- - - !!!
: / ˨
. '' 'harina': |h > |a > |r > |i > _|n > |: harina (. ) > (. harina ). '' 'harita': |h > |a > |r > |i > |t > |a > : harita (. ) > (. harita ). , - 'vrkṣaza' (chameleon, lizard), - , vrk- 'vrka' (sun), -ṣaza 'zaza' (hare). . , 'zukla' 'zuci', zu su-, 'su' (adverb. good, right, beatifull, well, greatly, very), , , 'sura' (sun). su- - zu- - zo- - zau- - zi-, s > z u > o / > au / > i. zu- vr: bhā (sun) > zubhā (light) - uṣ (dawn) > suṣa (strenght) > zuṣi (strenght) - uṣās (light) > sūṣa (energy) > zūṣa (energy). . - - > : khala (sun) > kha (sun; happiness) - sukha (sun; happiness) - bhā (sun, light) > bhāgya (happiness, luck) - syūna (ray of light) > syūmaka (happiness) / > syona (happiness) - ullāsa (light; happiness). - > > / > : zuci (sun; fire) > zuc (flame, heat; pain, sorrow) > zoka (flame, heat; pain, sorrow); tapa (sun; heat) > tapas (heat; pain) - dava (fire, heat) > davathu (heat; pain) - dāva (fire, heat) > dā (heat; pain) - jvala (light, flame) > jvara (fever, fever of soul, mental pain, pain, grief). . - harina > hirana > hema: a > i > e. - harina > hirana: i > a. . z > d: zaranya (. gold) > daraniya (.-. gold).
: sun - , yellow - , , white - . lizard - , parrot - , gold - , grass - . flame - , splendour - , beautifull - , clearness - , purity - . happiness - , comfort - . pain - , sorrow - , , brief - .
▪ *
t) >
t(a) ( >
tu ) =>
na ( =>
na =>
GhRna ) =>
na >
t =>
_ =>
_ ( > zu
_ ) => su-
__ > zuo
__ → zo
- * | - (
_) - (
_) | - [
t] | : -
- hirana - hema ( ) - harit - hari ( ) - hemala - saratu ( [ - ] ) - suka ( ) - sukha ( ) - zuc - zoka ( ) - *kor ( ). - harit - harina ( [] ). √ - KR. - HR - H_ - ZR - SR - _K - _Kh - _K - _C. - HRn - HRt - HRt - H_m - ZRn - SRn - s_K - s_Kh - z_C - z_K.
ot) ( )
> HaRit (. the
sun; mfn. fawn-coloured, pale yellow, yellowish, pale red, fallow, bay, tawny, greenish; pale yellow, reddish, bay [the colour]; a horse of the sun [acc pl. "the horses of the sun and of indra"]; emerald; a lion; name of vishnu; a female horse of a reddish colour, a bay mare [applied to the horses of soma, indra, and tvashtri, "the 7 horses of the sun", thought to symbolize the days of the week]; grass or a species of grass; turmeric ),
HaRinī (. mfn. yellowish, pale yellow, fallow, pale red, pale, greenish, green; yellowish [the colour];
gold; a lion; turmeric; a brown-coloured grape; a yellowish or greenish substance; greens, vegetables ),
HaRiman (. yellow colour, yellowness [as a disease], jaundice ),
HaRitā (. grass ),
HaRita (. green [the colour]; the haritala pigeon ),
HaRitaka (. mfn. greenish; a green herb; grass ),
HāRitaka (. a green vegetable )
HaRita (. mfn. yellowish, yellow, greenish, green; etc. )
> HaRitaHaRi (. "having reddish or bay horses", the sun ),
HaRitāla (. a kind of pigeon of a yellowish green colour; a streak or line in the sky; the atmosphere ),
HaRitālaka (. a kind of pigeon; yellow orpiment; etc. ),
HaRitālam (. yellow orpiment or sulphuret of arsenic [described as the seed or seminal energy of vishnu] ),
HaRitatrna (. green grass ),
HaRitatva (. yellowish green [the colour] ),
HāRītaka (. haritala pigeon ),
HaRitāzma (. "green-coloured stone", a turquoise or emerald; sulphate of copper or blue vitriol ),
HaRitīkrta (. mfn. painted green ),
HaRitopala (. "green stone", an emerald ),
HaRitparna (. "green-leaved", a radish ),
pītaHaRita (. mfn. "yellowish-green" ),
zuklaHaRita (. pale-greenness ),
zuklaHaRinī (. pale-green ib. )
HaRita (. mfn. yellowish, pale yellow, fallow, pale red, pale, greenish, green; yellowish [the colour]; etc. )
> SaRatu (. lizard, chameleon ) |
→ HaRitāyati -
te (. to become or appear green )
HaRit (. the sun; etc. )
> Heti (. a missile weapon, any weapon [also personified]; agni's weapon, flame, light; a ray of the sun ) =
> Ketu (. bright appearance, clearness, brightness [often pl., "rays of light "]; lamp, flame, torch ib.; day-time; any unusual or striking phenomenon, comet, meteor, falling star; etc. )
