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Статистика LiveInternet.ru: показано количество хитов и посетителей
Создан: 12.12.2011
Написано: 295

12.12.2011 Why was this dishonest information allowed to be presented during the Murray Trial


Понедельник, 12 Декабря 2011 г. 00:22 + в цитатник

The Medical Board has used as their sources for information concerning me the following individuals:

Dr David Charles Rish. Rish,as reported to the police, stole a huge number of charts from my office. He is telling all my patients that Muhammad and Jason are not guilty of anything..Furthermore , he has released privileged and erroneous information concerning my health which violates Hipaa in that he is my treating dermatologist for simple skin things When he left there were numerous copies of Jason and Muhammad's phone number's on his desk. Rish had negotiated with Muhammad and Jason that his overhead remain at the level it was in 1984,It should be indicated that Rish was the doctor from my office majorly treating Michael Jackson during May of 2009 .

Ilya Reyter is another Physician who worked in my office

and held no compensation agreement with me. He left claiming he was only going to do a Skin Cancer fellowship but last seen he was practicing in Pasadena, West LA and Westlake Village. Furthermore he held many meetings with Muhammad who made an agreement for a monetary draw of which I was I was unaware. He held a financial agreement with Muhammad I never made. Dr Reyter was the other Physician treating Michael Jackson in May of 2009.

Finally we have Jason Pfeiffer speaking out about me. Does it matter that this man(?) opened 41 fake accounts in my name, embezzled well over 5 million dollars, attempted to kill me and is driving around town in Kathy Hilton’sBentley which I paid for. Maybe Jason would like to know that we found the fake W2 and soon the IRS will come to visit you. Lest I forget what about the fake paperless Amex card you opened charging it to me or all those play toys you flew in for your pleasure What about your insane travel expenses you billed me. And all those terrible stories about me and the absolutely fabricated tale about your relationship with Mr Jackson. Might I add that relationship occurred only once when you were driving Michael home from a long visit in my office. If this occurred then have you not broken some laws concerning your supposed actions?
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11.12.2011 LaChapelle Funeral Home ---- the Death of Art


Понедельник, 12 Декабря 2011 г. 00:28 + в цитатник

LaChapelle Funeral Home
The Death of Art
Rhihana has settled with photographer David LaChapelle after he sued the star, stating her" S&M” video were direct copies of his provocative pictures. LaChapelle alleged that the video copied his poses, lighting, wardrobe and props. He launched a lawsuit against Rihanna and her label, Def Jam, and asked for $1 million in damages.LaChapelle said This is not personal, it’s strictly business, But then again all Lachapelle knows is business!

Well Mr LaChapelle:

What would you call taking my painting”American Jesus ” while I was in

the hospital recovering from a fire that engulfed my home almost killing me and refusing to return it. Get all the lawyers you want but both you and Fred Torres, your business associate, removed the painting from my residence on the pretense you were going to repair than kept my picture (probably selling it.) It is theft and I have reported it to the LAPD. You claim I never paid for the picture. If so why is the only bill I have for this photo $4000 for repairs from the fire.. If I did not pay for this painting why is there no other bill?.. David you know very well why there is no bill being the businessman you are ---- there is no bill for this painting because like so many of your works you requested to paid for the picture in cash. That is not to say I have not delivered close to $30,000 worth of care to you ,and $10,000 to your friends as well as given you well over $20,000.00 worth of Michael Jackson memorabilia . Possibly you forgot how I cared for your friend after he split his head open from drug use and arranged care for him at a hospital.

Mr LaChapelle it is now very clear to me why you made those images of Michael Jackson. You are a businessman and you made them to make money. You did not care about Michael but rather the hysteria surrounding his death would sell more of your pictures so you made the Jackson pictures. You did the same with the Naomi Campbell and the blood diamond. If you think you know the value of the picture you stole from me think again. Because this picture hung in the place in my home where Michael Jackson requested his portrait be hung the provenance of this piece has it insured at $400,000.
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Пятница, 16 Декабря 2011 г. 14:06 + в цитатник


Arnold W. Klein, MD
Professor of Medicine and Dermatology
Klein Chair in Dermatology UCLA
Consultant to the General and Plastic Surgery Devices Panel of the FD

To Whom it may concern:

