
kr tr vr




: 13.02.2010
: 1612



( 193 )

kr tr vr

( kr )

, 26 2019 . 17:41 +

«» - «» - «» - !!!
: « »
: to deceive - , , deceiver - .

▪ *KoR(ov) () → KGaRbati => GRbhnati => _Rabhate / => _Labhati / > _Ripati → _Rip
- «*» | - (_) | : m- | - [b] | : -h
rip ( ) - *kor ( ). - karbati ( ). √ - KR, - _Rp.
*KoR(ov) ( ) → KaRbati, KhaRbati (. to go, to move ) => GaRbati (. to go to move ) > GRbhnati (. to seize, to take [by the hand]; to grasp, to lay hold of, to take a side, to adopt a party; to arrest, to stop; to catch, to take captive, to take prisoner, to capture, to imprison; to take possession of, to gain over, to captivate; to seize, to overpower; to eclipse; to abstract, to take away [by robbery]; to lay the hand on, to claim; to gain, to win, to obtain, to receive, to accept; to take on one's self, to undertake, to undergo, to begin; to receive into the mind, to apprehend, to understand, to learn; to perceive [with the organs of sense or with], to observe, to recognise; to accept, to admit; etc ) => Rabhate, Rambhati (. to grasp, to take hold of, to desire vehemently, to embrace, to begin, to clasp, to act rashly ) / => Labhati, Lambhate (. to seize, to take, to catch; to perceive, to understand, to know, to learn, to find out; to obtain, to conceive, to receive, to get; to possess, to have ), Lambhayati (. to cause to take or receive or obtain, to give, to bestow; to get, to procure; to find out, to discover; to cause to suffer ) / > Ripati (. to deceive, to cheat ) Rip (. injury, fraud, deceit; an injurer, deceiver, enemy ib. ), Ripu (. a deceiver, cheat, rogue ib.; an enemy, adversary, foe ), Ribhvan (. thief )
Lambhate (. to obtain, to conceive, to receive, to get; to possess, to have; etc. ) > praLabhate (. to seize, to lay hold of; to understand, to obtain, to get; to deceive, to overreach, to cheat ), praLambhayati (. to cheat, to deceive ) | > vipraLabhate (. to insult, to violate, to mock at, to take in, to cheat, to deceive; to regain, to recover ), vipraLambhayati (. to mock, to insult, to violate )
KR > KR[v/b] > GR[bh] > _R[(m)bh] > /_L[(m)bh]/ > _R[p]
... " " « -»
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( kr )

, 20 2019 . 14:30 +

«» - «» - «» - !!!
: « »
: to eat - , , , , , to swallow - , , , to consume - , , , , to devour - , , , . throat - , , , food - , , , .

▪ *KoR(ot) → *KaRtati () / > KaRtti / > GRasti ( => Gh_asti → Gh_asa ) → GRas
GRLasti ( => GaL_ti → GaL_a ) => GiRL_ati
- «*» | - [t] | : -h | - (_) - (_)
grāsa , ghasa ( ) - ; - . - KR, - GR - G_, - GRs - Gh_s.
*KoR ( ) → *KaRtati (. ) [ : KRutit' (. ] / > KaRtati (. to destroy, to cut, to cut in pieces, to cut off, to tear asunder, to divide ) / → KRtti (. food ) | > GRasati (. to seize with the mouth, to take into the mouth, to swallow, to devour, to eat, uo consume; to swallow up, to cause to disappear; to eclipse; to swallow or slur over words, to pronounce indistinctly; etc. ), GRāsayati (. to cause to swallow or devour; to consume, to swallow ) GRāsa (. food, nourishment ), GRasana (. mouth, jaws; swallowing ), GRasti (. act of swallowing ) | > aGRasati (. to devour ) | > pariGRasati (. to devour ) | > praGRasati (. to eat up, to devour, to swallow ) | > saṅGRasati -te (. to devour, to consume, to swallow up ) → saṅGRasana (. eating up, devouring ) | > upaGRasati (. to devour [as sun], to swallow down; to eclipse )
GRasati (. to swallow, to devour, to eat, uo consume, etc. ) => GLasate (. to eat ) => GaLati (. to eat, to swallow ) → GaLa (. "swallower", the throat, neck ), GaLaka (. throat, neck ), GaLagodi (. kind of snake ), GaRā (. swallowing ), GaRa (. any drink, beverage ), GaRana (. act of swallowing ), jiGaRti (. swallower ) | > niGaLati (. to swallow, to devour ) → niGaLana (. eating, swallowing ), niGaRa (. eating, swallowing ), niGāRa (. swallowing ), niGaRana (. throat; swallowing, devouring completely ) | saṅGaRa (. swallowing up, devouring; fruit ) | viGaRa (. "not swallowing", an abstemious man; a naked ascetic ib. )
GRasati (. to swallow, to devour, to eat, uo consume, etc. ) => Ghasati (. to consume or devour, to eat ) Ghāsa (. food ), Ghasi, Ghāsi (. food ), Ghasana (. devouring ) | > apiGhasati (. to eat off or away ) | > praGhasati (. to swallow, to devour, to eat up ) | niGhasa (. eating, food ) | saṅGhasa (. food ) | viGhasa (. the residue of an oblation of food [offered to the gods, to deceased ancestors , to a guest, or to a spiritual preceptor] )
GRasati (. to swallow, to devour, to eat, uo consume, etc. ) => GiRati -te => GiLati (. to swallow, to devour, to eat; to emit or eject from the mouth ) → GiRana, GiLana (. swallowing ), GīRni (. swallowing ) | > avaGiRati (. to swallow down ) | > niGiRati, niGiLati (. to swallow, ingurgitate, to devour; to swallow i.e. totally appropriate ), niGiRana (. swallow up, devouring ) | > saṅGiRati (. to swallow up, to devour )
KR > KR[t] > GR[s > _] > Gh_[s] | GR[s] > GL/R[s > _]
... " " « -»
[] ( sanskrit / )


( kr )

, 20 2019 . 09:42 +

«» - «» - «» - !!!
: « »
: '' - , , . , , .
: K(h)aRbati (. to go, to move ) => K(h)ambati (. to go, to move ) => Cambati (. to go, to move ) => C(h)ampati (. to go ).
: to drink - , , to sip - , , to eat - , , to lick up - . bee - .

