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I See Hell in Your Eyes - LiveJournal.com

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Non confundar in aeternum...

Среда, 20 Октября 2004 г. 03:13 + в цитатник
The corridors of the palace all looked the same. They all ran together in my mind. Not that I was paying attention to them in the least. I was far too wrapped up in my thoughts.

This life had been mine for years. I had stopped counting them long ago. I had seen more lives than a mortal could hope for. I had seen more blood, more violence, more death. But I had rarely seen any spark of life. Living souls, yes, but not life. My children had always been born dead. All of them. I would hold them in my arms, cradle them, try to send any kind of life force I might still have into them. But the Lord, if indeed he did exist, did not allow my children the gift of life. My master would have to take the child from my arms. I never wanted to let them go. But he promised so much. Promised we would see our children live. Promised the machine would work. And we believed. Whether it was because it was the truth or merely because we wanted it to be the truth was still unseen.

I was never even allowed the privilege to see my children live for the too brief moments that my sisters had seen. Van Helsing himself robbed me of that divine moment. For that, I would be sure he paid dearly. He destroyed the only semblance of a soul I had the moment my children died. I may have been in hell, but my children deserved better than that. I would have stayed in hell if it had meant life for my children.

I was feared among the villagers. They knew my temperament and my bloodlust. They knew it well and they trembled. But they alone gave me my desired respect.

Aleera and Verona were both out doing separate missions for my lord. He also had left the manor. I was left to guard it and oversee the vampires. I knew well that anyone would have to be mad to attack the castle now. Van Helsing's companions had tried that approach once and succeeded in only spilling underling vampire blood and their own.

But my master promised we would have more children and they would live. They would live and flourish. He had promised and we had listened.

So many promises. So many words. Words just as hollow as he was. No, no, I should not let myself think that way. He is my lord and master and I love him. I do. And I am loyal. But I seem to eternally be the overlooked Bride of Vladislaus Dracula. Not the first and most beloved, not the youngest and newest. I was Marishka. I was caught in the middle. Caught in a limbo.


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Non confundar in aeternum...

Среда, 20 Октября 2004 г. 03:13 + в цитатник
The corridors of the palace all looked the same. They all ran together in my mind. Not that I was paying attention to them in the least. I was far too wrapped up in my thoughts.

This life had been mine for years. I had stopped counting them long ago. I had seen more lives than a mortal could hope for. I had seen more blood, more violence, more death. But I had rarely seen any spark of life. Living souls, yes, but not life. My children had always been born dead. All of them. I would hold them in my arms, cradle them, try to send any kind of life force I might still have into them. But the Lord, if indeed he did exist, did not allow my children the gift of life. My master would have to take the child from my arms. I never wanted to let them go. But he promised so much. Promised we would see our children live. Promised the machine would work. And we believed. Whether it was because it was the truth or merely because we wanted it to be the truth was still unseen.

I was never even allowed the privilege to see my children live for the too brief moments that my sisters had seen. Van Helsing himself robbed me of that divine moment. For that, I would be sure he paid dearly. He destroyed the only semblance of a soul I had the moment my children died. I may have been in hell, but my children deserved better than that. I would have stayed in hell if it had meant life for my children.

I was feared among the villagers. They knew my temperament and my bloodlust. They knew it well and they trembled. But they alone gave me my desired respect.

Aleera and Verona were both out doing separate missions for my lord. He also had left the manor. I was left to guard it and oversee the vampires. I knew well that anyone would have to be mad to attack the castle now. Van Helsing's companions had tried that approach once and succeeded in only spilling underling vampire blood and their own.

But my master promised we would have more children and they would live. They would live and flourish. He had promised and we had listened.

So many promises. So many words. Words just as hollow as he was. No, no, I should not let myself think that way. He is my lord and master and I love him. I do. And I am loyal. But I seem to eternally be the overlooked Bride of Vladislaus Dracula. Not the first and most beloved, not the youngest and newest. I was Marishka. I was caught in the middle. Caught in a limbo.


Non confundar in aeternum...

Среда, 20 Октября 2004 г. 03:13 + в цитатник
The corridors of the palace all looked the same. They all ran together in my mind. Not that I was paying attention to them in the least. I was far too wrapped up in my thoughts.

This life had been mine for years. I had stopped counting them long ago. I had seen more lives than a mortal could hope for. I had seen more blood, more violence, more death. But I had rarely seen any spark of life. Living souls, yes, but not life. My children had always been born dead. All of them. I would hold them in my arms, cradle them, try to send any kind of life force I might still have into them. But the Lord, if indeed he did exist, did not allow my children the gift of life. My master would have to take the child from my arms. I never wanted to let them go. But he promised so much. Promised we would see our children live. Promised the machine would work. And we believed. Whether it was because it was the truth or merely because we wanted it to be the truth was still unseen.

I was never even allowed the privilege to see my children live for the too brief moments that my sisters had seen. Van Helsing himself robbed me of that divine moment. For that, I would be sure he paid dearly. He destroyed the only semblance of a soul I had the moment my children died. I may have been in hell, but my children deserved better than that. I would have stayed in hell if it had meant life for my children.

I was feared among the villagers. They knew my temperament and my bloodlust. They knew it well and they trembled. But they alone gave me my desired respect.

Aleera and Verona were both out doing separate missions for my lord. He also had left the manor. I was left to guard it and oversee the vampires. I knew well that anyone would have to be mad to attack the castle now. Van Helsing's companions had tried that approach once and succeeded in only spilling underling vampire blood and their own.

