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значение этимология слова УМ МЫСЛь ( tr & kr санскрит )


Понедельник, 01 Февраля 2021 г. 15:25 + в цитатник

Значение полифункциональных пракорней «КР» - «ТР» - «ВР» суть - Д В И Ж Е Н И Е !!!
Тема дня: «значение этимология слова УМ МЫСЛь»
Примечания. В слове ciketi (to observe, to perceive) префикс «ci-» является интенсивом слова cetati (to observe, to perceive) ! Сходный интенсив «ce-» наблюдаем в слове cāyati (to observe, to perceive) > cekīyate (intens. form).
Переклады: to think - думать, мыслить, понимать, придумывать, to observe - наблюдать, замечать, to perceive - постигать, ощущать, замечать, схватывать, познавать, to reflect - размышлять, to observe - наблюдатель, thought - мысль, мышление, мнение, намерение, mind - разум, рассудок, мнение, намерение, память, intelligence - ум, смышлённость, прозорливость, perception - восприятие, познавание, notion - понятие, идея, представление, idea - мысль, воображение, идея, понятие, представление, reflection - мысль, размышление.

▪ *KaRNtati > CiNtati ( => Ca_yati → Ce__tr ) => Ce_tati ( => ciKe__ti ) → Ci_tti
диарезия - (_) - (_) | суффикс: [t]
*KaNtati (санскр. to take, to seize, to grasp; to perceive ) > CiNtati, CiNtayati (санскр. to think, to have a thought or idea, to reflect, to consider; to think about, to reflect upon, to direct the thoughts towards, to care for; to find out; to take into consideration, to treat of.; to consider as or that, to tax ) → CiNtā (санскр. thought, care, anxiety, anxious thought about; consideration ), CiNtana (санскр. thinking, thinking of, reflecting upon; anxious thought ), CiNtya (санскр. the necessity of thinking about; mfn. to be thought about or imagined ), CiNtita (санскр. reflecting, considering; thought, reflection, care, trouble; intention ), CiNtiti (санскр. thought, care ), CiNtaka (санскр. an overseer; mfn. ifc. one who thinks or reflects upon, familiar with ), suCiNtā (санскр. deep thought, due reflection or consideration ib. ), suCiNtana (санскр. the act of thinking well, deliberate consideration ) | > aCiNtayati (санскр. to meditate, to consider, to recall to mind; caus. to make to consider ) | > anuCiNtayati (санскр. to meditate ) → anuCiNtā (санскр. thinking of, meditating upon, recalling, recollecting; anxiety ), anuCiNtana (санскр. or thinking of, meditating upon, recalling, recollecting ) | > anuviCiNtayati (санскр. to recall to mind; to meditate upon ib. ) | → paraCiNtā (санскр. thinking of or caring for another ) | > pariCiNtayati (санскр. to think about, to meditate on, to reflect, to consider; to call to mind, to remember ib.; to devise, to invent ib. ) | > praCiNtayati (санскр. to think upon, to reflect, to consider, to find out, to devise, to contrive ) | > pratiCiNtayati (санскр. to consider again, to reflect upon, to remember ) → pratiCiNtana (санскр. thinking repeatedly, considering ) | > praviCiNtayati (санскр. to think about, to reflect upon ) | > samCiNtayati (санскр. to think about, think over, to consider carefully, to reflect about; to design, to intend, to destine ) → samCiNtana (санскр. careful consideration or reflection, anxiety ) | > samanuCiNtayati (санскр. to reflect deeply about, to meditate on, to remember ) | > samunCiNtayati (санскр. to reflect deeply about, to meditate on, to remember ) | > samviCiNtayati (санскр. to consider fully, to meditate or reflect upon ) | > viCiNtayati -te (санскр. to perceive, to discern, to observe; to think of, to reflect upon, to ponder, to consider, to regard, to mind, to care for; to find out, devise, to investigate; to fancy, to imagine ) → viCiNtā (санскр. thought, reflection, care for anything ), viCiNtana (санскр. thinking, thought ) | > vipraCiNtayati (санскр. to meditate on, to think about )
CiNtayati (санскр. to think, to have a thought or idea, to reflect; etc. ) => Cāyati (санскр. to observe, to perceive, to notice; to fear, to be afraid of, to behave respectfully; [intens. cekIyate] → Cetr (санскр. an observer ) | > niCāyati (санскр. to regard with reverence, to honour, worship; to observe, to peceive ) → niCetr (санскр. observing, observer ib. ) | viCetr (санскр. mfn. one who sifts, sifter )
CiNtayati (санскр. to think, to have a thought or idea, to reflect; etc. ) => Cetati (санскр. to perceive, to fix the mind upon, to attend to, to be attentive, to observe, to take notice of; to aim at, to intend, to design; to be anxious about, to care for; to resolve; to understand, to comprehend, to know [perf. often in the sense of pr.]; to become perceptible, to appear, to be regarded as, to be known ), Cetayati -te (санскр. to cause to attend, to make attentive, to remind of; to cause to comprehend, to instruct, to teach; to observe, to perceive, to be intent upon to form an idea in the mind, to be conscions of, to understand, to comprehend, to think, to reflect upon; to have a right notion of. know; "to recover consciousness", to awake; to remember, to have consciousness of; to appear, to be conspicuous, to shine ) → Cetas (санскр. splendour; consciousness, intelligence, thinking soul, heart, mind; will ), Cetana (санскр. an intelligent being, man; soul, mind; conspicuousness; mfn. visible, conspicuous, distinguished, excellent; percipient, conscious, sentient, intelligent ), Cetanā (санскр. consciousness, understanding, sense, intelligence ) / → Citta (санскр. the heart, mind; intelligence, reason; thinking, reflecting, imagining, thought; intention, aim, wish; attending, observing ), Citi (санскр. the thinking mind ), Cit (санскр. thought, intellect, spirit, soul ), Caitya (санскр. the
individual soul ), Caitta (санскр. mfn. belonging to thought ), Caitanya (санскр. consciousness; intelligence, sensation, soul, spirit; the universal soul or spirit ), aCaitanya (санскр. unconsciousness; insensibility, senselessness, want of spirituality, that which is destitute of consciousness, matter ), Cittābhoga (санскр. full consciousness ), Cittabhrānti (санскр. confusion of mind ), Cittacaura (санскр. "heart-thief", a lover ), Cittacetasika (санскр. trought ), Cittaja (санскр. "heart-born", love, god of love ), Cittanātha (санскр. "heart-lord", a lover ), Cittanirvrti (санскр. contentment of mind, happiness ), Cittaprasādana (санскр. gladdening of mind ), Cittaprasannatā (санскр. happiness of mind, gaiety ), Cittarāga (санскр. affection, desire ), Cittasamunnati (санскр. pride of heart, haughtiness ), Cittāsukha (санскр. uneasiness of mind ), Cittavikāra (санскр. disturbance of mind ), Cittavikṣepa (санскр. absence of mind ), Cittaviplava (санскр. disturbance of mind, insanity ), Cittavrtti (санскр. state of mind, feeling, emotion; continuous course of thoughts [opposed to concentration], thinking, imagining ), Cittazānti (санскр. composedness of mind ), ekaCitta (санскр. fixedness of thought on one single object; one and the same thought, unanimity ), ekaCittatā (санскр. unanimity, agreement ), calaCitta (санскр. fickleness of mind ), calaCittatā (санскр. frivolity ), Citpati (санскр. the lord of thought ), Citpravrtti (санскр. thinking, reflection ), Citsvarūpa (санскр. pure thought ), saCitka (санскр. thinking ), mahāCit (санскр. great intelligence ) | praviCetana (санскр. comprehending, understanding ) | > viCetati -te (санскр. to perceive, to discern, to understand; to be or become visible, to appear ib. ), viCitayati (санскр. to perceive, to distinguish ) → viCitti (санскр. perturbation ), vaiCittya (санскр. mental confusion, absence of mind, a swoon )
Cetati (санскр. to perceive, to observe; etc. ) => ciKeti (санскр. to observe, to perceive; to fix the gaze upon, to be intent upon; to seek for; [intens. cekite] ) > niciKeti (санскр. to perceive, to notice, to observe, recognise )
CN[t] > C_[t > y > _] > K_[_]
© С.В.Ю. © «Вокруг Слова» «Круговая Лингво-Концепция»
[тэг] значение этимология слова УМ МЫСЛь ( санскрит / sanskrit )


значение этимология слова УМ РАЗУМ ( vr санскрит )


Среда, 27 Января 2021 г. 17:30 + в цитатник

Значение полифункциональных пракорней «КР» - «ТР» - «ВР» суть - Д В И Ж Е Н И Е !!!
Тема дня: «значение этимология слова УМ РАЗУМ»
Переклады: sun - солнце, light - свет, thought - мысль, мышление, мнение, намерение, mind - разум, рассудок, мнение, намерение, память, intelligence - ум, смышлённость, прозорливость, perception - восприятие, познавание, notion - понятие, идея, представление, idea - мысль, воображение, идея, понятие, представление, reflection - мысль, размышление, wisdom - мудрость, sense - чувство, сознание, понимание, смысл, значение. to think - думать, мыслить, понимать, придумывать. thinker - мыслитель.