▪ *KoR(ov) () → K(h)aRbati => CaRbati => Ca_mbati > Ca_mati → Ca_maraka
- «*» | - (_) | : m- | - [b] > [m] | - [n]
- camaraka ( [, ] ) - - *kor ( ). - karbati - cambati - camati ( - - ). √ - KR. - C_, - C_m.
*KoR(ov) ( ) → KaRbati, KhaRbati (. to go, to move ) => CaRbati (. to go ) [ GaRbati, GhaRbati (. to go, to move ) => Gambati, Ghambate (. to go, to move ) ] => Cambati (. to go ) > Camati, Camnoti, Cāmayati (. to drink, to sip; to eat ), Chamati (. to eat ) Camaraka (. bee ), Camana (. sipping ), Cārin (. horse ), svaCānta (. mfn. one who has sipped water well or according to rule ) | > aCāmati (. to sip [water] from the palm of the hand for purification; to lap up, to lick up, to absorb, to cause to disappear [as the winds lick up moisture] ), aCāmayati (. to cause to sip water ) → aCāmaka (. mfn. one who sips water ), aCamana (. sipping water from the palm of the hand [before religious ceremonies, before meals] for purification; not the custom to spit the water out again; the ceremony is often followed by touching the body in various parts; the water used for that ceremony ), aCānti (. sipping [water] for purifying the mouth ), aCānta (. mfn. one who has sipped water ), aCāntodaka (. mfn. one who has sipped water [and purified his month] ) | niCamana (. sipping ) | paryaCānta (. food left by a person after sipping ) | > samaCamati (. only ind. p. -camya: to sip water [as a religious act in ceremonial observances] )
CaRbati (. to go ) => Cambati (. to go ) => Campati, Champati (. to go ) → Champana (. jump )
Cambati (. to go ) > Jamati (. to go; to eat )
Cambati (. to go ) => Copati (. to go, to move )
KR > KR[b] > CR[b] > C_[mb > m] | C(h)_[mb > mp] > J_[m]
... " " « -»
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( kr )

, 15 2019 . 22:14 +

«» - «» - «» - !!!
: « »
: 'aÑcati' : VaRtati (. to go, to move, to turn, etc. ) > VaÑcati (. to move to and fro, to go, to go crookedly, to bend, to curve, to incline, etc. ) > aÑcati (. to tend, to move, to go, to wander about; to bend, to curve, to incline, etc. ).
: bee - , snake - , elephant - , wind - .

▪ *KoR(ot) () → *KaRtati () > KaNtati > CaÑcati ( > _aÑc(h)ati → _aÑcati ) → CaÑcarin
KaNtati ( > KhaÑjati → KaÑjara ) > KaÑcati → KaÑcukin
- «*» | - (_) - (_) - (_) | - [t] | : -h
- cañcarin ( ) - kañcukin ( ) - kañjara ( ) - añcati ( ) - *kor ( ), - kantati ( - ). - KR, - CÑ - KÑ - KÑ - _Ñ, - CÑc - KÑc - KÑj - _Ñc.
*KoR ( ) → *KaRtati (. ) [ : KRutit' (. ) ] > KaNtati (. to go, to move ) > CaÑcati (. to move, to be unsteady, to shake, to leap, to jump, to dangle ) CaÑcarin (. bee ), CaÑcarī (. bee ), CaÑcala, CaÑcā (. a river; the wind; a lover, libertine; adj. moving to and fro, movable, unsteady, shaking, quivering, flickering; unsteady, inconstant, inconsiderate ib. ), CaÑcukā (. beak [of a bird], bill ), CaÑcalatā (. fickleness, unsteadiness )
CaÑcati (. to move, to be unsteady, to shake, to leap, to jump, to dangle ) > aÑcati -te (. to tend, to move, to go, to wander about; to bend, to curve, to incline, to curl; to reverence [with inclined body], to honour; to request ), āÑcati (. to bend, to curve ), aÑcayati (. to unfold, to make clear, to produce ), aÑcyate (. to be bent ) aÑcati (. wind ), aÑcatī (. wind; fire ), aÑcala (. the border or end of a garment, especially of a woman's garment, of a veil, shawl ) | > āÑcati (. to stretch, to draw into the right position, to set (a bone or leg] ) → āÑchana (. stretching, drawing, setting [a bone or leg] )
KaNtati (. to go, to move ) > KaÑcati, KāÑcate (. to bind; to shine ) KaÑcukin (. snake ), KaÑcukālu (. snake ), KāÑcana (. a covenant binding for the whole life ), KaÑcuka (. cover, cloth )
KaNtati (. to go, to move ) > KhaÑjati (. to limp, walk lame ) KaÑjara (. elephant; sun; belly ), KaÑjāra (. elephant; sun ) => KuÑcara, Kūca (. elephant ); KhaÑjana (. a kind of wagtail; going lamely ), KhaÑjaka (. the wagtail; a kind of wagtail ), KhaÑjā (. limping, lameness ), KhāÑjya (. limping )
KR > KR[t] > KN[t] > CÑ[c] > _Ñ[c > ch] | KN[t] > KaÑ[c] | KN[t] > K(h)Ñ[j > c] > K_[c]
... " " « -»
[] ( / sanskrit )


( kr )

, 15 2019 . 14:28 +

«» - «» - «» - !!!
: « »
: to injure - , , , , , , to hurt - , , , , , , , to suffer - , , , , to torment - , , , , to pain - , , , , to limp - , , , pain - , , .

