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Вторник, 06 Июля 2021 г. 23:33 (ссылка)
Vedism. Complete control of elves (Elf magic). Full version. R. 38 203 points
§ The Universe is infinite, as there would be something else for any boundaries, and such an universe would be only part of the greater universe. § The knowledge of the object is inseparable from the perception of knowing. § There is a root cause. § Property Application = Self-satisfaction. § Proper thinking, that is, the establishment of reasons and consequences should begin with the true beginning - self-acting and go to the end, and not start from an arbitrary point in the middle of the chain and end with another arbitrary item in the middle of this chain. § Miroping: Global (infinite) and local (final, relative) worldware (laws). § The question of the reason for the self-acting is meaningless. § Control of the cause is control of the investigation. § Consciousness (observer) and ether as a foremost, including the active form of ether - plasma, there are root causes of everything, and self-recognition themselves. It is impossible to exist the object unconscious - the ether as a paragraph. § The identity of abstract concepts (TAP). The abstract concept due to a large intersecting amount of information contains signs of another abstract concept. § Ether there is consciousness. Consciousness and ether have in addition to self-recognition by other common signs: infinity, quantitative and high-quality transition, synergy, fractality, delicacy, variability, multipleness of phenomena, causing (greater complexity of the cause with respect to the consequence), self-duration, inertia, structuring, attraction, etc. . For example, inertia is visible when the stain is saved from light on the inner screen with closed eyes. § Ether is a substantial substance. Substance is identical to space. The space is formed by measurements, for example, three, and in this case, something more, that is, it has a greater supply of information and energy, synergy (1 + 1 = 3) is observed. Space exists within infinity, formed by 1 part of infinity, which contains all the infinite number of objects and their species 2 at the same time it is part of it, which gives it stability, uniformity. From the point of view of itself, the ether is something, from the point of view of the real level - substance, space. § Simplified geometrically ether can be viewed in gas - or hydromodel. § Information plays an essential role, as the consciousness of the information system. § Fields and substance There are esters with a limited number of measurements. § Everything can and should be badly rationally, that is, as it is, although it is impossible to fully in force of the infinity of the ether, checked independently, including the above. Cognition should go systemically, with the identification of prison and consequences. § The limb cannot fully know infinity, but can know it partially. § Contrafection in describing complex systems inevitable from the point of view of binary logic. § Information in the description of complex systems cannot be set forth in successively for the final consciousness. § At the real level there are always coexistence minimum of three options, object species. § rational (more rational) knowledge has sources: conducting reasoning to the end including with the transition to higher levels of abstraction, search Maximum abstract primarmachine and the establishment of links between them, recognition of the impossibility of the existence of a phenomenon without consciousness - ether (observer) as a paragraph, the ability to allocate the main and secondary, priority of synthesis over the analysis in the final picture of knowledge, the principled impossibility of the complete description of the infinity of the limb, the inadequacy of binary logic in the description complex systems, the existence of at the same time at least three types of any object, the absence of harsh borders between objects, multi-element thinking and perception, observation, atrocity and multi-mindedness as sources of material phenomena, practice, meditation (self-knowledge, that is, the establishment of the structure of the psyche), the laws of Ether-Consciousness. Pseudo-original (small) knowledge does not relieve the indicated sources, including the conduct of reasoning to the end with the transition to higher levels of abstraction, the search for Primemaker, does not recognize the subjectivity of knowledge, has the priority of analyzing the synthesis in the final picture of knowledge. Its results are pseudo-original: it is not possible to allocate the primitive, which means to control their consequences to the fullest. Pseudo-original knowledge does not increase the level of abstraction of knowledge, that is, not moving to new quality. Such knowledge is moving only on one level of abstraction, actually inventing the same phenomena. Since everything is possible, there is everything that the observer wants. Thus, these phenomena become real, but do not bring any benefit: the local knowledge of 1000 species of the real object (phenomena) cannot replace the global knowledge of the world order as a whole. Rational knowledge may not be obtained by an observer if it is hidden and fear of such knowledge. § Any combination of objects, including infinite, can be considered as one object. Ether There are 1 unit object 2 Infinite set of all its forming objects. You can talk about atroconducting (homogeneous, fixing) and multi-mindedness. § Types of causality: 1 Individuality 2 Locality. § Infinity The most powerful subject. § The observer is infinite = self-added. Property for infinity = self-recognition is only at the observer. § In infinity, there are other infinity. § Infinity is learned by accepting the fact of its existence, that is, the disconnection of absolute protocols of thinking: single (trigger, stimulatory) and double (binary, dichotomous). The essence of these protocols is that the values in them are absolute, that is, at the same way. § Absolute protocol 1 connects different types of object to one (converts several information packets to one) 2 At the same time, more complex types of object are subject to simpler 3, it produces a number of operations with information, including the addition, removal of atroconductivity = self-recognition without the schedulor. § There is a limb. § Infinity is engaged in cognition itself, as it has nothing behind its limits. Cognition is self-approval and structure of ether. For the knowledge of its filling, infinity limits itself - it creates a cencheness (relativity, boundedness, locality, considered, quality information), since 1 infinity as a single object is uniform 2 infinity as the entire infinite set of objects and their species - uncertainty that can not be good. § The limb is created by joint actions of atrocularity and multi-mindedness. Similarly plays a big role here. § The limb has the property of comparison and considered. § Infinity Creates a limb to limit focus of attention, separation to the subject and object. § The finiteness of non-prison, therefore in some sense does not exist. § First there are 1 infinity 2 consciousness as an information structure 3 of measurements, the values of which form an object (Lind) and types of an object. Therefore, first there are types of object, and then a specific type of object - a real phenomenon. § At the real level simultaneously coexist at least three types of object. For example, with the nebacklation of the cup, it 1 exists 2 does not exist 3 exists - does not exist. The absolute protocols of thinking, single and binary, do not miss the third type of object into consciousness. § Types of infinity 1 Similarity (homogeneous, fixing), i.e. which fixes the phenomenon as a view of Linda 2 multi-phenomenon (the whole set of phenomena species, lind). § Similarity is rich in homogeneous information, but it is still an infinite amount of information. Therefore, from a certain point of view, the comparison of the finite, in fact at the same way, the phenomena is impossible, since each of them is unique. § Information: At the shameless (unserved, high-quality) and multi-dimensional (considered, quantitative, discrete, relativity). Technical (ensuring the existence of other information by separating the initial consciousness into parts) and the effective (meaningful, subject to knowledge). According to the degree of information saturation in descending order: complex geometric (thought, information, an impossible visual representation for the final consciousness of certain complexity), symbolic, visual (figure, color), audial, tactile, mixed, etc. Possible to visual representation for the final form of a certain complexity and impossible (complex geometric, thought). Technical: Measurement. Lind (Object) - 1 Limited by the number concerned with a combination of measurements 2 All kinds of Linda 3 phenomenon in the substance - a specific type of Linda formed by specific measurement values. Metiaformation. There is a measurement, which is capable of having quantitative values. Examples of measurements: height, length, circle, waist, color, occurrence frequency, etc. § Channels for information receipt: visual, audible, tactile, etc. Each channel has two subchannels: ethereal (plasma) and real. It is impossible so that at the shade is attached to the real subchannel, as it makes it impossible to complete control (magic). When deciding and transferring attention to the plasma podkanal, the eyes are determined, and the phenomena are blurred, becoming a lindom (object), that is, plasma. That is, instead of a specific type of Linda - the phenomenon begins to be perceived by the Lind itself. § Object (Lind) formed by measurements, types of object formed by measurement values are preceded by phenomenon in the substance and can be selected by an observer. Phenomenon - View of Linda and Plasma. § If the object is perceived in a narrow range of measurements and values, it is at similarity, if it is widely, this is multi-minded. § The cognition of the object 1 is conducted by a narrow range of measurements and their values, that is, in the simplifying format, since multipleness = uncertainty, and the fact that it is impossible to vainly know. 2, as a result, it is conducted by multiple appeals. 3 is conducted through other phenomena due to the non-promptness of the phenomenon. To study the phenomenon and related phenomena should be stable: do not disappear and not change properties throughout these appeals. At the same time, the exact perception does not allow perception of the entire potential set of types of Linda at once, therefore, measurements and values for reference are built up in one-way directional length with the beginning and end. Ethimation exists to prevent the study of the same one. Start and end, that is, borders, generate the limited information, including the desired and undesirable for the form. The border is also set Units of cognition, a certain order of knowledge. Similar perception form a real level, space and time. These objects have limit information, measurements and their values. Time 1 Separate measurement 2 The number of replaceable values of the phenomenon A according to any measurement that is tied