VaRtula → Bha_tu›i > Ma_ti ( => Me_dha ) => Ma_na → Ma_nyati → Ma_ntr
реконструкт - «*» | диарезия - (_) - (_) | постпирант: -h | суффикс - [t] | постглайд: -y | постпирант: -h
этимология слов mati ( ум, разум [свет] ) - māna ( понятие [свет] ) - medhā ( мудрость [свет] ) - этимон vartula ( круг ). значение слов - bhātu ( солнце ). корень слов √ - VR, корневая изоморфема слов - M_, основы слов - M_t - M_n - M_dh.
*VoR(ot) ( круг в протэтике ) > VaRtula (санскр. circle ) [ VRtta, VaRa (санскр. circle) ] → Bhātu (санскр. sun; moon ), Bhāti (санскр. light, splendour; evidence, perception, knowledge ib. ) > Mati (санскр. the mind, perception, understanding, intelligence, sense, judgment; devotion, prayer, worship, hymn, sacred utterance; thought, design, intention, resolution, determination, inclination, wish, desire; opinion, notion, idea, belief, conviction, view, creed; esteem, respect, regard; memory, remembrance ), Mata (санскр. a thought, idea, opinion, sentiment, view, belief. doctrine; intention, design, purpose, wish; commendation, approbation, sanction; knowledge; agallochum; mfn. thought, believed, imagined, supposed, understood ), suMati (санскр. good mind or disposition, benevolence, kindness, favour, to make any one the object of one's favour; devotion, prayer ib.; the right taste for, pleasure or delight in; mfn. very wise or intelligent ), Matigati (санскр. "mental course", mode of thought ), Matimat (санскр. mfn. clever, intelligent, wise ), Matibheda (санскр. change of opinion ), Matidvaidha (санскр. difference of opinion ), Matinizcaya (санскр. a firm opinion ), Matutha (санскр. an intelligent person ), Matīzvara (санскр. "lord of mind", the wisest of the wise ), atiMati (санскр. haughtiness; exceedingly wise ), durMati (санскр. bad disposition of mind, envy, hatred; false opinion or notions ) | samMata (санскр. opinion, impression; consent, assent, approval, acquiescence, concurrence; mfn. thinking together, being of the same opinion, agreed, consented or assented to, concurred in, approved by; etc. ), samMati (санскр. sameness of opinion, harmony, agreement, approval, approbation; opinion, view; respect, homage; wish, desire; self-knowledge; regard, affection, love; order, command ib. ) | paraMata (санскр. a different opinion or doctrine, heterodoxy ) | viMati (санскр. difference of opinion. dissent, disagreement about; dislike, aversion; doubt, uncertainty, error ), viMatitā (санскр. difference of opinion )
Mati (санскр. the mind, perception, understanding, intelligence, sense, judgment; opinion, notion, idea, etc. ) => Māna (санскр. opinion, notion, conception, idea; purpose, wish, design; self-conceit, arrogance, pride; consideration, regard, respect, honour; a wounded sense of honour, anger or indignation excited by jealousy [esp. in women], caprice, sulking ), Mānitva (санскр. the thinking one's self to be or have; pride, arrogance; the being honoured, receiving honour ), Mānasa (санскр. the mental powers, mind, spirit, heart, soul; mfn. belonging to the mind or spirit, mental, spiritual; etc. ), Manas (санскр. mind [in its widest sense as applied to all the mental powers], intellect, intelligence, understanding, perception, sense, conscience, will [in phil. the internal organ or of perception and cognition, the faculty or instrument through which thoughts enter or by which objects of sense affect the soul; thought, imagination, excogitation, invention, reflection, opinion, intention, inclination, affection, desire, mood, temper, spirit ib.; in this sense is always is always regarded as distinct from; the spirit or spiritual principle, the breath or living soul which escapes from the body at death ), Mānasatva (санскр. the state of spirit, spirituality, fulfilment of anything in mere thought ), suManas (санскр. a good or wise man; mfn. wise, intelligent; etc. ), Manu (санскр. "the thinking creature", man, mankind; mfn. thinking, wise, intelligent ), Muni (санскр. impulse, eagerness; any one who is moved by inward impulse, an inspired or ecstatic person, enthusiast; a saint, sage, seer, ascetic, monk, devotee, hermit [esp. one who has taken the vow of silence]; etc. ), Manīṣā (санскр. thought, reflection, consideration, wisdom, intelligence, conception, idea; prayer, hymn; desire, wish, request ib. ), Manīṣikā (санскр. wisdom, intelligence; expectation ), Manīṣin (санскр. a learned brahman, teacher, pandit; mfn. thoughtful, intelligent, wise, sage, prudent ), Manīṣitā (санскр. wisdom ), Manasketa (санскр. mental perception or conception, idea, notion ), Manasvintā (санскр. intelligence, high-mindedness, magnanimity; hope, expectation, dependance ), Manmam (санскр. thought, understanding, intellect, wisdom; expression of thought i.e. hymn, prayer, petition ib. ), Mantrin (санскр. "knowing sacred texts or spells", a conjurer, enchanter; mfn. wise or eloquent ), Manogata (санскр. thought, opinion, notion, idea, wish, desire ib. ), Manojava (санскр. the speed or swiftness of thought; mfn. swift as thought ), Manojavatā (санскр. quick in thought or apprehension; resembling a father, fatherly, parental ), Manovega (санскр. speed or velocity of thought ), durManas (санскр. bad disposition, perversity of mind ), durMati (санскр. bad disposition of mind, envy, hatred; false opinion or notions ), ekaMati (санскр. concentration of mind ), māhatMan (санскр. the supreme spirit, great soul of the universe; the great principle i.e. intellect; mfn. eminent, mighty, powerful, distinguished ), zraMana (санскр. one who performs acts of mortification or austerity, an ascetic, monk, devotee, religious mendicant ), zūraMāna (санскр. thinking one's self a hero, arrogance, vaunting )
Māna (санскр. opinion, notion, conception, idea; etc. ) → Manute, Manyati -te (санскр. to think, to believe, to imagine, to suppose, to conjecture; to think one's self or be thought to be, to appear as, to pass for; to be of opinion, to think fit or right; to agree or be of the same opinion with; to set the heart or mind on, to honour, to esteem; to think of [in prayer &c., either "to remember, to meditate on", or "mention, to declare", or "excogitate, invent"]; to perceive, to observe, to leam, to know, to understand, to comprehend; to offer, to present ), Mānayati -te (санскр. to honour, to esteem, to value highly ), Manāyati (санскр. to be zealous or devoted; to think, to consider ib. ) → Mantr (санскр. a thinker, adviser, counsellor; one who consents or agrees ), Manana (санскр. thinking, reflection, meditation, thought, intelligence, understanding; mfn. thoughtful, careful; homage, reverence ), Mānitā (санскр. the fancying that one possesses, imaginary possession of; honouring, esteeming ib.; pride ), Mānanā (санскр. paying honour, showing respect ) | > abhiManyati (санскр. to think of, to long for, to desire, to intend to injure, to be insidious, to threaten, to injure; to to kill; to allow, to agree; to think of self, to be proud of; to think, to suppose, to imagine, to take for ) | → pratiMānanā (санскр. homage, reverence ) | > samManyati -te (санскр. to think together, to agree, to assent to, to approve; to think, to fancy; to regard or consider as ib. &c.; to mean, to contemplate, to intend, to resolve; to think highly of esteem, to value, to honour ), samMānayati (санскр. to honour, to reverence, to respect; to regard, consider; to assure any one ) → samManana, samMananā (санскр. the act of honouring, worshipping, homage ), samMāna (санскр. honour, respect, homage )
Manas (санскр. mind, intellect, intelligence, etc. ) → Manasyati -te (санскр. to have in mind, to intend; to think, to reflect )
Mati (санскр. the mind, perception, understanding, intelligence, sense, judgment; opinion, notion, idea, etc. ) => Medhā (санскр. mental vigour or power, intelligence, prudence, wisdom [pl. products of intelligence, thoughts, opinions] ), Medhas (санскр. intelligence, knowledge, understanding; sacrifice ), Maidhāvaka (санскр. intelligence, wisdom )
VR > VR[t] > Bh_[t] > M_[n] / > M_[dh]
© С.В.Ю. © «Вокруг Слова» «Круговая Лингво-Концепция»
[тэг] значение этимология слова УМ РАЗУМ ( санскрит / sanskrit )


значение этимология слова МЫСЛь ( tr санскрит )


Воскресенье, 24 Января 2021 г. 21:35 + в цитатник

Значение полифункциональных пракорней «КР» - «ТР» - «ВР» суть - Д В И Ж Е Н И Е !!!
Тема дня: «значение этимология слова МЫСЛь»
Примечания. Как альтернатива, звено «tambati» (to move) из цепи семантики можно исключить.
Переклады: sun - солнце, light - свет, thought - мысль, мышление, мнение, намерение, idea - мысль, воображение, идея, понятие, представление, reflection - мысль, размышление, wisdom - мудрость. to think - думать, мыслить, понимать, придумывать, to think of - думать о. thinker - мыслитель.

