
. - (2)


HTML , - (0)

HTML ,   ...

... - (0)

...   , ,...

. - !!! - (1)

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- (0)

... ...




 - e-mail



: 01.01.2011
: 5465
: 5485
: 15750




, 22 2014 . 15:07 +
Lioness_I_am [ + !]



And how! !
Anything but ,
nything goes ,
Exactly! !
Far from it
For certain /For sure
have had enough ,
have something against
I agree with you .
I am sure of it
I believe so/I suppose so ,
I doubt it .
I should not say so
I think so / I don't think so , / ,
I'm afraid so ,
In a way -
It looks like that
Just so
Most likely
Most unlikely ,
Naturally! !
no call for / no call to
No can do
No doubt
No such thing
no way ;
not all that
Not at all
not for a moment
Nothing doing / No go
Nothing like that
Nothing of the kind
nowhere near
Quite so
Right on! !
That goes without saying
That's right .
There is no denying it
To a certain extent -
To be sure
to hell with
what the hell / ,
What's the idea of , -
You dont say
You read my mind



, 07 2014 . 15:51 +
Lioness_I_am [ + !]




“!”. . – . thanks tnx, thx, thanx. thank you, ty.

▶ NP YW?
“”, “”. You're welcome (yw) – “ ” “”. No problem (np) – “ ”, “ ”.

please, “”.

XO . hugs and kisses, - “-”. X . X , . O, , .

▶ LOL?
“laughing out loud« »lots of laughs”. “ ”. “--” “- ”.

, “ ”. rofl Rolling On the Floor Laughing.

▶ WTF?
“What the fuck?”. “ ? ” “ ?”. wtf.

▶ OMG?
omg! “Oh, my God!” . , “, !”.

▶ BRB?
be right back. , , . , : brb, mom's calling. brb, someone at the door.

▶ RLY?
“Really”, “/ ”, RLY.

▶ BTW?
BTW By The Way “ ”.

▶ AFK g2g?
“ ” BRB (Be Right Back). , AFK (Away From Keyboard) - g2g (Got To Go) GTG.

( ), IMHO (In My Hummble Opinion/ ). FYI (For Your Information), “ ”.

AFAIK (As Far As I Know) “ ”.

▶ SY?
«!» - See You. 6 ? SY, CYA, CU.

▶ XYZ?
, : “XYZ”. Examine Your Zipper « ».

BYOB, , , , . Bring Your Own Bottle “ ”

▶ AC/DC?
-- «-/-» alternating current/direct current — / . “”. . , each way.

JJSRE_H21Jk (450x480, 51Kb)





100 , !

, 07 2014 . 15:49 +
Lioness_I_am [ + !]



100 , !

100 , !

how —
so —
then —
there —
no —
now —
just —
very —
where —
too —
also —
well —
again —
why —
here —
still —
off —
away —
always —
almost —
enough —
though —
never —
since —
round —

yet —
often —
rather —
ever — -
once —
thus —
soon —
today —
perhaps —
probably —
already —
however —
across —
really —
together —
quite —
sometimes —
therefore —
else —
outside —
besides —
beyond —
indeed —
inside —
ago —

instead —
likely —
especially —
according —
below —
without —
through —
throughout —
forward —
forth —
aside —
otherwise —
seldom —
yesterday —
tomorrow —
moreover —
friendly —
somehow — -
plenty —
somewhere — -
apart —
beneath —
everywhere —
anywise — -
when —

whenever —
tonight —
meanwhile —
nowhere —
altogether —
yes —
alike —
usually —
occasionally —
rarely —
actually —
easily —
hardly —
quickly —
slowly —
above —
little —
much —
even —
before —
lately —
recently —
almost —
as —
only —






, 07 2014 . 15:48 +
Lioness_I_am [ + !]