to the number of replaceable values in the phenomenon in, for one appeal of the observer. This change is one-way directionally directed on the scale, limited by the number of steps for one reading of the scale, is required due to neighboring values during the transition. § The object can be perceived by one and not perceived by another observer, there is if it is perceived by even one observer, it has signs including "exists only in the perception of the observer," has a certain amount of information, that is, complexity. § The object can exist 1 from the inner cause, self-acting 2 of the external cause. The object from the external cause exists while there is an external reason itself. Such a phenomenon, in contrast to the self-recognition object, there is an investigative object. Therefore, any object may be infinite or finite by solving the observer. § Modes of perception of the detention facility (phenomena) 1 Simplifying (high-quality, unserved, indivisible, when you can not choose the types of object) 2 multi-minded (quantitative when you can choose the types of object). § Phenomenon with attached simplicity, that is, non-frequency, there is high-quality information. There is a quantitative information, considered, part of the length of all possible states of the object (Linda) without attached simplicity. § Isolation of a specific phenomenon range from multi-phenomena and its fixation of atroconductance - various operations of complete control (magic). § The phenomenon enshrined by atroconductance occupies the only place in the field of attention among the possible similar. § Simplifting the disparate potential considered information into one unread object. § There is meditation, observation and analysis of your psyche, at sunset (emptiness). This is the direction of attention to the air as a whole. Visually-tactful is the observation of the inner screen - the space that creates the images with which the observer temporarily identifies itself, with the understanding of the identity, I am this screen-space. Visual perception: black, white, black, black (lighting), transparent, gray, purple, yellow, glass, light dots on a black background. Tactile perception: self-satisfaction. Mind appeal is to hold the concept of infinity and its homogeneity in consciousness. § Similarity - interconnecting each other objects, that is, multi-mindedness. Both infinity is complex geometric information, that is, this information is impossible for a complete visual perception of the final consciousness of a certain complexity. § Meditation for atroconductance There are meditation for self-procurement. § Meditation for atroconductance There are intrinsicness. § Simplity 1 is used in meditation 2 in full control issues. § Understanding of self-recognition There is noiselessness (belonging) - lack of communication Subject 1 - observer and subject 2 - temporarily independent of the observer object. § The world is a complex simulation of an observer, which has its own laws that need to be taken into account when managing it. § Single thinking consists of single and double protocols. Their essence is that they are operated by absolute, that is, endless, and therefore unintended, values, since these quantities are only one or two. Thus, a simple phenomenon at an internal limb has an infinite source of energy from atroconductivity. § Interaction with the limb for some time can create a template, the habit of atrocked perception. As a result, this leads to accumulation of claims. § The structure of the substance as the level of ether in the complexity of its organization cannot act as a matter of phenomena that exist at the real level and at the same time it is more complicated (causing). This makes endless ether consciousness. Therefore, the substance is incomprehensible, illusory. The laws of ether-consciousness are priority to the laws of the substance at the level of the substance itself. § Single-minded perception can create an unnecessary observer of world hostility patterns, limited resources, the need for resource account, increased external environmental control. § The phenomena that violate the power benefits and the information content peculiar to the real level are explained by the loan of infinite energy and information from Ether-consciousness, and are signs of non-promptness, information misappropriation, including complexity and diversity, real level. § Examples of the use of energy and intellectual possibilities of Ether by an observer - telepathy. Increase and decrease in the room temperature during emotions. The body's possibility to withstand strong shocks exceeding the strength of the body when the power screen is created. The ability to raise heavy cargo in an emergency. The appearance of plasmoids and affiliates of this ionization of air (ozonation), click, curvature of space, materialization and dematerialization of things, anti-gravity, teleportation. §§§ Ether-consciousness structure: 1 Simplifyingness and multi-mindedness. Similarity = multipleness. 2 Infinity and limb. 3 regularities of ether. 4 Limit 4.1 Laws of the ultimate information. 4.2 Character (real shape, body), close-up-position space (BPP), remote-constrained space (ODPE) 4.3 Infinite multiverse with options (linden parameter values) by complexity and options for one complexity. It is divided into potential and realization. The potential is unobservable options. Implementation - observed options. 