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American cinema industry.

Воскресенье, 30 Июня 2024 г. 16:15 + в цитатник
I recently watched a movie! And it seems like the story is banal and simple, but it still touches the soul. It is not without reason that America is considered the world capital of the film industry. And no master what anyone says, they don't know how to make film! And no offense, it was not said by a Russian or European filmmaker.
And so this is the story about music university students. Here the end you are of the students. They met each other. She came to his concert. She was sittìng in the stall either in the fourth or fifth row. His gaze stopped on her. And she and he fel in love with each other. But due to warious circumstance they could not admit it. Timɔe passed, they successfully graduated from the educational institution. At that time, the guy did not know about her illness. And whenever heted to tell her about his feeling to her. She found every excuse not to admit it.
She could not give this man to trust she knew that difficult treatment awaited. Not knowing what to do, she makes it clear that she has a relationship with her producer. It was a lie, but reality she loved him madly.
That's why she made all this up, to drive him away from her.
I won't tell you, otherwise the film won't be.
Unless of course, you haven't seen this movie!
Starring K.J. Apa & Britt Robertson

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Без заголовка

Суббота, 04 Мая 2024 г. 22:36 + в цитатник

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It Is song clip from Nancy Ajram. Release date of this song July 7 th 2024 year. The name of the song is " Men Nazra" what does it mean in translation: in his opinion!)


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Nancy Ajram de nouveau en Tunisie!!!

Понедельник, 19 Июня 2023 г. 23:46 + в цитатник

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Nancy Ajram était au mariage!!!

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Nouvelle chansons

Понедельник, 22 Мая 2023 г. 23:10 + в цитатник

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Histoire de carriиre de Nancy Ajram.

Четверг, 18 Мая 2023 г. 22:59 + в цитатник
Pensez-y juste: Nancy Ajram est sur scиne depuis 25 ans!!! Voici son premier album. La premiиre composition 3t a donné le nom å tout l'album, la chanson s'appelle "Mahtagalak" ce qui signifie "j'ai bésoin de toi" Une video a été filmée pour cette chanson.

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Le compte а rebours a commencè!

Вторник, 09 Мая 2023 г. 01:17 + в цитатник
Joyeux anniversaire,
Heureux anniversaire.
Tous nos voeux sont sincéres
Pour ton anniversaire (2x)
Tes amis ajourd'hui
Se sont tous réunis
Ton bonheur on l'espére
Pour ton anniversaire
Joyeux anniversaire,
Heureux anniversaire.
Tous nos voeux sont sincéres
Pour ton anniversaire
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Без заголовка

Понедельник, 24 Апреля 2023 г. 23:50 + в цитатник
Est-ce que tout est calme а Bagdad?, ou non? Bien sur que non! La voix d'or libanaise est vinue ici!
Nancy Ajram a visit l'etat plutфt dangereux de l'Irak! Elle est vinue avec un programme de concert. Voici une photo du concert.



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Année anniversaire

Понедельник, 03 Апреля 2023 г. 22:11 + в цитатник
Cette année, Nancy Ajram marque le 25e anniversaire du premier de sa carriére!

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Cette photo du concert a déjà 20 ans!

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N'avait-elle pas l'air appėtissante? Comment penses tu? Maintenant elle a l'air très mince, ce qui est contraire б la nature des femmes orientales! Mais étant donnè que le sang grec coule enntcore en elle par sa mère. Entre trois enfants, dont Nadine, Nabil et Nancy Ajram elle méme. C'est Nancy Ajram qui a réussi à réussir à la fois dans sa carrière et dans sa vie personnelle.

And one more time in U.S.A.

Среда, 22 Марта 2023 г. 23:51 + в цитатник
After short break, Nancy Ajram went to America again. Only this time she visited the most glamorous state California. True, this is not Los-Angeles, but the town of Temecula. Our secular society just went crazy on this opera and opera singers. It is precisely such singers as Nancy Ajram that should be invited to Uzbekistan. No matter how many days she gave concerts, she would have a full house at all concerts! That is what I want offer our concert organizers! In addition, Nancy Ajram has never been to Uzbekistan! It will be at least some variety. It will not be said to offend opera singers, but now people like more modern music and variety of genres!

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Nancy Ajram travels through North America!!!

Пятница, 17 Марта 2023 г. 22:30 + в цитатник
Nancy Ajram got off to a pretty good start to the year! Immediately after participating in the annual "Joy Awards" project (Joy Awards) This project is something songs like of the year in Russia and Grammy in America.
Immediately after she went to the neighboring state of Kuweit. And March 6, began a long tour of North America. First she went to the city of Punta-Cana which is the Dominican Republic. Then she also visited two cities in the United States with concerts Detroit and Houston. In Houston 10 March. In Detroit 11 March. 13 March she went Montreal (Canada). The concert tour will end in Las Vegas (U.S.A.) Do you know what city this is? And for those who don't know, let me know it is largest city of gambling. Las Vegas is last stop on tour. And it will take place, either today or tomorrow beacause of the difference in time. On a note between us America 13 hours.

