
kr tr vr




: 13.02.2010
: 1612


( tr )

, 23 2020 . 10:44 +

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: to ask - , , , , to beg - , , , , to solicit - , , , , , . asker - , beggar - , .

▪ *oR(ot) () → *TRtati () => Da_d(h)ati > Ya_cati → Ya_citr
- «*» | - (_) | : [t]
yacitr ( ) - *tor ( ), - *tartati ( ). - TR, - Y_, - Y_c.
*ToR(ot) ( ) → *TaRtati ( ) > Dadati, Datte (. *to go, *to move; to communicate, to teach, to utter; to give, to present, to bestow, to offer to, to grant, to impart; to give back; to allow, to permit; etc. ) [ , ( . , -, , , , , , ; , , ; , , , ) ] => Dadhati, Dhatte (. to give, to present; to seize, to take hold of, to hold, to bear, to support, to wear; to accept, to conceive, to obtain, to get, to take; etc. ) > Yācati -te (. to ask, to beg, to solicit, to entreat, to require, to implore ), Yācayati -te (. to cause to ask or woo; to request anything ) Yācitr (. an asker, petitioner; a suitor, wooer ), Yācaka (. a petitioner, asker, beggar ), Yācakī (. female beggar ), Yācaka (. an asker, petitioner, beggar ), Yācana (. begging, soliciting, asking [also in marriage] ), Yācanā (. asking, soliciting, request, petition, entreaty for or solicitation of ), Yāci (. a petition, request ), Yācikā (. a petition, request ), Yācñā (. begging, asking for, asking alms, mendicancy, any petition or request, prayer, entreaty ), Yācñyā (. asking, begging, request ), Yācya (. asking, begging, making a request ) | > āYācati (. to supplicate, to implore ) āYācita (. prayer ) | abhayaYācanā (. asking for safety ) | > abhiYācati (. to ask for, to solicit, to request ) → abhiYācana (. asking for, entreaty, request ) | > nirYācati (. to beg of or solicit from, to ask, entreat, request ) | > praYācati (. to ask for, to beg, to solicit, to request ) → abhiYācana (. asking, begging, imploring ib. ) | > pratyanuYācati (. to beseech, to implore ) | > samYācati (. to ask, to beg, to solicit, to implore ) | > samabhiYācati (. to ask earnestly, to implore ) | > sampraYācati (. to ask for together, to beg, to solicit, to request ) | upaYācana (. the act of soliciting, approaching with a request or prayer ), upaYācitam (. a prayer, request; a gift or oblation offered to deities for the fulfilment of a prayer or work ), upaYācitaka (. a prayer, request )
Dadhati, Dhatte (. to seize, to take hold of, to hold, to bear, to support, to wear; to accept, to conceive, to obtain, to get, to take; etc. ) > Cadati -te (. to ask or beg ), Codayati (. to request, to petition, ask, to urge on, to press or importune with a request; to ask for ) → Codaka (. asker, objectioner, pupil ) | => Catati (. to ask or beg )
TR > TR[t] > D_[d(h)] > Y_[c] | D_[dh] > C_[d > t]
... " " « -»
[] ( / sanskrit )

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