
kr tr vr




: 13.02.2010
: 1612


( tr )

, 07 2020 . 19:11 +

«» - «» - «» - !!!
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: to shake - , , , , , to agitate - , , to fuck - , , , ea. sex - , , , e, tail - , penis - , , [], snake - , ziva - , . , , , .

▪ *ToR(ov) () → TaRbati => Ta_mbati ( > Ya_bhati → Ya_bha ) => Ca_mbati => Cya_vati → Ze_vpa
- «*» | - (_) | : m- | - [b] | : -h
zeva - zepa ( [] - yabha ( ) - *tor ( ). - tarbati - tambati ( ). √ - TR. - Z_ - Y_, - Z_v - Z_p - Y_p.
*ToR(ov) (. ) → TaRbati (. to go ) => Tambati (. to go ) > Yabhati (. have sexual intercourse, fuck [vulg.] ) Yābha (. coitus, act [sex] ), Yabhana, Yabana (. copulation, sexual intercourse ) | > yiYapsate (. desire sexual intercourse )
Tambati (. to go ) => Cambati (. to go ), Campati (. to go ) > Capati (. *to move, *to agitate; to caress, to soothe, console ), Capayati (. "to pound, to knead", or "to cheat" ) → Cāpalya (. agitation, unsteadiness, fickleness, flurry ), Capala (. wind, tongue ), Cāpala (. mobility; agitation, unsteadiness, fickleness, flurry ) → Capalāyate (. to move to and fro, to jump and fro [as apes] ) → Capalākṣa (. mfn. one whose eyes move to and fro )
Capati (. *to move, *to agitate; to caress, etc. ) Sapati (. to follow or seek after, to be devoted to, to honour, to serve, to love, to caress [also sexually] ), Sāpayati (. to serve, to honour, to worship, to do homage; to have sexual intercourse ) → Sapa (. the male organ generation, penis )
Cambati (. to go ) => Cyavati -te (. to move to and fro, to shake about; to stir, to move from one's place, to go to away, to retire from, to turn off; to deviate from, abandon; to come forth from, to come out of. drop from, to trickle, to stream forth from ), Cyavayati (. to cause to move, to shake, to agitate; to be moved or shaken; to loosen; to remove from a place, to drive away from ), Chyavate (. to go ) → Cyavana (. one who causes to move, shaker; mfn. moving, moved; causing to move, shaking ), Cyavas (. motion ) | > praCyavati (. to move, to proceed, to depart, to swerve or deviate from; to be deprived of, to lose ib.; to come or stream forth ib.; to fall down, to drop,
stumble; to fall [scil. from heaven i.e. be born again] ), praCyāvayati (. to move, to shake; to eject, to remove or dispel or divert from; to cause to fall [lit. and fig.] ) → praCyava (. fall, ruin; withdrawal; advancement, improvement ) | > samCyavayati (. to cause to fall off, to strike off, to remove ) | > viCyāvayati (. to cause to fall to pieces, to throw down, to destroy )
Cambati (. to go ) => Cyavati (. to move to and fro, to shake about; etc. ) Zeva (. the male organ, penis; serpent ), Zevā (. the form of the linga ) => Zepa (. tail; penis, the male organ ), Zepas (. the male organ, scrotum or testicle ), Zephas (. the male organ ), Zepha (. penis, scrotum ), Cheppa (. tail ) | > Ziva (. as presiding over reproduction consequent on destruction shiva's symbol is the linga [q.v.] or phallus, under which form he is worshipped all over India at the present day [ ]; happy, fortunate; happiness, welfare ), Zivaliṅga (. the phallus of shiva )
Zeva (. penis, the male organ; tail ) > Zīvan (. a large snake - ) => Zīna (. a large snake ), Zīla (. a large snake ) => Zīra (. a large snake )
Cambati (. to go ) => Copati (. to move ) → Copana (. mfn. moving )
Cambati (. to go ) > Chupati (. to touch ) → Chupa (. touch; wind, air )
TR > TR[*v > b] > T_[mb] > Y_[b(h) > ps] | > S/C_[mb > p / > yv] > Z_[v > p(h)]
... " " « -»
[] ( / sanskrit )

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