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: 04.11.2013
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(, , )

, 30 2015 . 11:38 +


. , 3- , - .

, , ( Peppa Pig, ?) .

, , , , - .

, . .

, .


Im not feeling very well .
I am aching all over with weariness ( )
Where is doctor ( )
Can you check me up ?
Lets check up\examine your friend .

My ear aches and it hurts a lot
Which ear aches ?
I need to look in your ear .
I need to have a look to see whats going on ,
Is it difficult to hear for you? You cant hear properly? ?

This is an otoscope. Itll help me to examine your ear .
Lie on your back and turn your head to the side
Tilt your head toward the shoulder .
Gently place the tip of the otoscope into the ear
And move the otoscope in different directions to see if something looks
abnormal the ear can be red, swollen or filled with yellowish-green pus
, -
, -

I see the inside of your ear is really red and swollen ,
You have got an ear infection .
To get you better Im going to give you some medicine you drop into your ear
, ,
Ill give you some medicine to stop that nasty pain ,

You need to cover your ear with warm scarf
You ear will get better in a few days .

Teddy has a runny nose .
Have you got a stuffy nose? (Is your nose blocked)? ?
You sound funny when you talk .
I pinched my nose so I can talk the way you do it
Snot blocked your nose .

Ill help you (get your nose unblocked)/(clear your nose) so you can feel better
, .
Lets flush your nose with Aqualor .
Insert the tip into the nostril and spray .
You can use an otoscope to examine his nose
, .
Insert it into the nose .

Oh, thats awful! His nose is full of gooey, slimy and sticky substance! ,
! , !
Your nose drips and runs .
Blow your nose, immediately! !
Dont sniff snot back into your head
Stop rubbing your nose! It is so red !
I think there is something in your nose. Can you blow it out?
- . ?
Dont try to pull it out yourself! That can do more harm than good!
, .
Ill do it! !
Its a life-threatening case! .
Maybe, you are allergic to something? Thats why you have a runny nose
? .
Take a tissue and blow your nose
You may reduce allergy symptoms (swelling and inflammation) by drinking
this pill ( ),

Anything else you feeling beside the blocked nose? -
, ?
I see you have a hoarse voice and its hard to talk
I need to look at your throat .
Open wide, please! , !
Stick your tongue out and say aaahhh .
Ill put a spoon on your tongue to keep it out of the way so I can see inside your
mouth and throat ,
You have a red throat .
Is it difficult to swallow? ?
You need to gargle .
Drink these medicines to get rid of scratchy, itchy feeling in your throat
, ,

, . !


, 23 2014 . 00:05 +
L_e_n_u_s_y_a [ + !]



, 23 2014 . 22:34 +
: http://seeds4kids.com/%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%...%8B%D1%88%D0%B5%D0%B9/#more-62

, , , . ! -?! , , ջ . , ? :)
Ҹ , , . , .


, , . // . , , . :

The good morning train is coming.
How are you? Choo, Choo.
The good morning train is coming.
How are you? Choo, Choo.
The good morning train is coming.
The good morning train is coming.
The good morning train is coming.
How are you? Choo, Choo.
And well say hello to mommy! How are you, choo, choo!
( , )
nd well say hello to daddy! How are you, choo, choo!
( , )
nd well say hello to granny and well say hello to sister
( )
nd well say hello to everyone, how are you, choo, choo
( , ).
, (, ) .. .
, . , :)
Kissy kissy fingers, kissy kissy toes, ( )
Kissy kissy baby, on your kissy nose. ( )
I love to kiss your fingers, I love to kiss your toes, ( )
I love to kiss my baby on your kissy nose. ( )


, , ... , , . :
Love my baby, yes I do
Love my baby, yes I do
Love my baby, yes I do
And Im going to give a big hug (kiss, tickle, etc.) to you
(, , .. )

. .
My grandfathers clock goes
TICK TOCK, TICK TOCK ( , , , , - )
The kitchen clock goes
Tick Tock, Tick Tock ( , , )
And, Mummys little watch goes
ticky, ticky, ticky, ticky, ticky, ticky! ( , ).

-. :
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall ( )
Humpty Dumpty had a great FALL ( )
All the kings horses and all the kings men ( )
Couldnt put Humpty together again!
, , .
had a greaaaaaaaaaaaat FALL!.
! ;)


Baby game #2: I have a pumpkin

, 23 2014 . 17:54 +
: http://seeds4kids.com/baby-game-2-i-have-a-pumpkin/#more-64

. , .

: 4 +
/: orange, round, big, pumpkin
1. .
2. , .
3. , (orange, round, big).
, (, , !). , , :
, ! Look what I have!
! It's a pumpkin!
- The pumpkin is orange and big.
! Touch it!
Ҹ . Tema has a pumpkin.
. , .
. , .


