
kr tr vr




: 13.02.2010
: 1612



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kr tr vr

( tr & kr )

, 01 2021 . 15:25 +

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. ciketi (to observe, to perceive) ci- cetati (to observe, to perceive) ! ce- cāyati (to observe, to perceive) > cekīyate (intens. form).
: to think - , , , , to observe - , , to perceive - , , , , , to reflect - , to observe - , thought - , , , , mind - , , , , , intelligence - , , , perception - , , notion - , , , idea - , , , , , reflection - , .

▪ *KaRNtati > CiNtati ( => Ca_yati → Ce__tr ) => Ce_tati ( => ciKe__ti ) → Ci_tti
- (_) - (_) | : [t]
*KaNtati (. to take, to seize, to grasp; to perceive ) > CiNtati, CiNtayati (. to think, to have a thought or idea, to reflect, to consider; to think about, to reflect upon, to direct the thoughts towards, to care for; to find out; to take into consideration, to treat of.; to consider as or that, to tax ) → CiNtā (. thought, care, anxiety, anxious thought about; consideration ), CiNtana (. thinking, thinking of, reflecting upon; anxious thought ), CiNtya (. the necessity of thinking about; mfn. to be thought about or imagined ), CiNtita (. reflecting, considering; thought, reflection, care, trouble; intention ), CiNtiti (. thought, care ), CiNtaka (. an overseer; mfn. ifc. one who thinks or reflects upon, familiar with ), suCiNtā (. deep thought, due reflection or consideration ib. ), suCiNtana (. the act of thinking well, deliberate consideration ) | > aCiNtayati (. to meditate, to consider, to recall to mind; caus. to make to consider ) | > anuCiNtayati (. to meditate ) → anuCiNtā (. thinking of, meditating upon, recalling, recollecting; anxiety ), anuCiNtana (. or thinking of, meditating upon, recalling, recollecting ) | > anuviCiNtayati (. to recall to mind; to meditate upon ib. ) | → paraCiNtā (. thinking of or caring for another ) | > pariCiNtayati (. to think about, to meditate on, to reflect, to consider; to call to mind, to remember ib.; to devise, to invent ib. ) | > praCiNtayati (. to think upon, to reflect, to consider, to find out, to devise, to contrive ) | > pratiCiNtayati (. to consider again, to reflect upon, to remember ) → pratiCiNtana (. thinking repeatedly, considering ) | > praviCiNtayati (. to think about, to reflect upon ) | > samCiNtayati (. to think about, think over, to consider carefully, to reflect about; to design, to intend, to destine ) → samCiNtana (. careful consideration or reflection, anxiety ) | > samanuCiNtayati (. to reflect deeply about, to meditate on, to remember ) | > samunCiNtayati (. to reflect deeply about, to meditate on, to remember ) | > samviCiNtayati (. to consider fully, to meditate or reflect upon ) | > viCiNtayati -te (. to perceive, to discern, to observe; to think of, to reflect upon, to ponder, to consider, to regard, to mind, to care for; to find out, devise, to investigate; to fancy, to imagine ) → viCiNtā (. thought, reflection, care for anything ), viCiNtana (. thinking, thought ) | > vipraCiNtayati (. to meditate on, to think about )
CiNtayati (. to think, to have a thought or idea, to reflect; etc. ) => Cāyati (. to observe, to perceive, to notice; to fear, to be afraid of, to behave respectfully; [intens. cekIyate] → Cetr (. an observer ) | > niCāyati (. to regard with reverence, to honour, worship; to observe, to peceive ) → niCetr (. observing, observer ib. ) | viCetr (. mfn. one who sifts, sifter )
CiNtayati (. to think, to have a thought or idea, to reflect; etc. ) => Cetati (. to perceive, to fix the mind upon, to attend to, to be attentive, to observe, to take notice of; to aim at, to intend, to design; to be anxious about, to care for; to resolve; to understand, to comprehend, to know [perf. often in the sense of pr.]; to become perceptible, to appear, to be regarded as, to be known ), Cetayati -te (. to cause to attend, to make attentive, to remind of; to cause to comprehend, to instruct, to teach; to observe, to perceive, to be intent upon to form an idea in the mind, to be conscions of, to understand, to comprehend, to think, to reflect upon; to have a right notion of. know; "to recover consciousness", to awake; to remember, to have consciousness of; to appear, to be conspicuous, to shine ) → Cetas (. splendour; consciousness, intelligence, thinking soul, heart, mind; will ), Cetana (. an intelligent being, man; soul, mind; conspicuousness; mfn. visible, conspicuous, distinguished, excellent; percipient, conscious, sentient, intelligent ), Cetanā (. consciousness, understanding, sense, intelligence ) / → Citta (. the heart, mind; intelligence, reason; thinking, reflecting, imagining, thought; intention, aim, wish; attending, observing ), Citi (. the thinking mind ), Cit (. thought, intellect, spirit, soul ), Caitya (. the
individual soul ), Caitta (. mfn. belonging to thought ), Caitanya (. consciousness; intelligence, sensation, soul, spirit; the universal soul or spirit ), aCaitanya (. unconsciousness; insensibility, senselessness, want of spirituality, that which is destitute of consciousness, matter ), Cittābhoga (. full consciousness ), Cittabhrānti (. confusion of mind ), Cittacaura (. "heart-thief", a lover ), Cittacetasika (. trought ), Cittaja (. "heart-born", love, god of love ), Cittanātha (. "heart-lord", a lover ), Cittanirvrti (. contentment of mind, happiness ), Cittaprasādana (. gladdening of mind ), Cittaprasannatā (. happiness of mind, gaiety ), Cittarāga (. affection, desire ), Cittasamunnati (. pride of heart, haughtiness ), Cittāsukha (. uneasiness of mind ), Cittavikāra (. disturbance of mind ), Cittavikṣepa (. absence of mind ), Cittaviplava (. disturbance of mind, insanity ), Cittavrtti (. state of mind, feeling, emotion; continuous course of thoughts [opposed to concentration], thinking, imagining ), Cittazānti (. composedness of mind ), ekaCitta (. fixedness of thought on one single object; one and the same thought, unanimity ), ekaCittatā (. unanimity, agreement ), calaCitta (. fickleness of mind ), calaCittatā (. frivolity ), Citpati (. the lord of thought ), Citpravrtti (. thinking, reflection ), Citsvarūpa (. pure thought ), saCitka (. thinking ), mahāCit (. great intelligence ) | praviCetana (. comprehending, understanding ) | > viCetati -te (. to perceive, to discern, to understand; to be or become visible, to appear ib. ), viCitayati (. to perceive, to distinguish ) → viCitti (. perturbation ), vaiCittya (. mental confusion, absence of mind, a swoon )
Cetati (. to perceive, to observe; etc. ) => ciKeti (. to observe, to perceive; to fix the gaze upon, to be intent upon; to seek for; [intens. cekite] ) > niciKeti (. to perceive, to notice, to observe, recognise )
CN[t] > C_[t > y > _] > K_[_]
... -
[] ( / sanskrit )


( kr )

, 18 2020 . 18:57 +

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. hasa: h > |a > |s > |a > |. - - > : mahas (light > joy, pleasure) - ruc (light > delight, pleasure) - kha (sun) > sukha (joy, delight, pleasure, happiness) - kha (sun) > ha (delight, pleasure) - ka (sun, light > joy, pleasure, happiness) - ullāsa (light > joy, happiness) - syona (sun > delight, happiness). - > > . . : hlāda (joy) > hāsa - hasa (laughter).
: sun - , joy - , , delight - , , , gladness - , , mirth - , . laugh - , laughter - , , jest - , , jester - , , joke - , , smile - . to gladden - , to rejoice - -, to thrill - -, , , to delight - -, . to laugh - , to jest - , to mock - , , to deride - , .