▪ *KoR(ot) → *KaRtati () > KaRtti => KRathti ( => KZNLa›uthti => KLezati → KLetr ) → KRathana
- «*» | : n- | - [t] | : -h | : [n] | - (_) - (_)
kleṣtr ( , [] ) - ; - . - KR, - KL, - KLṣ.
*KoR ( ) → *KaRtati (. ) [ : KRutit' (. ] > KaRtati (. to destroy, to cut, to cut in pieces, to cut off, to tear asunder, to divide ) => KRathati (. to hurt, to kill ), KRāthayati (. to hurt, to injure, to destroy [with gen. of the person hurt]; to rejoice, to revel, to be in high gig ) KRathana (. adj. one who is in danger of suffocation; cutting through [as with an ax]; slaughter, killing; sudden interruption of breath ), KRātha (. killing, murder ), KRotha (. killing, murder ), KRāthana (. moving ) | => KLathati (. to hurt, to kill; to be formed into clots or lumps ) => KNathati (. to hurt ) | > KLiznāti (. to torment, to trouble, to molest, to cause pain, to afflict; to suffer, to feel pain ), KLizjati (. to torment, to cause pain ), KLezayati (. to torment, to molest ), KLizyati -te (. to be tormented or molested, to be afflicted, to feel pain; to be sinful ) KLeṣtr (. adj. one who causes pain or suffering ), KLiṣta (. affliction, distress ), KLeza (. pain, affliction, distress, pain from disease, anguish; wrath, anger; worldly occupation, care, trouble ), KLezana (. disgust ), KLezala (. pain ) | > pariKLizyati -te (. to suffer, to feel pain, to be troubled or vexed ) → pariKLeza (. hardship, pain, trouble, fatigue ) | > samKLiznati (. to press together; to torment, to pain, to afflict ), samKLezyate (. to get soiled ) → samKLeza (. pain, suffering, affliction ), samKLezana (. causing pain )
KaRtati (. to destroy, to cut, etc. ) > KaRjati (. to pain, to torment )
KLathati (. to hurt, to kill; etc. ) => KLezate (. to strike, to kill ib. )
KNathati (. to hurt ) / => *KaNthati (. *to hurt ) [ : KhaNdate (. to break ), KhuNdate (. to break; limp ) ] / => KuNthati (. to hurt, to injure; to suffer pain, to want ), Kuthnati (. to cling to, to twine round, to embrace; to injure ib. ) > ZuNthati (. to limp, to be lame; to dry, to become ), ZuNthayati (. to dry, to become dry ) => Zothati (. to limp ), Zothayati (. to be dull or slow ib. ) | > KuNthati (. to be lame or mutilated or blunted or dulled; to be lazy or stupid ib.: ), KuNthayati (. to cover, to conceal )
KRathati (. to hurt, to kill ) => ZRathayati -te, ZRanthayati (. to hurt, to kill .ib ) → ZRathana, ZRanthana (. destroying, killing ) | => ZLathayati (. to hurt, to kill )
KNathati (. to hurt ) => ZNathati (. to pierce, to strike, to injure, to kill ) → ZNathitr (. a piercer, killer, slayer ib. )
KR > KR[t > th / j] > KL/N[th > z > ṣ] | KN[th] > ZN[th] > Z_[th] | KR[th] > ZR[th]
... " " « -»
[] ( sanskrit / )


( gr )

, 28 2016 . 15:07 +

«» - «» - «» - !!!
: « »
: to strike - , , , to kill - , , , to hit - , , to harm - , , to slay - , , , to beat - , , , to crush - , , , , , to destroy - , , , , to hurt - , , , , to injure - , , to pound - , , .