▪ *ToR(ov) → TaRbati => Ta_mbati → Ta_pa => Di_pa => Di_pti => Di__ti > Dhi__ti => Dhi___Dhya___ati → Dhya___tr
реконструкт - «*» | диарэзия - (_) - (_) - (_) | постспирант: -h | постглайд: -y | преназал: m- | суффикс - [b] | суффикс второго ряда - [t]
этимология слов - dhīti - dhī ( мысль [озарение] ) - dhyātr ( мыслитель ) - этимон *tor ( круг ), значение слов - tarbati ( двигать ), понятие слов - tapa ( солнце ). корень слов √ - TR, корневая изоморфема слов - D_, основы слов - D__t - D_ - Dhy_.
*ToR(ov) ( круг в протэтике ) → Tarbati (санскр. to go, to move ) => Tambati (санскр. to go, to move ) → Tapa (санскр. the sun; heat, warmth; the hot season ) > Dīpa (санскр. a light, lamp, lantern ) => Dīpti (санскр. brightness, light, splendour, beauty; the flash-like flight of an arrow; lac; brass ) => Dīti (санскр. splendour, brightness ) > Dhīti (санскр. thought, idea, reflection, intention, devotion, prayer; pl. wisdom, understanding ), Dhīta (санскр. pl. thoughts, meditations; mfn. reflected on, thought about ) | => Dhī (санскр. thought, religious thought, reflection, meditation, devotion, prayer; understanding, intelligence, wisdom [personified as the wife of rudra-manyu], knowledge, science, art; mind, disposition, intention, design [ifc. intent upon]; notion, opinion, the taking for ), DhīDhi (санскр. pl. wisdom, understanding ), praDhī (санскр. great intelligence; mfn. of superior intelligence, pre eminently intelligent ib. ), rtaDhī (санскр. mfn. of right intelligence or knowledge ), suDhī (санскр. good sense or understanding, intelligence; a wise or learned man, pandit, teacher ), Dhīda (санскр. intelligence, understanding ), Dhīrya (санскр. intelligence, prudence ), Dhairya (санскр. intelligence, forethought ), Dhīratva (санскр. wisdom, discretion )
Dhī (санскр. thought, religious thought, reflection, meditation, etc. ) → Dhyāyati, Dhyāti (санскр. to think of, to imagine, to contemplate, to meditate on, to call to mind, to recollect; to brood mischief against; [alone] to be thoughtful or meditative; to let the head hang down [said of an animal]; [fut. dhyāsyati] ), Dhyāyate (санскр. to be thought of ), Dhyāpayati (санскр. to cause to think about ) → Dhyātr (санскр. one who reflects upon, a thinker ), Dhyā (санскр. thinking, meditation ), Dhyāna (санскр. meditation, thought, reflection, profound and abstract religious meditation; insensibility, dulness ), Dhyātva (санскр. thought, reflection ), antarDhyāna (санскр. profound inward meditation ), Dhyānayoga (санскр. profound meditation [or "meditation and abstraction"] ), Dhyāyat (санскр. mfn. thinking, meditating, imagining ) | > diDhīte (санскр. to perceive, to think, to be intent upon; to wish, to desire ) | > āDhyāyati (санскр. according to, to mind, to care for, to
meditate on, to think about, to care for, to wish for ) → āDhī (санскр. thought, care, anxious reflection, mental agony, anxiety, pain; reflection on religion or duty; hope, expectation; misfortune; a man solicitous for his family's livelihood ), āDhīta (санскр. the object of thought, anything intended or hoped for; mfn. reflected or meditated upon ), āDhīti (санскр. thinking about, intending ) | > abhiDhyāyati (санскр. to direct one's intention to, to set one's heart upon, to intend, to desire; to meditate ) → abhiDhyāna (санскр. desiring, longing for; meditation ) | > anuDhyāyati (санскр. to consider attentively, to think of, to muse; to miss; to bear a grudge ) → anuDhyāna (санскр. meditation, religious contemplation, solicitude ) | apaDhyāna (санскр. envy, jealousy; meditation upon things which are not to be thought of ) | > avaDhyāyati (санскр. to think Ill of, to disregard ) | > niDhyāyati (санскр. to observe, to perceive; to meditate, to think of, to remember ) | > nirDhyāyati (санскр. to think of, to reflect upon ) | → paraDhyāna (санскр. intent meditation ) | > parīDhyāyati (санскр. to meditate, to ponder ) | > praDhyāyati (санскр. to meditate upon, to think of; to reflect, consider; to excogitate, to devise, to hit upon ) → praDhyāna (санскр. meditating upon, reflection, thinking, deep thought, subtle speculation ) | > samaDhyāyati (санскр. to meditate deeply upon, to reflect upon, to be lost in thought ) | > samDhyāyati (санскр. to reflect or meditate on, to think about ) → samDhyā (санскр. thinking about, reflection, meditation ) | > samabhiDhyāyati, samabhiDhyāti (санскр. to reflect deeply on, to meditate on; to direct all the thoughts upon, long for ) | > samanuDhyāyati (санскр. to reflect upon, to think of ) | > samapaDhyāyati (санскр. to think ill or badly of, to meditate evil or injury against, to injure )
TR > TR[t] > T_[v > b] > T_[mb] > D_[p][t] > D(h)_[_][t] > Dh(y)_[_][_]
© С.В.Ю. © «Вокруг Слова» «Круговая Лингво-Концепция»
[тэг] значение этимология слова МЫСЛь ( санскрит / sanskrit )


значение этимология слова ПОБЕДА ( tr санскрит )


Среда, 23 Января 2019 г. 17:12 + в цитатник

Значение полифункциональных пракорней «КР» - «ТР» - «ВР» суть - К Р У Г !!!
Тема дня: «значение этимология слова ПОБЕДА»
Примечание. Отметим типичное морфо-фонетическое изменение суффикса «y» при следующих семантиках: jayati (to win, to conquer) > jetr (conqueror, winner); jayati (to win, to conquer) > jaya (санскр. victory, conquest) => jiti (санскр. victory ). Аналогия: smayati (to smile) > smaya (санскр. smilling) => smita (санскр. smilling, a smile). Аналогия: prīyati (to please, to gladden) > priya (санскр. pleasure) / > prīta (санскр. pleasuse); prīyati (to please, to gladden) > pretr (санскр. lover, benefactor). Аналогия: nayati (to lead, to conduct) > naya (санскр. conduct, prudence) => nīti (санскр. conduct, prudence); nayati (to lead, to conduct) > netr (санскр. leader, conductor). Аналогия: īyati (to go, to come) > etr (санскр. one who goes or approaches) / > īte (approach). Далее. Вопрос дня, вероятность семантики: jayati (санскр. to win) > jiti (санскр. victory ) ?!
Переклады: to win - побеждать, выигрывать, to conquer - завоёвывать, побеждать, покорять, to vanquish - побеждать, покорять. victory - победа, conquest - завоевание, покорение, победа, conqueror - завоеватель, победитель.

Ja_yati ( → Ja_ya => Ji_ti ) → Je__tr
Jayati -te (санскр. to win or acquire [by conquest or in gambling], to conquer [in battle], to vanquish [in a game or lawsuit], to defeat, to excel, to surpass, to reconquer; to conquer [the passions], to overcome or remove [any desire or difficulties or diseases]; to expel from; to win anything from, to vanquish anyone in a game; to be victorious, to gain the upper hand; to often pr. in the sense of an impv. "long live!", "glory to"; [fut. jeṣyati ), Jāpayati (санскр. to cause to win; to conquer ), Jāpyate (санскр. to be made to conquer ) → Jaya (санскр. conquest, victory, triumph, winning, being victorious [in battle or in playing with dice or in a lawsuit]; a kind of flute; [in music] a kind of measure; the sun; indra; mfn. conquering, winning see; etc. ), Jayabherī (санскр. "drum of victory", name of a man ), Jayadhakkā (санскр. a large drum of victory ), Jayadhavaja (санскр. a flag of victory ), Jayaghoṣa (санскр. a shout of victory ), JayāJaya (санскр. du. victory and defeat ), Jayākara (санскр. "mine of victory", name of a man ), Jayakrit (санскр. causing victory ), Jayalakṣmi (санскр. goddess of victory, victory ), Jayalekha (санскр. victory-record ), Jayapāla (санскр. "victory-keeper", a king; brahma; vishnu; name of several kings ), Jayapatākā (санскр. a flag of victory; a small banner presented to a victorious fighter ), Jayapattra (санскр. record of victory [in a lawsuit] given to the victorious party; a sign fastened on the forehead of a horse chosen for an asva-medha ), Jayaprasthāna (санскр. march to victory ), Jayapriya (санскр. fond of victory", name of a pandava hero ), Jayastambha (санскр. column of victory ), Jayavādya (санскр. any instrument sounded to proclaim victory ), Jayazabda (санскр. a cheer of victory ), Jayāzis (санскр. cheer of victory; a prayer for victory ), JayazrGga (санскр. a horn blown to proclaim victory ), Jayazrī (санскр. goddess of victory, victory; etc. ), aJaya (санскр. non-victory, defeat; mfn. unconquered, unsurpassed, invincible ), parāgaJaya (санскр. the being deprived of or conquered, loss, defeat [also in a lawsuit]; conquest, victory; turning away from, desertion ), prtanāJaya (санскр. victory in battle or over armies ), prthagJaya (санскр. victory in a separate combat or duel ), ranaJaya (санскр. victory in battle ), sarvaJaya (санскр. a complete victory ), suJaya (санскр. a great victory or triumph; easy to be conquered by ), virajayantikā (санскр. a kind of dance performed by soldiers after a victory or on going to battle, wardance, war, battle ) / → Jetr (санскр. conqueror, winner ), Jetri (санскр. conqueror; mfn. victorious, triumphant, gaining )
Jaya (санскр. conquest, victory, triumph, winning, etc. ) => Jiti (санскр. gaining, obtaining, victory ), satyaJiti (санскр. a true victory ), suJita (санскр. an easy conquest; mfn. easily overcoming all fatigue, indefatigable ), Jitāhava (санскр. mfn. one who has won a battle ), indraJit (санскр. "conqueror of indra", name of the son of ravana ), lokaJit (санскр. conqueror of the world ), Jaitra (санскр. a conqueror; victory, triumph, superiority; mfn. victorious, triumphant, superior )
Jayati (санскр. to win or acquire [by conquest or in gambling], to conquer [in battle], to vanquish [in a game or lawsuit], etc. ) > āJayati (санскр. to conquer, to win ) | > abhiJayati (санскр. to conquer completely, to acquire by conquest ) → abhiJaya (санскр. conquest, complete victory ), abhiJiti (санскр. victory, conquest ) | > avaJayati (санскр. to spoil [i.e. deprive of by conquest], to win; to ward off, to conquer ) → avaJaya (санскр. overcoming, winning by conquest ) => avaJiti (санскр. conquest, victory ) | > nirJayati (санскр. to conquer, to win [in battle, to play &c.), to acquire; to subdue, to vanquish, to surpass ) → nirJaya (санскр. conquest, complete victory, subduing, mastering ) / → nirJetr (санскр. a conqueror, vanquisher ) | > parāJayate (санскр. to conquer, to win, to vanquish, to overthrow; to defeat in a lawsuit; to be deprived of, to suffer the loss of, to be conquered, to succumb; to submit to, to be overcome by ) | > pariJayati (санскр. to conquer, to overpower ) → pariJetr (санскр. a victor, conqueror ) | > praJayati (санскр. to win, to conquer ) → praJaya (санскр. victory, conquest ) | > pratiJayati (санскр. to conquer, to defeat [in battle or at play] ) | > samJayati (санскр. to conquer together; to conquer completely, to gain or acquire by contest ib.; to subdue completely, to control [the senses] ) → samJaya (санскр. conquest, victory; a kind of military array; mfn. completely victorious, triumphant ) => samJit (санскр. a conqueror, winner ), samJiti (санскр. complete victory ) | > viJayati (санскр. to win, to conquer, to acquire by conquest; to be victorious ), viJāpayati (санскр. to assist any one to win; to cause to conquer ) → ujJiti (санскр. victory ) | > upaJayati (санскр. to acquire by conquest, to gain, to obtain ) | > viJayati -te (санскр. to conquer, to win or acquire by conquest; to vanquish, to defeat, to subdue, to overpower, to master, to control; to be victorious or superior; to excel in; to be about to conquer, to go to victory ) → viJaya (санскр. contest for victory, victory, conquest, triumph, superiority [fig. applied to "the sword" and to "punishment"; the prize of victory, booty; etc. ), vaiJain (санскр. a conqueror, subduer; mfn. victorious, triumphant ), vaiJayanta (санскр. the banner of indra; a banner, flag; the palace of indra buddh.; a house ), viJayeza (санскр. "lord of victory", name of the god siva ), viJayotsava (санскр. "victory festival", name of a festival in honour of vishnu celebrated on the 10th day of the light half of the month asvina ), vaiJayantī (санскр. a flag, banner; an ensign; a kind of garland prognosticating victory ), viJīpayitr (санскр. mfn. causing or granting victory ), viJigīṣa (санскр. desire to conquer or overcome or subdue ), viJigīṣu (санскр. a warrior, invader, antagonist; a disputant, opponent ) / => viJiti (санскр. contest for victory, conquest, triumph ), viJita (санскр. a conquered country; any country or district; conquest, victory; mfn. see under conquered, subdued, defeated, won, gained ) / → viJetr (санскр. a vanquisher, conqueror [also in argument] ) | > vinirJayati (санскр. to conquer completely, to win; to vanquish, to defeat, to overpower, to subdue ) → vinirJaya (санскр. complete victory, conquest )
© С.В.Ю. © «Вокруг Слова» «Круговая Лингво-Концепция»
[тэг] значение этимология слова ПОБЕДА ( санскрит / sanskrit )