4.4 Forms of matter in the number of descending measurements of motion, degrees of freedom: plasma ether, fields, substance with sublevels. For example, the substance has a biodiversity of biology. § Fact - temporarily sustainable phenomenon in focus of observer attention, existing with its permission or permission of part of its consciousness (default). § Awareness - 1 Holistic picture of the world with all causal relationships, ranging from self-site. 2 The presence of an object in the focus of the observer attention. Non-awareness - 1 object outside the focus of the observer 2 narrow focus of attention. § The purpose of life can be formulated as knowledge of objects in a real and universal form. For Ether - this is a self-knowledge, since there is nothing beyond. Materially this is self-approval and structure formation of the ether. § The processes simultaneously proceed globally and locally, simultaneously in the body, close-to-intersonic space, distant-accelerated space. § The process of the endlessness of infinity to the form (limb) has steps: self-recovery - the restriction of multi-infinite perception - the division on itself (subject) and the other (object) - the acquisition of a form for the knowledge of phenomena - the division of the world to the desired and undesirable for form - dependence on the impermanence of existence of the desired phenomena, unwanted undesirable phenomena - acquisition of a new form in order to further interact with the desired, solving problems with undesirable. § At different levels of the organization of ether the course of processes can go to different directions. § Multifying options can be divided into 1 options with the ability to create a substance without moving to other options (magic) 2 without this possibility. The set of options can be viewed as one option. § The multual axle option is self-contained, self-sufficient information. § Reincarnation - the transition from one real form to another in the variants of the multual axes of one and varying complexity. Maybe with the preservation of information, with erasure. Favorable with the preservation of information. In reincarnation, a change of subject 1 and the subject 2 is possible on a specific situation in the following embodiment, since between the embodiments of the subject 1 and the subject 2 is one. Subject 2 just the projection of consciousness. This means that subjects can change places, which should be treated carefully. § It is advantageous to stay in at the same time and multi-mindedness at the same time. § Mass = Energy. § There is no information without a carrier, as a carrier without information. There is no carrier without energy, as there is no energy without a carrier. No energy without information. § The mass of the ether's volume is much larger than the mass of the volume of the same volume. § Ether is infinite with energy (mass), which is managed by information. Operations with information are possible only in the consciousness of the observer. § Ether-consciousness There are info-engineerity with complex = uncertain properties. § Information plays a leading role. § Extraction of energy ether and the use of endless information (intellectual possibilities) is possible only with the participation and choice of the observer. § Projection (Symbol) There is information that an object emits with loss of information. There are projections between the variants of the multi-dealer, including from more complex variants of the multiverse in a simpler one. Things of a specific option are the projection of another option. § The object may have more infoenergy producer than only the visible real form. Part of the information may be unclear and visually look like uncertainty, white noise - blur, light, darkening, etc. § The phenomenon is capable of attributing the attention of the observer (the impossibility of ignoring) in the simplifying mode, since 1 was created at similarity, and therefore some monotonous, but infinite information 3 has a certain information complexity, that is, also created by multi-shapedness. There is indivisible information engineering, which means the mass depends on the number of information. § The system is more complicated by the internal structure will more attribute the attention of the observer than the simple one. In at the same time, the simple system can infinitely attribute the attention of the observer. § A simple system is interested in ensuring that the observer interacts with it in at the same time, that is, in absolute thinking, in single and binary thinking protocols. § Simple system can attribute self-recognition, although only the observer has it and gives it a matter of it. To do this, such a system is necessary that the observer is in at sightseeing mode, without understanding, and did not know about 1 infinity = self-recognition as such 2 at similarity and multi-mindedness, since then the observer manages them. In case of ignorance, there are only atrochephability, which gives a simple system of infinite energy, that is, weighing. §§ Equation of complexity: complexity = multipleness = self-adequacy = self-recognition = self-consciousness = Multi-element = useful observer internal diversity = quantitative and high-quality transition, new quality = synergy = beauty, including body body = MULTIPLE = uncertainty = novelty = self-sufficiency = self-primaryness = open-closed system for choosing an observer = Agreement = Opportunity = Total calm = Globality (nonlocality). Reverse wording: simplicity = only at thenesebandness = non-promption = non-Association = Low-element = monotony = no quantitative transition, new quality = no synergies = non-spacing, including body body = littleness = uncertainty / definiteness = stagnation = Open System = Outdoor = Nevenacity = Impossibility = overall alarms = locality. § The