Baby game #1: Up, up, up and dooown!

, 23 2014 . 17:49 +
: http://seeds4kids.com/baby-game-1-up-up-up-and-dooown/#more-65

, . , . , , , .

: 6 +
: (up & down)
? Up, up, up, up..., doooooown, .
? , .
, ( ) :)



, 23 2014 . 17:37 +
: http://seeds4kids.com/ball-games-entime/

8, . , .

, Ҹ 6. . .

Throw, bounce and catch a ball with two hands. , .
Throw a ball to Mommy. .
Catch a ball from Mommy. , !
Watch the ball. , !
Hands out, be ready to catch the ball with two hands. - , .
Make sure hands are spread out ready to catch. ?

Hold it ...
up high ...
far from your body ...
out to the side ...
behind you. ...
Keep eyes on ball. .
Eyes focused on ball the whole time. .
Dont throw too high. .
Vary the height of the throw. .
Light touches to keep it in the air. , .
Throw up a ball, let it bounce and catch it. , , .

Where are all the balls? ?
Can you see that large box on the floor? ?
Thats a storage place for your balls. .
Open it! !
Be careful. You can fall in when going to retrieve the balls. , , .
We have different types of balls both large and small. Which one do you like most? , . ?
Youve got different-sized balls. .
I see you like the green one. Its the biggest in our collection. . .
This one is better its easier for you to handle and catch. .
Look! The ball can roll and bounce. , .

We need a wide-open space in which to throw and catch the ball. Lets go outside! , . !
Watch the ball! , !
Get your hands ready! !
Have your hands out ready to catch ball! , !
Hold the ball tightly in your hands. .
Try to grab it. .
Stand up and gently toss the ball to Mommy! .
Throw or kick the ball into the target! !
Kick the ball on a run. .
Ill toss you a ball and youll catch it, ok? , , ?
Catch the ball with your hands! !
Now try to catch while in motion. .
Let me show you the ropes. .
Throw a ball at the wall for Mommy to catch. , .
How many times can you clap before catching? , ?
Can you keep your ball up in the air using your fingertips? ?
What about different parts of your body? For example, head, elbow, knee, foot, shoulder. ? , , , , , ...
Can you throw the ball up a little, and catch it? ?
Can you throw your ball up in the air and touch the ground before you catch it? , ?
Fingers squeeze ball. .

We are going to roll the ball back and forth with you on the floor. - .
Sit on the floor across from Mommy with your legs spread apart, like this. , . .
Sit on the floor, legs astride. Can you touch the floor all around you with your ball? , . ?
Still sitting, can you let the ball bounce and catch it? - , ?
Mommy will roll it gently to you and you try to catch it in your arms. , .
Roll it back to Mommy. () .
Follow the ball with your eyes. .
Here comes the ball again! It's your turn now. Roll the ball back to me! ! . !
Oh, you love hugging the ball to your chest. , .
Roll the ball towards nesting blocks, trying to knock them over. , .

The Basket
Lets turn an empty laundry basket on its side. .
Then take a light-weight ball and roll into the open basket. .
Ill move it farther away as you begin to master your aim. , .
I know that you love to crash and knock things over thats why were going to play bowling. , , .
Let me set up some empty plastic bottles. - .
You should stand a short distance away. - .
Roll the ball toward the bottles and try to knock down as many as you can. , .
As Im standing them back lets count how many fell. , , .

Its high time to play Italian game named Bocce. .
The task is to roll your ball to move other balls. , .
Ive gathered three balls. Take one. 3 . .
Ill keep one for myself and place the third on the ground a short distance away. , .
Roll your ball to try to move the third ball toward that tree across the yard! Ready? , . ?

Clean It Up
Here are the ball and washable markers. .
Lets decorate the ball! !
Let's draw together! !
Draw a line. .
Lets draw straight and curved lines. .
Choose a color. .
Ok. Whats the name of this color? , ?
The ball is full of designs and scribbles. .
Now you can color in the shapes your lines have made. , .
Look! Its a triangle. It has three sides one, two, three. ! . , , .
Time to give it a bath and wash the marker off! .


, 23 2014 . 17:29 +
: http://seeds4kids.com/cleaning/#more-728

, . , , , , , : , / .

, , .
To unpack shopping
To load and unload the washing machine
To hang laundry on clothes dryer rack
To dust
To polish ( , )
To sweep and wash floors
To wipe up spills

To wash up
To rinse fruits or vegetables
To cook
To make beds
To tidy up toys (to pick up toys)
To dig the garden /
To decorate something -
To take out trash
- . , / , // , , , .
, :
I see your little hands are eager to help me ,
You create a mess so quickly! !
You can rinse fruits now. Its very important to wash everything before eating it. . , .
Let me show you how to clean it under running water. , .
Now put it in a colander to dry. .
Let me show you how to tear spinach. , .