▪ *KoR(ot) > HaRit ( > HLada → HLadate ) => HRui / > HaRa ( → HaRati ) > Ha_sa → Ha_sati
- * | - (_) | - [t]
- harṣa - hlāda ( ) - hāsa ( [] ) - *kor ( ). - harit ( [] ). √ - KR. - HR - HL - H_. - HRṣ - HLd - H_s.
*KoR(ot) ( ) > HaRit (. sun; etc. ) => HRṣu (. the sun; the moon; agni or fire; telling lies; mfn. glad, happy ) > HRṣi (. joy, satisfaction; splendour; a liar; du. agni and soma ), HRṣti (. delight, joy, rapture; pride, arrogance )
HaRit (. sun; etc. ) > HaRṣa (. joy, pleasure, happiness; erection of the sexual organ, sexual excitement, lustfulness; ardent desire; bristling, erection [esp. of the hair in a thrill of rapture or delight]; mfn. happy, delighted ), HaRṣita (. joy, delight; mfn. made to stand erect, bristling [as hair &c.]; gladdened, delighted, charmed, pleased, happy ), HaRiṣa (. joy ), HRṣita (. mfn. cheerful, glad, happy; bristling, erect [as the hair of the body]; etc. ), HaRṣadohala (. lustful desire ), HaRṣakrodha (. du. joy and anger ), HaRṣodaya (. rise of joy, occurrence of pleasure ), HaRṣazeka (. du. joy and sorrow ), HaRṣāzru (. tears of joy ), HaRṣaviṣāda (. joy and depression ), HaRṣātizaya (. excess of joy ), HaRṣasvana (. a cry of joy, sound of pleasure ), lomaHaRṣa (. the bristling or erection of the hair of the body, thrill or shudder [caused by excessive joy, fear &c.] ), lomaHaRṣana (. the bristling of the hair, horripilation, thrill or shudder ), romaHaRṣa (. the bristling of the hairs of the body, thrill [caused by joy, fear, cold &c.] ), saHaRṣa (. mfn. joyful, glad ), sirāHaRṣa (. thrill of the nerves; an intensified form; flow of discoloured tears )
HaRṣa (. joy, pleasure, happiness; erection of the sexual organ, sexual excitement, lustfulness; etc. ) → HaRṣati -te (. to be excited or impatient, to rejoice in the prospect of, to be anxious or impatient for; to speak or affirm falsely, to lie; [fut. harṣiṣyati] ), HRṣyati -te (. to thrill with rapture, to rejoice, to exult, to be glad or pleased; to become sexually excited; to become erect or stiff or rigid, bristle [said of the hairs of the body &c.], to become on edge [like the teeth] ), HaRṣayati -te (. to excite, to make impatient or eager for [victory &c.]; to rejoice, to be glad; to cause to bristle ) → HaRṣana (. bristling, erection; erection of the sexual organ, sexual excitement ib.; the act of delighting, delight, joy, happiness; "gladdener", name of one of the five arrows of kama-deva; mfn. causing the hair of the body to stand erect, thrilling with joy or desire, gladdening, delightful, pleasant ), HaRṣula (. a lover; a deer; mfn. disposed to be cheerful or happy, delighted ), HRṣta (. mfn. thrilling with rapture, rejoiced, pleased, glad, merry; bristling, erect, standing on end [said of the hairs of the body]; rigid, stiff; blunted ) | > āHRṣyati (. to shudder, to shiver ) | > abhiHaRṣayati (. to gladden ) | > pariHaRṣayati (. to delight greatly, to cause to rejoice ) | > praHRṣyati -te (. to rejoice, to be glad or cheerful, to exult ), praHaRṣayati (. to cause to rejoice, to gladden, to inspirit, to encourage ) → praHaRṣa (. erection [or greater erection] of the male organ; erection of the hair, extreme joy, thrill of delight, rapture ), praHaRṣana (. rapture, joy, delight; gladdening, delighting. ib.; the attainment of a desired object; erection [of the hair of the body] ), praHRṣta (. mfn. erect, bristling [as the hair of the body]; mfn. thrilled with delight, exceedingly pleased, delighted ib.; etc. ), pravanapraHaRṣa (. mfn. one whose joy or happiness has disappeared ) | > pratiHRṣyati (. to show joy in return for anything ), pratiHaRṣayati (. to gladden, to rejoice ib. ) → pratiHaRṣa (. expression of joy ) | > pratisamHaRṣati (. to rejoice again, to be glad ) | > samabhiHaRṣyati (. to cause great joy or exultation, to gladden, to delight ) | > samHRṣyati (. to bristle, stand erect [as the hair of the body from joy or fright]; to thrill with delight, to be glad, to rejoice ib. ), samHaRṣayati (. to gladden, to delight ) → samHaRṣa (. bristling or erection of the hair of the body, thrill of delight, joy, pleasure; sexual excitement; ardour, emulation, rivalry, jealousy ), samHRṣta (. mfn. one whose hair stands erect [with joy]; flaming briskly [as fire]; mfn. one who has the hair of the body bristling [with joy], thrilled, delighted; mfn. one whose face is beaming with joy ib. ) | > sampariHRṣyati (. to make completely happy, to delight ) | > sampraHRṣyati -te (. to rejoice greatly, to be exceedingly glad, to thrill with pleasure ), sampraHaRṣayati (. to rejoice, to make glad, to comfort ) → sampraHaRṣa (. great joy, thrill of delight ), sampraHRṣta (. mfn. excessively rejoiced, rejoicing, joyful; erect, bristling [or "standing on end", as the hair of the body], thrilling ib.; etc. ) | > uddHaRṣate (. to be excited with joy, to rejoice; to do anything with joy or pleasure ), uddHRṣyati (. to be merry or in high spirits ; to flare upwards; to open [as a calyx] ), uddHaRṣayati (. to make merry or in high spirits, to rejoice, to cheer; to make brisk, to encourage ) → uddHaRṣa (. the flaring upwards [of the fire]; great joy; a festival [especially a religious one]; mfn. glad, pleased, happy ), uddHaRṣana (. erection of the hair [through rapture]; etc. ), uddHaRṣin (. mfn. one whose hair is erect [through joy] ) | viHaRṣa (. excessive joy or gladness )
HaRit (. sun; etc. ) > HLāda (. refreshment, pleasure, gladness, joy, delight ), HLādinī, HRādinī (. lightning; indra's thunderbold ), manoHLāda (. joy of the heart ), sāHLāda (. mfn. having joy or gladness, cheerful, glad ) | → HLādate (. to be glad or refreshed, to rejoice; to sound, to shout [for joy] ib. ), HLādayati -te (. to refresh, to gladden, to exhilarate, to delight ) → HLādana (. refreshing, refreshment ) | > āHLādayati (. to refresh, to revive, to gladden ) → āHLāda (. refreshing, reviving; joy, delight ), anāHLāda (. absence of joy ) | > praHLādate (. to be refreshed or comforted, to rejoice ), praHLādayati -te (. to refresh, to comfort, to delight ) → praHLāda (. joyful excitement, delight, joy, happiness; sound, noise; a species of rice; etc. ), praHLādana (. the act of causing joy or pleasure, refreshment; etc. ), praHLatti (. delight, pleasure )
HLādayati (. to refresh, to gladden, to exhilarate, to delight ) => HRādayati (. to refresh, to delight; etc. ) : →


/ ˨ ( kr )

, 15 2020 . 22:07 +

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: / ˨
. '' 'harina': |h > |a > |r > |i > _|n > |: harina (. ) > (. harina ). '' 'harita': |h > |a > |r > |i > |t > |a > : harita (. ) > (. harita ). , - 'vrkṣaza' (chameleon, lizard), - , vrk- 'vrka' (sun), -ṣaza 'zaza' (hare). . , 'zukla' 'zuci', zu su-, 'su' (adverb. good, right, beatifull, well, greatly, very), , , 'sura' (sun). su- - zu- - zo- - zau- - zi-, s > z u > o / > au / > i. zu- vr: bhā (sun) > zubhā (light) - uṣ (dawn) > suṣa (strenght) > zuṣi (strenght) - uṣās (light) > sūṣa (energy) > zūṣa (energy). . - - > : khala (sun) > kha (sun; happiness) - sukha (sun; happiness) - bhā (sun, light) > bhāgya (happiness, luck) - syūna (ray of light) > syūmaka (happiness) / > syona (happiness) - ullāsa (light; happiness). - > > / > : zuci (sun; fire) > zuc (flame, heat; pain, sorrow) > zoka (flame, heat; pain, sorrow); tapa (sun; heat) > tapas (heat; pain) - dava (fire, heat) > davathu (heat; pain) - dāva (fire, heat) > (heat; pain) - jvala (light, flame) > jvara (fever, fever of soul, mental pain, pain, grief). . - harina > hirana > hema: a > i > e. - harina > hirana: i > a. . z > d: zaranya (. gold) > daraniya (.-. gold).
: sun - , yellow - , , white - . lizard - , parrot - , gold - , grass - . flame - , splendour - , beautifull - , clearness - , purity - . happiness - , comfort - . pain - , sorrow - , , brief - .