значение этимология слова ЗВУК ( tr санскрит )


Воскресенье, 03 Января 2021 г. 14:44 + в цитатник

Значение полифункциональных пракорней «КР» - «ТР» - «ВР» суть - К Р У Г !!!
Тема дня: «значение этимология слова ЗВУК»
Примечание. Dh > H|v > v|a > a|n > y|ati
Переклады: sound - звук, name - имя. to sound - звучать, издавать звук, to call - звать, называть, призывать, to name - называть.

Dh_vana → Dh_vanati => H_vayati → Ha_va => Hu_ti
постспирант: -h | диарезия - (_) - (_) | ротация суффикса: [v] > [t]
Dhvāna (санскр. any sound or tone; humming, murmuring [one of the 7 kinds of speech or, a degree louder than] ), Dhvana (санскр. sound, tune ), Dhvani (санскр. sound, echo, noise, voice, tone, tune, thunder; the sound of a drum; empty sound without reality; a word; allusion, hint, implied meaning, poetical style ), Dhvanamodhin (санскр. "delighting by its sound", a bee ), Dhvanayat (санскр. "causing to sound, resounding", name of a wind ), Dhvanigraha (санскр. "sound-catcher", the ear ) | → Dhvanati (санскр. to sound, to roar, to make a noise, to echo, to reverberate &c.; to mean, to imply ), Dhvānayati (санскр. to cause to sound, to make resound, to allude to, to hint at )
Dhvanati (санскр. to sound, etc. ) => Dhanati (санскр. to sound ) => Jhanati (санскр. to sound )
Dhvanati (санскр. to sound, to roar, to make a noise, to echo, etc. ) => Hvayati -te (санскр. vedic. havate, huvate -ti. to call, to call upon, to summon, to challenge, to invoke; to emulate, to vie with; [fut. hvāsyate] ), Hūyate (санскр. to be called &c. ), Hvāyayati (санскр. to cause anyone to be challenged by ) → Hāva (санскр. calling, alluring, dalliance, blandishment ), Hāvaka (санскр. a caller, summoner, [in nuptial ceremonies] one who summons the bride, an attendant on the bridegroom ), Hava (санскр. call, invocation ib.; direction, order, command ), suHava (санскр. invoking well ib.; an auspicious or successful invocation ), Havana (санскр. calling, invocation, summons; challenging or challenge to battle ), Havas (санскр. an invocation, call ), Havīman (санскр. or call, invocation ), Ha (санскр. calling, calling to the sound of a lute ), (санскр. a lute ), Hūta (санскр. the act of calling; mfn. called, summoned, invited ), Hūti (санскр. calling; invocation &c. ), (санскр. mfn. calling, invoking ), suHū (санскр. mfn. calling or invoking well ), devaHūti, devaHūya (санскр. invocation of the gods ), puruṣāHuti (санскр. an invocation addressed to men ), pūrvahūHuti (санскр. first or earliest invocation, morning prayer ), saHūti (санскр. conjoint or united invocation ), yāmaHūti (санскр. invocation for assistance, cry for help ib. [others "invocation during the sacrifice"] ), Hotrā (санскр. calling, call, invocation [also personifled] ) | > āHvayati -te (санскр. to call near, to invoke invite, to summon, to cite; to provoke, to challenge, to emulate; to call to [especially in rites said of the hotri, who addresses the adhvaryu by the a-hava or a-hvana]; to proclaim ), āHvāyayati (санскр. to cause to call near, to send for; to cause to summon or challenge or invite ) → āHvāna (санскр. calling, invitation, a call or summons; invocation of a deity; challenge; legal summons; an appellation, a name; a particular calling in rites ), āHvāya (санскр. a summons; a name ), āHvā (санскр. a name, appellation ), āHvaya (санскр. appellation, name; etc. ), āHvayana (санскр. appellation, name ), āHāva (санскр. a particular invocation; battle, war ), āHūti, āHū (санскр. calling, invoking ), āHuti (санскр. calling, invoking ) | > abhiHvayti (санскр. to call near ) → abhiHava (санскр. calling near ), abhiHūti (санскр. calling near [as the gods to the sacrifice] ) | > anuHvayti (санскр. to call again, to call after, to call back; [intens. anujohavIti, to call repeatedly ] ) | > apiHvayati (санскр. to call addition to [or besides] ) | > atiHvayati (санскр. to call over to one's side ) | > avaHvayati (санскр. to call down from ) | > Hūya (санскр. to call down or near, to invoke ) → niHava (санскр. invocation, calling ) | > nirHvayati (санскр. to call off ) | pariHava (санскр. crying or calling upon, invoking ) | > paryupaHvayate (санскр. to call near, to invite ) | praHvāya (санскр. call, invocation ) | > pratiHuvate (санскр. to call ) | > pratipraHūyate (санскр. to call near, to invite to ) | > pratyāHvayate (санскр. to answer a call; to respond to the ) → pratyāHvāna (санскр. ) | > pratyupaHavate (санскр. to answer a call; to respond to the ) | > samāHvayati -te (санскр. to call together, to convoke; to call near, to invite ib.; to summon, to challenge, to provoke [to battle or to a game of chance] ib. ) → samāHvāna (санскр. calling upon or together; summons, challenge [to fight or to grumble]; betting on the battles of animals ), samāHvātr (санскр. one who summons, a challenger to ), samāHvaya (санскр. an appellation, name; challenge, conflict; etc. ) | > samHvayate (санскр. to call out loudly, to shout together; to relate, to make known ) → samHūti (санскр. shouting or calling out together, general shout or clamour ) | > samupaHvayati -te (санскр. to call together, to invite; to challenge [to fight] ) | > uddHvayati (санскр. to call out; to entice ) | > upāHvayate (санскр. to call near, to invite, summon; to challenge ) | > upaHvayate (санскр. to call near to, to invite; to call up, invoke; to call to, to cheer, to encourage ) → upaHava (санскр. calling to, inviting, invitation ), upaHūti (санскр. calling [to fight], challenging, challenge ) | > viHvayate (санскр. to call in different places, to call, to invoke, to vie in calling, to contend for anything ) → viHava (санскр. invocation ) | > vyāHvayate (санскр. to separate by inserting the ahava or invocation ) → vyāHāva (санскр. the invocation )
Hаvatе (ведик. sanskr. hvayati. to call, to call upon, to summon, to challenge, to invoke; etc. ) => Gavate (санскр. to sound ) | => Japati (санскр. to utter in a low voice, to whisper, to mutter [esp. prayers or incantations]; to pray to any one in a low voice; to invoke or call upon in a low voice )
Huvanyati (санскр. to call, to cry )
TR > Dh_[v] > H_[v > t / > _] > G_[v] > J_[p]
© С.В.Ю. © «Вокруг Слова» «Круговая Лингво-Концепция»
[тэг] значение этимология слова ЗВУК ( санскрит / sanskrit )


значение этимология слова РАДОСТь ( vr санскрит )


Понедельник, 28 Декабря 2020 г. 18:51 + в цитатник

Значение полифункциональных пракорней «КР» - «ТР» - «ВР» суть - К Р У Г !!!
Тема дня: «значение этимология слова РАДОСТь»
Примечание. Русское слово «радость» восходит к санскритскому слову «rata (радость; радый)» ! Семантика слова радость: rata > рад(ый) > радость / > радеть > радетель, радение, рачение, раж / > ради; rata > радити (заботиться, радеть о ком либо). Концепт радости заключается в семиотике - «солнце - свет > радость».
Переклады: sun - солнце, pleasure - удовольствие, удовлетворение, наслаждение, радость, delight - восторг, восхищение, удовольствие, enjoyment - удовольствие, наслаждение, lover - любовник. to pleasure - доставлять удовольствие, to please - нравиться, to delight - восхищать -ся, наслаждаться, to enjoy - получать удовольствие, to gladden - радовать.