HaRita (. *the sun; mfn. pale yellow, yellowish, pale red, etc. )
> Gati (. a happy issue; happiness; etc. ),
suGati (. a good or happy condition, welfare, happiness, bliss; etc. ),
svāGata (. welfare, health; etc. ),
durGatā (. ill luck, misery ) | =
> Zāta (. joy, pleasure, happiness; mfn. handsome, bright, happy ),
Zatasukha (. hundred-fold happiness, endless delight )
HaRit (. the sun; etc. )
> ZaRman (. joy, bliss, comfort, delight, happiness; mfn. happy, prosperous; etc. )
HaRit (. the sun; mfn. fawn-coloured, pale yellow, yellowish, pale red, fallow, bay, tawny, greenish; pale yellow, reddish, bay [the colour]; etc. ) =
> HaRina (. the
sun; mfn. fawn-coloured, yellowish, tawny [also said of unhealthy complexion], greenish, green; yellowish the colour; a deer, antelope, fawn, stag; a goose; etc.; etc. ) | =
> HaRi (. the
sun ib.; ray of light; the moon; mfn. fawn-coloured, reddish brown, brown, tawny, pale yellow, yellow, fallow, bay [esp. applied to horses], green, greenish &c.; "to be yellow or green"; yellow or reddish brown or green [the colour]; a horse, steed [esp. of indra]; a lion; a monkey; a jackal; a parrot; a peacock; the koil or indian cuckoo; a goose; a frog; a snake; fire; the wind or name of vayu [god of the wind]; of indra ib. &c. )
> HaRtr (. the sun; etc. ),
HaRa (. fire ),
HīRa (. a lion: a damand; a serpent; a thunderbold ),
HaRinī (. yellow jasmin; a golden image; etc. ),
HaRyakṣa (. a lion; a monkey ),
Harivāhana (. "having bay horses", name of indra; of the sun ),
HāRidratva (. yellowness ),
HaRmuta (. a tortoise; the sun ),
HīRindra (. coloured with turmeric, yellow &c.; a yellow colour; the kadamba tree; a kind of vegetable poison; a kind of fever [also of animals] ib. ),
HāRidra (. mfn. coloured with turmeric, yellow; a yellow colour; a kind of vegetable poison; a kind of fever [also of animals] ib. ),
HaRiHaya (. a horse of indra; "having bay or gold-coloured horses", name of indra; of the sun ),
Haya (. a horse; a symbolical expression for the number "seven" [on account of the 7 horses of the sun]; name of indra; of one of the horses of the moon ),
Hayā (. a female horse, mare ),
HaRikeza (. name of one of the 7 principal rays of the sun; of savitri; of siva; of a yaksha ),
HaRidrava (. green fluid; [perhaps] soma ib. ),
HaRidravana (. mfn. green-coloured, of a yellowish golden colour ),
HaRinmani (. "green gem", an emerald ),
HaRiparna (. mfn. green-leaved ib.; a radish ),
HaRinetra (. an owl; the eye of vishnu; a white lotus; an eye of a greenish colour; mfn. having yellow eyes; etc. )
> ZaRandra (.
chameleon )
HaRi (. sun; etc. ) =
> saHaRi (. the sun; a bull ) =
> saHuRi (. the sun; the earth ib.; name of agni; mfn. mighty, strong, victorious )
HaRi (. mfn. yellow, reddish brown; yellow or reddish brown or green [the colour]; etc. ) =
> GauRa (. mfn. white, yellowish, reddish, pale red; mfn. shining, brilliant, clean, beautiful; white, yellowish [the colour]; a kind of buffalo; white mustard; the moon; saffron; the filament of a lotus; gold; orpiment; etc. )
> GauRatva (. the being white ),
GauRāsya (. "whitefaced", a kind of black monkey with a white face ),
GauRaziras (. "white-headed", name of a muni ),
GauRāzva (. "having white horses", name of a prince ),
GauRika (. white mustard ),
GauRila (. white mustard; iron filings ),
GhoRā (. the night ),
GoRava (. saffron )
HaRi (. mfn. fawn-coloured, reddish brown, brown, tawny, pale yellow, yellow; etc. ) =
> ZāRa (. yellow; variegating or a variegated colour, a mixture of blue and yellow, green ib. ),
ZāRatva (. variety of colour, yellowness )
> SīRa (. sun []; a plough; an ox for ploughing, draught-ox ),
SīRaka (. the sun ib.; a plough; a porpoise ) |
> SeRāla (. pale-yellowness ),
SeRālā (. mfn. pale-yellow )
HaRina (. the sun; mfn. yellowish, greenish, green; etc. )
> HiRana (.