David LaChapelle has stolen my painting “American Jesus”
from my home at 553 S. Windsor. What follows his how he went about this act. David is far more interested in money than art! Rihanna was forced to settle with photographer after he sued the star claiming her “S&M” video contained direct copies of his provocative pictures. LaChapelle alleged that the video copied his poses, lighting, wardrobe and props.
He launched a media campaign and lawsuit against Rihanna and her label, Def Jam, and asked for $1 million in damages.LaChapelle said This is not personal, it’s strictly business,

David LaChapelle took my painting”American Jesus ” while I was in the hospital recovering from a fire that engulfed my home almost killing me. He took the photo to restore it and now refuses
to return it. Both Mr LaChapelle and Fred Torres, his business associate, removed the painting from my residence on the pretense they were going to repair it then simply kept my picture . It is theft and I have reported this Art Theft to the LAPD. They claim I owe them a certain amount for the picture which is ludicrous. If I did not pay for this image why is the only bill I have for it is $4000 for repairs from the fire. If I did not pay for this painting why is there no other bill? David you know very
well why there is no other bill, being the businessman you are! There is no other bill for this painting because like so many of your works you requested to be paid for this picture in cash!
That is not. to say I have not delivered close to $30,000 worth of care to you ,and $10,000 to your friends as well as given you well over $20,000.00 worth of Michael Jackson memorabilia . Possibly you forgot how I cared for your friend after he split his head open from drug use in Palm Springs and arranged care for them. Mr LaChapelle it is now very clear to me why you made those images of Michael Jackson. You are
a businessman and you made them to make money. You did not care about Michael but rather the hysteria surrounding his death would sell more of Your pictures. You did the same with the Naomi
Campbell's blood diamond. If you think you know the value of the picture you stole from me think again. Because this picture hung in the place in my home where Michael Jackson requested his portrait be hung the provenance of this piece has it insured at $400,000.
Arnold Klein MD

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Суббота, 17 Декабря 2011 г. 18:26 + в цитатник

Сегодня Кляйн на своем Фейсбуке запостил много фоток с Лиз Тейлор.

Dearest Elizabeth,
your work in the field of HIV has revolutionized an epidemic. My only regret is that during your lifetime I was unable to secure the Congressional Metal of Freedom for you. In January I too will hold an auction of many of the gifts from you,Michael, Carrie ,Cher,Mrs Walt Disney, and many of the other incredible people who came into my life. Ultimately a large portion of these these will be use to continue our fight against HIV...I swear to continue our battle. Arnie




Среда, 21 Декабря 2011 г. 18:08 + в цитатник

Кляйн сегодня дает ссылку на статью



EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT From Carrie Fisher's New Book 'Shockaholic': Michael Jackson's Last Christmas

From Andrew Losowsky, Huffington Post: Carrie Fisher knows that, when her time comes, her obituary will read "Princess Leia Is Dead." She's written a number of frank and funny books about struggling with the legacy of the metal bikini - along with her drug and alcohol addictions (now in remission), her bipolar disorder, her disfunctional and famous parents, and more. One of her books became the movie "Postcards from the Edge," while another, "Wishful Drinking," became a Broadway show. In her latest book, "Shockaholic" (Simon and Schuster, $22), she talks about her regular use of electro-convulsive therapy to combat depression, her encounter with an offensively rude Ted Kennedy and, in this exclusive excerpt, what happened when she spent Christmas with Michael Jackson - which turned out to be his last.

Michael’s celebrity turned many people into eager, greedy stargazers who only wanted something from him above and beyond what a normal human is willing or expected to give. They were there for the anecdote. It’s what I call the “shine.” People want to rub up against it, and in so doing, their own value is increased. But I’d like to propose a reason why Michael might’ve preferred the company of children to what I’ve heard referred to as adults.

Kids of a certain age, being too young to understand the peculiar phenomenon of fame, are potentially easier to trust and hang out with than a certain kind of adult, who, as I said earlier, more often than not have a tendency to start acting completely disorganized around someone as outrageously famous as Michael. And children are far less likely to act this way because they don’t exactly know what fame is yet. To them, famous is cartoon characters, or Muppets, or Barney. It’s too abstract a concept for kids.
* * *

On Christmas Eve 2008—Michael’s last—I went over to his house, which is located just down the hill from me and a few blocks over. He was giving his children the childhood that he never had. A childhood outside of celebrity with people who didn’t objectify them. Because normally, for Michael, life was like being an animal at the zoo. An endangered species forever behind bars. I could get in the cage with Michael and not get freaked out, and there weren’t that many people who would’ve known how to, or known that it was even something they might actually be required to do when with him. But I did.