complexity equation lists the most abstract concepts (NAP). §Pare - information in the complex form § Appeal to one at the bottom - appeal to all. § The concept of the second level is synergy, quantitatively a quality transition. § Elements of consciousness may contact among themselves the most in the same ways in view of their complexity. They can communicate once, repeatedly, fractal. § The control system should be more difficult and more diverse controlled (greater complexity of the cause with respect to a consequence, complexity). § Difficulty - the amount of information that creates new quality. § Meaning (high-quality) information - info-engineerity, capable of causing interest, that is, attract the attention of the observer to themselves because of the difficulty perceived. The fact that for one consciousness makes sense, for the other it does not have, since it is not capable of pulling it with the right strength. § The complex system has more information than the simple, and therefore more information engineer, mass. A simple system stretches to a complex, and the complex does not stretch, it stretches less to a simple, or differently, a heavier system attracts with more less massive objects with 1 weighing 2 Multiple, when an element of a simpler system is cling to a large number of measurements more massive. Multi-minded information is interesting, as more diverse, including Mullizna 3 always possesses novelty, as uncertainty = novelty. § A more abstract object attracts more, as it consists of specificity, that is, has more information. § Operations with information: creating, destruction, change, comparison, connection, disconnection, establishment of connections including causes and consequences, etc. § Operation on information, including a multi-minded, discrete level, is an operation in which at least two data arrays actually participate. An information array has the beginning and end for reading. During the operation, the third new one is obtained. Therefore, an elementary information processing unit, in other words, the logical element often has two or more inputs and at least one output. If the input is a signal, then this is the availability of information, and the absence of the signal means the absence of information. § The logical element processes the minimum unit of discrete information, that is, it deals with multi-infinite information. The described logical element performs operations of unification, exceptions and inversions, and their associations are composite logical elements more complex. The logical element and the storage element in the discrete form is neuron. § Neural network - a set of neurons and connections between them. Neural networks are 1 capable of self-development, where information changes in neurons, the relationship between neurons, the number of neurons, the neurons 2 themselves are unable. § Ether can be represented as an infinite neural network, as the information exists in it, including in a multi-element form. These quanta protrude with neurons. The possibilities of such a neural network are infinite, as the ether is infinite. On the air there are infinite many other types of logical units of different complexity. Hence the infinite intelligent power of the ether and the existence of an infinite number of phenomena. § A complex system from elementary logical elements can be acquainted in principle another system of less complexity. Since the consciousness is the air, you can know everything. § Consciousness - a neural network having atrocked (qualitative) and multi-sized (quantitative) types of information. Signs of consciousness: self-recognition. Synergy as a result of self-recognition. Self-consciousness. Curriculum (complex empathy). Reflection of the medium. Availability of quality information. Will - the ability of the system to manage its parts based on synergies. Intellect - operations with information. Memory - storage of information. Instincts are basic goals in an external environment with periodic reset results. Individuality - the presence of unique qualitative features. Worldview. Conduct patterns (programs, ready-made algorithms of action). Emotions (sensations) - synergistic processes at the level of high-quality information. The absence of these signs is talking about the psevdasciousness. § Synergy There is a manifestation of infinity in the limb, when there is a loan of the infinite information engineer of the ether. InfoEnergomatterium in the system therefore exceeds the set of elements of its components. § self-awareness - knowledge of the availability of yourself as 1 separate subject in medium with its own interests, and therefore 2 knowledge of the laws of functioning of the environment 3 Analysis of oneself from the part in this environment 4 regulation of itself for operation in Wednesday 5 desire to increase knowledge about the environment and itself, When it is spent from 50% of the energy of the system 5, the desire to increase the level of abstractness of the qualitative level of thinking 6 desire for self-preservation. § Pseudo-volume consists of unrelated quality information modules unrelated. It can imitate self-consciousness, but behavior is dispersed with declarations, since there is no center of unified management and it is possible to influence its parts. § Observer determines whether the object has a self-consciousness or not. § Personality is a type of consciousness. Specifications: 1 Specificity of information 2 Large centrality 3 The isolation 4 is a large role of instincts. § Consciousness descending complexity: 1 Essential 2 Consciousness for functioning in the environment