▪ *KoR(ov) () → KGaRbati => Ga_mbati => Ga_mati => GHa_nti → Ha_ntr / → Ha__ti
: m- | - [b] | - (_) - (_) | - «*»
- hantr ( ) - - *kor ( ). - karbati - hanti ( - ). √ - KR. - H_, - H_n.
*KoR(ov) ( ) → KaRbati, KhaRbati (. to go, to move ) => GaRbati, GhaRbati (. to go, to move ) / > *Gabati (. to go, to move ) / => Gambati, Ghambate (. to go, to move ) => Gāmati (. to go, to move, to go away, to set out, to come; to go to or towards, to approach; to go or pass [as time e.g.]; to go against with hostile intentions, to attack; to decease, to die; to approach carnally, to have sexual intercourse with; to go to any state or condition, to undergo, to partake of, to participate in, to receive, to obtain ), Gamayati (. to cause to go or come, to lead or conduct towards, to send to, to bring to a place; to cause to go to any condition, to cause to become; to impart, to grant; to send away; to excel; to spend time; to cause to understand, to make clear or intelligible, to explain; to convey an idea or meaning, to denote ) [ : Hammati (. to go ] => Ganti (. to go, to move; to go with the mind, to observe, to perceive; to observe, to understand, to guess ) [ : Kanati (. to go, to approach ), Kanti (. to go ) ] => Hanti (. to go, to move; to strike, to strike off or upon, to beat, to pound, to slay, to hurt, to hammer, to hit; to destroy, to kill, to repress, to put to death, to wound; to touch, to come into contact; to give up, to hurl upon; to obstruct; to avert ), Hanyate (. to be struck or killed ) Hantr (. killer, slayer ), Han (. killer, slayer ), Hanana (. killer, murder; killing, slaying, destroying, act of striking or hitting, striking of, dispelling, removing ), Hantu (. killing, slaying ), Hanusa (. demon, wrath, anger ), Hanu (. death; weapon; tooth; anything which destroys or injures life ), Hani (. ruin; weapon ), Hana (. killing, slaughter, act of abandoning ), Hanna (. killing ), goHantr (. cow-killer ), sarpaHan (. snake-killer ), akhuHan (. mouse-killer ), zaryaHan (. warrior, killing with arrows, archer ), surariHantr (. demon-killer )
Hanti (. to strike, to kill, etc. ) → Hati (. destruction, destroing, striking, killing, stroke or blow with, removal, loss, absense ) => Sati (. destruction ) | → Hata (. killing, striking, hurting ), Hatya (. killing, slaying, slaughter, murder ), Hatha (. killing, blow; slaughter, stroke ), Hatnu (. weapon ), Ha (. battle, war; weapon ) | > aHanti (. to strike at, to beat, to hit; to attack, to assault ) → aHanana (. act of striking at, beating, killing, stick for beating a drum ); aHati (. striking, stroke, hitting, hit, blow ) | > abhiHanti (. to strike, to beat [drum], to kill, to afflict, to visit with ) → abhiHati (. striking, collision, impact ) | > abhiniHanti (. to strike, to beat ) | > apaHanti (. to attack, to take away, to seize, to kill, to destroy, to shoot out ) → apaHati (. removing, destroing ); apaHanana (. warding off ), apaSana (. killing, slaugter ) | > apiHanti (. to remove or suppres pregnancy ) | > avaHanti (. to strike, to hit, to throw down ) → avaHantr (. one who throws off or wards off ), avaHanana (. threshing ) | > niHanti (. to strike or hew down, to strike or fix in, to beat, to hit, to kill, to destroy, to ruin, to afflict, to attack, to assail, to touch, to attach to, to punish, to visit ) → niHantr (. killer, destroyer, one who removes or expels or hinders ), niHanana (. killing, slaughter ) | → niHan(. killer ) | > nirHanti (. to strike or knock out, to strike off, to remove, to kill, to destroy, to expel ) → niruHati (. to remove, to push or draw out, to put aside or apart ) | > paraHanti (. to strike, to beat, to slay, to kill, to destroy ) → paraHati (. condiction ), paraSana (. killing, slaugter ) | > pariHanti (. to extinguish, to wind round ) → pariHanana (. binding or girding or wrapping round ) | > pariniHanti (. to strike ) | > praHanti (. to strike, to beat, to slay, to kill, to destroy ) → praHati (. blow, stroke ), praHanana (. striking ) | > praniHanti (. to slay, to kill, to destroy, to bend down lower ) | > pratiHanti (. to strike down, or back, to strike in return, to beat against, to break, to crush, to assail, to attack, to put on a spit ) → pratiHantr (. one who wards off, preventer ), pratiHati (. blow, stroke, stroke blow ), pratiHanana (. striking again, returning a blow ) | > pratiniHanti (. to aim a blow at ) | > pratyaHanti (. to drive back, to ward off, to keep away ) → pratyaHati (. to bring back, to strip off, to keep away, to push back, to recover ) | > pratyavaHanti (. to strike back ) | > samaHanti (. to strike together or down, to strike upon, to beat, to slay, to clash together or against, to kill ) → samaHanana (. act of striking upon or against ), samaSana (. act of throwing or putting together ) | > samHanti (. to strike or beat or put together, to rush together, to kill, to crush, to break, to destroy, to shut, to meet ) → samHati (. striking together ), samHanana (. act of striking together, strenght, rubbing the limbs ) | > samniHanti (. to strike, to strike at, to kill ) | > udaHanti (. to strike at ) | > upaHanti (. to strike, to beat, to hit at, to ram, to take out or hold of, to touch, to seize, to force in, to put on, to visit ) → upaHati (. hurt, injure ) | > upaniHanti (. to hammer or ram down by the side of ) | > viHanti (. to strike apart or asunder, to destroy, to tear off, to break, to annihilate ) → viHantr (. killer, stayer, destroyer ), viHati (. stroke, striking, killing, removal, blow ), viHanana (. killing, hurting, slaying, injury ) | > viniHanti (. to strike down, to slay, to slaughter, to kill, to destroy ) | > vyaHanti (. to strike back ) → vyaHati (. contradiction ) | > vyapaHanti (. to strike off ) | > vyatiHanti (. to strike each other, to strike back or in return, to fight together, to kill together ) | > viviHanti (. to scatter, to disperse )
Ganti (. to go, to move; etc. ) > jagGhanti (. to kill, to injure, to destroy, to slay, to dispel, to wound, to hurt ), jagGhanyate (. to slay, to kill, to destroy, to wound, to hurt, to dispel )
KR > KR[b] > GR[b] > G_[*b/mb > m > n] > H_[n]
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( kr )

, 11 2019 . 22:02 +

«» - «» - «» - !!!
: « »
: to throw - , , , , , to cast - , to strike - -, , , , to destroy - , , , , to insult - , . thrower - , archer - .