1 . I don't mind. - .
2 . I think so. - .
3 . You'll make it. - .
4 . That's the whole point. - - .
5 . Easy! - . . .
6 . Calm down. - .
7 . Don't worry. Relax. - He . . .
8 . It makes things easier. - ( / ).
9 . I haven't given it much thought. - / . ( )
10 . It serves you / smb. right. - / - .
11 . You'll hear from me. - / .
12 . It's going to be all right. - .
13 . You bet! - !:
14 . — Do you want me to help you? — You bet! — , ? — !
15 . Sounds good to me. - .
16 . Time's up. - .
17 . Hear me out! - !
18 . I couldn't reach you. - .
19 . Let happen whatever would happen. - , .
20 . It never crossed my mind (that)... - , ...
21 . Don't mention that. - .
22 . I don't give a damn / a shit - , : Let's hold to reason. Let's hold to reason. Let's hold to reason.
23 . Tell him whatever you want, I don't give a shit. - , — .
24 . Get out of my way. - .
25 . Get lost. - . . .
26 . You have a point there. - . / .
27 . I mean it. - . / .
28 . I want to buy your house. I mean it. - . .
29 . Let's get to the point. Let's hold to reason. - .
30 . So far so good. - .
31 . It's not that I don't... -He , ...:
32 . It was not that he didn't love her. -He , .
33 . Don't be silly. - . .
34 . You know better than that. - ( ).
35 . Don't worry, I can make it on my own. - He , .
36 . Not likely. Unless ... - , . ...:
37 . No reason in particular. - . .:
38 . Why do you ask? — No reason in particular. ? , .
39 . Suit yourself. - . . , .:
40 . Suit yourself, but I've got a work to do and I won't go to Paris. - , - , .
41 . It never occurred to me that... - , ...
42 . I meant only the best. - .
43 . Tend to your own affairs. - . / .
44 . Think it over. - .
45 . Coffee? — If it is no bother. — ? — .
46 . You are on the right track. - . .
47 . Come on. Let's get this over with. - .
48 . Whatever is to be will be. - , .
49 . Here's what we'll do. - .

50 . It beats me. - .





, 07 2014 . 15:47 +
Lioness_I_am [ + !]



Things happen. – .
What a pity! – !
I'll l never get over it. – .
I appreciate your difficulties. – .
It is as good as done. – , .
It was a failure / flop. – .
It didn’t work out. – .
It was a near thing. – / ...
It was a narrow escape. – .
He kept his promise. – .
failed us. – .
backed out. – ( ).
That is the way things are. – .
As things stand now... – ...
It is urgent. – .
Time is getting short. – .
It can wait. – . ( )
There is no hurry. – .
And what if... – ...
It is worth trying. – .
I'll see about it. – .
I’ll arrange it with him. – … / .
I would rather do smth. – -.
I have changed my mind. – .
I am in two minds. – ...
I can't make up my mind. – / .
Do it right a way. – .
Don’t put it off till the last moment. – He .






, 26 2014 . 10:02 +
_ [ + !]



: , . - .



(english for kids).

, 12 2014 . 15:37 +
_ [ + !]

(english for kids).

1212 (222x227, 52Kb) , , , ..

, . .





, 28 2014 . 19:03 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]


By the way - .
And so on and so forth - .. ..
Believe it or not, but - ,
Did I get you right? - ?
Don't mention it -
Don't take it to heart -
I am afraid you are wrong - ,
I didn't catch the last word -
I mean it -
If I am not mistaken -
If I remember rightly -
In other words -
It doesn't matter -
It is a good idea -
It is new to me -
Let us hope for the best -
May I ask you a question? - ?
Most likely -
Neither here nor there - ,
On the one hand . -
On the other hand . -
Say it again, please - ,
What do you mean by saying it? - ?
What is the matter? - ?
Where were we? - ?

logo_listener (600x449, 103Kb)


, 28 2014 . 18:42 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

At the hotel -

Can I help you? ?
Id like to check in. .
I have a reservation. .
Your room is ready. .
Is it possible to see the room? ?
Yes, Ill take it. , .
What time is checkout? ?