▪ *KoR(ot) > HaRit(a) ( > SaRatu ) => HaRina ( => KiRana => GhRna ) => HiRana > He_ma(la)
HaRit => HaRi_ => KhaLa_ ( > zuKLRa_ ) => su- K(h)a__ > zuoCi___ → zoC__ati
- * | - (_) - (_) | - [t] | : -h
- hirana - hema ( ) - harit - hari ( ) - hemala - saratu ( [ - ] ) - suka ( ) - sukha ( ) - zuc - zoka ( ) - *kor ( ). - harit - harina ( [] ). √ - KR. - HR - H_ - ZR - SR - _K - _Kh - _K - _C. - HRn - HRt - HRt - H_m - ZRn - SRn - s_K - s_Kh - z_C - z_K.
*KoR(ot) ( ) > HaRit (. the sun; mfn. fawn-coloured, pale yellow, yellowish, pale red, fallow, bay, tawny, greenish; pale yellow, reddish, bay [the colour]; a horse of the sun [acc pl. "the horses of the sun and of indra"]; emerald; a lion; name of vishnu; a female horse of a reddish colour, a bay mare [applied to the horses of soma, indra, and tvashtri, "the 7 horses of the sun", thought to symbolize the days of the week]; grass or a species of grass; turmeric ), HaRita, HaRinī (. mfn. yellowish, pale yellow, fallow, pale red, pale, greenish, green; yellowish [the colour]; gold; a lion; turmeric; a brown-coloured grape; a yellowish or greenish substance; greens, vegetables ), HaRiman (. yellow colour, yellowness [as a disease], jaundice ), HaRitā (. grass ), HāRita, HaRita (. green [the colour]; the haritala pigeon ), HaRitaka (. mfn. greenish; a green herb; grass ), HāRitaka (. a green vegetable )
HaRita (. mfn. yellowish, yellow, greenish, green; etc. ) > HaRitaHaRi (. "having reddish or bay horses", the sun ), HaRitāla (. a kind of pigeon of a yellowish green colour; a streak or line in the sky; the atmosphere ), HaRitālaka (. a kind of pigeon; yellow orpiment; etc. ), HaRitālam (. yellow orpiment or sulphuret of arsenic [described as the seed or seminal energy of vishnu] ), HaRitatrna (. green grass ), HaRitatva (. yellowish green [the colour] ), HāRīta, HāRītaka (. haritala pigeon ), HaRitāzma (. "green-coloured stone", a turquoise or emerald; sulphate of copper or blue vitriol ), HaRitīkrta (. mfn. painted green ), HaRitopala (. "green stone", an emerald ), HaRitparna (. "green-leaved", a radish ), pītaHaRita (. mfn. "yellowish-green" ), zuklaHaRita (. pale-greenness ), zuklaHaRinī (. pale-green ib. )
HaRita (. mfn. yellowish, pale yellow, fallow, pale red, pale, greenish, green; yellowish [the colour]; etc. ) > SaRatu (. lizard, chameleon ) | → HaRitāyati -te (. to become or appear green )
HaRit (. the sun; etc. ) > Heti (. a missile weapon, any weapon [also personified]; agni's weapon, flame, light; a ray of the sun ) => Ketu (. bright appearance, clearness, brightness [often pl., "rays of light "]; lamp, flame, torch ib.; day-time; any unusual or striking phenomenon, comet, meteor, falling star; etc. )
HaRita (. *the sun; mfn. pale yellow, yellowish, pale red, etc. ) > Gati (. a happy issue; happiness; etc. ), suGati (. a good or happy condition, welfare, happiness, bliss; etc. ), svāGata (. welfare, health; etc. ), durGatā (. ill luck, misery ) | => Zāta (. joy, pleasure, happiness; mfn. handsome, bright, happy ), Zatasukha (. hundred-fold happiness, endless delight )
HaRit (. the sun; etc. ) > ZaRman (. joy, bliss, comfort, delight, happiness; mfn. happy, prosperous; etc. )
HaRit (. the sun; mfn. fawn-coloured, pale yellow, yellowish, pale red, fallow, bay, tawny, greenish; pale yellow, reddish, bay [the colour]; etc. ) => HaRina (. the sun; mfn. fawn-coloured, yellowish, tawny [also said of unhealthy complexion], greenish, green; yellowish the colour; a deer, antelope, fawn, stag; a goose; etc.; etc. ) | => HaRi (. the sun ib.; ray of light; the moon; mfn. fawn-coloured, reddish brown, brown, tawny, pale yellow, yellow, fallow, bay [esp. applied to horses], green, greenish &c.; "to be yellow or green"; yellow or reddish brown or green [the colour]; a horse, steed [esp. of indra]; a lion; a monkey; a jackal; a parrot; a peacock; the koil or indian cuckoo; a goose; a frog; a snake; fire; the wind or name of vayu [god of the wind]; of indra ib. &c. ) > HaRtr (. the sun; etc. ), HaRa (. fire ), HīRa (. a lion: a damand; a serpent; a thunderbold ), HaRinī (. yellow jasmin; a golden image; etc. ), HaRyakṣa (. a lion; a monkey ), Harivāhana (. "having bay horses", name of indra; of the sun ), HāRidratva (. yellowness ), HaRmuta (. a tortoise; the sun ), HīRindra (. coloured with turmeric, yellow &c.; a yellow colour; the kadamba tree; a kind of vegetable poison; a kind of fever [also of animals] ib. ), HāRidra (. mfn. coloured with turmeric, yellow; a yellow colour; a kind of vegetable poison; a kind of fever [also of animals] ib. ), HaRiHaya (. a horse of indra; "having bay or gold-coloured horses", name of indra; of the sun ), Haya (. a horse; a symbolical expression for the number "seven" [on account of the 7 horses of the sun]; name of indra; of one of the horses of the moon ), Hayā (. a female horse, mare ), HaRikeza (. name of one of the 7 principal rays of the sun; of savitri; of siva; of a yaksha ), HaRidrava (. green fluid; [perhaps] soma ib. ), HaRidravana (. mfn. green-coloured, of a yellowish golden colour ), HaRinmani (. "green gem", an emerald ), HaRiparna (. mfn. green-leaved ib.; a radish ), HaRinetra (. an owl; the eye of vishnu; a white lotus; an eye of a greenish colour; mfn. having yellow eyes; etc. ) > ZaRandra (. chameleon )
HaRi (. sun; etc. ) => saHaRi (. the sun; a bull ) => saHuRi (. the sun; the earth ib.; name of agni; mfn. mighty, strong, victorious )
HaRi (. mfn. yellow, reddish brown; yellow or reddish brown or green [the colour]; etc. ) => GauRa (. mfn. white, yellowish, reddish, pale red; mfn. shining, brilliant, clean, beautiful; white, yellowish [the colour]; a kind of buffalo; white mustard; the moon; saffron; the filament of a lotus; gold; orpiment; etc. ) > GauRatva (. the being white ), GauRāsya (. "whitefaced", a kind of black monkey with a white face ), GauRaziras (. "white-headed", name of a muni ), GauRāzva (. "having white horses", name of a prince ), GauRika (. white mustard ), GauRila (. white mustard; iron filings ), GhoRā (. the night ), GoRava (. saffron )
HaRi (. mfn. fawn-coloured, reddish brown, brown, tawny, pale yellow, yellow; etc. ) => ZāRa (. yellow; variegating or a variegated colour, a mixture of blue and yellow, green ib. ), ZāRatva (. variety of colour, yellowness ) > SīRa (. sun []; a plough; an ox for ploughing, draught-ox ), SīRaka (. the sun ib.; a plough; a porpoise ) | > SeRāla (. pale-yellowness ), SeRālā (. mfn. pale-yellow )
HaRina (. the sun; mfn. yellowish, greenish, green; etc. ) > HiRana (. gold; semen; a cowry ), HiRanya (. gold; any vessel or ornament made of gold [as "a golden spoon"]; a gold piece or coin [generally with suvarna as opp. to base metal]; a cowry; semen virile; substance, imperishable matter; a partic. measure ), HiRanyā (. mfn. golden, made of gold ), HiRanin (. mfn. golden, adorned with gold ), HiRanyakartr (. a goldsmith ), HiRanyaheman (. gold ), HiRanyakrṣnala (. a small piece of gold ), HiRanyazalka (. a fragment of gold ), HaiRanya (. golden, consisting or made of gold; bearing gold [said of a river]; offering gold [said of hands or arms] ib. ), HaiRanyaka (. a goldsmith; an overseer of gold, guardian of golden treasure )
HiRana (. gold; semen; a cowry ) => Hema (. gold; a partic. weight of gold; a horse of a dark or brownish colour ), Hemam (. gold ), Haima (. mfn. golden, consisting or made of gold; of a golden yellow colour ), Hemaka (. gold; a piece of gold ), Hemagaura (. mfn. of a golden yellow colour, having golden yellow ), HemapiNgala (. mfn. golden yellow ), Hemakara, Hemakartr (. a goldsmith ), Hemala (. a goldsmith; a touchstone; a chameleon, lizard )
Hema (. gold ) → Hemāyate (. to be or become gold ) : →