Nancy Ajram travels through North America!!!

Понедельник, 13 Марта 2023 г. 17:39 + в цитатник
Nancy Ajram got off to a pretty good start to the year! Immediately after participating in the annual "Joy Awards" project (Joy Awards) 0


Суббота, 11 Февраля 2023 г. 02:16 + в цитатник
The British, together with a Americans, shot a new film "FALL!" This is a story about two crazy extreme ladies Hunter Rebecca and about one man named Dan! The three of them will be extreme climbers. These three conquuered dangerous peaks, until one of them falls off a cliff a die. Dan was Rebecca's husband whom she loved so much. This caused her to become depressed. She will begin to drink heavily and contemplate suicide by taking pills. The father will not able to covince her she must live on. In response, she only dismissively asks to be left alone. And then one day at the end of the year her friend Hunter will come to her. She will offer to go and conquer highest tower wich is called B 67. It was abandoned tower in desert. The tower was six-hundred metres high. And one day after year's absence, her friend Hunter came to Rebecca. Hunter found her completely shattered. Rebecca was in a severe depression. And to console her, Hunter offered to travel through the desert to conquer the talled non-functioning television tower. At first debt Rebecca refused rememring: how Dan died, and she hasn't practiced for a long time. And she kept saying: she was afraid. Buet Hunter was able to change her mind. She said: that she should look her fear in the eyes. Without warning anyone, two friends will go to this
tower. Rebecca took Dan's ashes with her, to dispel it and
finally say goodbye to it. On the inside of the tower they climbed very quickly, but it took longer to get to the outer stairs. They finally made it to the top. As soon as they entered the platform Hunter hung over the abyss holding on to the ledge with one hand, and then she will ask the Rebecca to do the same. Gritting her heart, she wholeheartedly agrees. She too, sank onto the platform and hung over the abyss grasping the hand, and edge of the ledge. And then they scattered Dan's ashes. And they just started going down ladder fell off and flew down. only thanks to the cable that Rebecca obliged to prevent her from breaking, and Hunter helped her back up the ledge.
That's it I won't tell you anything else. Watch the movie! The only thing I can say is that in this film there is crime and there is mysticism and death. Other mysticism borders on hallucinations due to hunger and lack of sleep.

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STARING: GRACE FULTON is the one with black hair AND VIRGINIA GARDNER and the one that blonde!

Head staring: Verginia Gardner (Hunter)
Grace Fulton (Rebecca).

Без заголовка

Воскресенье, 29 Января 2023 г. 22:19 + в цитатник

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Воскресенье, 29 Января 2023 г. 22:15 + в цитатник

Yangi qo'shiq Nancy Ajramdan

Понедельник, 02 Января 2023 г. 16:35 + в цитатник
Malumotingiz uchun: Nancy Ajram xiristian dinli! Yangi qo'shiqi aynan barcha katolik xiristianlar uchun aziz bo'lgan Rojdestvo bayramiga bag'ishlangan. Va albatta arab tilida! Boshqa tilda bu ayol-xonanda kuylamaydi! Diqqat: qo'shiq nomi "Ya Eid" O'zbek tiliga tarjima qilganda Hay bayram diyiladi. Ushbu qo'shiqni internet tarmog'idagi (Youtube) ilovasida tamosha qilishingiz mumkun. Bu esa usha qo'shiqa olingan videodan foto-surat.


Merry Christmas

Вторник, 27 Декабря 2022 г. 15:53 + в цитатник
I congratulate every-one Catholics people!
I good-luck: happyness, loveness & successes!!!

Фотографии с концертов уходящего года!!!

Пятница, 25 Ноября 2022 г. 23:32 + в цитатник

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Суббота, 19 Ноября 2022 г. 09:17 + в цитатник

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Show must go on!

Вторник, 15 Ноября 2022 г. 17:19 + в цитатник
Yes, this is a famous phrase of great Freddie Mercury leader of the band! Unfortunately untimely departed from us because of the curse of desease called AIDS! Freddie Mercury: this is his stage name, and his real name Farukh Bulsara. He is British subhject born in African republic of Zanzibar. Actually it is not about him. We know in Uzbekistan at weddings, invited artists a traditional set of songs. But Nancy Ajram true to herself and sings only her songs. She has for all occasions! October 3 she was at the wedding in Egypt. On november 11, she was at a wedding in Turkey, the wedding was in Istanbul! There were two more events that fell out of my favor! these were trips to Cyprus and the Jordan.


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