On the street -

Where is the nearest bus stop? ?
Where can I find the subway / underground? ?
How can I get to ? ?
How far is it? ?
How long does it take to get there? ?
Which bus goes to ? ?
When does the next bus leave? ?
Where is the tourist information center? ?
How much does a ticket cost? ?
I need a guide who speaks Russian. , -.
Where do we meet? ?
Can you take a photo of us? ?
Is there a discount for students? ?
May I use the toilet? ?
Where is the currency exchange? ?
What is worth visiting? ?
Do you have a map of the city? ?
Is this seat free? ?
Dont push
When are you coming back? ?
In 20 min. 20

At the airport -

May I see your passport / visa? , / .
Whats the purpose of your visit? ?
Please open your bags. , .
Do you have any items to declare? , ?
Delay on the flight is due to adverse weather conditions. .
Flight is boarding. .
You have to fill in this
- landing card
- immigration form
- customs declaration form .

() Facebook

7143426-travel-suitcase-with-many-colourful-tourism-and-vacation-icons-and-logos (429x348, 81Kb)


, 28 2014 . 18:42 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

10473183_481407458671928_2228254960209138607_n (700x582, 62Kb)



, 16 2014 . 10:18 +
Lioness_I_am [ + !]



at any price
be in for it
be that as it may
be too much for smb
be well off
can't do anything with -
carry / gain one's point
do well
down and out
get a grip on smth
get into trouble
get nowhere / not get anywhere
get the worst of it / have the worst of it
give way to ,
go / get far ,
go to waste
go up in smoke
golden opportunity
good for nothing
good fortune
Good job! , !
I shall never get over it
in trouble with , .
in vain
It could have been worse
It didn't work out
It is in the bag
It leaves much to be desired
It serves you right
It was a failure
It was a great fun
It was a success
It was no fun
It was quite a job
it's no go
It's no good
It's not up to the mark
let smb down
make a fortune
make good -
make headaway
make one's way
make the grade
make use of
Next time lucky
on the nose
on the right track
Shit happens .
Sink or swim
stand a chance
take a chance that ,
take advantage of ,
take one's chance
take one's chances ,
That'll do
That's the way to do it
Things happen
What a pity! !
What's done is done
within a hair's breadth
without a hitch


, : - 1 100.

, 13 2014 . 22:35 +
_ [ + !]

, : - 1 100.


1 20 -. ! 1 20 -.

- 10 100. .

3290568_0_8fea2_d0d2901f_M (160x21, 4Kb)


, : : , , .

, 13 2014 . 21:59 +
_ [ + !]

, : : , , .

. . , -.

. : ". Colours"
-. , .

colour, colours - ( )
color, colors - , ( )

3290568_0_8fea2_d0d2901f_M (160x21, 4Kb)


, . : .

, 13 2014 . 21:40 +
_ [ + !]

, . : .

. ""

: ". Animals.". , .

3290568_0_8fea2_d0d2901f_M (160x21, 4Kb)



, 06 2014 . 23:19 +
Lioness_I_am [ + !]


Where were we? - ?
You were saying? - - ?
By the way - .
A drop in the bucket -
And so on and so forth - .. ..
As I said before - ..
As sure as eggs is eggs -
As to... (As for) -
Believe it or not, but - ,
Did I get you right? - ?
Dont mention it -
Dont take it to heart -
Forgive me, please, I meant well. - ,
He is not a man to be trifled with -
I am afraid you are wrong - ,
I didnt catch the last word -
I mean it -
I was not attending -
If I am not mistaken -
If I remember rightly -
In other words -
In short -
It does you credit -
It doesnt matter -
It is a good idea -
It is new to me -
Let us hope for the best -
May I ask you a question? - ?
Mind your own business -
Most likely -
Neither here nor there - ,
Next time lucky -
Nothing much -
Oh, that. That explains it -
On the one hand -
On the other hand -
Things happen -
What do you mean by saying it? - ?
What is the matter? - ?
Say it again, please - ,
That's where the trouble lies - !



, 06 2014 . 23:16 +
Lioness_I_am [ + !]