( kr )

, 12 2020 . 15:01 +

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▪ <...> , , , . , . , , . , , , . <...> , . . . . , , . <...>
▪ <...> , , . , . <...> . , , , , <...>
. - - > - : vrka (sun) > piṅga (mfn. yellow, reddish-brown, tawny; yellow [color]; a buffalo) - hari (sun) > gaura (mfn. white, yellowish, reddish, pale red; white yellowish [color]; a kind a buffalo) - sura (sun) > saura (mfn. solar; cow) - aruna (the sun; red colour; the dawn [personified as the charioteer of the sun]; mfn. reddish-brown, tawny, red, ruddy [the colour of the morning opposed to the darkness of night]) > arunīs (red cow [in the vedic myths]; the dawn) - arjuna (mfn. white, clear [the colour of the day]; of the dawn; the white colour ) > arjunī (red cow) - aga (sun) > uṣā (dawn, morning light; a cow) - ahi (sun) > ahī (cow) - usra (sun) > uhra (bull).
: sun - , cow - , white - , yellow - , herd - , , cowherd - .

▪ *KoR(ot) () → HaRit => HaRi_ ( => GauRa_ > Go__ ) => KhaLa_ => Kha__ > Ga__va
- * | - (_) - (_) | : -h | - [t]
go ( - [ - - ] ) - gava ( [ - ] ) - *kor ( ). - harit - hari ( ) - khala ( ). √ - KR, - K_ - GV, - K_ - GV.
*KoR(ot) ( ) → HaRit (. the sun; mfn. fawn-coloured, pale yellow, yellowish, pale red, fallow, bay, tawny, greenish; pale yellow, reddish, bay [the colour]; etc. ) => HaRi (. the sun ib.; ray of light; the moon; mfn. fawn-coloured, reddish brown, brown, tawny, pale yellow, yellow, fallow, bay [esp. applied to horses], green, greenish &c.; "to be yellow or green"; yellow or reddish brown or green [the colour]; etc. ) => GauRa (. mfn. white, yellowish, reddish, pale red; mfn. shining, brilliant, clean, beautiful; white, yellowish [the colour]; a kind of buffalo; white mustard; the moon; saffron; the filament of a lotus; gold; orpiment; etc. ) => Go (. the sun; the moon; [pl.] "the herds of the sky", the stars; rays of light [regarded as the herds of the sky, for which Indra fights with vritra]; the sign taurus; an ox, a cow, [pl.] cattle, kine, herd of cattle; "anything coming from or belonging to an ox or cow", milk [generally pl.]; water ), Gopati (. go+. "lord of rays", the sun; "lord of stars", the moon; "earth-lord", a king; a bull; the lord of cowherds, leader, chief [a name often applied to indra], "lord of waters", waruna ), Gopa (. go+. a cowherd, herdsman, milkman [considered as a man of mixed caste]; the superintendent of several villages, head of a district; a king; "chief of herdsman", krishna, or vishnu ), Gopā (. go+. a herdsman, guardian ), Gopītha (. go+. protection ), Gopaka (. go+. a cowherd; the superintendent of a district; myrrh ), Gopī (. go+. a cowherd's wife ), Gopikā (. go+. a cowherd's wife, cowherdess; a protectress ), Gopās (. a female guardian ), Gopāla(ka) (. go+. a cowherd ), Gopila (. go+. adj. one who preserves or protects ), Gupila (. gu+. "a protector", king ), Goka (. go+. a small cow ), Gohya (. go+. name on agni in the water ), Gorāja, Govrṣabha, Govrṣa (. go+. a bull ), Govrṣana (. go+. the scrotum of a bull ), Goputra (. go+. a young bull; a kind of gallinule ), Gopacāpa (. go+. "indra's bow", the rainbow ), Gobhartr (. go+. a bull ), Gojara (. go+. an old ox or bull ), Gonr (. go+. a bull ), Goduh (. go+. a milkman or milkmaid, cowherd ), Gonātha (. go+. a bull; cowherd ), Gona (. go+. a cow; an ox ), Gonāya, Goballava, Gocāraka, Gomanimda, Gorakṣa(ka) (. go+. cowherd ), Godanta (. go+. a cow's tooth ), Godāna (. gift of a cow ), Godhenu (. go+. a milk cow ), Gogamana (. go+. intercourse with a cow ), Goghāsa (. go+. grass for cow ), Goghāta (. go+. a cow-killer ), Gohantr (. go+. killer-cow ), Gojala, Gomūtra (. go+. cow's urine ), Gokṣīra (. go+. cow's milk ), Gokṣura(ka) (. go+. a cow's hoof ), Gokula (. go+. a cow-house or station ), Goloka (. go+. " cow-world", a part of heaven, or [in later mythol.] ), Gomātr (. go+. "mother of cows", cow of plenty ), Gomin (. go+. the owner of cattle or cows ), Gonāman (. go+. a name for cow ), Gopuccha (. go+. a cow's tail ), Gopurīṣa, Goviṣ, Gonihāra, Gokrta, Govara, Gomaya (. go+. a cow-dung ), Gorasa (. go+. a cow-milk ), Gotā (. go+. "cowship", a cow ), Govaidya (. go+. a cow-doctor ), Govāsa (. go+. the abode of cows, cow-house ), Govikarta (. a cow-slaughterer ), Goviṣāna (. go+. cow-horn ), Govīthī (. go+. "cow-path", that portion of the moon's path which contains the asterisms Bhadra-pada ), atiGo (. an excellent cow )
Go (. cow; etc. ) > Gu (. "cow; earth; ray"; water )
Go (. cow; etc. ) → Gupti (. preserving, protecting, protection; etc. )
Gopa (. go+. a cowherd, herdsman, etc. ) → Gopyati -te (. go+. to guard, to protect, to preserve; to keep; to hide, to conceal, to keep secret ) → Gopāyitr (. go+. a protector ), Gopana (. go+. guarding, protection, preservation; light, lustre; etc. ), Gopanā (. go+. a protection ), Gopāyana (. go+. protecting, preserving, protection )
HaRi (. the sun ib.; ray of light; mfn. fawn-coloured, reddish brown, brown, tawny, pale yellow, yellow; yellow or reddish brown or green [the colour]; etc. ) => KhaLa (. the sun; etc. ) => Kha (. the sun; etc. ) > Gava (. a cow, cattle; *sun, *rays ), Gavāmpati (. "lord of rays", name of the sun, of agni; "cow-lord", a bull; etc. ), Gāvī (. a cow ), Gavinī (. a herd of cow ), Gaviṣtha (. "standing in wate", sun ), Gavīdā (. the cow from which the milk is taken for a libation ), Gaviputra (. "cow-son", name of vaisravana ), Gavya (. consisting of cattle or cows, coming from or belonging to a cow [as milk, curds, &c.]; proper or fit for cattle; sacred to the cow, worshipping the cow ), Gavyā (. desire for or delight in cows; desire for [what comes from a cow i.e. for] milk ), Gavāmrta (. "cow-nectar", cow-milk ), Gavānrta (. a lie told with respect to a cow ), Gavarāja (. a bull ), Gavendra (. a bull ), Gavala (. the wild buffalo; buffalo's horn ), Gavīza (. an owner of kine ), suGava (. a vigorous bull; mfn. having fine cows, abounding in cattle ), atiGava (. [a bull] covering the cow )
Gava (. *sun, *rays ) > Gabhasti (. +asta - setting [as of the sun or of luminaries]: sun; a ray of light, sunbeam ), Gabhastimālin (. "garlanded with rays", the sun ), Gabhastimat (. mfn. shining, brilliant; the sun ), Gabhastipāni (. "having rays for hands", the sun )
KR > G/H/KR[t > _] > G_[_] / > KhL[_] > G/Kh_[_]
... -
[] ( / sanskrit )


( kr )

, 07 2020 . 13:08 +

«» - «» - «» - !!!
: « »
: to grasp - , , , , , , , to seize - , , , , to take - , , , , , , , to catch - a, to rob - , , , , to plunder - , , . jackal - , plunder - , , , , robber - , .