You can
...husk the corn
...peal bananas
....pluck the leaves off of strawberries
Can you help me to roll the cookie dough? ?
Crush these cookies into crumbs, please. I need some to decorate the cake. , . .

This is a clean sponge for you. You can wipe down the sink. . .
Toss trash in the garbage! !
We need to remove items from the dish washer. Spoons and for you. . .
! . !
! :)

+ ,
To do dishes\laundry ,
To hang up laundry to dry
To put away toys
Pick up toys , -


, 23 2014 . 17:25 +
: http://seeds4kids.com/autumn_phrases/#more-781

What is autumn?
The air is crisp, the leaves are turning brilliant colors and falling to the ground ,
Its getting colder, and it is getting dark sooner. , .
We need to wear warm clothes. .
The trees are turning different colors. .
The color that the leaves turn depends on the species of the tree. , , .
Maples turn scarlet or yellow, oaks turn a bronze-brown shade, aspens and birches bright gold, and so on. , -, ..
Fallen leaves make great hiding places and are super-fun to run through and kick around. ,
Lets collect some leaves! .
Do you know why they are falling off? , ?

Why Do Leaves Fall in Autumn?
When winter approaches, our part of Earth receives less sunlight, and the air grows colder. , , .
When these changes happen, trees prepare for winter. , .
Trees that drop their leaves seal the spots where the leaves are attached. , , , .
Then fluids cannot flow in and out of the leaves, which change color and fall off. , .
The falling of the leaves helps the tree survive the cold, dry air of winter. .
In the warm seasons, leaves use sunlight, water, and air to make the trees food. In that process, the tree loses a lot of water through tiny holes in the leaves. , , . .

In winter, the tree does not get enough water to replace what it would lose through the leaves. , , .
If the tree did not seal the spots where the leaves grow, it would die. , , .
When spring brings warm air, the tree will sprout new leaves and start growing again. , .
The trees and animals are getting ready for winter. .
Lets try to find some acorns or other seeds falling from trees. - .
The squirrels gathering them for winter. .

Playing in the leaves
Lets play in the leaves. !
Lie down on the ground. .
Right here the leaf cover is heaviest. .
Lets make the leaf-angel. ( ).
Ill cover you with leaves! Peek-a-boo! ! -!
Grab some dried leaves well take them home and decorate our flat. .
Decorating the house/Autumn Crafts
Lets decorate our flat with autumn colors and objects. .
We can use construction paper and glue to make a variety of decorations. .
We are going to use brown, red, yellow and orange construction paper to cut out leaf shapes. , , , .
Now its time to tape the leaves on windows. .
You can glue them onto sheets of paper for a leaf collage. .
We will need some paper, glue, leaves, scissors, and a writing utensil. , , , - .
Where are the dried leaves we collected outside? , ?
Now crumble them with your hands/Now cut them with scissors. / .
Draw a tree on paper. .
Now you can glue the leaves on randomly/try to glue the leaves on your tree /
Glue the leaves to the paper/put the glue on the paper/put leaves on glue / /
Lets place your picture in a safe place to dry
Were done! !
What did we do first? Collectedtheleaves. ? .
What next?.. ?
, . , :
Lets make a pile of leaves!
Now march! (stomp, skip, run, roll, jump etc.)


: 10

, 23 2014 . 17:22 +
: http://seeds4kids.com/kinetic-sand/

, , . , .. , , .

, , , , , . 10 , .

(play-dough activity mats). (, ), , , , . .
Mold and roll some kinetic sand into balls.
Use the palms of the hands.
Roll some sand into tiny balls (peas) using only the finger tips.

, . , , ( ). . , a cat , , , , , , . , , , ...
1 3-4 .

We are going to dig through the sand to look for letter treasure!
Look! Each gem has one letter on it.
We have 3 words: boat, car, train
Let's hide the letters in the sand!
Lets hide 'treasure' in little mounds of the sand!
Try to name the letter.
Let's spell it out with the gems.
I hid the letters of your name in the sand now go digging for them!
You found all the letters! Great!
Let's put them in order on the table so it spells out your name.

. , , . ( !).

The way kinetic sand holds its shape is amazing!
Let's make a bunch of different kind of shapes.
We can use the cookie cutters or these sorter's shapes.
You can create different shapes with this moldable sand.
You will need shape cookie cutters.
Use the shape cutters and sand and turn them into shape cookies.
Nice cookies! Great job!
, , . .