1. Word up! ! ! !
2. Count me in! ! ! !
3. I couldnt reach you. .
4. Get lost! !
5. Theres going to be a big party. .
6. Looks that way! !
7. That pisses me off. .
8. Someone from my past showed up. - .
9. My place is just kind of a mess right now. .
10. Eager to go, I see. , .
11. I might have an inkling. , .
12. We had a quarrel and she stormed off. , .
13. Have you ever heard of such a thing? - ?
14. Shipshape! !
15. Whats the use of worrying? ?
16. Whats the hitch? ?
17. Next time lucky! !
18. Can you manage it? ?
19. May the Force be with you. " "



, 06 2014 . 23:14 +
Lioness_I_am [ + !]



1. Can I add something here? - ?
2. Is it okay if I jump in for a second? , ?
3. If I might add something... ...
4. Sorry to interrupt, but... , , ...( , - .)
5. Sorry, go ahead. , .( , - .)
6. Sorry, you were saying... , ?( , - .)
7. You didn't let me finish. .



, 26 2014 . 15:52 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]


pay a compliment

1. Complimenting someone on appearance -

You are beautiful - () !
You are pretty - !
Ive never seen you looking so happy - !
You are so cute - !
You look amazing - !
You are fun to be with - C !
What a charming girl you are - !
You look terrific today! - !
You are stunning girl - !
You are a handsome man - !

2. Complimenting someone on their traits of character -

You have an amazing sense of humor - !
You are so kind and caring - !
You are a wonderful person - !
You are very clever - !
I am so proud of you - !
I feel so comfortable around you - !

3. Complementing Someone on their skills and achievements - .

What a good answer.You're an excellent student! - ! - !
What a marvelous memory you've got - !
You have good/great taste in ... - ...
I am impressed by your knowledge in this area - !

4. Accepting compliments -

Thanks - !
Thank you. It's very nice of you to say so -! !
I'm glad you think so - !
 (235x214, 6Kb)


, 13 2014 . 21:29 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

a number of -
all at once -
all kinds of / all sorts of - ,
all over again -
along with -
as a whole -
as best one can -
as far as / as long as / as much as - ,
as far as possible -
as soon as - /
as well - / ,
at all costs /at any cost (price) -
at every turn - ,
at least - , ,
at most - ,
best part of something -
bit by bit / little by little - , -
fed up with -
for free -
go too far -
good deal of -
in addition to -
more or less - , , -
next to nothing -
nothing but -
over and over (again) -
to a degree / to some degree -
up to -

Language_Point 2 (240x240, 27Kb)



, 13 2014 . 21:24 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]


10264296_634292859996016_3862785236856729081_n (445x604, 42Kb)


, 13 2014 . 21:22 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

Really? - ?
What? -?
What a surprise! - !
Well I never! / Blimey! - !/ blimey='God blind me!', , !
That's the last thing I expected! - , !
You're kidding! - !
I don't believe it! / Are you serious? - / ?
I'm speechless! - !
I'd never have guessed. - !
Postcross_postcard_maria_van_bruggen_surprise_19 (600x600, 38Kb)


, 01 2014 . 13:47 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

! Alas!
, ! So, thats what you want!
! So thats it!
! Please, God!
! Zool!
! Of course! Certainly! Sure!
! All the more so!
hurrah (183x275, 6Kb)
ahoy :
aw -
aha ""
bingo , ,
boo ,
cheers , , ; : ; :
damn (damn it)
fiddlesticks ,
gee ( Jesus - ) ,
holy cow , - :
holy shit
hurrah, hurray
ha-ha -
ooops ,
ouch ,
shit , (.: !)
there you go - , ,
uh-huh , ( )
wow ,
yeah ,



, 01 2014 . 13:25 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]


That's all - ( ).

I'm through / finished - ( / ).

I see - . / .

That's none of your business - He . / He .

Shut up! - ! / !

I don't mind - .

I think so - .
conversational-english 2 (303x351, 33Kb)


Ages and stages/

, 01 2014 . 13:20 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

Ages and stages/

1794774_626894437402525_547735616250196451_n (498x604, 48Kb)


W Questions/W

, 01 2014 . 13:15 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

W Questions/W

Where? ? ?

Where can I find him? ?
Where are you now? - ?