gold; semen; a cowry ),
HiRanya (. gold; any vessel or ornament made of gold [as "a golden spoon"]; a gold piece or coin [generally with suvarna as opp. to base metal]; a cowry; semen virile; substance, imperishable matter; a partic. measure ),
HiRanyā (. mfn. golden, made of gold ),
HiRanin (. mfn. golden, adorned with gold ),
HiRanyakartr (. a goldsmith ),
HiRanyaheman (. gold ),
HiRanyakrṣnala (. a small piece of gold ),
HiRanyazalka (. a fragment of gold ),
HaiRanya (. golden, consisting or made of gold; bearing gold [said of a river]; offering gold [said of hands or arms] ib. ),
HaiRanyaka (. a goldsmith; an overseer of gold, guardian of golden treasure )
HiRana (. gold; semen; a cowry ) =
> Hema (.
gold; a partic. weight of gold; a horse of a dark or brownish colour ),
Hemam (. gold ),
Haima (. mfn. golden, consisting or made of gold; of a golden yellow colour ),
Hemaka (. gold; a piece of gold ),
Hemagaura (. mfn. of a golden yellow colour, having golden yellow ),
HemapiNgala (. mfn. golden yellow ),
Hemakartr (. a goldsmith ),
Hemala (. a goldsmith; a touchstone; a chameleon,
lizard )
Hema (. gold )
→ Hemāyate (. to be or become gold )
HaRina (. the sun; etc ) =
> KiRana (. the
sun; a ray or beam of light, a sun or moonbeam; etc. ),
KiRanamālin (. "garlanded with rays", the sun ),
KiRanapāni (. "whose hands are rays", she sun ),
KiRanapati (. "the lord of rays", the sun ) |
→ KiLati (. to be or to become white )
KiRana (. sun ) =
> GhRnā,
GhRni (. the
sun; a ray of light; day [opposed to night]; a flame; a wave; water; anger, passion; mfn. glowing, shining )
> GhRna (. heat, ardour, sunshine ),
GhRams (. the sun's heat ),
GhaRma (. heat , warmth [of the sun or of fire], sunshine; the hot season; day; internal heat )
HaRi (. the sun ib.; ray of light; etc. ) =
> KhaLa (. the
sun; etc. )
> zuKLa (. szu- very. mfn. bright, light; white, whitish; pure, spotless, unsullied; white [the colour]; the bright half of a lunar month or any day in it; the month; brightness, light; a white spot, white substance, anything white; the white of the eye; silver; fresh butter ),
zuKLaka (. mfn. white; a white colour ib.; the light fortnight ),
zuKLala (. mfn. white, whitening ),
zuKLalavarga (. a class of white objects [as the conch-shell, pearl-oyster, and cowry] ),
zuKLā (. a white cow; white or candied sugar ),
zuKLabhāga (. the white of the eye ),
zuKLadhānya (. white grain or corn ),
zuKLadhātu (. a white mineral, chalk ),
zuKLāguru (. white agallochum ),
zuKLiman (. whiteness, white colour ),
zuKLopala (. a white stone ),
zuKLopalā (. white sugar ib. ),
zauKLya; (. whiteness, brightness, clearness ),
zuKLatva; (. whiteness ),
atizuKLa (. mfn. very white, too white ),
suzuKLa (. mfn. very white )
zuKLa (. white [the colour]; etc. )
→ zuKLībhavati (. to become white ) |
→ zuKLīkaroti (. to make white, whiten [see next] )
→ zuKLīkara (. making white, whitening )
zuKLa (. mfn. bright, light; white, whitish; white [the colour]; etc. ) =
> zuKRa (. mfn. bright, resplendent; clear, pure; light-coloured, white; pure, spotless; brightness, clearness, light; a good action; gold, wealth; name of agni or fire; of a month [jyeshtha = may-june, personified as the guardian of kubera's treasure]; clear or pure soma )
KhaLa (. sun; etc. )
> KaRka (. mfn. white; good, excellent; a white horse; fire; beauty ) |
> KhaRu (. mfn. white; a horse )
KhaLa (. sun; etc. ),
KhaLatika (. sun ) =
> Kha (. the sun; heaven; happiness [a meaning derived fr. [su-kha]; etc. ),
Khadyota (. the sun ),
Khadyotana (. "sky-illuminator", the sun ),
