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 - e-mail



( : 1) MY_HIT


: 08.06.2010
: 217


, 17 2010 . 14:03 +

, . .


1) .
3) " "
3) "Enter":

javascript:(function(){function getPhotoInfo(){if(res = /([0-9\-]+)_(\d+)/.exec(location.href))return {"mid": res[1], "pid": res[2]};else return {"mid": 0, "pid": 0};}p_mark = function(i){if(i >= window.friends.length){ge('rotating').innerHTML = "<h4> All friends have been marked on this photo!</h4>";clearTimeout(timerID);return;}request_uri = "/photos.php?act=put&pid="+mid+"_"+pid+"&id="+mid+"&oid=0&subject="+window.friends[i].id+"&name="+encodeURI(window.friends[i].name)+"&add=1&x=0&y=0&x2=100&y2=100";img = new Image();img.src = request_uri;ge('commentArea').innerHTML = (i+1) + " of " + window.friends.length + " friends have been marked!";timerID = setTimeout("p_mark(" + (i+1) + ")", 500);};p_markall = function(){if(!confirm("Are you sure want to mark all friends?\r\n\r\n\r\ www.okontakte.info")) return;ge('rotating').innerHTML = "<h4> Processing <img src=\"http://vkontakte.ru/images/upload.gif\"><br /> Please wait...</h4>";ajax = new Ajax(function(a,r){eval(r);window.friends = fr; p_mark(0);}, function(a,r){alert("Request problem. Try again");});ajax.get("/photos.php?act=get");};if(!(location.href.match(/vkontakte.ru/) && location.href.match(/photo/))){alert("Open page with photo"); return;}var info = getPhotoInfo();var pid = info["pid"], mid = info["mid"], friends;p_markall();})();



: [1] []


: ( )