Character facilities (social) 3 consciousness for the functioning of the real form. Each has intelligence and memory modules. § Consciousness of the observer are divided according to the degree of information capacity, that is, in terms of abstractness of information on an infinite (high-quality) level. § The interest of the consciousness of one level to the consciousness of another level comes from 1 need to exist in limb 2 possibilities of finding self-knowledge, if another consciousness has sufficient complexity, since it is its subsystem for the observer, the level of complexity of which it raises all other parts of its psyche. § more complex = abstract consciousness is not perceived easier as a person, since, according to the simplest there is no level of specificity in it, and it does not have similar values. § A more complex consciousness looks for simpler as a set of information. § A more complex consciousness can organize for a simpler projection that will communicate with it at its simpler level of abstraction. §§§ Thinking (intelligence) - Input processing operations, creating output information, which often describes the existence / non-existence of an object. In the format of atrocular (qualitative) information, this is conditionally one, two or more array of information that are reduced together (and one array is transformed) to obtain a third output in operations. Operations at the level of atoness information: establishing the existence / non-existence of an object, combining information, disconnect information, comparison of information, establishing causes and consequences including over the levels of abstraction, subsystems and oversystems. These operations make sense only in the format of atrocular (qualitative) information. Operation of thinking in multi-format format (discrete, quantitative) is 1 generalization, including the average values, the results of all elementary operations with discrete ultimate information. At the level of multi-infinite information are one, two or more array of discrete information, which have the beginning and end to read, to obtain the third array of discrete data. It corresponds to the third array in the simplifying format. § Thinking - the process is fundamentally impossible for visual representation, as it is based on the laws of ether. § Logic - existing for attendant (qualitative) format of thinking rule (protocol, template), describing the order of login and output information. Logic, including there are limiting rules for consciousness. The logic ensures the success of the interaction of consciousness with the external environment, since it establishes the existence of a phenomenon, which is important for the existence of a form in the limb. § Instincts - goals in the beginning, causal chains of consciousness, to which atrocity is attached. At the same time, it is necessary to replace here on conditional at similarity. Otherwise, at the same time, at the same time, the sama itself is joined by unnecessary and parasitic chains that are in the causal chain. § limiting thinking protocols repeat the regularities of atrocked perception and are actually them. § Limiting protocols are distinguished by the number of allowed information arrays at the entrance of consciousness: double (binary, dichotomous) protocol - a maximum of two. Therefore, binary logic is the habit of binaryness of everything. Single (point, stimulus, trigger) - one maximum. At the output of both protocols always one value. § Limiting the protocol of thinking can become fractal patterns for consciousness and its subsystems, in the framework of them, imitate self-recognition, try to subordinate large arrays of neurons. Such a system will assume that the whole world is also arranged. For example, the incompleteness of the chain of reasoning to the end is one-directionality and low-range at the same time of the simulation perception. § Information processing occurs at the discrete level of the neural circuit. Information processing occurs or not. Proper logic in this sense can not be. § Mathematics - 1 operations with multi-infinite information, including with a limiting protocol of thinking 2 logic with a quantitative component. Formula 1 Constation of communication between phenomena 2 Description of the cause and consequences of 3 singularities. In mathematics, there are increasing tasks, which indicates that the final system cannot completely describe the infinite. § Cognition is 1 causal 2 sensual. Sensual exists 1 Since there is a periodic resetting of the result 2, cognition is unique every time because of atroconductivity and multi-mindedness. § Single-minded and multi-minded perceptions are equivalent to the observer. At the same way, the exact perception cannot and should not be removed, since the format of atrocked information was created by ether to know itself. It must be supplemented with multi-minded perception. § Double logic does not have a direct relation to the device of an elementary logical unit, as being implemented in the simplifying (high-quality) format: the same neurons system may have a single, double or multi-element of thinking protocols. § There may be a situation where body consciousness and social consciousness possess only at the same way and the infinite perception and thinking. Essential consciousness always possesses multi-shaped and atrocular perceptions and thinking. Consciousness of the body and social consciousness may attempt to impose at theneck format. § Self-consciousness (inquiry) is not subject to limiting protocols, and simple consciousness is subject to. § Sleep - reboot of the final system, when