
kr tr vr




: 13.02.2010
: 1612


( vr )

, 10 2020 . 17:13 +

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. , 'vāti' (sun) 'pāti' (lord) 'bhātu' (sun) bh > v / p u > i, : bhātu (sun) > vāti (sun) / > pāti (lord). : varati (to choose) > vara ("chooser", one who solicits a girl in marriage, husband ).
: sun - , king - , , , , , lord - , , pitr - , , husband - , , sovereign - , , kingship - , goverment - , . to rule - , , , , to govern - , , , .

VaRtula ( → VPa_ti => Pi_tr ) → VaRuna => VaRnu ( > VNaR_a ) > BhaR_u
- * | - (_) - (_) | - [t] | : -h
pati - bharu ( [] ) pitr ( [] ) - vrtta ( ). - varuna, varnu ( ) vāti ( ). √ - VR, - P_ - BhR - P_, - P_t - BhR - P_t.
*VoR(ot) ( ) > VaRtula (. circle ) [ VRtta, VaRa (. circle), VaRnaka (. circle, orb ) ] VaRuna (. sun; water, the ocean; varuna is one of the oldest of the vedic gods; he is often regarded as the supreme deity; in the veda together with indra, and in later vedic literature together with agni, with yama, and with vishnu; he is even called the brother of agni; though not generally regarded in the veda as a god of the ocean; etc. ), VaRnu (. sun ), VaRna (. lustre, colour of the face, good colour or complexion, beauty; gold; colour, tint, dye, pigment [for painting or writing]; colour = race, species, kind, sort, character, nature, quality, property [applied to persons and things]; class of men, tribe, order, caste ) VaRa (. "chooser", one who solicits a girl in marriage, suitor, lover, bridegroom, husband; mfn. royal, princely ), VaRayitr (. a suitor, lover, husband ), VāRayitr (. "chooser", a husband ), VaiRajyā (. extended sovereignty ), nrVaRa (. best or chief of men, sovereign, king )
VaRa (. a husband; etc. ) => ViRa (. a husband; a man, a brave or eminent man, hero, chief [sometimes applied to gods, as to indra, vishnu; pl. men, people, mankind, followers, retainers]; a hero [as opp. to a god]; etc. ) | => NaRa (. a husband; a man, a male, a person [pl. men, people]; hero; etc. )
VaRnu (. sun ) => BhaRu (. a lord, master; a husband; gold; the sea ), BhaRtr (. a preserver, protector, maintainer, chief, lord, master; a husband ), BhaRtrī (. a female supporter or nourisher, a mother ), BhaRtrguna (. the excellence or virtue of a husband ), amaraBhaRtr (. "supporter of the gods", name of indra ), amzuBhaRtr (. "lord of rays", the sun ), bhaginīBhaRtr (. a sister's husband ), bhūBhaRtr (. "earth-supporter, earth-lord", a king, prince ), bhūtaBhatr (. "lord of beings or spirits", name of siva ), divasaBhaRtr (. "day-lord", the sun ), durBhaRtr (. a bad husband ), kāBhaRtr (. a bad husband or lord or master ), kuBhaRtr (. a bad husband ), ruciBhaRtr (. "lord or bearer of light", the sun; "lord of pleasure", a husband ib. ), zālīBhaRtr (. the husband of a wife's sister )
BhaRtr (. chief, lord, master; etc. ) → BhaRtrati (. with [kṣitim] to take care of, to rule, to govern )
Pati (. a master, owner, possessor, lord, ruler, sovereign; a husband ib. ) => Pitr (. a father [ in the veda name of brihas-pati, varuna, praja-pati, and esp. of heaven or the sky ] ), Pitrka (. father ), Pitdāya (. property inherited from a father, patrimony ), Pitrtva (. fatherhood, paternity; the state or condition of a pitri or deified progenitor ), Pitrdeva (. pl. the pitris and the gods ), Pitrdravya (. "father's substance", patrimony ), Pitrpitr (. father's father ), Pitrvya (. a father's brother, paternal uncle ), Pitrvyaputra (. a father's brother's son, cousin ), Pitrya (. the eldest brother ), Pituhputra (. a father's son ), Pitrṣvars (. a father's sister ), atiPitr (. surpassing his own father ), bhojaPitr (. the father of a king ), jagatPitri (. "world-father", siva ), karnaPitri (. "karna's father", name of surya ), kuPitr (. a bad father ), mātāPitr (. du. mather and father, parents )
