
kr tr vr




: 13.02.2010
: 1612


( kr )

, 11 2019 . 16:20 +

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: to serve - , , , , , to honour - , , , , to attend - , , , , , to worship - . attendant - , , servant - , , , .

▪ *KoR(ov) () → K(h)›G(h)aRbati > GLevate => G_K(h)evate => S_evate → S_evitr
- [b] | : -h | - (_) | - «*»
sevitr ( ) - *kor ( ). - karbati - sevate ( - ). √ - KR, - S_, - S_v.
*KoR(ov) ( ) → KaRbati, KhaRbati (. to go, to move ) => GaRbati, GhaRbati (. to go, to move ) > GLevate (. to serve, to worship ) => Gevate (. to serve ) => Kevate (. to serve, to attend ), Khevate (. to serve, to wait upon ) => Sevate -ti (. to serve, to wait or attend upon, to honour, to obey, to worship ib.; to cherish, to foster [a child]; to present with; to enjoy sexually, to have sexual intercourse with; to refresh by soft breezes, to fan [said of the wind]; to devote or apply one's self to, to cultivate, to study, to practise, to use, to employ, to perform, to do; to exist or be found in anything to dwell or stay near or in; to remain or stay at, to live in, to frequent, haunt, to inhabit, to resort to ), Sevayate (. to attend upon, to serve, to honour; to tend, to cherish [plants] ), Sevyate (. to be followed or served ) Sevitr (. adj. one who honours or worships; one who follows or pursues ib.; a servant, attendant ), Seva (. going or resorting to, visiting, frequenting; service, attendance on; to be in the service; worship, homage, reverence, devotion to; sexual intercourse with; addiction to ), Sevana (. the act of frequenting or visiting or dwelling in or resorting to; waiting upon, attendance, service; honouring, reverence, worship, adoration; sexual enjoyment, intercourse with; devotion or addiction to ), Sevaka (. a servant, attendant, follower; a votary, worshipper ), Sevitā (. service, attendance ), Sevājana (. a servant, attendant ) | > aSevate -ti (. to attend to, to serve; to honour; to frequent; to abide in, to inhabit, to dwell on; to take the part of, to side with; to enjoy [sexual intercourse]; to indulge in, to like; to perform assiduously, to practise ) → Sevana (. abiding in; assiduous practice or performance of anything ) | > niṢevate (. niṣ+s. to stay in, to abide or have intercourse with; to frequent, to inhabit, to visit, to serve, to attend, to honour, to worship, to follow, to approach, to enjoy [also sexually], to incur, to pursue, to practise, to perform, to cultivate, to use, to employ ), niṢevayati (. to fall into [hell &c.] ) → niṢeva (. exercising, practice, service; use, employment ib.; worship, adoration ib. ), niṢevana (. visiting, frequenting, living in, practice, performance, use, employment, adherence or devotion to, honour, worship ), niṢevitr (. practiser, observer, enjoyer ) | > pratiSevate (. to pursue, to follow [pleasure]; to be kind towards, to serve, to honour ) | > samaSevate (. to practise, to perform, to pursue, to enjoy; to serve, to honour, to gratify ) → samaSevana (. the act of practising, following, employing, serving ) | > samSevate (. to be associated with; to frequent, to inhabit; to wait upon, to attend on, to serve, to honour, to worship, to salute deferentially; to refresh, to fan [said, of the wind; to court, fondle [carnally); to be addicted or devoted to, use or employ or practise or perform continually ) → samSevana (. waiting on, serving, doing homage; using, employing; exposing one's self to, association or intercourse with ) | > upaSevate (. to frequent, to visit, abide or stay at [a place]; to stay with a person, to attend on, to serve, to do homage, to honour, to worship; to have sexual intercourse with; to practise, to pursue, to cultivate, to study, to make use of, to be addicted to ) → upaSevā (. homage, worship, courting; addiction to, use, enjoyment, employment ), upaSevana (. the act of doing homage; service, worship, honouring; addiction to, using, enjoying; experiencing, suffering )
Sevate -ti (. to serve, to wait or attend upon, to honour, to obey, to worship ib.; etc. ) > Sapate -ti (. to follow or seek after, to be devoted to, to honour, to serve, to love, to caress [also sexually] ), Sāpayati (. to serve, to honour, to worship, to do homage; to have sexual intercourse [?] ) => Saparyati (. to serve attentively, to honour, to worship, adore; to offer or dedicate reverentially; to accept kindly ) | > Zapate -ti, Zāpyati (. to swear an oath, to utter an execration; to revile, to scold, to blameto curse one's self ), Zāpayati (. to adjure, to conjure, to exorcise [demons]; to cause any one to swear by ) → Zāpa (. a curse, malediction, abuse, oath, imprecation, ban, interdiction ), Zapa (. a curse, imprecation, oath; a corpse ), Zapana (. a curse, imprecation; reviling, abuse; an oath, asseveration by oath or ordeal ib. ), Zaptha (. a curse, imprecation, anathema; an oath; an ordeal; scolding, reviling ) | > samZapati (. to take an oath together, swear, curse, imprecate )
GaRbati (. to go, to move ) => GLepate (. to move; to tremble, to shake; to be poor or miserable ) > Lepate (. to go; to serve )
KR > K(h)R[b] > G(h)R[b] > GL[v] > K/G_[v] > Z/S_[v > p] | GL[v] > _L[p]
... " " « -»
[] ( / sanskrit )

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