▪ *KoR(ov) () → K(h)aRbati => K(h)a_mbati > Ki_pati ( → Ke_ptr ) → Ki_paka
- «*» | - (_) | : m- | - [b] | : -h > -
kṣeptr ( ) - *kor ( ). - karbati - kṣipati ( - ). √ - KR, - K_, - Kṣ_p.
*KoR(ov) ( ) → KaRbati, KhaRbati (. to go, to move ) => Kambati (. to go, to move ) => Khambati (. to go, to move ) > Kṣipati -te (. to throw, to cast, to send, to despatch; to throw away, to cast away, to get rid of; to move hastily [the arms or legs]; to throw a glance [as the eye]; to strike or hit [with a weapon]; to put or place anything on or in, to pour on, to scatter, to fix or attach to; to direct [the thoughts] upon; to lay [the blame] on; to utter abusive words, to insult, to revile, to abuse; "to disdain" i.e. to excel, to beat, to outvie; to strike down, to ruin, to destroy ), Kṣepayati (. to cause to cast or throw into; to throw into; to cause to descend into; to hurt, to injure ) Kṣeptr (. adj. thrower, caster ), Kṣepa (. a throw, cast; throwing, casting, tossing; stretching [as of the legs]; a clap [of wings]; a stroke [of an oar &c.]; moving to and fro; sending, dismissing; laying on [as pain &c.]; delay, procrastination, dilatoriness; insult, invective, abuse, reviling; disrespect, contempt; pride, haughtiness; etc. ), Kṣepana (. the act of throwing, casting, letting fly or go [a bow-string]; throwing away [in boxing]; sending, directing; sending away; passing away or spending time; sling ), Kṣepanī (. an oar; a kind of net ), Kṣepaka (. adj. one who throws or sends; destroying; helmsman, pilot; spurious or interpolated passage ), iṣuKṣepa (. [the distance of] an arrow shot ), zaraKṣepa (. the range of an arrow-shot ); Kṣipaka (. an archer ), Kṣipa (. thrower ), Kṣipā (. throwing, sending, casting ), Kṣipatam (. "scattered", distraction or absence of mind; wound caused by shooting or throwing ), Kṣipti (. sending, throwing; solving a riddle; explaining or understanding a hidden meaning ) | > aKṣipati (. to throw down upon or towards; to strike with a bolt; to convulse, to cause to tremble; to draw or take off or away, to withdraw from; to chase or drive out of a place, to disperse; to put into; to point to, to refer to, to hint, to indicate; to refuse, to object to; to insult, to deride; to excel so as to put to shame ), aKṣepayati (. to cause to throw down ) → aKṣepa (. drawing together, convulsion, palpitation; applying, laying [as a colour]; throwing away, giving up, removing; charming, transporting; challenge ), aKṣepana (. throwing, tossing; reviling ), aKṣepaka (. convulsion, spasm ), aKṣeptr (. adj. one who refuses ) | > abhiKṣipati (. to excel; to fling at [as the lash of a whip at a horse] ) → abhiKṣepa (. manner of handling a club ) | > adhiKṣipati (. to throw upon; to insult, to scold; to bespatter ) → adhiKṣepa (. abuse, contempt, dismissal ) | > apaKṣipati (. to remove, to throw away or down, to take away ) → apaKṣepana (. throwing, tossing; reviling ) | > atiKṣipati (. to throw beyond ) → atiKṣiptam (. sprain or dislocation of a particular kind ) | > avaKṣipati (. to throw down, to hurl, to cause to fly down or away; to yield, to grand; to revile ) → avaKṣepa (. blaming, scolding, reviling ), avaKṣepana (. throwing down, overcoming; reviling, blame, despising ) | > niKṣipati (. to throw or cast or put or lay down, to throw &c. in or upon; to deliver anything to, to give or hand over, to deposit, to intrust; to instal, to appoint to; to lay aside, to give up, to leave, to abandon, to cast off, to repel &c.; to put down figures, to count, to cipher ) → niKṣepa (. putting down; throwing or casting on; a deposit, pledge, trust, anything pawned; abandoning, throwing or sending away; wiping, drying ib. ), niKṣepana (. putting down [the feet]; a means by which or a place in which anything is kept ), niKṣeptr (. a depositor, a pawner or pledger ) | nihKṣepa (. removing, throwing or sending away ) | > pariKṣipati (. to throw over or beyond; to put or lay or wind round; to throw about, to surround, to encircle, to embrace ib.; to throw or put or fix in; to throw away, to squander [as a treasure] ) → pariKṣepa (. throwing about, moving to and fro; surrounding, encircling, being [or that by which anything is] surrounded; circumference, extent; abandoning, leaving ) | > praKṣipati -te (. to cast, to hurl, to throw or fling at or into, to place in, to put before; to let down; to launch a