▪ *KoR(ov) () > KGaRbati > GRbhnati => _RLa(m)bhati-e > _Lumpati → _Lopaka
- «*» | - (_) | : m- | - [b] | : -h
lopāka ( [] ) - - *kor ( ). - karbati - grbhnati ( - ). √ - KR, - _L, - _Lp.
*KoR(ov) ( ) → KaRbati (. to go, to move; to approach ) => GaRbati (. to go, to move ) > GRbhnati, GRhnati (. to seize, to take [by the hand]; to grasp, to lay hold of, to take a side, to adopt a party; to catch, to take captive, to take prisoner, to capture, to imprison; to abstract, to take away [by robbery]; to lay the hand on, to claim; etc. ), GRahayati (. to cause to take or seize or lay hold of; to cause to be taken away; to seize or take; etc. ) => Rabhate, Rambhati (. to grasp, to take hold of, to desire vehemently, to embrace, to begin, to clasp, to act rashly ), Rabhyate (. to be grasped or clasped ), Rambhayati (. to cause to be grasped ) => Labhati -te, Lambhate (. to seize, to take, to catch; to possess, to have; etc. ) > Lumpati -te (. to break, to violate, to hurt, to injure, to spoil; to seize, to fall or pounce upon; to rob, to plunder, to steal; to cheat [said of a merchant]; to take away, to suppress, to waste, to cause to disappear; to elide, to erase, to omit [a letter, word &c.] ), Lupyati (. to disturb, to bewilder, to perplex, to confound ), Lupyate (. to be broken; to be wasted or destroyed; [in gram.] to be suppressed or lost or elided, to disappear; to be confounded or bewildered ), Lopayati -te (. to confound, bewilder, perplex ) Loptr (. mfn. one who interrupts or violates ), Lopāka (. kind of jackal ), Lopāzikā (. female jackal or fox ), Lupta (. stolen property, plunder, booty; disappearance ), Lopa (. breaking, hurting, injury, destruction, interruption; neglect, violation, transgression [of a vow or duty]; robbing, plundering; want, deficiency, absence, disappearance ), Loptra, Lopta (. stolen property, plunder, booty ), Lota (. tears; plunder, booty ), Lopaka (. violation ), Lopana (. the act of omitting or violating, violation ) | > aLumpati (. to tear out or asunder; to dissolve, to separate ), aLupyate (. to be interrupted ) | > abhiLumpati (. to rob, to plunder ) | > nirLupmati (. to draw out, to extract ) → nirLopa (. plundering, plunder, spoil; mfn. one who carries off by robbery ) | > pariLupmati (. to take away, to remove, to destroy ), pariLupyate (. to be taken away or omitted ) → pariLopa (. injury, neglect, omission ) | > samLumpati, samLupyati (. to rend or tear to pieces, to tear away, to pull away ), samLopayati (. to destroy, to effice ) | > viLupmati (. to tear or break off or to pieces, to wound, to lacerate pull out or up; to tear away, to carry off, to ravish, to seize, to rob, to plunder; to destroy, to confound, to ruin; to fall to pieces, to be ruined, to disappear ), viLopayati -te (. to tear or carry away, to withhold, to keep back, to suppress, to extinguish, to destroy ), viLupyate (. to be torn away or carried off, to be impaired or destroyed, to perish, to be lost, to disappear, to fail ) → viLoptr (. robber, thief ), viLopa (. carrying off, taking away; a break, interruption, disturbance, injury ), viLopana (. the act of tearing or breaking to pieces, destroying, destruction; cutting or plucking off; leaving out, omission; robbing, stealing ), viLumpaka (. a robber, ravisher; a destroyer mfn. one who breaks or tears off &c. ) | > vipraLupmati (. to tear or snatch away, to rob, to plunder; to visit, to afflict, to disturb )
KR > KR[*v > b] > GR[bh] > _R/L[(m)bh] > _L[mp > p]
... " " « -»
[] ( / sanskrit )


( kr )

, 01 2020 . 19:29 +

«» - «» - «» - !!!
: « »
: to grasp - , , , , , , , to seize - , , , , to take - , , , , , , , to smear - a -, , , to besmear - , , to anoint - , , plasterer - , , plaster - , .

▪ *KoR(ov) () > KGaRbati > GRbhnati => _Rabhati => _Labhati ( => __ ) > _Limpati > _Lepayati ( → _Lepaka ) => __
- «*» | - (_) | : m- | - [b] | : -h
- - lepaka ( ) - *kor ( ). - karbati - grbhnati ( - ). - √ KR, - _L, - _Lp.
*KoR(ov) ( ) → KaRbati (. to go, to move; to approach ) => GaRbati (. to go, to move ) > GRbhnati, GRhnati (. to seize, to take [by the hand]; to grasp, to lay hold of, to take a side, to adopt a party; to arrest, to stop; to catch, to take captive, to take prisoner, to capture, to imprison; to take possession of, to gain over, to captivate; to seize, to overpower; to eclipse; to abstract, to take away [by robbery]; to lay the hand on, to claim; etc. ), GRahayati (. to cause to take or seize or lay hold of; to seize or take; etc. ) => Rabhate, Rambhati (. to grasp, to take hold of, to desire vehemently, to embrace, to begin, to clasp, to act rashly ), Rabhyate (. to be grasped or clasped ), Rambhayati (. to cause to be grasped ) => Labhati -te, Lambhate (. to seize, to take, to catch; to possess, to have; etc. ), Lambhayati -te (. to cause to take or receive or obtain, to give, to bestow; to get, to procure; etc. ), Labhyate (. to be taken or caught or met with or found or got or obtained; etc. ) > Limpati -te (. [fut. lepsyati]. to smear, to besmear, to anoint with [instr.], to stain, to soil, to taint, to pollute, to defile; to inflame, to kindle, to burn ), Lipyati -te (. to be smeared &c.; to be attached to, to stick, to adhere ), Limpayati (. to smear anything ), Lepayati (. to cause to smear &c.; to smear or anoint anything with or on; to cover; to cast blame on any one ) Lepaka (. a plasterer, bricklayer, one who moulds or models ), Lepakara (. a plaster-maker, bricklayer, whitewasher ), Lepa (. the act of smearing, daubing, anointing, plastering; anything smeared on, ointment, unguent, plaster; a coating of paint &c.; spot, stain, impurity [lit. and fig.], any grease or dirt sticking to vessels, particles; food, victuals; a kind of disease ), Lepana (. the act of smearing, anointing, plastering, spreading on; ointment, plaster, mortar [ifc. = smeared or plastered with]; flesh, meat; olibanum, incense ), Lepya (. plastering, moulding, modelling ), Lepyakrt (. one who makes moulds or models, a bricklayer, plasterer ); → Lipikara (. an anointer, whitewasher, plasterer; a writer, scribe; an engraver ), Lipa (. smearing, anointing, plastering ), Limpa (. smearing, anointing plastering ), Lipi (. smearing, anointing; painting, drawing; writing, letters, alphabet, art or manner of writing; anything written, manuscript, inscription, letter, document ), Lipti (. ornament ), Lipikāra (. a writer, scribe, copyist ), Livikara (. a writer, scribe ), Lipika (. a scribe, clerk ), Lipikā (. a writing, written paper &c. ) | > āLimpati (. to besmear, to anoint ), āLimpayati, āLepayati (. to besmear, to anoint ) → āLepa (. the act of smearing, plastering, anointing; liniment; ointment ), āLepana (. smearing, plastering, anointing; liniment; ointment ) | > abhiLimpati (. to smear with ) | > avaLimpati (. to smear ) → avaLepa (. glutinousness [as of the mouth]; ointment; ornament; pride, haughtiness ), avaLepana (. ointment; proud behaviour ) | > anuLimpati (. to anoint, to besmear; to anoint one's self after ), anuLepayati (. to cause to be anointed ) → anuLepa (. unction, anointing, bedaubing ), anuLepana (. anointing the body; unguent so used; oily or emollient application ) | > niLimpati -te (. to besmear, to anoint ) | > pariLimpati (. to smear or anoint all round ) | > paryupaLimpati (. to smear all round ) | > praLimpati -te (. to smear, to besmear, to stain [to smear &c. one's self] ), praLepayati (. to smear, to besmear ) → praLepaka (. a plasterer, an anointer; etc. ), praLepa (. cleaving to; an unguent, ointment, salve, plaster; a hectic or slow fever ), praLepana (. the act of anointing or smearing; an unguent, salve, plaster ) | > samāLimpati -te (. to anoint all over ), samāLepayati (. to anoint or smear over, to anoint well ) | samLepo (. mud, dirt ) | > upaLimpati (. to defile, to besmear [esp. with cow-dung], to smear, to anoint; to cover, to overlay ), upaLepayati (. to besmear [esp. with cow-dung], to smear, to anoint ) → upaLepa (. the act of besmearing [with cow-dung]; obstruction [by phlegm]; bluntness, dullness ), upaLepana (. the act of besmearing [with cow-dung]; a means of besmearing, cow-dung ) | > viLimpati -te (. to smear or spread over, to anoint [also "to anoint one's self"]; to smear or spread with [instr.] ), viLepayati (. to smear or anoint with [instr.] ) → viLepa (. ointment, unguent [esp. the fragrant unguent of sandal &c.]; anointing, plastering; mortar, plaster ), viLepana (. smearing, anointing [esp. with fragrant oils &c.] ), viLepanā (. unguent, ointment, perfume for the person [as saffron, camphor &c.]), viLepikā (. a female anointer; rice-gruel )
Limpati (. to smear, to besmear, to anoint with [instr.], etc. ) => Rimpati (. to smear, to adhere to; to deceive, to cheat ib. ) → Rip (. earth ), Ripra (. dirt, impurity [lit. and fig.] )
Labhati (. to seize, to take; etc. ) => (. , , , , , ) (. , , . , . . ) (. , ) | > (. ), (. , )
Lepayati (. to cause to smear &c.; to smear or anoint anything with or on; to cover; to cast blame on any one ) => , , - (. ; , , , ) (. , , . , ), , (. , , . , ), (. , ), , (. , . , ), (. . ), (. ) | > (. , "". ) | > (. , ""; , ) | > (. , "". ) | > (. "". ) | > (. , "". ) | > (. , "" ) | > (. , "" ) | > (. , "" ) | > (. , "" ) | > (. , "". ) | > (. , "". ) | > (. , "". ) | > (. , "". )
- (. ; , , , ) => -, , - (. ; , , , ) (. , ), (. ), , (. , )
KR > KR[*v > b] > GR[bh] > _R[(m)bh] > _L/R[(m)bh > mp > p > v] > _[]
... " " « -»
[] ( / sanskrit )