VaRtula (. circle ) / → Bhātu (. sun; moon ) > / → Vāti (. sun; moon ) > Pāti (. lord, a master, husband ), Pati (. a master, owner, possessor, lord, ruler, sovereign; a husband ib. ), adhiPā (. a ruler, king, sovereign ), adhiPatnī (. a female sovereign or ruler ), ādhiPatya (. supremacy, sovereignty, power ), aikaPatya (. sovereignty of one, absolute monarchy ), advaPati (. lord of the roads ), aharPati (. lord of the day; the sun ), ahiPati (. "sovereign of the snakes", name of sesha, vasuki, and others ), ājirPati (. lord of the battle ), abhahPati (. "lord of the waters", varuna ), amzuPati (. "lord of rays", the sun ), annaPati (. the lord of food, name of savitri, agni, siva ), arnavaPati (. "lord of the seas", the ocean ), arthaPati (. "lord of wealth", a rich man; name of kubera ), avaniPa (. "lord of the earth", a king ), āzāPati (. guardian or lord of the regions or quarters ), azvaPati (. lord of horses ), balaPati (. lord of strength; a general, commander ), bhaPati (. lord of asterism, the moon ), bhūmiPati (. "earth-lord", a king, prince ), bhūmiPatitva (. sovereignty, kingship ), bhūPati (. "lord of the earth", name of rudra; of indra ), bhūPa (. "earth-protector", a king, prince ), bhūPatā (. sovereignty, kingship ), bhūtādhiPati (. the lord of all beings ), bhūtaPati (. "lord of beings", [esp. of evil beings, name of rudra-siva, bhava, sarva and agni] ), bhuvanataPati (. the lord of beings or of the world ), bhuvaPati (. the lord of the atmosphere ), cakṣuṣPati (. the lord of the eyes ), daivataPati (. "lord of gods", name of indra ), damPati (. the lord of the house [agni, indra, the asvins] ), devaPati (. "lord of gods", name of indra; pl. the most excellent of gods ), dhāmānPati (. "lord of rays", the sun ), dhanādhiPati (. "lord of treasury", name of kubera ), dhiyāmPati (. "lord of the thoughts", the soul ), dinaPati (. "day-lord", the sun ), divāPati (. "day-lord", name of the 13th month ), dyuPati (. "sky-lord", a god; the sun; name of indra ), ekaPati (. one and the same husband ), gavāmPati (. "cow-lord", a bull; "lord of rays", name of the sun; of agni; of a snake demon ), goPati (. the lord of cowherds, leader, chief [a name often applied to indra]; a bull; "lord of rays", the sun; "lord of stars", the moon; "earth-lord", a king; "the chief of herdsmen", krishna or vishnu; "lord of waters", varuna; indra ), hiranyaPati (. a lord of golden ), hrtPati (. the lord of hearts ), jagatPati (. the lord of the world; sun; a king ), jamtPati (. du. wife and husband ), jalādhiPati (. "water-lord", varuna ), jīvaPati (. a living husband ), kāmaPati (. the lord of desire ), kiranaPati (. "the lord of rays", the sun ), kṣmāPati (. "lord of the earth", a king ), kuPati (. "lord of the earth", a king ), lakṣmīPati (. "husband or lord of lakshmi", a king or prince ), lokaPati (. "lord of the world", name of brahma; of vishnu; a lord or ruler of people, king, sovereign ), mahatPati (. "great lord", name of vishnu ), mahīPati (. "earth-lord", a king, sovereign ), mānavaPati (. "man-lord", a king, sovereign ), māyāPati (. "lord of illusion", name of vishnu ), mrgaPati (. "lord of the beasts", a lion; a tiger ), nākaPati (. "sky-lord", a god ), naraPati (. "man-lord", a king ), nāthaPati (. a lord of kings ), niPati (. a lord, chief ), nrPati (. "lord of man", king, prince, sovereign ), nrPatva (. royalty, dominion ), oṣadhiPati (. "lord of herbs", the moon; the soma plant ), pariPati (. the lord of all around ), prācīPati (. "lord of the east", name of indra ), prajāPati (. "lord of creatures", name of savitri, soma, agni, indra &c.; a divinity presiding over procreation, protector of life ib. ), prānaPati (. "life-lord", the soul; a physician; a husband ), pūrPati (. the lord of a castle or city ), puṣtirPati (. the lord of prosperity or welfare ), rajanīPati (. "lord of night", the moon ), raṣtraPati (. "lord of a kingdom", a sovereign ), sahaPati (. "lord of the world of men", name of brahma ), sarvaPati (. a lord of everything ), satPati (. a mighty lord, leader, champion; a good lord or ruler; the lord of the good, lord of real men, lord of heroes; a good husband; name of Indra ), somatPati (. "lord of soma", name of indra; a lord of the moon, krishna ), sthaPati (. "place-lord", a king, chief, governor, head official ), suraPati (. "lord of the gods", name of indra; of siva ), svaPati (. one's own lord ), svargaPati (. "lord of heaven", indra ), īrviPati (. "lord of the earth", a king ), vahīnīPati (. "chief of an army", a general ), vākPati (. a lord of speech ), vrṣaPati (. "lord of the bull", name of siva; a bull set at liberty )
Pati (. lord, etc. ) → Pāti (. to protect [a country] i.e. to rule, to govern; to observe, to notice, to attend to, to follow; etc. ), Patīyati (. to be or become a master; to become strong; to wish for a husband; to take as husband ) | > abhiPatyate (. to be lord over ) | > niPāti (. to guard or protect from; to to observe, to watch over ), niPālayati (. to protect, to guard, to govern )
VR > VR[t] > VR[t > n] > Bh/N/VR[_] / > P/V_[t > _]
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