ship; to add; to insert, to interpolate ), praKṣepayati (. to cause or order to cast or put into ) → praKṣepa (. throwing, casting, projecting; throwing into or upon, scattering upon; putting, placing; adding to, increasing [e.g. a dose]; anything added or thrown into drugs while in course of decoction, an ingredient; insertion, interpolation ), praKṣepana (. pouring upon; throwing on or into ) | > pratiKṣipati (. to throw into; to push against, to hurt; to reject, to despise, to oppose, to contradict, to ridicule, to confute ) → pratiKṣepa (. contest; objection, contradiction, repudiation ib. ), pratiKṣepana (. opposing, contesting, contradiction ), pratiKṣiptva (. sent; medicine ) | > samāKṣipati -te (. to throw together, to heap or pile up; to thrust or throw away, to hurl ib.; to move violently, to toss about [lips, arms &c.] ib.; to send forth, to utter [words] ib.; to drive away, to expel ib.; to throw down from, to tear off; to take away, to withdraw; to destroy, to annihilate ib.; to insult, to mock, to ridicule ib.; to hint at, to suggest, to indicate ) → samāKṣepa (. suggestion of, hinting at ) | > samavaKṣipati (. to cast or thrust away, to repel ) | > samniKṣipati (. to throw or lay down ) | > saṅKṣipati -te (. to destroy, to diminish, to compress, to suppress, to dash together, to throw or heap together ) → saṅKṣipta (. agitation, curt ), saṅKṣipti (. throwing, sending, abstract, compressing ), saṅKṣepa (. destruction, throwing, throwing together, compression, condensation, poverty, taking away, summary ), saṅKṣepaka (. adj. one who throws together, destroyer ) | > sampraKṣipati (. to throw or hurl at, to cast ) | > samutKṣipati (. to destroy, to waste - , , , to throw or scatter about, to throw or raise or lift up, to throw aside, to loosen, to liberate ) → samutKṣepa (. throwing into, allusion to ), samutKṣepana (. altitude above the horizon ) | > upaKṣipati (. to throw at, to strike, to describe, to strike with words, to define, to insinuate ) → upaKṣepa (. throwing at, allusion, hint, mention, suggestion, threatening ), upaKṣepana (. hint, throwing at or down, allusion, suggestion ) | > utKṣipati (. to cast away, to throw away or up, to erect, to reject, to set up ) → utKṣepa (. throwing or tossing up, despatching, throwing away, lifting up, expanding, sending ), utKṣepana (. tossing, act of throwing upwards, sending, sending away ), utKṣepaka (. adj. thrower, one who sends or orders ) | > viKṣipati -te (. to throw asunder or away or about, to cast hither and thither, to scatter, to disperse; to remove, to destroy [pain]; to extend, to stretch out ib.; to bend [a bow], to draw [a bow-string]; to handle, to manage; to separate; to cause to deviate in latitude ib. ) → viKṣepa (. the act of throwing asunder or away or about, scattering, dispersion; casting, throwing, discharging; moving about or to and fro, waving, shaking, tossing; drawing [a bow-string]; letting loose, indulging; letting slip, neglecting [time]; inattention, distraction, confusion, perplexity; extension, projection; abusing, reviling; compassion, pity; celestial or polar latitude; a kind of weapon; a kind of disease; sending, dispatching; refuting an argument ib. ), viKṣepana (. the act of throwing asunder or away &c.; moving to and fro, tossing about; confusion proceeding from error ), viKṣeptr (. scatter, disperser ) | > viniKṣipati -te (. to throw or put down, to infix, to insert, to fasten; [with manas] to fix the mind upon; to deposit, to entrust with ib.; to charge with, to appoint to ib. ) → viniKṣepa (. tossing, throwing, sending; isolation, separation ) | > vyāKṣipati -te (. to stretch out [the hand &c.]; to shoot off [an arrow] ib.; to carry away, to captivate [the mind] ) → vyāKṣepa (. invective, abuse; distraction [of mind]; throwing or tossing about; obstruction, hindrance, delay ib. )
KaRbati, KhaRbati (. to go, to move ) => Kambati (. to go, to move ) => Khambati (. to go, to move ) > Kṣapayati (. to destroy, to ruin, to make an end of; to throw, to cast ) → Kṣapaka (. adj. one who is abstinent ), Kṣapana (. adj. one who destroys ) | > saṅKṣapayati (. to cause to, to destroy, to disappear ) | > sampraKṣapayati (. to extinguish )
Kṣipati (. to throw, to cast, to send; to strike down, to ruin, to destroy; etc. ) > Kṣībati, Kṣīvati (. to eject from the mouth, to spit; to be drunk or intoxicated ), Kṣībayati (. to excite ) → Kṣībatā (. drunkenness, intoxication ) | => Kṣevati (. to eject from the mouth, to spit, to vomit )
Khambati (. to go, to move ) => Kṣumpati (. to go )
KR > K(h)R[b] > K(h)_[mb] > Kṣ_[p > b]
... " " « -»
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( kr )