So I joined Michael after hours at his zoo. We took pictures and ate cookies and decorated the tree.

And then, to change it up, Michael asked me to do the Star Wars hologram speech for his kids. I didn’t mind. Someone actually had to remind me what a big Star Wars fan Michael was.

While I was there, though, we weren’t really experiencing the situation for the most part, we were taking pictures of it. Arnie took pictures of me and Michael and the kids, and I took pictures of Arnie and his friends and the Michael family package. My favorite was taking a picture of Michael reading my book "Wishful Drinking."

configuration of ours. Looking back, it was as if Michael didn’t know how to just be in a situation without recording it on a camera. The thing is, he was just so used to being documented. But the main reason the documentation came up this time was mostly for Arnie’s friends, who wanted to take pictures of their meeting with Michael so they could carry his shine around. The encounter elevated them. It became, “Oh, I had Christmas Eve dinner with Michael Jackson. What did you do?” Anyway, we all f*cked around holiday style and having fun, and it was fun. We took pictures, we acted childish (at least I think that’s what it was). At some point, Michael said, “Okay, I’m letting you take my kids’ pictures because I know that you won’t show them to anyone because you know I don’t want anyone to see my children.”

He wanted his children to be as unrecorded as possible. If the Africans believe that you lose a piece of your soul each time you have your picture taken, then Michael hadn’t had one for a very long time. But he was trying to arrange things so that his kids could keep theirs. And his children are very sweet, good children. And that’s because whatever else he was or wasn’t, I think Michael was a really good father. I mean, his children are kind, really polite, even-tempered, and essentially unspoiled kids. And that can’t come from a nanny. You can’t fake that stuff. It has to come from the parent. And that parent was Michael.









Суббота, 24 Декабря 2011 г. 17:56 + в цитатник

Кляйн сегодня запостил видео с поздравлением от Майкла 2002 года


А так же вот это видео с нашими зайцами




Вторник, 27 Декабря 2011 г. 09:45 + в цитатник

С Фейсбука Кляйна

Screen shot 2011-11-18 at 2.10.17 AM


a little bit of heaven


It was like Camelot for once there was a ---

on the Railroad we would circle the world!

It's true! It's true! The crown has made it clear.
The climate must be perfect all the year.

A law was made a distant moon ago here:
July and August cannot be too hot.
And there's a legal limit to the snow here
In Camelot.
The winter is forbidden till December
And exits March the second on the dot.
By order, summer lingers through September
In Camelot.
Camelot! Camelot!
I know it sounds a bit bizarre,
But in Camelot, Camelot
That's how conditions are.
The rain may never fall till after sundown.
By eight, the morning fog must disappear.
In short, there's simply not
A more congenial spot
For happily-ever-aftering than here
In Camelot.

Camelot! Camelot!
I know it gives a person pause,
But in Camelot, Camelot
Those are the legal laws.
The snow may never slush upon the hillside.
By nine p.m. the moonlight must appear.
In short, there's simply not
A more congenial spot
For happily-ever-aftering than here,just like in Neverland!


Текст песни Richard Burton - Camelot: Camelot

Это правда, это правда, корону ясно дал понять, 

Климата должно быть совершенным в течение всего года

Закон был далекой Луны назад здесь
Июль и август не может быть слишком горячей
И есть правовые ограничения на снег здесь, в Камелот

Зимой запрещено до декабря
И выходит марта вторая точка
По приказу, летом задерживается по сентябрь в Камелот

Камелот: Камелот
Я знаю, это звучит немного странно
Но в Камелоте: Камелот
Вот как условия

Дождь никогда не может упасть до после захода солнца
К восьми, утром туман должны исчезнуть
Короче говоря, просто не более благоприятным местом
Для долго и счастливо в чем здесь, в Камелот

Камелот: Камелот
Я знаю, что дает человеку паузы
Но в Камелоте: Камелот
Те правовые законы

Снег может никогда не слякоть на склоне
К девяти вечера лунный свет должен появиться
Короче говоря, просто не более благоприятным местом
Для долго и счастливо в чем здесь, в Камелот




Вторник, 27 Декабря 2011 г. 09:49 + в цитатник

Screen shot 2011-07-05 at 2.05.17 PM

Christmas Morning


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