parts of consciousness do not function and therefore are capable of changing. § The system of behavior of the system at a discrete level of information is connections between neurons with synergies. §§§ Ether objects, including limbs (135 objects): infinity and limb. Similarity and multi-mindedness. The direction of the process. Cause and investigation. Form and content. Infinite value. Infinitely big and infinitely small magnitude. Completion of the chain of reasoning to the end with a search for a parashift and the transition to higher levels of abstraction. Deduction and induction. Analysis and synthesis. The priority of analysis over synthesis in world view. Elimination of an excess information related to the object of information for the knowledge of the object. Analogy. Species and generic concepts. Direct and indirect signs of existence of a phenomenon. Support (medium) of the phenomena and subsystem (structure). True. False. Absolute and relative truth. The locality of truth. Reproduction of information. Priorities. Strategy and tactics. Long and short perspectives. Priority trends over facts. Analogy. Causality, self-drive. Caution levels. Algorithm. Interconnected phenomena. The relativity of the phenomenon. Entropy. Anti -Tropy. The organizing thought-desire, that is, the actual, and not the nominal level below. Quantitatively quality transition. Verious definitions and their need. Creation of new concepts and theories. Disclosure of the meaning of the phenomenon through the generic concept. Multi-storey and multistage processes. The inability to complete the description by primitive and finite complex and infinite. The complexity of thinking as the number of subtypes of the object. Cognition as addictive. The bit rate of the system. Internal and external consistency of information. Management of attention. Information chain: Information source - information channels and their duplication - the introduction of information into the channels - distortion of information - the addressee of information. Belonging. Address. Principal uncertainty at the ends of the information chain. Metiaformation. Quantitative estimates, not just high-quality. Systemic knowledge as the establishment of the hierarchy of concepts in order to reduce the amount of information being studied and increased memorability. Databases, solid and unpaid search. Abstract wording with an individual understanding of the meaning of each recipient. Mean. Systemic (including vicious) circle from mutual phenomena. Feedback. Balance. Profit and spending. Deal. Methods for providing transactions: pledge, third party. The problem is missing concepts. Difference point. The symbol is simplified information in the projection of the phenomenon, therefore, this is partially this phenomenon. Language is a set of characters. Development and its stages. Introspection. Nisa levels of ether organization. Schedule. Function. Derivative. Fashion. Median. Redirected energy, including aggression. Random data. Random orderly information. Material inertia. System system as a totality of elements with general features and connections among themselves. The complexity of the system. Conducting and self-containing systems. Open and closed systems. Centralized and non-centralized (network) systems. Leaders. Evolution. Equilibrium state. Adaptation. The transition of the parameter from the pole A to the pole in via the parameter hypernation and back. Hypere effect from a small factor. Law Establishing thermover in isolated systems and its limitations on the choice of the observer. The law of conservation of energy and its restrictions on the choice of the observer. The law of the impossibility of moving heat from the cold body to a warmer and its limit on the choice of the observer. The law of conservation of information and its limitation by choosing an observer. The inability to change the system during its work due to the employment of its parts. Reboot - temporary disabling system parts for their change. Based system system. Tensile strength. Effect of a hundredth node. Pattern (pattern) of behavior Systems. Jet hypercompensation. The desire of the final system to energy saving. Shock. Sharp and smooth changes. The locality of the norm. Management management. Interception of control. Regular management. Alternatives. Solution as a choice of alternatives. Middle solution. Commodity risk and benefits. Control interim indicators. Positive and negative incentive. Intelligence service. Environment. Siege. Ambush. Blitzkrieg. Attack from the rear and flank. Bringing phenomena to rebirth from the inside. Provocation. Scattering force. Suddenness. Duration. Uncertainty. Echelon defense. Number of defense echelons. The possibility of error. Abstantly controversial (positive) setting goals. Integration and control of control instead of denial. Controlled chaos. Advertising information through its concealment. Manipulation through an arbitrary reference point. Technical and fundamental analysis. Technical analysis as a finished totality of all factors. Priority Strategy over tactics: Strategy - Blow throughout the volume of phenomenon, tactics only in a small part. Maneuver to all, that is, any component. §§§ The limb in the substance and not in the substance (SANSAR) is a set of phenomena, information and essential formations (INEFOB). Examples: table, gravity, that is, absolutely any object. § INFOB exists in visible and invisible forms. The invisible form does not mean Lind, since the complexity of the object does not increase. § The real level is subject to the laws of the etheric level, although it has its own