Why? ? ?

Why are you crying? - ?
Why should I trust you? - ?

How? ?

How are you? - ?
How does it work? - ?

Whom? ? ?

Whom did she visit? - ?
To whom did the prize go? - ?

When? ?

When are you leaving? - ?
When is your birthday? - ?
wh questions (320x240, 32Kb)
Which? ?

Which of them is better? - ?
Which topic from the list should I choose? - ?

Who? ?

Who is in charge? - ?
Who is this guy? - ?
Who ate the cake? - ?

Whose? ?

Whose camera is this? - ?
Whose dog is barking outside? - ?

What? ? ?

What has happened? ?
What do you want? ?
What's the matter? ?


25 Part 2

, 01 2014 . 13:14 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

25 Part 2

This way (please) - , ( / ).

You have a point there. - . / .

I mean it. - . / .

Let's get to the point. - .

So far so good. - .

It's not that I don't... - He , ...

Example: It was not that he didn't love her. - He , .

Don't be silly. - . / .
introfamily_veer (620x350, 188Kb)



, 01 2014 . 12:52 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]


1. Excuse me vs Im sorry
im_sorry-2517 (430x431, 42Kb)

1.1 Excuse me . , - , : , / / .
Excuse me, could you tell me the time? , , ?
Excuse me, but this is my place. , .
Excuse me, where is the shop? , , ?
excuse me . , , , : .

1.2 Sorry . , . .


: swim, sail, float, drift.

, 29 2014 . 01:15 +
Rosina12 [ + !]

: swim, sail, float, drift.

yfTEyiRq80o (600x350, 180Kb)

, "": to swim, to sail, to float, to drift. , .


, !

, 29 2014 . 01:11 +
Rosina12 [ + !]

, !

2GVTn7U9BAw (604x417, 93Kb)




, 29 2014 . 01:10 +
Rosina12 [ + !]


ro9J2cv2t5E (457x305, 47Kb)

By the way. - .
A drop in the bucket -
And so on and so forth - .. ..
As drunk as a lord -
As I said before. - ..



, 29 2014 . 00:40 +
Rosina12 [ + !]


8QK5RSgpUq8 (499x339, 20Kb)

It goes without saying -
Eat one's words -
Enough of it -
go into details -




, 29 2014 . 00:40 +
Rosina12 [ + !]


8mlJl6k6qqk (604x377, 103Kb)

To be scared stiff. .
To keep cool. , .
As white as a sheet. .
To panic. .




, 29 2014 . 00:39 +
Rosina12 [ + !]


a while back / a while ago - ,
about time - -
after a while -
ahead of time -
all along -


Future in the Past

, 29 2014 . 00:28 +
Rosina12 [ + !]

Future in the Past

, .

We wondered if the train would arrive in time.
, .
Future in the Past said (that), told (that), thought (that) . .


" "

, 29 2014 . 00:27 +
Rosina12 [ + !]

" "

diOj66R_dC8 (604x396, 160Kb)

Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to ...? - , , ...?
Am I right for ...? - ...?
Which way is it to ...? - ...?
I've lost my way. - .


English Articles

, 29 2014 . 00:12 +
Rosina12 [ + !]

English Articles

IVrK4jjyOmU (700x504, 131Kb)




, 29 2014 . 00:12 +
Rosina12 [ + !]


DCCGfQ2rYpk (582x380, 93Kb)

Everything's cool ;
I couldn't care less ;
I had a complete fit ;
I haven't got a care in the world ;


Prepositions of time

, 29 2014 . 00:06 +
Rosina12 [ + !]

Prepositions of time

4yyxidYC53g (453x604, 185Kb)



, 29 2014 . 00:05 +
Rosina12 [ + !]


grnGyA4lrpY (604x341, 101Kb)

above all -
after all -
and all -
and so on / and so forth -


, 29 2014 . 23:47 +
Rosina12 [ + !]

t6SpkOjpBaY (604x377, 86Kb)

1. , , :

On cloud nine
: When I won the first prize I was on cloud nine.
: " ". , " ", , - .


 : [3] 2 1