +


Bias Binding Technique with Judy Tucker

, 19 2014 . 14:01 +


, 17 2014 . 20:55 +



, 07 2014 . 09:47 +



, 27 2014 . 12:07 +
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHGWre0Nq4g Programm ANKI


1) first of all -
First of all, Dr Zoidberg, do you even have a medical degree?
2) deep down - ( )
I have misgivings about this mission, but deep down, I know we're doing the right thing
3) by the way -
And by the way, Sherman didn't even get laid.
4) in short [in brief] in a word -
In short: I think it's time to start talking about a divorce.
5) as to [as for -
As for why they didn't film in Scotland, no idea, probably a budget issue.
6) for one's part] on one's part -
I know for my part that I'd surrender everything, honor included, in order to get out of the mess.
7) believe it or not - ,
Believe it or not, I have more important things to do today than laugh and clap my hands.
8) look here -
Look here, Fillmore, what is it you'd really like to do? Tell me!
9) above all -
But above all it made me think about things.
10) in all probability / in all likelihood -
February 13th, 2001, was in all probability a day neither more nor less amazing than any other day
11) needless to say -
My father and I don't get along; he doesn't approve of my lifestyle and, needless to say, I don't approve of his.
12) something tells me - - ,.
Something tells me I could easily beat those trained professionals.
13) after all -
I didn't think you'd show your face around me again. I figured you were humiliated. You did run away, after all.
14) what's more -
I would say: "Sure! Sure, I'm in love with her! And what's more, I'm going to be faithful to her!"
15) the thing is - ,
Well, the thing is, I don't want to stay at any hotels on the East Side where I might run into some acquaintances of mine.

at any price -
be in for it -
be that as it may -
be too much for smb -
be well off -
can't do anything with - -
carry ( gain ) one's point -
do well -
down and out -
get a grip on smth -
get into trouble -
get nowhere] not get anywhere - -
get the worst of it [have the worst of it -
give way to - ,
go] get far - ,
go to waste -
go up in smoke -
golden opportunity -
good for nothing -
good fortune -
Good job! - , !
I shall never get over it -
in trouble with - , .
in vain -
It could have been worse -
It didn't work out -
It is in the bag -
It leaves much to be desired -
It serves you right -
It was a failure -
It was a great fun -
It was a success -
It was no fun -
It was quite a job -
it's no go -
It's no good -
It's not up to the mark -
let smb down -
make a fortune -
make good - -
make headaway -
make one's way -
make the grade -
make use of -
Next time lucky -
on the nose -
on the right track -
Shit happens - .
Sink or swim -
stand a chance -
take a chance that - ,
take advantage of - ,
take one's chance -
take one's chances - ,
That'll do -
That's the way to do it -
Things happen -
What a pity! - !
What's done is done -
within a hair's breadth -
without a hitch -
: " "
. - I'd like to place an order.
. - I would like supper.
. - I would like a continental breakfast.
? - What drink would you like before dinner?
, . - I'll have whatever you recommend.
? - What do you recommend?
? - What is the specialty of the house.
, . - Menu, please.
, . - May I have the menu and the wine list, please?
? - Do you serve vegetarian food?
? - Is there an English menu?
? - What kind of soup are you serving today?
? - What's the cocktail of the day?
? - May I take your order?
. - I'll have the same thing.
. - I'll have this.
? - How long will it take?
(). - Scrambled eggs.
. - I'll just have a ham sandwich.
. - I'll have a T-bone steak with fried potatoes.
, ? - Would you like fried, baked or mashed potatoes?
? - How would you like it?
, . - Medium rare, please.
, . - Well - done, please.
, . - Please show me the wine list.
? - What kind of wine do you have?
. - I would like a bottle of white wine.
? - How much is a whole bottle?
? - How much is a glass?
() - I would like a cup of coffee (tea).
? - May I have a glass of water?
? - Orange juice or tomato juice?
- ? - How about some dessert?
, . - Pancakes and a milk shake, please.


How go to your Dream....

, 24 2014 . 09:37 +


The Biblical Money Code

, 24 2014 . 09:05 +


Johnnie Walker - The Man Who Walked Around The World

, 25 2013 . 17:38 +


, 03 2013 . 09:26 +
http://www.delightenglish.ru/serial/case1.html English Video Learn

http://www.nytimes.com/video/fashion -nice for hearing




get up - , ( )
get out -
Get out!- !
get on with- -,
How are you getting on? - ?
get around- ,
get away with -
You can't get away with it! - !
get better-
I feel my English is getting better.
get lost- , ,
Get lost! - !
get down- ,
get drunk-
get rid of smth.-
You need to get rid of stress first!
get through - , -
Her mobile was switched off, so I couldn't get through.