( kr )

, 25 2020 . 12:36 +

«» - «» - «» - !!!
: « »
: : aṅgati (to go) > asyati (to throw) / aṣati (to go, to move ).
: to throw - , , , , , to scatter - , , , to cast - , , to strew - , , to shoot - . thrower - , shooter - .

▪ *KoR(ot) () → *KaRtati () => KaNtati => Ka_sati > _A_syati → _A_str
- «*» | - (_) - (_) | - [t]
astr ( ) - *kor ( ). - *karati - katati - asyati ( , ). √ - KR, - __, - __s.
*KoR(ot) ( ) → *KaRtati (. ) > KaNtati (. to go, to move ) => Katati (. to go ) => Kasati (. to go, to move, to approach ) > Asyati (. to throw, to cast, to shoot at; to drive or frighten away ), Āsyati (. to throw upon, to lay or put upon; to cause to flow in, to pour in; to put or throw on for one's self ) Astr (. a thrower, shooter; mfn. one who is about or intends to throw ), Asana (. throwing, sending, a shot; mfn. one who throws or discharges ), Asanā (. a missile, an arrow ), Asra (. a tear; mfn. throwing ), Asi (. a sword, scimitar, knife [used for killing animals] ), Asiheti (. a swordsman or soldier armed with a sword ), Asilatā (. the blade of a sword ), Asipattra (. the blade of a sword ), Astra (. a missile weapon, bolt, arrow; a sword; a bow ), Azri (. the sharp side of anything, corner, angle [of a room or house], edge [of a sword] ), Āzri (. the edge of a sword ) | > abhinirĀsyati (. to throw towards ) | > abhipraAsyati (. to throw upon ) | > abhisamAsyati (. to put together, to group, to collect ) | > abhyAsyati (. to throw towards or upon; to throw [as arrows]; to add ) | > abhyavĀsyati (. to throw upon ) | > adhinyAsyati (. to throw upon ) | > adhyAsyati (. to throw or place over or upon; [in phil.] to attribute or impute wrongly ) | > anuprĀsyati (. to throw after ) | > anvadhyAsyati (. to throw upon after another ) | > apĀsyati (. to fling away, to throw away or off, to discard, to scare, to drive away; to leave behind; to take no notice of, to disregard ) → apĀsana (. throwing away, placing aside; killing, slaughter ) | > atyAsyati (. to shoot beyond, to overwhelm, to overpower [as with arrows] ) | > nirAsyati -te (. to cast out, to throw or drive away, to expel, remove, to banish from; to ward off, to keep away; to strip off; to stretch out; to reject, to refuse, to decline [as a suitor, an offer]; to destroy, to annihilate ) → nirĀsa (. casting or throwing out, expulsion, exclusion, removal, refusal, rejection, contradiction, refutation; spitting out, vomiting [cf. below]; dropping, leaving out [of a sound] ), nirAsana (. the act of casting out; vomiting, spitting; banishment from; denying, refusal, contradiction; scattering, dispersing; destruction, extermination ) | > nyAsyati (. to throw or cast or lay or put down; to take off; to give up, to resign [as life]; to set in the ground, to plant; to throw or hurl upon, to pour or shed on or in, to put or place or fix or insert in, to turn or direct to, to deposit with, to intrust or commit to; to settle arrange ) → nyĀsya (. putting down or in, placing, fixing, inserting, applying, impressing, drawing, painting, writing down ), nyAsyana (. putting down, depositing, placing, arranging ) | parĀsyati (. to throw away or down, to cast aside, to expose [as a new-born child], to abandon, to reject, to leave ) → parĀsa (. killing, slaughter, massacre ) | paryAsyati -te (. to throw or cast or place round; to spread round, to diffuse; to entrap, to ensnare; to turn round, to wallow; to throw down, to overturn, to upset ), parĀsayati (. to cause to roll down or shed [as tears] ) → paryĀsa (. edging, trimming; rotation, resolution; inverted order or position ), paryAsana (. throwing or tossing about; casting, sending; putting off or away ib. ) | > prĀsyati (. to throw or hurl forth, to throw into, to cast, to discharge [a missile]; to upset ) → praAsiti (. onward rush, onset, attack, assault; a throw, cast, shot, missile; etc. ), prĀsa (. casting, throwing; scattering, sprinkling; a barbed missile or dart; a spearman ), prĀsana (. throwing forth or away or down, throwing, casting ) | > pratinirAsyati (. to throw back ) | > pratiprĀsyati (. to throw or cast upon ) | > pratisamAsyati (. to put back again to its plase ) | > pratyAsyati (. to throw to or down; to turn over or round ) | > projjĀsana (. killing, slaughter ) | > samAsyati (. to throw or put together, to add, to combine, to compound, to mix, to mingle, to connect ) → samĀsa (. throwing or putting together, aggregation, conjunction, combination, connection, union, totality ), samAsana (. the act of throwing or putting together, combination, composition, contraction; anything gathered or collected ) | > samnyAsyati (. to throw down together, to place or put or lay together; to impose, to put or lay upon, to intrust or commit to; to put or lay down, to deposit; to lay aside, to give up, to abandon, to resign ) → samnyĀsa (. putting or throwing down, laying aside, resignation, abandonment of; renunciation of the world, profession of asceticism; abstinence from food; giving up the body, sudden death; complete exhaustion; deposit, trust; compact, agreement; stake, wager ), samnyAsana (. throwing down, laying aside, giving up, resignation, renunciation of worldly concerns ) | > udapĀsyati (. to throw away, to give up entirely ) | > udAsyati (. to cast or throw up; to raise, to erect, to elevate; to throw out, to expel; to throw [a weapon] ) → udĀsa (. throwing out; extending, protracting; casting out ), udAsana (. throwing up; raising, erecting ) | > ujjĀsyati (. to destroy, to kill, to extirpate ) → ujjĀsana (. killing, slaughter ) | > upĀsyati (. to throw off, to throw or cast down upon, to throw under ) | > upanyAsyati (. to place down, to put down; to announce; to speak of, to mention; to explain; to hint, to allude, to suggest ) | → utprĀsa (. hurling, throwing afar; violent burst of laughter; derision, jocular expression ) | > vinyaAsyati (. to put or place down in different places, to spread out, to distribute, to arrange; to put down, to deposit, to place or lay on, to fix in, turn or direct towards, apply to; to mark or designate by; to entrust or make over to ) → vinyĀsa (. putting or placing down; a deposit; putting on [ornaments]; movement, position [of limbs], attitude; arrangement, disposition, order; scattering, spreading out; establishment, foundation; putting together, connecting [words &c.], composition [of literary works]; exhibition, display; the utterance of words of despair; assemblage, collection ), vinyAsana (. putting down ) | > vyAsyati (. to throw or cast asunder or about or away, to throw [effort] into, to divide, to separate, to dispose, to arrange; to scatter, to disperse; to expel, to remove ) → vyasAna (. moving to and fro, wagging [of a tail]; throwing [effort] into, assiduity, industry; separation, individuality; attachment or devotion or addiction to, passion, evil passion, sin, crime, vice [said to arise either from love of pleasure or from anger]; eight are enumerated under the first head ) | > vyudAsyati (. to throw about, to scatter; to discharge, to emit; to cast off, to reject, to give up, to abandon ) → vyudĀsa (. throwing away, giving up, abandonment; rejection, exclusion; disregard for, indifference to; destruction [of an enemy] ) | > vyupĀsyati (. to throw about, to distribute )
KoR > KaR[t] > KaN[t] > Ka_[t > s] > _A_[s/z]
... " " « -»
[] ( / sanskrit )