VRtta → _Rta > _Rat(h)a ( => _Rama → _RLamate ) => _Rana → _Ranati / => _Rasa → _Rasati
реконструкт - «*» | диарэзия - (_) | суффикс: [t] | постспирант: -h
этимология слова rata ( радость [пыл] ) - этимон vrtta ( круг ), значение слова - rta (солнце). корень слова - VR, корневая изоморфема слова - _R, основа слова - _Rt.
*VoR(ot) ( круг в протэтике ) > VRtta (санскр. circle ) → Rta (санскр. sun; fixed or settled order, law, rule [esp. in religion]; sacred or pious action or custom, divine law, faith, divine truth [these meanings are given by and are generally more to be accepted than those of native authorities and marked below]; truth in general, righteousness, right; promise, oath, vow; truth personified [as an object of worship, and hence enumerated among the sacred objects in the]; water; sacrifice; a particular sacrifice; wealth; mfn. met with, afflicted by; proper, right, fit, apt, suitable, able, brave, honest; true ) > Rata (санскр. pleasure, enjoyment, enjoyment of love, sexual union, copulation; mfn. pleased, amused, gratified; delighting in, etc. ), suRata (санскр. great joy or delight ib.; amorous or sexual pleasure or intercourse, coition ), suRatā (санскр. wife ) > Rāma (санскр. pleasure, joy delight; a lover; mfn. pleasing, pleasant, charming, lovely, beautiful ), Rāmā (санскр. a beautiful woman, any young and charming woman, mistress, wife, any woman ), Ramanā (санскр. a charming woman, wife, mistress ), Rāmila (санскр. a lover, husband; the god of love ), Rāmanyaka (санскр. loveliness, beauty )
Rāma (санскр. pleasure, joy delight; etc. ) → Ramate, Ramnati (санскр. to delight, to make happy, to enjoy carnally; to be glad or pleased, to rejoice at, to delight in, to be fond of; to play or sport , to dally, to have sexual intercourse with; to stand still, to rest, to abide, to like to stay with; to stop, to stay, to make fast, to calm, to set at rest ), Rāmayati, Ramayati (санскр. to gladden, to delight, to please, to caress, to enjoy carnally; to enjoy one's self, to be pleased or delighted ) → Rama (санскр. joy; a lover, husband, spouse; kama-deva, the god of love; the red-flowering; mfn. pleasing, delighting, rejoicing ), Ramana (санскр. a lover, husband; kama-deva, the god of love; an ass; a testicle ), Ramanī (санскр. pleasure, joy; dalliance, amorous sport, sexual union, copulation; decoying [of deer]; gladdening, delighting ), Ramita (санскр. pleasure, delight ), Ramati (санскр. a place of pleasant resorta lover; paradise, heaven; a crow; time; kama-deva, the god of love ), Ramaka (санскр. lover, suitor ), Ramyatva (санскр. pleasantness, loveliness, beauty ), Ramakatva (санскр. love, affection ), Rati (санскр. pleasure, enjoyment, delight in, fondness for; the pleasure of love, sexual passion or union, amorous enjoyment [often personified as one of the two wives of kama-deva, together with priti q.v.]; rest, repose ), Ratī (санскр. the goddess of love ), Ratipati (санскр. "rati's husband", kama-deva, the god of love ), Ratihasya (санскр. "mysteries of love", name of an erotic wk. by kokkoka ), Ratirasa (санскр. the taste or pleasure of love ), Ratānta (санскр. end of sexual enjoyment ), Ratāyanī (санскр. prostiute ) | > aRamati (санскр. to pause, to stop; to leave off; to delight in; to enjoy one's self, to take pleasure ) → āRamana (санскр. pleasure, delight, enjoyment; sexual pleasure; cessation, pause; resting-place ), aRāma (санскр. pleasure, delight ), āRati (санскр. stopping, ceasing ) | > abhiRamate (санскр. to delight in, to be delighted ), abhiRāmayati (санскр. to gladden; to delight in, to be delighted ) → abhiRāmatā (санскр. loveliness, beauty; the state of being agreeable to ), abhiRati (санскр. pleasure, delighting ) | > anuRamati (санскр. to cease to go or continue, to stop, to be fond of ) → anuRati (санскр. love, afection; attachment ) | → avaRati (санскр. stopping, ceasing ) | > niRamate (санскр. to rest, to come to rest, to cease ), niRāmayati (санскр. to cause to rest, to stop, to detain ), niRamayati (санскр. to gladden, to give pleasure [by sexual union] ) → niRamana (санскр. ceasting, resting ), niRati (санскр. attachment to, delighting in ) | > pariRamati (санскр. to take pleasure in, to be delighted with ) | > praRamayati (санскр. to delight or gladden greatly, to exhilarate ) | > samRamate (санскр. to be delighted, to find pleasure in; to have carnal pleasure or sexual intercourse with ) | > upaRamati (санскр. to cease from motion, to stop; to cease from action, to be inactive or quiet [as a quietist]; to pause, to stop [speaking or doing anything]; to leave off, to desist, to give up, to renounce; to await, to wait for; to cause to cease or stop; to render quiet ), upaRamayati (санскр. to cause to cease or stop; to render quiet ) → upaRamana (санскр. the abstaining from worldly actions or desires; ceasing, discontinuance ), upaRāma (санскр. ceasing, stopping, desisting ), upāRama (санскр. the act of ceasing ), upaRati (санскр. stopping, ceasation; death; desisting from sensual enjoyment or any worldly action, quietism ) | > udRamate (санскр. to cease, to leave off ) | > viRamati (санскр. to stop [esp. speaking], to pause, to cease, to come to an end; to give up, to abandon, to abstain or desist from ), viRāmayati (санскр. to cause to stop or rest &c., to bring to an end, to finish ) → viRāma (санскр. cessation, termination, end, to come to an end, rest; end of a word or sentence, stop, pause; end of or caesura with in a; [in gram.] the stop ), viRāmana (санскр. pause ); viRati (санскр. cessation, pause, stop, end; end of or caesura within; resignation, desistence or abstention from )
Rata (санскр. pleasure, enjoyment, enjoyment of love, etc. ) => Ratha (санскр. pleasure, joy, delight; affection, love ) → aRthayate (санскр. to strive to obtain, desire, wish, request, ask for; rarely; to supplicate or entreat any one ) → aRthitā (санскр. the condition of a suppliant; wish, desire for, asking, request ), aRthakāma (санскр. utility and desire, wealth and pleasure, desirous of wealth, desiring to be useful ), aRthalobha (санскр. desire of wealth, avarice ), aRthatrṣnā (санскр. desire for wealth or money ) | > prāRthayati -te (санскр. to wish or long for, to desire; to ask a person for or ask anything from; to wish to or ask a person to ib.; to demand in marriage; to look for, to search; to have recourse to; to seize or fall upon, to attack, to assail ) → prāRtha (санскр. wish, desire, request, entreaty, solicitation, petition or suit for ), prāRthita (санскр. wish, desire )
Ramate (санскр. to delight, to make happy, to enjoy carnally; etc. ) => Lamate (санскр. to sport, to enjoy, to delight in ) → Lamaka (санскр. lover, gallant )
Rata (санскр. pleasure, enjoyment, enjoyment of love, etc. ) => Rana (санскр. delight, pleasure, gladness, joy; battle [as an object of delight], war, combat, fight, conflict &c. ), suRana (санскр. joy, delight; joyous, gay ), Rantavya (санскр. pleasure, enjoyment, play ), Ranti (санскр. loving to stay, abiding gladly with; pleasure, delight [used as a term of endearment for a cow] ), Ranya (санскр. joy, pleasure ib.; war, battle ib. ), RanaRanaka (санскр. longing, anxiety, anxious regret for some beloved object; desire, love ), RanaRana (санскр. a longing, desire, wish, regret [for a lost object] )
Rana (санскр. delight, pleasure, etc. ) → Ranati, Ranyati (санскр. to rejoice, to be pleased, to take pleasure in; to gladden, to delight, to gratify ib. ), Randyati (санскр. to cheer, to gladden, to exhilarate with; to be at ease, to be pleased or satisfied with, to delight )
Rata (санскр. pleasure, enjoyment, enjoyment of love, etc. ) => Rasa (санскр. love, affection, desire; charm pleasure, delight ib. ), ekaRasa (санскр. the only pleasure, only object of affection ), kāmaRasa (санскр. enjoyment of sexual love ), saRasa (санскр. passionate, impassioned, enamoured, full of love or desire ib.; elegant, beautiful, charming, gracious ) | → Rasati (санскр. to love; etc. )
Rta (санскр. the sun ) > Ra (санскр. fire, heat; love, desire; speed ), (санскр. brightness, splendour [used in explaining an etymology] ) | > Rtu (санскр. light, splendour; any settled point of time, fixed time, time appointed for any action [esp. for sacrifices and other regular worship] right or fit time, etc. )
VRata (санскр. will, command, law, ordinance, rule; obedience, service ib.; dominion, realm; sphere of action, function, mode or, manner of life, pure manner of life, conduct, manner, usage, custom ) > Rta (санскр. law; sacred or pious action or custom, etc. ) → Rtayate (санскр. to observe the sacred law, to be regular or proper; to wish for sacrifice ) | → Rtāyati (санскр. to wish for speech; to maintain the sacred law; to wish for sacrifice )
Rta (санскр. law; sacred or pious action or custom, etc. ) > anRta (санскр. falsehood, lying, cheating; agriculture; mfn. not true, false ), anRtadeva (санскр. one whose gods are not true ) | > Ratū (санскр. the river of heaven, the celestial ganges; true speech ), Rtavāka (санскр. a true or right speech ), Rtodya (санскр. true speech, truth )
VR > VR[t] > _R[t > m _ /> n /> s /> _] > _L[m]
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[тэг] значение этимология слова РАДОСТь ( санскрит / sanskrit )

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значение этимология слова МЁД ВИНО ВОСТОРГ ( vr санскрит )


Воскресенье, 20 Декабря 2020 г. 21:56 + в цитатник

Значение полифункциональных пракорней «КР» - «ТР» - «ВР» суть - Д В И Ж Е Н И Е !!!
Тема дня: «значение этимология слова МЁД ВИНО ВОСТОРГ»
Примечания. Русское слово «мёд» производно от санскритского слова «madā » (мёд) ! Русское слово «смеяться» производно от санскритского слова «smeyati » (смеяться) ! Альтернативная семантика: «mādyati (to rejoice) > mud (joy)».
Переклады: to move - двигать, to elevate - поднимать, повышать, to exalt - восторгать, возвеличивать, превозносить, to inflame - воспламенять, возбуждать, to exhilarate - веселить, оживлять, to rejoice - радовать -ся, to gladden - радовать, to smile - улыбаться, to delight - восхищать -ся, наслаждаться, to intoxicate - пить, бухать. joy - радость, удовольствие, feast - праздник, пир, delight - восторг, восхищение, удовольствие, happiness - счастье, love - любовь, sweetness - сладость, intoxication - опьянение, smile - улыбка, wine - вино, mead - мёд (напиток), honey - мёд, bee - пчела.