It goes without saying -
Eat one's words -
Enough of it -
go into details -
I don't care -
I have no idea -
I mean it! -
I wish I knew - !
It doesn't matter -
It doesn't make sense -
It doesn't prove a thing -
It' s none of your business -
It's a lie -
It's all the same to me -
It's beside the point -
It's new to me -
It's out of place -
It's up to you -
It's waste of time -
Let's clear it up - .
Let's drop the subject -
Mind one's own business -
no matter -
point of view -
pros and cons -
say one's say -
side against -
So what? - ?
speak one's mind -
stand one's ground -
stand to reason - ,
take a side -
take a stand -
take into account -
That's not the point -
That's very well, but - , .
to one's face - ( )
up against -
Use your own judgement -
What are you driving at? - ?
What are you talking about? - !
What for? - ?
What of it? - ?
You can take it from me -


- Cinch; cert; sure thing
, - Cool; gas; funky; cold
- By no means
, - Exactly; that's it; that's cold; you
have a case
- That's true; true
- Perhaps (so)
Perhaps not
- Very likely
, - O'kay; all right; deal
- That's right; right you are
, - I think so; it seems to me
, - I don't think so
- As you like
- If you like
, - I see; it's clear
- Not yet
- This one
- Not this one
- That one
- Not that one
- This way
- That's the way I like it (better)
( )
- Not this way
- These
- Not these
- Those
- Not those
- Here; it's here
- Not here; it's not here
- There; it's there
- Not there; it's not there
- Now
- Not now
, - Right now; right away
, - At once
- Everybody
- Not everybody
- Everyone
- Everywhere
- Nothing


... ,

, 24 2013 . 11:16 +


at any price -
be in for it -
be that as it may -
be too much for smb -
be well off -
can't do anything with - -
carry / gain one's point -
do well -
down and out -
get a grip on smth -
get into trouble -
get nowhere / not get anywhere - -
get the worst of it / have the worst of it -
give way to - ,
go / get far - ,
go to waste -
go up in smoke -
golden opportunity -
good for nothing -
good fortune -
Good job! - , !
I shall never get over it -
in trouble with - , .
in vain -
It could have been worse -
It didn't work out -
It is in the bag -
It leaves much to be desired -
It serves you right -
It was a failure -
It was a great fun -
It was a success -
It was no fun -
It was quite a job -
it's no go -
It's no good -
It's not up to the mark -
let smb down -
make a fortune -
make good - -
make headaway -
make one's way -
make the grade -
make use of -
Next time lucky -
on the nose -
on the right track -
Shit happens - .
Sink or swim -
stand a chance -
take a chance that - ,
take advantage of - ,
take one's chance -
take one's chances - ,
That'll do -
That's the way to do it -
Things happen -
What a pity! - !
What's done is done -
within a hair's breadth -
without a hitch -

I wish you good luck! - !
We are in luck. - !
It's a run of luck -
It will turn out well - !
By good luck -
It is bad luck -
I'm out of luck -
No such luck for me! - - .
It is a real fiasco - .
I let the chance slip - .


What if - , ...
Go ahead - ,
if I were you. - .
you had better. -
had rather -
what's the use of -
at full blast / at full power - ,
be in touch / keep in touch / get in touch - / /
when it comes to -
feel one's way - ,
be careful not to - , .
get together -
get the better of / get the best of -
near at hand -
do away with something - ,
put an end to - -
do a job on something - ,
do one's best -
do with / do without - - / -
have / get a grip on - / -
get a move on / get rolling / get going / get cracking - ,
have a thing about - , -
make a fuss -
put in order -
set right / put right - - ,
be at pains / take pains -
on one's own -
to the bone -

disturb - /
trouble -
offend -
insult -
hurt - /
slander -
judge -
punish -


Speech of Steve Jobs' before graduates Stanford

, 23 2013 . 09:36 +


Good to know...

, 15 2013 . 16:22 +

15 :

give in/give up = ,
call off = ;
pull through = ()
put off = (-. );
look after =
put up with = c (-. / -.), , (-.)
carry on =
look forward to = ;
break up = ( , ), ( , )
blow out = ( ),
pass out =
look up = (-. , , )
look down on = (-.),
turn into =
get away with = , ,


1 (450x654, 33Kb)


ENGLISH songs ... and Lesson !

, 17 2013 . 21:57 +



, 01 2013 . 19:30 +



, 21 2012 . 16:08 +
70 [ + !]


LinguaLeo. «». , , .

. , , .

, , .

, . . , .

. , , . . .

. «», , . , .


. . , , .



English, samouchitel

, 16 2012 . 14:44 +


ENGLISH, lessons, grammatica

, 16 2012 . 21:04 +



, 06 2012 . 15:55 +
Video - English

http://www.homeenglish.ru/Popular.htm !!!!! Popular English words

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqKGAg0YFlo&feature=channel ENGLISH
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHBn1lKUdig&feature=channel ENGLISH
: ""

, . - Bill, please.
, . - Check, please.
? - Could I have the bill, please?
? - Can I get the check, please?
. - I would like to pay now, please.
? - How much do I owe you?
? - How much is the total?
? - Does the bill include the service charge?
, . - I believe the bill is added up wrong.
. - The bill is on me.
. - I treat you to dinner this evening.
, . - Put it on my bill, please.
. - I am paying for everything.
. - We are paying separately.
. - Let's split the bill.
. - Let me pay my share.
. - Keep the change, please.


. 16 .

, 05 2012 . 12:59 +
70 [ + !]

. 16 .


, .



, 03 2012 . 15:24 +
__ [ + !]



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