( kr )

, 18 2020 . 12:59 +

- - - !!!
. , , , . , , , , , .. .. > . , , - loha () - lohya () ! : rāka () > rakta ( ; ) > lohita ( ; ) > loha ( , ) - lohya () - rakta ( ; ) > ra (; ) - rakta ( ; ) > rukma (, ) - rāka () > nāka () > naga () > nāga (). dīpta () : : tapa () > dīpti (; ) - dīpta () - tapa () > tāpana ( ; ) - aruna () > arunam ( ; ) - zubhā ( > ) > zobhana (). > , : : aga () > ayās () > ayasa (, ). , , : : jvāla (, ) > uj- jvalati (, ) > ujjvalana (, ; ) - svar (, ) > svarna (; ) - : sava () > zvita (mfn. ) > zveta (mfn. ; ), zvetaka (mfn. white; silver ) - zvita (mfn. ) > sita (mfn. ) > sitam () - tapa () > tāvīṣa () - : harit () > harita ( ; ) - : hari (; ) > gaura ( ; ) - zukra ( > ) - harina () > hiranya () - zukla ( > ) - : vāti () > pīta ( ; ) - : vrka () > piṅgala ( ) > piñjara () - : varnu () > varna () - suvar () > suvarna () - : svar () > svarnaka (, ) - : bhrāj () > rājata ().
: sun - , light - , copper - , silver - , brass - , , tin - , rupee - ( ).

▪ *KoR(ov) () → KaRbati ( => Ka_mbati → Ku_papa → Ku_pya ) => _Rambati → _Ravi → _Rupya
- «*» | - (_) - (_) | : m- | - [b] | : -h
kupya ( ) - rupya ( ) - *kor ( ). - karbati - rambati ( ). - sun ( ). √ - KR, - K_ - _R, - K_p - _Rp.
*KoR(ov) ( ) → KaRbati (. to go, to move ) => Kambati (. to go, to move ) Kupapa (. sun ), Kupapi (. sun ) => Kuvama (. sun )
Kupap (. sun ) Kupya (. base metal, any metal but silver and gold, copper, brass, &c., zinc, lapis calaminaris, pewter, tutenag ), Kupyatu (. zinc ), Kupyaka (. vile metal ), Kupyadhauta (. silver ), Kubera, Kuvera (. [afterwards] the god of riches and treasure [regent of the northern quarter which is hence called] )
KaRbati (. to go, to move ) => Rambati (. to go, to move ) / => Ranvati (. to go ) / → Ravi (. the sun [in general] or the sun-god ), Ravibimba (. the sun's disk ), Ravidhvaja (. "having the sun for a banner", day ), Ravidina (. day of the sun ), Ravigrahana (. an eclipse of the sun ), Ravikānta (. sun-stone, a sort of crystal ), Ravilocana (. "sun-eyed", name of shiva ), Raviloha (. "sun-metal", copper ), Ravinetra (. "sun-eyed" name of vishnu ), Raviratnaka (. "sun-jewel", a ruby ), Ravisamjñaka (. "called after the sun", copper ), Ravisārathi (. "the sun's charioteer" name of aruna or the dawn ), Ravīṣta (. "loved by the sun", an orange ), Ravīṣu (. the god of love ), Ravitejas (. the radiance of the sun ), Ravipriya (. a red lotus-flower; copper )
Ravi (. sun ) Ravana (. brass, bell-metall; camel; bee )
Ravi (. sun ) Rūpya (. silver; wrought silver or gold, stamped coin, rupee; collyrium; a partic. fragrant substance; name of a man; mfn. well-shaped, beautiful ), Rūpa (. a partic. coin [prob. a rupee]; handsome form, loveliness, grace, beauty, splendour; nature, character, peculiarity, feature, mark, sign, symptom; likeness, image, reflection ), Rūpaka (. a partic. coin [prob. a rupee]; a female fox or jackal; image, likeness; feature, sign, symptom; form, figure, shape, appearance ), Rūpika (. coined gold or silver, money ), Raupya (. silver; made of silver or resembling silver, silvery, silver ), Rūpyada (. mfn. one who gives silver ), Rūpyadhauta (. silver ), Rūpyādhyakṣa (. a superintendent of silver or silver coinage, master of the mint ), kuRūpya (. "bad silver", tin ), Ropaka (. a weight of metal or a coin [1/10 of a suvarna] )
KR > KR[b] > K_[b > mb/mp > p] | KR[b] > _R[mb/nv > v > p]
... -
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( kr )

, 17 2020 . 13:51 +

«» - «» - «» - !!!
: « »
: lubh (p. pr. lubháti — VI; lúbhyati — IV; fut. lobhişyáti; pf. lulóbha; aor. álubhat, álulubhat, álobhlt; pp. lubhitá, lubdha) 1) -. 2) -. 3) -. (dat. loc.) 4) , 5) 6) -. 7) .
: to grasp - , , , , , , , to seize - , , , , to take - , , , , , , , to catch - a, to gripe - , , , , to desire - , to long for - , , , , to wish - , to allure - , , to entice - , to love - . love - .