▪ *VaRtta → VaRtdhati => MNaNdati ( > sMa_yati ) => Ma_dyati → Ma_da / → Mu_dMo_dati
VaRdhati ( => MRdlati / => BhaNdate ) => Ma_hati / => PRd›iyati
реконструкт - «*» | пресибилянт: s- | диарезия - (_) | суффикс - [t] | постпирант: -h
этимология слов mud ( радость [восторг] ) - madā ( медовуха - вино "бухло" [восторгающий напиток], мёд [сладость "радость"] ) - этимон vrtta ( круг ). значение слов - vartati ( двигать ). корень слов √ - VR, корневые изоморфемы слов - M_, основы слов - M_d.
*VoR(ot) ( круг в протэтике ) > VRtta, *VaRtta (санскр. circle ) [ VaRtula, VaRa (санскр. circle) ] → VaRtti (санскр. to turn, to move ), VaRtati -te (санскр. to turn, to move, to turn round, to revolve, to roll, to move gone on; to run off; etc. ), VaRtayati -te (санскр. to cause to turn or revolve, to whirl, to wave, to hurl; etc. ) > VaRdhati -te (санскр. to increase, to augment, to strengthen, to cause to prosper or thrive; to elevate, to exalt, to gladden, to cheer, to exhilarate [esp. the gods, with praise or sacrifice] to grow, to grow up, to increase, to be filled or extended, to become longer or stronger, to thrive, to prosper, to succeed; to rise, ascend [as the scale in ordeals]; to be exalted or elevated, to feel animated or inspired or excited by or in regard to, to become joyful, to have cause for congratulation ), VaRdhayati -te (санскр. to cause to increase or grow, to augment, to increase, to make larger or longer, to heighten, to strengthen, to further, to promote; to rear, to cherish, to foster, to bring up ib.; to elevate, to raise to power, to cause to prosper or thrive; to exalt, to magnify, to glorify [esp. the gods], to make joyful, to gladden [in ved. also = to rejoice, to be joyful, to take delight in, to enjoy; to congratulate ) > MaNdati -te (санскр. to rejoice, to be glad or delighted, to be drunk or intoxicated [lit. and fig.]; to gladden, to exhilarate, to intoxicate, to inflame, to inspirit; to shine, to be splendid or beautiful; to praise or to go ), MaNdayati (санскр. to gladden, to exhilarate, to intoxicate; to be glad or drunk ib. ) => Mādyati -te (санскр. to rejoice, to be glad, to exult, to delight or revel in, to be drunk [also fig.] with [instr.]; to enjoy heavenly bliss [said of gods and deceased ancestors]; to boil bubble [as water]; to gladden, to exhilarate, to intoxicate, to animate, to inspire; [fut. madiṣyati] ), Mādayati -te (санскр. to gladden, to delight, to satisfy, to exhilarate, to intoxicate, to inflame, to inspire; to be glad, to rejoice, to be pleased or happy or at ease; to enjoy heavenly bliss ) Madā (санскр. any exhilarating or intoxicating drink, spirituous liquor, wine, soma; honey; the fluid or juice that exudes from a rutting elephant's temples; semen virile; musk; any beautiful object; sexual desire or enjoyment, wantonness, lust, ruttishness, rut [esp. of an elephant]; pride, arrogance, presumption, conceit of or about ib. ), Mada (санскр. hilarity, rapture, excitement, inspiration, intoxication ), suMada (санскр. mfn. very drunk ), Madya (санскр. any intoxicating drink, vinous or spiritous liquor, wine; mfn. intoxicating, exhilarating, gladdening, lovely ), Madra (санскр. joy, happiness ), Mādayitr (санскр. an exhilarater, gladdener ), Madayitr (санскр. mfn. intoxicating, an intoxicater, maddener, delighter ), Madhu (санскр. the juice or nectar of flowers, any sweet intoxicating drink, wine or spirituous liquor anything sweet [esp. if liquid], mead; soma; honey; licker of honey a bee; milk or anything produced from milk [as butter, ghee &c.]; sugar; water; pyrites; sweet, delicious, pleasant, charming, delightful; bitter or pungent; the season of spring; liquorice; mfn. sweet, delicious, pleasant, charming, delightful ), Mādhava (санскр. sweetness ), Madhudhura (санскр. sweetness ), Madhurī (санскр. sweetness, syrup, treacle; tin ), Mādhurī (санскр. sweetness, amiableness, loveliness, charm; mead, wine ib. ), Madhuratā (санскр. sweetness, suavity, pleasantness, amiability, softness ), Madhuratva (санскр. sweetness [in taste]; suavity, charm [of speech] ), Madhura (санскр. sweetness; mfn. sweet, pleasant, charming, delightful ), Mādhuri (санскр. sweetness, loveliness ), Madhuriman (санскр. sweetness, suavity, charm ), Mādhurya (санскр. sweetness; loveliness, exquisite beauty, charm ), Madhus, Madhutva, Madhūlaka (санскр. sweetness ), Mādhavaka (санскр. a spirituous liquor [prepared from honey or from the blossoms of the bassia latifolia] ), Mādhvika (санскр. a person who collects honey ), Mādhavī (санскр. honey-sugar; an intoxicating drink; a kind of grass; sacred basil; etc. ), Mādhvī (санскр. a kind of intoxicating liquor ), Madhudhārī (санскр. a stream of honey ; a stream or plenty of sweet intoxicating drinks; name of a mythical river ), Madhudra (санскр. "hastening after honey or sweets", a bee; a libertine ), Madhugraha (санскр. a libation of honey ), Madhuhan (санскр. a collector of honey ["destroyer of a bee-hive"] ), Madhujī (санскр. sugar made from honey, sugar-candy; the earth; bees-wax ), Madhuka (санскр. old honey; tin; liquorice; mfn. honey-coloured, "having honey-coloured eyes" ), Madhūka (санскр. a bee; bees-wax), Madhukara, Madhukāra (санскр. "honey-maker", a bee; a lover, libertine ), Madhukarī, Madhukārī (санскр. a female bee; name of a girl ), Madhukulyā (санскр. a stream of honey, honey in stream; name of river ), Madhukezata (санскр. "honey-insect", a bee ), Madhūla (санскр. astringent, sweet and bitter taste; honey; liquorice; pollen; etc. ), Madhula (санскр. an intoxicating drink, spirituous liquor; mfn. sweet ), Madhūlaka (санскр. sweetness ), Madhūlikā (санскр. a kind of bee; a species of grain ib. ), Madhulih (санскр. mfn. one who has licked the honey; a bee ), Madhulehin, Madhulolupa (санскр. "licking honey, or "longing after honey", a bee ), Madhumadya (санскр. intoxicating drink made from honey or from the blossoms of bassia latifolia ), Madhumada (санскр. intoxication with wine ), Madhumaireya (санскр. an intoxicating drink made of honey ), Madhumakṣā, Madhumakṣikā (санскр. "honey-fly", a bee ), Madhumāmsa (санскр. honey and meat ), Madhumantha (санскр. a kind of drink mixed with honey ), Madhurasa (санскр. the juice of honey; sweetness, pleasingness; sugar-cane; the wine palm ), Madhurasā (санскр. a vine, bunch of grapes; mfn. sweet ), Madhuratraya (санскр. the three sweet things [sugar, honey and butter] ), Madhuṣthāla (санскр. a honey-pot ), Madhustoka (санскр. a drop of honey ), Madhvaka (санскр. a bee ) читать далее: этимология слова МЁД ВИНО →


значение этимология слова РАДОСТь СМЕХ ( kr санскрит )


Пятница, 18 Декабря 2020 г. 18:57 + в цитатник

Значение полифункциональных пракорней «КР» - «ТР» - «ВР» суть - К Р У Г !!!
Тема дня: «значение этимология слова РАДОСТь СМЕХ»
Примечания. Русское слово «хохот» напрямую возводится к санскритскому слову «hasa»: h > х|a > о|s > х|a > о|т. Концепт радости заключается в семиотике - «солнце - свет > радость»: «mahas (light > joy, pleasure)» - «ruc (light > delight, pleasure)» - «kha (sun) > sukha (joy, delight, pleasure, happiness)» - «kha (sun) > ha (delight, pleasure)» - «ka (sun, light > joy, pleasure, happiness)» - «ullāsa (light > joy, happiness)» - «syona (sun > delight, happiness)». Концепт смеха заключается в семиотике - «солнце > радость > смех». Далее. Альтэрнативная сематика: hlāda (joy) > hāsa - hasa (laughter).
Переклады: sun - солнце, joy - радость, удовольствие, delight - восторг, восхищение, удовольствие, gladness - радость, веселье, mirth - радость, веселье. laugh - смех, laughter - смех, хохот, jest - шутка, насмешка, jester - шутник, шут, joke - шутка, острота, smile - улыбка. to gladden - радовать, to rejoice - радовать -ся, to thrill - сильно волновать -ся, трепетать, дрожать, to delight - восхищать -ся, наслаждаться. to laugh - смеяться, to jest - шутить, to mock - дразнить, высмеивать, to deride - насмехаться, высмеивать.

