Четверг, 03 Января 2008 г. 20:23
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В колонках играет - la haineНастроение сейчас - tired the world is going crazy. well, im running in college (i did the math, yeah!). today my ex is coming up to me and asking when he could pass the class. i was shocked. as if i know better in my first year than he does in his fourth. and plus the fact that he does not talk to me (for like 2 months). so i am surprised.
oh, i met my actual boy at the entrance of his college building. he was glad. i wasn't. cuz its freezing freaking cold -15C. damn it! my brain freezes 2.
so, nothing much.
p.s. I got an "f" in math, but i still hope not to go to the exams... im cool, yeah?
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