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: 01.07.2011
: 363



, 29 2013 . 16:03 +
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. , . . . 14-00 20 . .. :

The inventor of Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics the grown-up. The scientific employee the candidate of engineering science Oleg Ivanovich knew about plunder of property for the sum equivalent to cost to fifteen of apartments. To not admit (allow) investigation of this plunder it(he) was have seized in the street. It(him) have placed in psychiatric hospital. In psychiatric hospital Oleg Ivanovich have put the ultimatum. While it(he) will not give the consent to the second group of physical inability on psychiatric disease from psychiatric hospital it(him) will not let out. To speed up reception of the consent subjected . The group of physical inability was necessary to not admit(allow) to work the nominated commission. On the reference(manipulation) of the people of physical inability, having group, on psychiatric disease it is possible to not answer. The investigation of investigation is possible to not carry out(spend). The tenth of September on Tuesday of this year namely in two thousand thirteenth time at fourteen o'clock in the afternoon 14-00 in Kuybishevskiy court to the address Karavannaya the house twenty 20 are held judicial session. The judge Ujanskaya N A. Should establish: whether is lawful Oleg Ivanovich was placed in psychiatric hospital of the Requests wishing to reach to support http://kiainform.ru sudebniyproizvol@mail.ru

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