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Воскресенье, 06 Декабря 2015 г. 18:48
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Цей буквар допоможе Вашому малюку, граючись, навчитись читати. Біля 400 малюнків, загадки, вірші, чистомовки, скоромовки, ребуси, кросворди поширять словниковий запас і кругозір дитини, а навчання буде веселим, цікавим і захоплюючим.
Книги серiї "Читаю англiйською" поділяються на сім рівнів складності та розраховані на учнів, які вивчають англійську мову з першого по одинадцятий клас. Посібники містять адаптований текст, ілюстрації, англо-український словник, вправи для перевірки розуміння прочитаного та закріплення навичок мовленнєвої діяльності.
Посiбник рекомендуеться учням загальноосвiтнiх шкiл, гiмназiй, лiцеїв, а також усiм, хто вивчае або вдосконалюе свої знання з англiйської мови.
Навчальний посiбник вiдповiдае чиннiй програмi з ангiйської мови.
"Чорний красень" - стане незамiнним помiчником у вивченнi англiйської мови. (Вік - Підліткам, від 9 до 12 років)
Combining a wealth of tips and 75 recipes for all-natural beauty aids, using nothing but pure ingredients direct from Mother Nature, with a philosophical approach to beauty as the foremost purpose of human existence, Natural Beauty inspires readers to pursue a natural, healthful approach to caring for their mind, body and soul.
See what it takes to maximize running strength, speed, and endurance! Running Anatomy will show you how to improve your performance by increasing muscular strength, optimizing the efficiency of your running motion, and minimizing your risk for injury.
Running Anatomy features 50 of the most effective strength exercises for runners, each with clear, step-by-step descriptions and full-color anatomical illustrations highlighting the muscles in action. But you'll find much more than exercises-you'll also see their results.
Running Anatomy places you in the action, fundamentally linking each exercise to running performance. You'll see how to strengthen muscles, reduce injury, and improve gait efficiency for faster times and more fluid runs.
43 тексти і завдання для читання, аудіювання та усного мовлення. 5-12 класи.
У навчальному посібнику запропоновано 41 казку і 2 легенди з неоціненної скарбниці казок братів Грімм, записаних ними з уст друзів та знайомих колоритною німецькою мовою. Казки адаптовано за книгою “Kinder- und Hausmаrсhen” gesammelt durch die Bruder Grimm. Munchen: Artemis & Winkler Verlag, 1995, звідки взято також ілюстрації німецьких художників. Для учнів, абітурієнтів, вчителів німецької мови, усіх тих, хто цікавиться німецькою мовою.
Die Bruder Grimm
Erinnerungen von Herman Grimm, Wilhelms Sohn
Aus der Vorrede der Bruder Grimm
Der Froschkцnig oder der eiserne Heinrich
Katze und Maus in Gesellschaft
Der Wolf und die sieben jungen Geiblein
Der treue Johannes
Der gute Handel
Der wunderliche Spielmann
Die zwolf Bruder
Bruderchen und Schwesterchen
Die drei Mannlein im Walde
Die drei Spinnerinnen
Hansel und Gretel
Die drei Schlangenblatter
Die weibe Schlange
Frau Holle
Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten
Der singende Knochen
Das Madchen ohne Hande
Die drei Sprachen
Der gescheite Hans
Die Wichtelmanner
Der alte Sultan
Die sechs Schwane
Konig Drosselbart
This book provides a concise, accurate, and lively portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte's character and career, situating him firmly in historical context.
David Bell emphasizes the astonishing sense of human possibility--for both good and ill--that Napoleon represented. By his late twenties, Napoleon was already one of the greatest generals in European history. At thirty, he had become absolute master of Europe's most powerful country. In his early forties, he ruled a European empire more powerful than any since Rome, fighting wars that changed the shape of the continent and brought death to millions. Then everything collapsed, leading him to spend his last years in miserable exile in the South Atlantic.
Bell emphasizes the importance of the French Revolution in understanding Napoleon's career. The revolution made possible the unprecedented concentration of political authority that Napoleon accrued, and his success in mobilizing human and material resources. Without the political changes brought about by the revolution, Napoleon could not have fought his wars. Without the wars, he could not have seized and held onto power. Though his virtual dictatorship betrayed the ideals of liberty and equality, his life and career were revolutionary.
Growing up in a Chinese household in Malaysia where cuisine and culture were inseparable, Bee Yinn Low developed a deep love and appreciation for food. Her early memories of helping her mother prepare steamy and fragrant Chinese meals solidified into a way of life for Bee as a working woman in Southern California. A love of Chinese food didn't translate well to a modern Western lifestyle due to time and ingredient constraints. Rather than give up her favorite foods, Bee experimented with recreating the unforgettable flavors of her youth with her limited time and using ingredients found in local supermarkets. She managed to develop versions of her favorite Chinese dishes that had all the taste-but were a lot less work!
When you close your eyes and imagine a fudge shop, you can almost smell the warm chocolate, toasted nuts and caramelized sugars. The impressive candies, adorned with delicate stripes and exotic toppings, unfortunately come with an equally impressive price. The thought of filling a box with these sumptuous treats is tempered by the ability to calculate cost per bite.
Fret not. You do not need a culinary degree to create similarly delicious candies at home. And even better, you can make them in quantities great enough to indulge even the greatest sweet tooth without taking out a second mortgage.
In this book you'll learn thirteen easy-to-make candy recipes with ingredients you likely already have on hand. And if you're feeling creative, many of the recipes can be customized to your liking.
Impress your family and friends with these beautiful candies and create joy and traditions to last for years.
Welcome to the world of cookies and cakes! There are many people out there who have yet to actually make their very own cookies and cake from home. Some people believe that the entire process is too hard while others simply think that it takes a lot of time to make these tasty treats. To be honest making your own cookies and cakes from home is one of the easiest things that you can do. It does not take a lot of expertise to put these tasty dessert dishes together nor is it too time consuming. That is exactly what you will learn in this book. You will learn how to make the most delicious cookies and cakes dishes you have ever come across without the stress of worrying that it is too difficult to put together. There is a cookies and cakes recipe in this book for every baker out there, regardless of their baking experience. In this book, every recipe has at least one photo for you to compare after testing. All cookies and cakes are suitable to serve as lunch or dinner for your family. So, if you want to begin making your very own cookies and cakes dish with little to no effort at all, then let's start baking
Indulge your sweet tooth with to-die-for desserts! After appearing in Cosmopolitan, Ladies Home Journal, Relish, and more, Stephanie Brubaker is sharing her scrumptious treats with you in her first-ever cookbook. Each recipe is simple and fuss-free, but the end results will look like they took hours to make.