▪ *KoR(ot) > HaRit ( > HLada → HLadate ) => HRu›i / > HaRa ( → HaRati ) > Ha_sa → Ha_sati
реконструкт - «*» | диарезия - (_) | суффикс - [t]
этимология слов - harṣa - hlāda ( радость ) - hāsa ( смех [радость] ) - этимон *kor ( круг ). значение слов - harit ( солнце [круг] ). корень слов √ - KR. корневые изоморфемы слов - HR - HL - H_. основы слов - HRṣ - HLd - H_s.
*KoR(ot) ( круг в протэтике ) > HaRit (санскр. sun; etc. ) => HRṣu (санскр. the sun; the moon; agni or fire; telling lies; mfn. glad, happy ) > HRṣi (санскр. joy, satisfaction; splendour; a liar; du. agni and soma ), HRṣti (санскр. delight, joy, rapture; pride, arrogance )
HaRit (санскр. sun; etc. ) > HaRṣa (санскр. joy, pleasure, happiness; erection of the sexual organ, sexual excitement, lustfulness; ardent desire; bristling, erection [esp. of the hair in a thrill of rapture or delight]; mfn. happy, delighted ), HaRṣita (санскр. joy, delight; mfn. made to stand erect, bristling [as hair &c.]; gladdened, delighted, charmed, pleased, happy ), HaRiṣa (санскр. joy ), HRṣita (санскр. mfn. cheerful, glad, happy; bristling, erect [as the hair of the body]; etc. ), HaRṣadohala (санскр. lustful desire ), HaRṣakrodha (санскр. du. joy and anger ), HaRṣodaya (санскр. rise of joy, occurrence of pleasure ), HaRṣazeka (санскр. du. joy and sorrow ), HaRṣāzru (санскр. tears of joy ), HaRṣaviṣāda (санскр. joy and depression ), HaRṣātizaya (санскр. excess of joy ), HaRṣasvana (санскр. a cry of joy, sound of pleasure ), lomaHaRṣa (санскр. the bristling or erection of the hair of the body, thrill or shudder [caused by excessive joy, fear &c.] ), lomaHaRṣana (санскр. the bristling of the hair, horripilation, thrill or shudder ), romaHaRṣa (санскр. the bristling of the hairs of the body, thrill [caused by joy, fear, cold &c.] ), saHaRṣa (санскр. mfn. joyful, glad ), sirāHaRṣa (санскр. thrill of the nerves; an intensified form; flow of discoloured tears )
HaRṣa (санскр. joy, pleasure, happiness; erection of the sexual organ, sexual excitement, lustfulness; etc. ) → HaRṣati -te (санскр. to be excited or impatient, to rejoice in the prospect of, to be anxious or impatient for; to speak or affirm falsely, to lie; [fut. harṣiṣyati] ), HRṣyati -te (санскр. to thrill with rapture, to rejoice, to exult, to be glad or pleased; to become sexually excited; to become erect or stiff or rigid, bristle [said of the hairs of the body &c.], to become on edge [like the teeth] ), HaRṣayati -te (санскр. to excite, to make impatient or eager for [victory &c.]; to rejoice, to be glad; to cause to bristle ) → HaRṣana (санскр. bristling, erection; erection of the sexual organ, sexual excitement ib.; the act of delighting, delight, joy, happiness; "gladdener", name of one of the five arrows of kama-deva; mfn. causing the hair of the body to stand erect, thrilling with joy or desire, gladdening, delightful, pleasant ), HaRṣula (санскр. a lover; a deer; mfn. disposed to be cheerful or happy, delighted ), HRṣta (санскр. mfn. thrilling with rapture, rejoiced, pleased, glad, merry; bristling, erect, standing on end [said of the hairs of the body]; rigid, stiff; blunted ) | > āHRṣyati (санскр. to shudder, to shiver ) | > abhiHaRṣayati (санскр. to gladden ) | > pariHaRṣayati (санскр. to delight greatly, to cause to rejoice ) | > praHRṣyati -te (санскр. to rejoice, to be glad or cheerful, to exult ), praHaRṣayati (санскр. to cause to rejoice, to gladden, to inspirit, to encourage ) → praHaRṣa (санскр. erection [or greater erection] of the male organ; erection of the hair, extreme joy, thrill of delight, rapture ), praHaRṣana (санскр. rapture, joy, delight; gladdening, delighting. ib.; the attainment of a desired object; erection [of the hair of the body] ), praHRṣta (санскр. mfn. erect, bristling [as the hair of the body]; mfn. thrilled with delight, exceedingly pleased, delighted ib.; etc. ), pravanapraHaRṣa (санскр. mfn. one whose joy or happiness has disappeared ) | > pratiHRṣyati (санскр. to show joy in return for anything ), pratiHaRṣayati (санскр. to gladden, to rejoice ib. ) → pratiHaRṣa (санскр. expression of joy ) | > pratisamHaRṣati (санскр. to rejoice again, to be glad ) | > samabhiHaRṣyati (санскр. to cause great joy or exultation, to gladden, to delight ) | > samHRṣyati (санскр. to bristle, stand erect [as the hair of the body from joy or fright]; to thrill with delight, to be glad, to rejoice ib. ), samHaRṣayati (санскр. to gladden, to delight ) → samHaRṣa (санскр. bristling or erection of the hair of the body, thrill of delight, joy, pleasure; sexual excitement; ardour, emulation, rivalry, jealousy ), samHRṣta (санскр. mfn. one whose hair stands erect [with joy]; flaming briskly [as fire]; mfn. one who has the hair of the body bristling [with joy], thrilled, delighted; mfn. one whose face is beaming with joy ib. ) | > sampariHRṣyati (санскр. to make completely happy, to delight ) | > sampraHRṣyati -te (санскр. to rejoice greatly, to be exceedingly glad, to thrill with pleasure ), sampraHaRṣayati (санскр. to rejoice, to make glad, to comfort ) → sampraHaRṣa (санскр. great joy, thrill of delight ), sampraHRṣta (санскр. mfn. excessively rejoiced, rejoicing, joyful; erect, bristling [or "standing on end", as the hair of the body], thrilling ib.; etc. ) | > uddHaRṣate (санскр. to be excited with joy, to rejoice; to do anything with joy or pleasure ), uddHRṣyati (санскр. to be merry or in high spirits ; to flare upwards; to open [as a calyx] ), uddHaRṣayati (санскр. to make merry or in high spirits, to rejoice, to cheer; to make brisk, to encourage ) → uddHaRṣa (санскр. the flaring upwards [of the fire]; great joy; a festival [especially a religious one]; mfn. glad, pleased, happy ), uddHaRṣana (санскр. erection of the hair [through rapture]; etc. ), uddHaRṣin (санскр. mfn. one whose hair is erect [through joy] ) | viHaRṣa (санскр. excessive joy or gladness )
HaRit (санскр. sun; etc. ) > HLāda (санскр. refreshment, pleasure, gladness, joy, delight ), HLādinī, HRādinī (санскр. lightning; indra's thunderbold ), manoHLāda (санскр. joy of the heart ), sāHLāda (санскр. mfn. having joy or gladness, cheerful, glad ) | → HLādate (санскр. to be glad or refreshed, to rejoice; to sound, to shout [for joy] ib. ), HLādayati -te (санскр. to refresh, to gladden, to exhilarate, to delight ) → HLādana (санскр. refreshing, refreshment ) | > āHLādayati (санскр. to refresh, to revive, to gladden ) → āHLāda (санскр. refreshing, reviving; joy, delight ), anāHLāda (санскр. absence of joy ) | > praHLādate (санскр. to be refreshed or comforted, to rejoice ), praHLādayati -te (санскр. to refresh, to comfort, to delight ) → praHLāda (санскр. joyful excitement, delight, joy, happiness; sound, noise; a species of rice; etc. ), praHLādana (санскр. the act of causing joy or pleasure, refreshment; etc. ), praHLatti (санскр. delight, pleasure )
HLādayati (санскр. to refresh, to gladden, to exhilarate, to delight ) => HRādayati (санскр. to refresh, to delight; etc. ) читать далее: этимология слова РАДОСТь СМЕХ →


значение этимология слова КРОВь МЕДь ( vr санскрит )


Четверг, 05 Ноября 2020 г. 17:50 + в цитатник

Значение полифункциональных пракорней «КР» - «ТР» - «ВР» суть - К Р У Г !!!
Тема дня: «значение этимология слова КРОВь МЕДь»
Примечания. Концепт крови и железа заключается в семиотике «солнце - свет > красный цвет > кровь [красная] - медь [красная]». Концептуальная фоносемантика гласных: «a» > «u» > «o».
Переклады: sun - солнце, light - свет, red colour - красный цвет, blood - кровь, copper - медь, gold - золото, iron - железо, brass - латунь, жёлтая медь. to redden - краснеть, красить в красный цвет. painter - живописец, художник, маляр.