▪ *KoR(ov) () > KGaRbati > GRbhnati => _Rabhati => _La›ubhati ( → _Lubdha ) => _ ) → _
- «*» | - (_) | : m- | - [b] | : -h > -s | : -
- ( ) - *kor ( ). - karbati - grbhnati ( - ).
√ - KR, - _, - _.
*KoR(ov) ( ) → KaRbati (. to go, to move; to approach ) => GaRbati (. to go, to move ) > GRbhnati, GRhnati (. to seize, to take [by the hand]; to grasp, to lay hold of, to take a side, to adopt a party; to arrest, to stop; to catch, to take captive, to take prisoner, to capture, to imprison; to take possession of, to gain over, to captivate; to seize, to overpower; to eclipse; to abstract, to take away [by robbery]; to lay the hand on, to claim; to gain, to win, to obtain, to receive, to accept; to take on one's self, to undertake, to undergo, to begin; to receive into the mind, to apprehend, to understand, to learn; to perceive [with the organs of sense or with], to observe, to recognise; to accept, to admit, to approve; to obey, to follow ), GRahayati (. to cause to take or seize or lay hold of; to cause to take [by the hand in the marriage ceremony]; to cause to marry, to give away a girl in marriage to any one; to cause any one to be seized or overpowered; to cause to be taken away; to make any one take, to deliver anything over to any oneto be about; to seize or take; to be about to eclipse; to be about to take away; to desire to perceive [with the organs of sense], to strive to apprehend or recognise ) => Rabhate, Rambhati (. to grasp, to take hold of, to desire vehemently, to embrace, to begin, to clasp, to act rashly ), Rabhyate (. to be grasped or clasped ), Rambhayati (. to cause to be grasped ) => Labhati -te, Lambhate (. to seize, to take, to catch; to perceive, to understand, to know, to learn, to find out; to obtain, to conceive, to receive, to get; to possess, to have ), Lambhayati -te (. to cause to take or receive or obtain, to give, to bestow; to get, to procure; to find out, to discover; to cause to suffer ), Labhyate (. to be taken or caught or met with or found or got or obtained; to follow, to result; to be comprehended by ) => Lubhati, Lubhyati (. to desire greatly or eagerly, to long for, to be interested in; to be perplexed or disturbed, to become disordered, to go astray; to entice, to allure ), Lobhyate (. to confound, to bewilder, to perplex, derange; to cause to desire or long for, to excite lust, to allure, to entice, to attract; to efface ), LoLubhyate (. to have a vehement desire for ) Lubdha (. a hunter; a lustful man, libertine; mfn. greedy, covetous, avaricious, desirous of or longing for ), Lubdhaka (. a hunter; a covetous or greedy man ), Lubhatva (. greediness, covetousness, ardent desire for ), Lobha (. perplexity, confusion; impatience, eager desire for or longing after; covetousness, cupidity, avarice ), Lobhana (. allurement, enticement, temptation; gold; mfn. alluring, enticing, attracting ), Lobhin (. alluring, enticing, charming; mfn. covetous, avaricious, desirous of. eager after, longing for ), arthaLobha (. desire of wealth, avarice ), dhanaLobha (. desire of wealth, covetousness ), lambhitaLobha (. mfn. one who has a desire of ), loLupā (. eager desire, appetite, longing for ), loLupatva (. eager desire or longing for, greediness, cupidity, lust ); aLubhatva (. freedom from covetousness ) | > āLubhyati (. to become disturbed or disordered ) | > abhiLobhayati (. to attice, to allure ) | > anuLobhayati (. to desire, to long for ) | > pariLobhate (. to entice, to allure ) | > praLubhyati -te (. to lust after, to be lustful, to follow one's lusts, to go astray sexually [said of a wife]; to allure, to entice, to seduce, to pollute ), praLobhayati (. to cause to lust after, to allure, to entice, to attempt, to seduce; to divert the attention of any one by ) → praLobha (. allurement, seduction; desire, cupidity ), praLobhana (. allurement, inducement; that which allures, a lure, bait; mfn. causing to lust after, alluring, seducing ) | > pratiLobhayati (. to illude, to infatuate; to attract, to allure ) | > samLubhyati (. to be perplexed or disturbed, to fall into confusion ), samLobhayati (. to disarrange, to throw into confusion, to mix up; to efface, to obliterate; to allure, to entice, to seduce ) | > sampraLobhayati (. to allure or entice away, to try to seduce or deceive ) | > upaLobhayati (. to cause to wish, to excite the desire of, to allure ) | upaproLobhana (. the act of seducing, alluring ) | > viLobhayati (. to lead astray, to perplex, to confuse; to allure, to entice, to tempt; to divert, to amuse, to delight ) → viLobha (. attraction, delusion, seduction ), viLobhana (. the act of leading astray, perplexing, beguiling, seduction, temptation ) | > vipraLobhayate (. to allure, to try to seduce or deceive )
Labhati (. to seize or take or catch, etc. ) => Lipsati -te (. to wish to seize or take or catch or obtain or receive ) → Lipsā (. the desire to gain, wish to acquire or obtain, longing for ), annaLipsā (. desire for food, appetite ), sukhaLipsā (. desire of attaining pleasure or happiness ) | > aLipsate (. to intend or wish to touch; to intend to kill or sacrifice ) → aLipsā (. freedom from desire ) | > abhiLipsati (. to intend to catch or obtain ) → abhiLipsā (. desire of obtaining )
Lambhate (. to seize, to take, to catch; etc. ) → Lampate (. a libertine, lecher, dissolute person; mfn. covetous, greedy, lustful, desirous of or addicted to ), Limpate (. a libertine; mfn. libidinous, lustful, lecherous )
Lubhati (. to desire greatly or eagerly, to long for, to be interested in; etc. ) => , , (. , , , ) (. - , , . , , , ), (. , . , ), (. , . , , ), (. , , . )
KR > KR[*v > b] > GR[bh] > _R[bh] > _L[bh > ps] > _[()]
... " " « -»
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( kr )

, 11 2020 . 20:58 +

«» - «» - «» - !!!
: « »
: : tarbati (to go, to move) > tambati (to go, to move) > ambati (to go).
: water - , lotus - , cloud - , .

▪ *KoR(ov) () → KaRbati => Ka_mbati => _A_mbati → _A_mbu ( => _A_p ) → _A_mbuja => _A_bja
- «*» | - (_) - (_) | : m- | - [b] | : -h
apa ( ) - ambuja - abja ( ) - *kor ( ). - karbati - kambati - ambati ( ). √ - KaR, - A_, - A_p - A_mb - A_b.
*KoR(ov) ( ) KaRbati (. to go, to move ) => Kambati (. to go, to move ) => Ambati (. to go; to sound ) Ambu (. water; the number "four" ), Ambhas (. water, the celestial waters; power, fruit fulness ), Ambhodhi (. "receptacle of waters", the ocean ), Ambhonidhi (. the ocean ), Ambudhi (. receptacle of waters, the ocean; river; the number, "four" ), Ambunādha (. "lord of the waters", the ocean ), Ambunidhi (. "treasury" of waters, the ocean ), Ambupati (. the ocean ), Ambhasika (. a fish; mfn. living in water, aquatic ), Ambuda (. cloud, "giving water" ), Ambupāta (. current, stream, flow of water ), Ambhomuc (. "water-shedder", a cloud ), Ambumuc (. cloud ), Ambhodhara (. cloud ), Ambukana (. "a drop of water", a shower ), Ambunivaha (. "water-bearer", a cloud ), Ambuvāha (. cloud; water-carrier ), Ambutaskara (. "water thief", sun ), Ambaraukas (. "sky-dweller", a good ), Abda (. cloud; adj. giving water ), Abhra (. "water-bearer"; cloud, thunder-cloud, rainy weather; sky, atmosphere; gold; camphor; the ratan [calamus rotang] ), Abhriyas (. thunder-cloud ), Abdhi (. the ocean )
Ambati (. to go ) → Ambara (. sky, atmosphere, ether circumference, compass, neighbourhood ), Ambaramani (. "sky-jawel", sun ), Abhrapatha (. sky, atmosphere ) | → Ambaka (. eye )
Ambu (. water ) => Ap (. water ), Apas (. water ), Apa (. a quantity of water ), Apayā (. river ), Apadeva (. of the god of water [varuna] ), Apāmpati (. ocean ), Appati (. ocean )
Ambu (. water ) Ambuja (. lotus; mfn. produced in water, water born, aquatic ) => Abja (. lotus; conch; moon; adj. born in water ), Abjinī (. a multitude of lotus flowers ), Ambhoja (. "water-born", the day lotus ; the plant calamus rotang ), Ambhojinī (. the lotus plant; an assemblage of lotus flowers or a place where they abound ), Ambhojanman (. "water-born", the lotus ), Ambhoruh, Amburuha (. "water-growing", the lotus ), Amburuhinī (. the lotus ), Abjāda (. swan; eating lotus-leaves ), Abjaja (. sprung [at the creation] from the lotus ), Abjala (. horse of very low breed ), Abjabhū (. god brahma ), Abjabhoga (. root of a lotus ), Abjahasta (. sun [represented as holding a lotus in one hand] ), Abjanābha (. whose navel is a lotus ), Abjasaras (. lotus pond ), Abjavāhana (. carrying the moon ), Abjabāndhava (. friend of the lotus, sun ), Abjanābha (. "whose navel is a lotus", name of vishnu )
Ambati (. to go; to sound ) => Amati (. to go; to sound )
KR > KaR[b] > Ka_[mb] > A_[mb(h) > b(h) / > p] > A_[m]
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