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: 25.01.2008
: 5800


, 05 2010 . 02:29 +

Teurgia.Org, :


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(GTAB & .'. Bal.'.-Hiram.'.) :

1. In nomine IHVH, per Michael, vade retro Chavajoth!
2. In nomine Adonai, per Gabriel,  vade retro Belial !
3. In nomine Helion, per Raphael,  vade retro Sahabiel !
4. In nomine Eohim Gibor, per Kamael Tzabaot,  vade retro Adramelekh!
5. In nomine Elvah, per Zahariel et Sahiel Melekh,  vade retro Samgabiel!
6. Nomino divino et humano Shaddai, per Pentagrammaton
JHSVH, quod in mana dextra mea, per Anael, voluntate Adam et Heva, qui sunt Jot-Chavah, vade retro Lilith, noli manere Nahema.
7. In nomine Elohim Sancta, per Kassiel, Sehaltiel, Afiel, Zerahiel, jussu Orifiel, vade retro Moloch, noli tangere pueros nostron!
Amen. Amen. Amen!


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(1896 , " " - .'. Bal.'.-Hiram.'.):

In the name of Michael, may Jehovah command thee, and drive thee hence, Chavajot!
In the name of Gabriel, may Adonai command thee and drive thee hence, Belial!
In the name of Raphael, begone before Elial, Samgabiel ( :Elchim, Sachabiel)!
By Samael Sabaoth, and in the name of Elohim Gibor, get thee hence, Andrameleck!
By Zachariel and Sachel-Meleck, be obedient unto Elvah, Sanagabril ( : Elvah, Samgabiel)!
By the divine and human name of Shaddai, and by the sign of the Pentagramaton
IHShVH which I hold in my right hand; in the name of the Angel Anael, by the power of Adam and of Heva, who are Jot-Chavah, begone, Lilith!
Let us rest in peace, Nahemah!
By the Holy Elohim and by the names of the genii Cassiel, Sehaltiel, Aphiel and Zarahiel, at the command of Orifiel, depart from us, Moloch!
We deny thee our children to devour.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

.'. Bal.'.-Hiram.'.:

IHVH, – Chavajot!
Adonai, – Belial!
Helion, – Sahabiel!
Elohim Gibor, –
Eloah, – Samgabiel!
Shaddai, (
«יהשוה»), , , , Jot-Chavah, Lilith, Nahema.
– Elohim, , , , , – , Moloh, .
A, , !



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