VaRa → VRka => _Rаka ( > _RLаkta → _Rаñjati ) > _Ruca => _Roka > _RLohita
реконструкт - «*» | диарэзия - (_) | суффикс - [k]
этимология слов rakta - rohita - lohitā ( кровь [красная] ) - rakta - lohita - loha ( медь [красная] ) - этимон vara ( круг ), значение слов - vrka - ( солнце - свет ). корень слов - VR, корневые морфемы слов - _R - _L, основы слов - _Rk - _Lh.
*VoR ( круг в протэтике ) > VaRa (санскр. circle ) → VRka (санскр. the sun; the moon ) => Rāka (санскр. the sun; full moon ) > Ruca (санскр. light, lustre, beauty; liking, desire ) => Roka (санскр. light, lustre, brightness, splendour ) > Rohita (санскр. mfn. red, reddish; a red or chestnut horse; blood ), Rohit (санскр. the sun; a red deer or a red mare; a woman in her courses; a kind of creeper ), Rohitarū (санскр. the red colour ), Rohinikā (санскр. a woman with a red face [either from anger or from being coloured with pigments] ), Rokya (санскр. blood ) | => Lohita (санскр. red [the colour], redness; a snake, serpent; mfn. red, red-coloured, reddish; made of copper, copper, metal ), Lohitatī (санскр. redness ), Lohitatva, Lohitman (санскр. redness, red colorour ), Loha (санскр. red metal, copper; blood; the red goat; mfn. red, reddish, copper-coloured; made of copper; made of iron ), Lohya, Lohaka (санскр. brass ), Lohāja (санскр. the red goat ), Lohanīkā (санскр. red glow or lustre ), Lohinī (санскр. any red substance ), Lohitā (санскр. blood; ruby; red sanders; a kind of sandal-wood ), Lohitaka (санскр. a ruby; the planet mars; mfn. red, of a red colour, reddish ), Lauhitya (санскр. red colour, redness ), Lauhā (санскр. a metal or iron cooking-pot, kettle, pan; iron, metal ), Lauha (санскр. mfn. made of copper or iron or any metal, coppery, iron, metallic; red; belonging to or coming from the red-coloured goat; iron, metal; a metal or iron cooking-pot, kettle, pan ), Lohitiman (санскр. red colour, redness ), Lohakitta, Loharaja, Lohaja, Lauhaja, Lohamala, Lauhamala (санскр. rust of iron ), Loṣta (санскр. rust of iron ), Lohakāra (санскр. worker in iron, smith, blacksmith ), Lohakīla (санскр. an iron bolt ), Lohanāla (санскр. an iron arrow ), Lohitagātra (санскр. "red-limbed" name of skanda ), Lohitāhi (санскр. a red snake ), Lohitāja (санскр. a reddish he-goat ), Lohitājā (санскр. a reddish she-goat ), Lohitikā (санскр. a partic. vein or artery ), Lohitadrapsa (санскр. a drop of blood ), Lohitamaya (санскр. mfn. blood-red ), Lohitarāga (санскр. a red colour, redhue ), Lohitatva (санскр. redness, red colour ), Lohitāyas(a) (санскр. "red metal", copper ), Lohitazatapattra (санскр. a red lotus-flower ), Lohitāzoka (санскр. a red-flowering ), nīlaLohita (санскр. mfn. darkblue and red, purple, dark-red; a mixture of blue and red, a purple colour ), atiLohita (санскр. mfn. very red ), Lohaja (санскр. bell-metal ), anyaLoha (санскр. brass-metal ), saLohita (санскр. mfn. having the same blood; coloured blood-red ), kapiLoha, hamsaLohaka (санскр. brass ), kapilaLoha (санскр. kind of brass ), suLohaka (санскр. good metal, brass ), raviLoha (санскр. "sun-metal", copper ), vahniLoha(ka) (санскр. "fire-like iron", copper ), pītaLoha (санскр. yellow metal ), kālaLoha (санскр. iron ), krṣiLoha (санскр. "plough-metal", iron ), taptaLoha (санскр. "glowing iron", name of hell ), sāraLoha (санскр. "essence of iron", steel ), mahaLoha (санскр. "great iron", magnetic iron ), sarvaLoha (санскр. an iron arrow ), suLohita (санскр. beautifull red colour )
Lohita (санскр. red [the colour]; etc. ) → Lohitati (санскр. to be or become red ), Lohitāyati -te (санскр. to be or become red, to redden )
VRka (санскр. the sun; moon ) => Rāka (санскр. the sun; full moon ) > Rakta (санскр. red colour; safflower; blood; copper; saffron; mfn. reddened, red, crimson; coloured, dyed, painted; excited, affected with passion or love, impassioned, enamoured, charmed with, attached or devoted to; beloved, dear, lovely, pleasant, sweet; fond of play, engaging in pastime, sporting ), Raktakā (санскр. redness; the nature of blood; the being affected by passion ), Raktaka (санскр. a red garment; a redflowering moringa; mfn. red; passionately attached to, fond of, enamoured; pleasing, amusing; bloody ), Raktiman (санскр. redness, redcolour ), Rakti (санскр. pleasingness, loveliness; affection, attachment, devotion ), Raktatva (санскр. redness ), Raktr (санскр. a dyer, painter ), Raktatā (санскр. redness; the nature of blood; the being affected by passion ), Raktakumuda, Raktamandala, Raktāmburuha, Raktapadma, Raktasaugandhika, Raktavārija, Raktamala (санскр. a red lotus flower ), Raktamalinī (санскр. a group of red lotus flower ), Raktapuṣpa (санскр. a red flower ), Raktāzoka, Raktazigru (санскр. red-flowering ), Raktāmzuka (санскр. a red ray of light; a red garment ib. ), Raktakrīna, Raktazyīma (санскр. mfn. dark red ), Raktanīla (санскр. mfn. blue-red ), Raktīkṣa (санскр. mfn. red-eyed, having red or blood-shot eyes; a buffalo ), Raktabindu (санскр. a red spot forming a flaw in a gem; a drop of blood ), Raktajihva (санскр. mfn. red-tongued; a lion ), Raktalocana (санскр. "red-eyed", a pigeon ), Raktāruna (санскр. mfn. blood-red, red as blood ), Raktavarna (санскр. gold; red colour or the colour of blood; mfn. red-coloured ), Raktāmbupūra (санскр. a stream or flow of blood ), Raktapa, Raktapātā (санскр. a leech ), Raktapatana (санскр. a flow of blood ), anuRakti (санскр. affection, love, devotion ), atiRakta (санскр. mfn. very red ), āRakta (санскр. mfn. reddish ), āRaktam (санскр. red sandal-wood )
Rakta (санскр. red colour; etc. ) => Lakta (санскр. red )
Rakta (санскр. red colour; etc. ) > Rukma (санскр. gold; iron; "what is bright or radiant", an ornament of gold, golden chain or disc ), Rukmakāraka (санскр. a worker in gold, goldsmith ), Rukmasteya (санскр. stealing gold )
Rakta (санскр. red colour; etc. ) → Rañjati, Rajati -te (санскр. to be dyed or coloured, to redden, to grow red, to glow; etc. ), Rañjayati, Rajayati -te (санскр. to dye, to colour, to paint, to redden, to illuminate; to rejoice, to charm, to gratify, to conciliate ) Rañjaka (санскр. a colourist, dyer, painter; mfn. colouring, dyeing; exciting passion or love, charming, pleasing ), Rañjakī (санскр. a female colourer ), Rañjana (санскр. the act of colouring or dyeing; colour, dye, paint; the act of pleasing, delighting, conciliating, giving pleasure; red arsenic; saffron; red sandalwood; cinnabar ), Rjra (санскр. mfn. red, reddish, ruddy ), Rajana (санскр. mfn. colouring, dyeing; a day )
Rañjati (санскр. to be dyed or coloured, to redden, to grow red, to glow; etc. ) > Lāñchati (санскр. to mark, to distinguish, to characterize ), Lacchati (санскр. to mark ) → Lañchana (санскр. a mark, sign, token [ifc.= marked or, characterized by, furnished or provided with]; a mark of ignominy, stain, spot; a name, appellation ) → Lañchanyati (санскр. to become a mark or sign )
VRka, *VaRka (санскр. the sun ) => aRka (санскр. the sun; a ray, flash of lightning; fire; copper ) > aRuṣas (санскр. the sun, the day ), aRuṣa (санскр. red reddish [the colour of agni and his horses, of cows, of the team of ushas, the asvins, &c.] ), aRuṣī (санскр. the dawn; a red mare [a name applied to the team of agni and ushas, and to agni's flames] ), aRjuna (санскр. mfn. white, clear [the colour of the day]; of the dawn; of the lightning; of the milk; of silver; the white colour ), aRjunī (санскр. a cow ), aRjunam (санскр. silver, gold )
Rāka (санскр. the sun ) => Ra, (санскр. brightness, splendour; fire, heat; gold; etc. )
VR > VR[k] > _R/L[k > ñ > _ ] / > _L[c > k] > _R/L[h]
© С.В.Ю. © «Вокруг Слова» «Круговая Лингво-Концепция»
[тэг] значение этимология слова КРОВь МЕДь ( санскрит / sanskrit )


значение этимология слова ВОЛЯ ( vr санскрит )


Среда, 28 Октября 2020 г. 17:44 + в цитатник

Значение полифункциональных пракорней «КР» - «ТР» - «ВР» суть - К Р У Г !!!
Тема дня: «значение этимология слова ВОЛЯ»
Примечания. Концепт воли и желания заключается в солярной семиотике - «солнце - свет > воля - желание»: «aga (sun) - agās (fire) > āzā (wish, desire) - āzas (wish, desire) - īṣ (wish)» - «rāka (sun) > ruc (light > wish)» - «zobhā (lustre > wish». Альтэрнативная семантика: vaza (wish) > *vasa (wish). Альтэрнативная семантика основанная на движении приближения: dadhati (to give; to seize, to take hold of; to obtain, etc.) > laṣati -te (to wish, to desire, to long for; to strive after, to approach).
Переклады: sun - солнце, light - свет, wish - желание, will - воля, желание, desire - желание, предмет желания. to wish - желать, to will - желать, хотеть, to desire - желать, требовать.

VRtta → Bha_tsu ( => Va_za → Va_ti => La_ati
реконструкт - «*» | диарэзия - (_) | суффикс: [t] | постспирант: -h
этимология слов vaza ( воля, желание [пыл] ) - этимон vrtta - vartula ( круг ), значение слова - bhātu - bhāsu (солнце). корень слова - VR, корневая морфема слова - V_ , основа слова - V_z.
*VoR(ot) ( круг в протэтике ) > VaRtula, VRtta (санскр. circle ) → Bhātu (санскр. sun ) => Bhāsu (санскр. sun ) > Bhās (санскр. light, ray of light, lustre, brightness; "receptacle or lord of rays of light", the sun; an image, reflection shadow; glory, splendour, majesty; wish, desire ), Bhāsa, Bhāsas (санскр. light, brightness, lustre ) > Vaza (санскр. will, wish, desire ) → Vaṣti (санскр. to wish, to desire, to long for, to be fond of, to like; to will, to command; etc. [fut. vaziṣyati, intens. vāvazyate] ), Vāzayati (санскр. to cause to desire &c.; to get in one's power, to subject ) → Vazana (санскр. wishing, desiring, willing &c. ), Vazitr (санскр. mfn. having one's will free, independent ), Vazi (санскр. subjugation, fascination, bewitching, holding others in magical submission to the will ), Vazitva (санскр. freedom of will, the being one's own master; power or dominion over; the supernatural power of subduing to one's own will &c.; mastery of one's self, self-command; subduing by magical means, fascinating, bewitching ), Vazitā (санскр. subjugation, dominion; the supernatural power of subduing all to one's own will, unbounded power of ), Vaziman (санскр. the supernatural power of subduing to one's own will ), Vazya (санскр. a dependent, slave ), Vazyā (санскр. the supernatural power of subjecting to one's own will, any act [such as the repetition of spells) performed with that object] ), Vazāsanugā (санскр. a male or female servant ), Vāzitā, Vāsitā (санскр. a cow desiring the bull [also applied to other animals desiring the male, esp. to a female elephant]; a woman, wife )
Vaṣti (санскр. to wish, to desire ) => Laṣati -te (санскр. to wish, to desire, to long for; to strive after, to approach [fut. laṣiṣyati, intens. lālaṣyate]), Lāṣayati (санскр. to exercise an art ) → Laṣana (санскр. mfn. one who desires or longs for ) | > abhiLaṣati (санскр. to desire or wish for, to covet, to crave ) → abhiLaṣita (санскр. desire, wish, will ), abhiLāṣa (санскр. desire, wish, covetousness, affection ), abhiLaṣana (санскр. craving after, desiring ), manobhiLaṣa (санскр. the heart's desire or wish ) | > samabhiLaṣati (санскр. to long for, to be eager for )
Bhāsa (санскр. light, brightness, lustre ) > *Vasa (санскр. wish, desire ), aVas (санскр. wish, desire [as of men for the gods &c., or of the waters for the sea] ), Vasāra (санскр. wish, purpose ) | → Vasati -te (санскр. to have sexual intercourse ), Vāsayati -te (санскр. to cause to have sexual intercourse ), Vāsayati (санскр. to love; to etc. ) → Vāsanā (санскр. thinking of, longing for, expectation, desire, inclination; etc. ) | => Vesati (санскр. to desire, to love; to etc. )
VR > VR[t] > Bh_[t > s] > V_[z > ṣ] > L_[ṣ]
© С.В.Ю. © «Вокруг Слова» «Круговая Лингво-Концепция»
[тэг] значение этимология слова ВОЛЯ ( санскрит / sanskrit )


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