Khaga (. the sun; a deity; a bird; name of garuda; any air-moving insect [as a bee]; a grasshopper; a planet; air, wind; an arrowmfn. moving in air ),
Khakholka (. "sky-meteor", the sun ),
Khatilaka (. "sky-ornament", the sun )
Kha (. the sun; heaven; happiness; etc. )
> suKha (. su- prefix. ease, easiness, comfort, prosperity, pleasure, happiness, joy, delight in; mfn. comfortable, happy, prosperous; the sky, heaven, atmosphere; water; etc. ),
suKham (. ease, easiness, comfort, prosperity, pleasure, happiness, joy, delight in ),
suKhita (. happiness ),
suKhitva (. ease, comfort, happiness ),
suKhatva (. ease, comfort, delight, happiness, prosperity ),
suKhin (. a religious ascetic; etc. ),
sauKhya (. welfare, comfort, health, happiness, felicity, enjoyment ),
suKhā (. [in phil.] the effort to win future beatitude, piety, virtue ),
suKhāsana (. a comfortable seat ),
suKhī (. mfn. one who loves pleasure ),
suKhāsikā (. well-being, comfort, ease ),
suKhavāsa (. a pleasant or comfortable abode ),
suKhavihāra (. an easy or comfortable life; mfn. living easily ),
ziKhā (. a pointed flame, any flame ib.; a ray of light; a sharp end, point, spike, peak, summit, pinnacle, projection, end or point [in general]; etc. ),
ziKhalohita (. "red as a flame", name of a plant ),
ziKhātaru (. "flame-support", a lamp-stand ),
ziKhin (. a bull; a horse; "having flame", fire or the firegod; a peacock; mfn. having a tuft or lock of hair on the top of the head; etc. ),
zikhiziKhā (. a peacock's crest; "fire-peak", a flame ),
ziKhāvat (. fire; a lamp; mfn. flaming, burning ),
suKheccā (. hope or desire of happiness ),
agnisiKhā (. prefix sui-. a flame ),
rohaziKhin (. fire which mounts upwards, ascending flame ),
suziKha (. mfn. having beautiful points or crests; having a bright flame [as a lamp]; name of agni or fire ),
asuKha (. unhappy, sorrowful; painful; not easy to; sorrow, pain, affliction )
suKha (. ease, easiness, comfort, prosperity, pleasure, happiness; etc. )
→ suKhayati,
suKhyati (. to make happy, to please, to delight, to gladden, to rejoice, to comfort ),
suKhāyate (. to feel happy or pleased, to be at ease or comfortable; to be pleasant or agreeable ) =
> suHyati (. to satisfy, to gladden; to be glad, to rejoice ib.; to bear, to endure, to support ib. )
Kha (. the sun; heaven; happiness; etc. )
> Ha (. heaven, sky, paradise; the moon; water; blood; dying; pleasure, delight; etc. )
Kha (. the
sun; heaven; happiness; etc. ) =
> Ka (. the
sun; fire, splendour, light; wealth; happiness, joy, pleasure; king; time; peacock; etc. ) =
> zuCi (. zu- prefix very: szu+ci. the
sun; the moon; purification, purity, honesty, virtue; fire; a ray of light; white [the colour]; wind; sexual love; mfn. shining, glowing, gleaming, radiant, bright; brilliantly white, white bhartr; clear, clean, pure [lit. and fig.], holy, unsullied, undefiled, innocent, honest, virtuous; pure [in a ceremonial sense]; etc. ),
zuCitva (. clearness, purity [lit. and fig.], uprightness, honesty, virtue ),
azuCitva (. impurity ),
zuC (. flame, glow, heat; brightness, lustre; pain, sorrow, grief or regret for; mfn. shining, illumining ),
zuCipati (. "lord of purity", fire ),
zuCiprani (. "inducing purity", sipping water, cleansing the mouth &c. ),
zuCikarna (. white lotus ),
zuCirocis (. "white-rayed", the moon ),
patizuC (. grief for a husband ),
zuKti (. pearl-shell )
zuCi (. white [the colour]; etc. )
→ zuCīyate (. to become clear or pure or white )
zuCi (. the sun; fire; etc. )
> zoCi (. flame, glow ),
