. Cosmopolitan. Cosmo, Community Plate Silver. Bradshaw Crandell.
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Coco and Pom Pom's Christmas, All About Girls.
1. Collier's (1941) Whitcomb
2. Collier's (1942) Whitcomb
3. Collier's, hat design by Lilly Dach? (1942) Whitcomb
4. Collier's (1943) Whitcomb
5. Ladies' Home Journal, "Angela was Eighteen" (1947) Whitcomb
6. Cadillac (1938) Whitcomb
7. Cadillac (1938) Whitcomb
8. Cadillac (1939) Whitcomb
9. Cadillac (1939) Whitcomb
10. Cadillac (1939) Whitcomb
11. Cadillac (1939) Whitcomb
12. Community Plate, "This is for Keeps" (1946) Whitcomb
13. Cosmopolitan, "I Do" (1942) Whitcomb
14. Story Art (19??) Whitcomb
15. Ice Capades (1961) Whitcomb
16. Jantzen Bill Board, "This Is The Life" (1948) Whitcomb
17. Pen and Ink Portrait (19??) Whitcomb
18. Palmolive "Situation Well in Hand" (1942) Whitcomb
19. Cosmopolitan, "Special To The Navy" (1942) Whitcomb
20. Statler Hotels, Wine List (1934) Whitcob - 019 listed as "John" instead of "Jon
21. Redbook Magazine "Edge of Farewel" (1956) Whitcomb
22. Wrigley's (1930) Whitcomb
23. Lustre-Cream, "Debbie Reynolds" (1964) Whitcomb
24. Lustre-Cream, "Janet Leigh" (1963) Whitcomb
25. Lustre-Cream, "Deborah Kerr" (1964) Whitcomb
26. Ladies' Home Journal, "Nobody Loves a Phi Bete" (1941) Whitcomb