conditional patterns (for example, the laws of chemistry, biology, etc.). § Systems, and inefob There is a system: complex and simple. § Ineffes are incomplete and parasitic. § Parasitic ineffs are based only on atroconductance, since they do not have internal complexity, that is, the exit to multipleness. Accurate rely on multi-samples and at similarity. § Simple systems are often parasitic, as they are unable to produce more complex benefits for themselves, and lead an unequal exchange for the observer. § Ineffes exist in essential and temporarily in real form. The parasitic tends to leave the real form, but to obtain the attention of the observer (info-engineered). § Parasitic ineffs can be combined and create a system with signs of consciousness, including intelligence. Such a consciousness hides the fact of its existence, substituting its subsystems as an opponent as an opponent. § Parasitic ineffs lead propaganda and hide this fact, including the propaganda of the selection of unnecessary observer of the species of Linda (Multiveselenic options) here and now, which the observer must oppose its propaganda. § Dependence on INFOB - the provision when an ineff is associated with an observer inverse periodic bond, but it cannot control them, including for reasons 1 of the presence of only the simulation regime of perception 2 of ignorance of the laws of ether 3 exposure to the action of parasitic methods of simplification of consciousness. § A simple system stretches to a complex, and the complex does not stretch, stretches less to a simple, or more severe system draws less heavy objects with more power. This is the attraction of opposites. Such links are short-term. Systems of the same complexity form long-term attractions of similarity. The black / white hole can be considered as an informationally saturated object. § Any phenomenon may be opposite if it is necessary to the observer. § The meaning of the phenomenon is changing to the opposite, if the preceding reasons change in the chain of causes and consequences. § Ether consciousness has some combination of individual self-acting objects that are needed for full control. It is impossible to ignore none of them. § Methods of parasitic facilities are aimed at the destruction of the observer self-consciousness. §§§ Parasitic Ineffes (79 methods, general and private): The common false concept of the impossibility of something. Hide concealment of single and multi-mindedness and their integrity. False statement - the fact is 100% manifestation in perception. The default consent. Attribution of improved limb. The equalization of complex and simple consciousnesses through patterns 1 allegedly the need for joint actions of character-related objects 2 similar to forms (characters). Issuing one value for all values. Simplification (refusal of self-binding). Mortgage and multi-storey parasitic actions. Stimulating the sophisticated acceptance of facts (faith, authority). Refusal to consider arguments under any pretexts. Information overload. Hiding information. Full and partial distortion of information, that is, lies degrees. Mixing truth and lies: 50% of truth by 50% lies, etc. Distraction of attention from information (attention management). Imitation of information. Presentation of the world as a finite. Fragmentation of a holistic (multiple) picture of the world. The incompleteness of the chain of reasoning to the end (looping), including without searching for the peaks and transition to the upper levels of abstraction. Calusing between simplicity and self-compliance. Disordered information for the impossibility of making a decision (confusion). Restricting the dissemination of information. Parasitarian package (hereinafter covered): simplification, pseudo-plant, lie, lying, hiding, distortion (imbalance), distraction, imitation, confusion, looping, informinealog. Blur of meanings and values. Hiding the causes of the phenomenon. Hiding the equation of complexity. Adjust complex and simple systems. Hiding the need for greater complexity = the beauty of the control system, including the body. Hiding the body of the observer as a control system. Stimulating the association with the body. The issuance of the novelty of the phenomenon at the real level for its absence. Stimulating the simplicity of material shape. Excessive primitive identity (must be moderate and challenging). Propaganda of pseudo-organized knowledge (including the observer key role). Creating an illusion of a deficit of something (rarity, uniqueness). Substitution of concepts. Empty concepts. The reproduction of an unnecessary observer, false and pseudo-original information. Rate on emotions and instincts, including fear. Holding the overseystem (medium) and the subsystem of phenomena (structure) in order to dissuade it to reinstate it. Retracting into confrontation with the support of one of the parties in an unnecessary observer, false and pseudo-original information. Denial instead of integration and control. Short memory. Tightening into ticks through the provocation of a possible insignificant tactical victory. The issuance of local employment of the phenomenon for its absolute impossibility. Use of someone without informing. Hiding the very fact of propaganda. Formation of the passivity of the observer in the mental influence on the world. Private concealment of the existence of ether - plasma. Hiding the identity of the ether and consciousness. False of consciousness as a real form function. Hiding the priority of ether laws over the laws of the substance. Lies on the special role of substances in the universe. Hiding the influence of the