, 11 2019 . 16:20 +

«» - «» - «» - !!!
: « »
: to serve - , , , , , to honour - , , , , to attend - , , , , , to worship - . attendant - , , servant - , , , .

▪ *KoR(ov) () → K(h)›G(h)aRbati > GLevate => G_K(h)evate => S_evate → S_evitr
- [b] | : -h | - (_) | - «*»
sevitr ( ) - *kor ( ). - karbati - sevate ( - ). √ - KR, - S_, - S_v.
*KoR(ov) ( ) → KaRbati, KhaRbati (. to go, to move ) => GaRbati, GhaRbati (. to go, to move ) > GLevate (. to serve, to worship ) => Gevate (. to serve ) => Kevate (. to serve, to attend ), Khevate (. to serve, to wait upon ) => Sevate -ti (. to serve, to wait or attend upon, to honour, to obey, to worship ib.; to cherish, to foster [a child]; to present with; to enjoy sexually, to have sexual intercourse with; to refresh by soft breezes, to fan [said of the wind]; to devote or apply one's self to, to cultivate, to study, to practise, to use, to employ, to perform, to do; to exist or be found in anything to dwell or stay near or in; to remain or stay at, to live in, to frequent, haunt, to inhabit, to resort to ), Sevayate (. to attend upon, to serve, to honour; to tend, to cherish [plants] ), Sevyate (. to be followed or served ) Sevitr (. adj. one who honours or worships; one who follows or pursues ib.; a servant, attendant ), Seva (. going or resorting to, visiting, frequenting; service, attendance on; to be in the service; worship, homage, reverence, devotion to; sexual intercourse with; addiction to ), Sevana (. the act of frequenting or visiting or dwelling in or resorting to; waiting upon, attendance, service; honouring, reverence, worship, adoration; sexual enjoyment, intercourse with; devotion or addiction to ), Sevaka (. a servant, attendant, follower; a votary, worshipper ), Sevitā (. service, attendance ), Sevājana (. a servant, attendant ) | > aSevate -ti (. to attend to, to serve; to honour; to frequent; to abide in, to inhabit, to dwell on; to take the part of, to side with; to enjoy [sexual intercourse]; to indulge in, to like; to perform assiduously, to practise ) → Sevana (. abiding in; assiduous practice or performance of anything ) | > niṢevate (. niṣ+s. to stay in, to abide or have intercourse with; to frequent, to inhabit, to visit, to serve, to attend, to honour, to worship, to follow, to approach, to enjoy [also sexually], to incur, to pursue, to practise, to perform, to cultivate, to use, to employ ), niṢevayati (. to fall into [hell &c.] ) → niṢeva (. exercising, practice, service; use, employment ib.; worship, adoration ib. ), niṢevana (. visiting, frequenting, living in, practice, performance, use, employment, adherence or devotion to, honour, worship ), niṢevitr (. practiser, observer, enjoyer ) | > pratiSevate (. to pursue, to follow [pleasure]; to be kind towards, to serve, to honour ) | > samaSevate (. to practise, to perform, to pursue, to enjoy; to serve, to honour, to gratify ) → samaSevana (. the act of practising, following, employing, serving ) | > samSevate (. to be associated with; to frequent, to inhabit; to wait upon, to attend on, to serve, to honour, to worship, to salute deferentially; to refresh, to fan [said, of the wind; to court, fondle [carnally); to be addicted or devoted to, use or employ or practise or perform continually ) → samSevana (. waiting on, serving, doing homage; using, employing; exposing one's self to, association or intercourse with ) | > upaSevate (. to frequent, to visit, abide or stay at [a place]; to stay with a person, to attend on, to serve, to do homage, to honour, to worship; to have sexual intercourse with; to practise, to pursue, to cultivate, to study, to make use of, to be addicted to ) → upaSevā (. homage, worship, courting; addiction to, use, enjoyment, employment ), upaSevana (. the act of doing homage; service, worship, honouring; addiction to, using, enjoying; experiencing, suffering )
Sevate -ti (. to serve, to wait or attend upon, to honour, to obey, to worship ib.; etc. ) > Sapate -ti (. to follow or seek after, to be devoted to, to honour, to serve, to love, to caress [also sexually] ), Sāpayati (. to serve, to honour, to worship, to do homage; to have sexual intercourse [?] ) => Saparyati (. to serve attentively, to honour, to worship, adore; to offer or dedicate reverentially; to accept kindly ) | > Zapate -ti, Zāpyati (. to swear an oath, to utter an execration; to revile, to scold, to blameto curse one's self ), Zāpayati (. to adjure, to conjure, to exorcise [demons]; to cause any one to swear by ) → Zāpa (. a curse, malediction, abuse, oath, imprecation, ban, interdiction ), Zapa (. a curse, imprecation, oath; a corpse ), Zapana (. a curse, imprecation; reviling, abuse; an oath, asseveration by oath or ordeal ib. ), Zaptha (. a curse, imprecation, anathema; an oath; an ordeal; scolding, reviling ) | > samZapati (. to take an oath together, swear, curse, imprecate )
GaRbati (. to go, to move ) => GLepate (. to move; to tremble, to shake; to be poor or miserable ) > Lepate (. to go; to serve )
KR > K(h)R[b] > G(h)R[b] > GL[v] > K/G_[v] > Z/S_[v > p] | GL[v] > _L[p]
... " " « -»
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( kr )

, 10 2019 . 21:39 +

«» - «» - «» - !!!
: « »
: to tremble - , , , , , to shake - -, , , , to rage - . tremor - , , , rage - .