zoCis (. flame, glow, radiance, light; colour; splendour, beauty; mfn. shining, brilliant ib. ),
zoCiṣkeza (. fire; mfn. "flame-haired", having flaming locks [applied to agni and the sun] )
zuC (. flame, glow, heat; brightness, lustre; pain, sorrow, grief; etc. ) =
> zoKa (. flame, glow, heat; sorrow, affliction, anguish, pain, trouble, grief for; mfn. burning, hot ),
zoKāgni (. the fire of sorrow, violent grief ) | =
> zauCa (. cleanness, purity, purification [esp. from defilement caused by the death of a relation]; purity of mind, integrity, honesty [esp. in money-matters]; evacuation of excrement ),
zauCaka (. purity ),
zauCika (. a cleaner, cleanser ),
zauCeya (. washerman ),
arthazauCa (. purity, honesty in money matters )
zuC (. flame, glow, heat; pain, sorrow, grief; etc. ) =
> zuCā (. sorrow, grief; mfn. pure ) =
> zūKa (. sorrow, grief ),
zauKa (. sorrowfullness )
zuC (. flame, glow, heat; brightness, lustre; pain, sorrow, grief; etc. )
→ zoCati -
te (. to shine, to flame, to gleam, to glow, to burn; to suffer violent heat or pain, to be sorrowful or afflicted, to grieve, to mourn at or for; to bewail, to lament, to regret; to be absorbed in deep meditation ),
zuCyati -
te (. to be bright or pure; to be wet ib.; to decay, to be putrid, to stink ib.; to be kindled, to burn, to flame ),
zoCayati -
te (. to set on fire, to burn; to cause to suffer pain, to afflict, to distress; to feel pain or sorrow, to grieve, mourn; to lament, to regret; to purify )
→ zoCana,
zoCanā (. grief, sorrow ),
zoCayitr (. a causer of grief or pain ib. ),
zoCyaka (. a deplorable or miserable person, wretched man ),
zoCyatā (. deplorableness, miserable condition )
zoCati (. to shine, to flame, to gleam, to glow, to burn; to suffer violent heat or pain; etc. )
> āzoCati (. to procure or bestow by shining forth )
→ āzauCa (. impurity ),
azauCa (. impurity, contamination, defilement [contracted by the death of a relation, or by the commission of prohibited acts, &c.] ) |
> abhizoCati (. to flame towards, to burn, to consume; to burn, to torment ),
abhizoCayati (. to burn, to consume [by fire] )
→ abhizoKa (. ardour ) |
> anuzoCati (. to mourn over, to regret, to bewail ),
anuzoCayati (. to mourn over )
→ anuzoCana (. sorrow, repentance ),
anuzoKa (. sorrow, repentance, regret ) |
> anuprazoCate (. to regret or mourn deeply ) |
apazuC (. "without sorrow", the soul ) |
> nizoCati (. to be burning hot ) |
> parizoCati -
te (. to mourn, to wail, to lament [trans. and intrans.] ),
parizoCayati (. to pain, to torment; to lament, to bewail ) |
> prazoCate (. to glow, to beam, to radiate ) |
> pratizoCati (. to burn towards or against ) |
> samzoCati (. to flame or blaze together; to mourn, to regret, to bewail ),
samzuCyati (. to cause pain to ),
samzoCayati (. to mourn, lament )
→ samzoKa (. "sweat", "moist heat", in next ) |
> samanuzoCati (. to mourn over, to regret ) |
vizoKa (. cessation of sorrow )
Ka (. the sun; fire, splendour, light; etc. )
> suKa (. parrot ) =
> zuKa (. parrot ),
zuKī (. female parrot ),
zuKatē (. state of a parrot ),
zauKa (. flight of parrot )
KhaLa (. the sun; etc. )
> Jhalā (. sun-heat; a girl ) | =
> KheLi (. sun; bird; a song; an animal; an arrow ) =
> HeLi (. the
sun )
Ka (. sun; happiness )
> Ṣa (. eternal happiness, final emancipation; heaven, paradise; etc. )
Ka (. sun; fire, splendour, light; etc. ) =
> Ja (. light, lustre; etc. ) |
> sūKa (. an arrow; air, wind; a lotus )
KR > Z/S/G/HR[t > n / > m / > _] > Z/S/K(h)L/R[_] > J/K/C/K(h)_[_] | HR[n] > Gh/KR[n] / > H_[m]
... -
˨ ( / sanskrit )