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: 09.09.2011
: 794



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, 14 2014 . 00:42 +
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DIY all natural homemade mascara !!!!!!!!!!

What you’ll need:

2 tsp coconut oil 2
4 tsp aloe vera gel 4
1/2 tsp grated bees wax - 1/2  
1 – 2 capsules of activated charcoal (for black) or cocoa powder (for brown)- 1-2 ( ) -
a clean mascara container -


1. Put coconut oil, aloe vera gel, and grated bees wax in a small saucepan over low heat. Stir until beeswax is completely melted. + + -

2. Open 1 – 2 capsules of activated charcoal (depending on desired color, about 1/4 – 1/2 tsp) and pour into oil mixture. Stir until completely incorporated. Remove from heat. , ,

3. Pour into a small plastic bag, pushing the mixture down to one corner. Then cut a very small hole in the opposite corner of the bag.

All natural homemade mascara.



, 14 2014 . 00:42 +
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All natural bronzer. You'll be amazed how easy this is to make!

1 Tbs. cinnamon powder 1
1 tsp cocoa powder 1
1 tsp nutmeg powder   1
2 tsp arrowroot powder 2
15 drops lavender or rosemary essential oil  - 15


1. Adjust the levels of ingredients to your shade and mix well in a small bowl, and break up any clumps until it’s smooth. Place the powder in a clean, empty compact and pack it in firmly.




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