▪ *KoR(ov) () → KaRbati => Ka_mbmpati ( > Ku_pyati → Ko_pa ) → Ka_mpa
: m- | - [b] | - (_) | - «*»
kampa ( ) kopa ( ) - *kor ( ). - karbati - kampati ( - ). √ - KR, - K_, - K_mp - K_p.
*KoR(ov) ( ) → KaRbati, KhaRbati (. to go, to move ) => Kambati, Khambati (. to go, to move ) > Kampati -te (. to tremble, to shake ), Kampayati -te (. to cause or make to tremble, to shake; to pronounce in a tremulous manner [i.e. with a thrill or shake] ), Kampāyate (. ) Kampa (. trembling, tremor, trembling motion, shaking; earthquake;
tremulous or thrilling pronunciation; a kind of time [in mus.] ), Kampana (. trembling, quivering; the act of shaking, swinging; a kind of weapon; an earthquake ), Kampita (. trembling, a tremor ), Kampra (. trembling, shaken; movable; agile, quick; unsteady, uncertain ), svaraKampa (. trembling of tone ) | > abhiKampate (. to tremble vehemently ), abhiKampayati (. to stir, to allure ) | > aKampate (. to tremble [as the earth] ), aKampayate (. to cause to tremble ) → aKampa (. trembling motion, shaking ) | > abhipraKampayati (. to stir, to allure ) | > pariKampayati (. to cause to tremble, to shake ) → pariKampa (. tremor, great fear or terror ) | > praKampate (. to tremble, to shake, to quiver; to become lax, to be loosened; to vibrate [said of sound] ), praKampayati (. to cause to tremble; to swing, to wave, to brandish, to shake ) → praKampā (. trembling or violent motion, quaking, staggering ), praKampana (. trembling violently; wind, air; great trembling, violent or excessive motion ), praKampita (. trembling or violent motion ) | > pratiKampayati (. to shake, to cause to tremble ) | > samKampate (. to shake about, to tremble, to quake ), samKampayati (. to cause to shake or tremble ) | > sampariKampayati (. to cause to tremble, to shake violently, to agitate ) | > sampraKampate (. ), sampraKampayati (. to cause to tremble, to agitate ) | > utKampate (. to tremble, to shudder ), utKampayati (. to cause to, to tremble; to shake up, to rouse; to agitate ) → utKampa (. tremor, agitation ), utKampana (. the act of trembling, shuddering, agitation ) | > viKampate (. to tremble greatly, to quiver, to move about; to become changed or deformed, to change a position or place, to shrink from ), viKampayati (. to cause to tremble, to agitate ) → viKampita (. a kind of sinking of the tone of the voice; a partic. faulty pronunciation of the vowels ), viKampana (. trembling, motion [of the sun] )
Kambati (. to go, to move ) → Kambala (. water )
Kampati (. to tremble, to shake ) > Kupyati -te (. to be moved or excited or agitated; to swell, to heave or boil with rage or emotion, to be angry, to be angry with ), Kopayati (. to move, to shake, to agitate; to cause to swell with anger, to provoke, to make angry ) Kopa (. passion, wrath, anger, rage; morbid irritation or disorder of the humors of the body; fury [of fire, arms, war, &c.] ), Kopana (. irritating; morbid irritation of the humors of the body; making angry ), Kopanā (. a passionate ), aKopa (. a slight anger ), Kopakrama (. one who goes to anger, passionate ) | > atiKupyati (. to become very angry ) | > pariKupyati (. to become greatly moved or excited, to be in a rage, to be very angry ), pariKopayati (. to excite violently, to make very angry ib. ) → pariKopa (. violent anger, wrath ) | > praKupyati (. to be moved or agitated; to become enraged, to fly into a passion ), praKopayati (. to set in motion, to agitate, to excite, to provoke to anger ) → praKopa (. effervescence, excitement, raging [of diseases, war &c.]; tumult, insurrection; violent anger, rage, fury, wrath, ire; [in med.] excess, superabundance, vitiation ), praKopa (. exciting, irritating, provoking; anything irritating, irritation ib.; provoking, exasperating, incensing ) | pratiKopa (. anger against, wrath ) | > samKupayati (. to become agitated or moved; to become angry or enraged ), samKopayati (. to make angry, to excite; to become agitated or excited )
Kopa (. passion, wrath, anger, rage ) → Kopāyate (. to rage [as a passion] )
KR > K(h)R[b] > K(h)_[mb] > K_[mp > p]
... " " « -»
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( kr )

, 10 2019 . 11:02 +

«» - «» - «» - !!!
: « »
: to wish - , , to gladden - , , to please - , , , , to pleasure - , , to delight - , -, , to love - , , . love - , lover - , .

▪ *KoR(ov) () → K(h)aRbati => K(h)_ambati > Ka_mati ( = > Ka_nati → Ka_nti ) → Ka_ma
- «*» | - (_) | - [b] | : m-
kama ( ) - *kor ( ). - karbati ( ). √ - KR, - K_, - K_m.
*KoR(ov) ( ) → KaRbati, KhaRbati (. to go, to move ) => Kambati, Khambati (. to go, to move ) / > KRāmati (. to go, to go towards; etc. ) => Gāmati (. to go, to go, to move; etc. ) / > Kamati (. *to take, *to grasp; to wish, to desire, to long for; to love, to be in love with, to have sexual intercourse with ), Kāmayati -te (. to wish, to desire, to long for; to love, to be in love with, to have sexual intercourse with; to cause any one to love ) Kāma (. love, affection, object of desire or of love or of pleasure, wish, desire, longing; pleasure, enjoyment; love, especially sexual love or sensuality; love or desire personified; name of the god of love ), Kāmitr (. male, husband ), Kāmin (. lover, gallant, anxious husband; sparrow ), Kāmuka (. lover, gallant; sparrow ), Kāmitva (. the state of a lover, love, desire ), Kāmā (. wish, desire ), Kāmadeva (. god of love ), Kāmarasa (. enjoyment of sexual love ), Kāmena (. out of affection to desire ) | → anuKāma (. desire )
Kamati (. to wish, to desire, to long for; to love, to be in love with, to have sexual intercourse with ) => Kanati (. to be satisfied or pleased; to go ) → Kānti (. desire, wish; loveliness, beauty, splendour, female beauty, personal decoration or embellishment ), Kantu (. love, the god of love; the mind, heart; a granary ) | => caKanati (. intens. to be satisfied with, to like, to enjoy ; to please, to be liked or wished for [with gen. of the person]; to strive after, to seek, to desire, to wish )
KR > K(h)R[b] > K_[mb] > K_[m > n]
... " " « -»
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