theGreatKatsby theGreatKatsby 1988-10-26 female 2486 1352 1291 Guys, I'm going to make this perfectly clear: I can NOT speak, write, or understand Russian. Я не говорю по-русски! Sure, I know a few words and phrases, but really not enough to write in it. Therefore, I write in English--a language I CAN write fluently in. I would also like everyone to note that if you leave me a comment or something in Russian, I will most likely not be able to read it--especially if there are slang words. Believe me, I would like to learn Russian. And I do plan on learning it some day. But for now, my only two languages are English and German--nothing else. I don't have the opportunity as of yet to learn any other language. That's just the way it is, and if you have a problem with it, you can go fuck yourself. Thank you.<br /><br /><br /> <a href="" title="Myspace Graphics"><img src="" width="100" height="80" alt="myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics" border="0" /></a><br /><br /> <a href="" title="Myspace Graphics"><img src="" width="68" height="97" alt="myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics" border="0" /></a><br /><br /> <div class="vw_widget_wrapper-pl"><div class="vw_widget_header-pl"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Utwórz drzewo genealogiczne na" /></a></div><div class="vw_widget_content-pl"><a href=""> <img src="" width="90" height="80" alt="Mapa nazwisk Klimczak" /></a><div class="info">Podział nazwisk <strong> Klimczak</strong></div><p id="vw_form_label-pl">Pochodzenie Twojego nazwiska?</p><form action="" name="vw_namesearch-form" method="get" target="_blank"><input type="hidden" name="utm_medium" value="widget_search_form" /><input type="text" id="vw_last-name-pl" name="detail" /><button type="submit" name="map-submit" id="vw_widget_submit-pl"></button></form></div><div class="vw_widget_footer-pl"> </div></div> --Spot-- 2278175 male -Шпротик- 2207277 female AleS000 2740677 male anniki_benniki 2788540 female A_dying_angel 2679141 female Crayon_Lady 1011014 female Eddy86 637430 male Faba 713380 female Integral_H 2044679 male I_Long_To_Die 1914821 female Jankowski 1941641 male Just_Katrina 1829937 female Kammy_Liberton 2332004 female LadySacrifice 1911816 female Life_addicted 1150672 female Mnvova 3051479 male MysticalChen 1248939 male nurochka 1273628 female ok_nevermind 2220100 female Ovekavts 3011293 male Polonia 926695 female Princess-Ai 1615616 female Queen_For_a_Day_ 1323557 female Russian_Justin 1392391 male Silence-force 2161635 female so_awesome 1102649 male stoppp 1145420 female Terra_CaT 2060330 female vasha_KX 1462305 female vvadikva 2208221 male Wandelhalle 1913640 male Xanty 1784948 female x_strange_fox 1929373 male Yamatogun 1594892 male Алексей_Сандов 3420095 male Арра 1667695 female КалиЮга 1692896 male Метаргем 1832752 male Мисс_Амика 1864945 female Прекрасно-Премудрая 3185107 female