But my master promised we would have more children and they would live. They would live and flourish. He had promised and we had listened.

So many promises. So many words. Words just as hollow as he was. No, no, I should not let myself think that way. He is my lord and master and I love him. I do. And I am loyal. But I seem to eternally be the overlooked Bride of Vladislaus Dracula. Not the first and most beloved, not the youngest and newest. I was Marishka. I was caught in the middle. Caught in a limbo.



Воскресенье, 11 Июля 2004 г. 02:21 + в цитатник
Sorry I haven't been on today. Stupid computer. *tackles it to the ground and gnaws on it* We finally gave up and wiped the hard drive clean. And now the computer runs blindingly fast. ^_^ So it was worth it, even if it did take me all day.

I've been asked to take the role of BloodRayne in a new RPG. Yeah, I really needed a new one. ^^; *pretends this request was made because of her mad RPG skillz and not because she was the only other person the mod knew who had done research in the BR universe* Heh...

What is it with me always playing vamps? I mean, I'm not complaining here, it just seems to happen a lot. Of course, I'm always married to Drak, too. xD Hey Drak, you into Pitch Black and Chronicles of Riddick? Cause if you are, you can come over to GJ and we can be married again! *snerk* Yeah, I'm in a really weird mood right now.

Oh, and I want to add people to my real LJ's friend list. So... leave your mun journal if you want to be added. ^_^ Mine is the_sublime_cat.

So now I'm off to check the updated stuff. *shuffles off*



Воскресенье, 11 Июля 2004 г. 02:21 + в цитатник
Sorry I haven't been on today. Stupid computer. *tackles it to the ground and gnaws on it* We finally gave up and wiped the hard drive clean. And now the computer runs blindingly fast. ^_^ So it was worth it, even if it did take me all day.

I've been asked to take the role of BloodRayne in a new RPG. Yeah, I really needed a new one. ^^; *pretends this request was made because of her mad RPG skillz and not because she was the only other person the mod knew who had done research in the BR universe* Heh...

What is it with me always playing vamps? I mean, I'm not complaining here, it just seems to happen a lot. Of course, I'm always married to Drak, too. xD Hey Drak, you into Pitch Black and Chronicles of Riddick? Cause if you are, you can come over to GJ and we can be married again! *snerk* Yeah, I'm in a really weird mood right now.

Oh, and I want to add people to my real LJ's friend list. So... leave your mun journal if you want to be added. ^_^ Mine is the_sublime_cat.

So now I'm off to check the updated stuff. *shuffles off*



Воскресенье, 11 Июля 2004 г. 02:21 + в цитатник
Sorry I haven't been on today. Stupid computer. *tackles it to the ground and gnaws on it* We finally gave up and wiped the hard drive clean. And now the computer runs blindingly fast. ^_^ So it was worth it, even if it did take me all day.

I've been asked to take the role of BloodRayne in a new RPG. Yeah, I really needed a new one. ^^; *pretends this request was made because of her mad RPG skillz and not because she was the only other person the mod knew who had done research in the BR universe* Heh...

What is it with me always playing vamps? I mean, I'm not complaining here, it just seems to happen a lot. Of course, I'm always married to Drak, too. xD Hey Drak, you into Pitch Black and Chronicles of Riddick? Cause if you are, you can come over to GJ and we can be married again! *snerk* Yeah, I'm in a really weird mood right now.

Oh, and I want to add people to my real LJ's friend list. So... leave your mun journal if you want to be added. ^_^ Mine is the_sublime_cat.

So now I'm off to check the updated stuff. *shuffles off*


A Mission

Среда, 30 Июня 2004 г. 03:55 + в цитатник
Continued from here.

The inn. It was an obvious place to begin the life of a wicked rumor. I made my way toward the door, quickly flicking my tongue across my teeth just to double check that my fangs were retracted into their dormant state.

I pushed the door open and entered in, pulling the hood of my cloak back off my head, and began looking around. It would have been too bold a move to directly approach a male, which was a shame because there was a group of elder men talking intently in the corner of the room. So I made my way over to where a servant wench was taking a break from her nightly job.

"Excuse me," I said politely, almost innocently, "I was wondering if I could get some information. You see, I was walking through town and heard the most remarkable story!" She seemed interested in newly found gossip, so I continued on with my act. "I heard that a man destroyed a monster that lived in that dreadful castle. A monster that took the form of a man. I did not catch the name of the monster, unfortunately. It was not familiar to me."

"Draculia..." the woman murmured in astonishment. I smiled ever so slightly. This was going to be easier than I first imagined.

"Yes! That was the name. From what I understand, he was quite the dreadful creature. But I suppose you no longer have to worry about that now. It must be such a relief for you." I smiled a friendly smile, but the woman seemed almost pale.

"I... I really must be getting back to work, my dear. Will you please excuse me?" She barely waited for my reply before quickly leaving me and heading into the back of the inn. I could hear her begin to tell my story before the door even closed behind her. Yes, things were going quite well.

I then left and found a pair of lovers walking down the darkening street. I timidly approached them and asked if they had any information on the mysterious new man who had moved into the castle. I told them all I knew was that he was terribly wealthy and might have been planning a ball. They, of course, had no information for me, but the young lady seemed especially curious.

Rumors spread like wildfire in towns such as this, so I decided to return to the castle to finalize plans for the ball.

Once in the cover of the trees, I pulled my hair out of its restrains and took wing through the shadows. Only moments later, I was again in sight of my home. I dropped again into the trees to change back into human form and walked the rest of the way and back inside.


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