, - ! , , . .

Use toothpicks to make words in the sand.
Take a pencil! Its very easy to write in the sand.

, , indoor games and activities. , , . , . !

If we add more sand the shape will bend and start to break.
Let's play a fun game!
You have to make three balls and then stack a snowman at the same time with me.
I'll make my own.
The goal is to see whose snowman could last the longest.

. , , . , ! , ( ) .

Today I want you to learn to use a knife in a safe way.
Pretend the sand is butter or bread.
It's quite a fun way to begin working with a knife!
Cut the sand with a plastic knife.
Here is the loaf of bread. Cut it!

, . , ! , , , , .

Let's experiment with the letter stamping!
Take a block!
You can use any kind of image or shape!
Stamp the letters into the sand!
Oh, some of the letters are printed back to front!
Lets use the blocks to spell out our words then.

8. I Spy
, , , . , .

Let's fill this plastic bin with small items!
Now bury these items with kinetic sand.
I spy a lego brick! So dig and try to find it!
There are many small trinkets to explore!

. -, -! , ( !) .

Mommy has taken out her muffin tin for you to play.
Time to play with the sand.
I know you love making and decorating your cupcakes.

? . , . .

Lets mold the letter A.
Think up a word that starts with A.
Apple? Great! Lets make a sand apple!


The Snowman:

, 23 2014 . 17:20 +
: http://seeds4kids.com/the-snowman-vocabulary/

, , , - :)
, , , , .
To get dressed as quickly as one can
To tug on ones boots
Cant wait to be out in the wonderful whirling show
To go to the window and look out at the snowman
To put on ones dressing gown and tiptoe down the stairs
To open the front door without a sound
To stare out into the moonlit garden

To make a snowman
To roll a snowball until it is almost up to ones waist ,
To roll another snowball for the head ,
The snowman shape is perfect
To find a tangerine for the snowmans nose ,
Lumps of coal for the buttons and eyes
To draw a line for his mouth

To say goodnight to the snowman and go back indoors
To start to melt
An old hat, a wooly scarf, some lumps of coal and a tangerine were lying on a pile of melted snow , ,
To give a snowman a big hug
To have freezing hands ()

Icy wilderness
Forest of pine trees laden with snow ,
To push aside some pine branches and lead one into a clearing c
To tumble over into the powdery snow
To walk back to the house, looking over ones shoulder at the snowman ,



, 23 2014 . 17:16 +
: http://seeds4kids.com/xmas-tree-phrases/

, Instagram , Ҹ X . , , - .

- ! , , : , , , , .
, , ! , : . toddler-approved, .
The tree is up. We can get started on decorating it. ! !
We are going to put some decorations on a Christmas tree today! !
We have a fake (an artificial) tree. .
Very few families still use a tree today that has been chopped down in the forest or grown in their own garden. , .
Most trees are bought from the Christmas tree seller around the corner a few days before the big day. .
The first step is adding the lights. .
Tree lights usually come on green wire strands it matches our tree and will be hidden. , .
It's better to start at the base of the trunk and work your way up. .
It's not quite easy so I'll do it myself. , .
Look. I'm wrapping lights around the trunk moving to the top. Like that... , , .
First step is done. .
Let's check if the lights work. I'll plug the garland in. , . .
The next step in Christmas tree decorating is to hang our Christmas tree ornaments. .
We have a lot of boxes full of the different items. Have a look! . !
Wow! These ornaments are perfect. Your mommy has already collected ornaments for several years that's a big treasure! ! ! !

Will you help me to place them all on the tree? ?
Ok, you can choose your favorites and place them in prime positions. , , .
Let me hang some ornaments closer to the trunk. - .
Give me that multipack, please. Green ornaments. Yeah, exactly! Thank you! , , . . -, ! !
These multipack bulbs are perfect for naughty boys because they are plastic. You won't brake them. , .. .
Hand-blown glass ornaments break easily and must be handled carefully. We have some but wont put them on our Christmas tree this year. - . , .
Try to add this clip-on ornament. Great! You should be proud of yourself! . ! !
Lets place some ornaments around the home! .
tree topper ,
candy cane
hand-blown glass figures
gorgeous vintage ornaments
fabric Christmas ornaments

wooden, plastic, stained glass ornaments , ,
handmade Christmas ornaments ()
bright velvet bows
wooden toy soldiers
stained glass angels

Decorating for Christmas is fun, isn't it? , ?
When I was a child New Years Day was my favorite holiday. Actually it still is. , . .
Do not run around the room. You can trip on the wires or the whole tree can come down if pulled properly. . . , .
I will put some delicate Christmas ornaments that break easily away from the bottom of our tree. .
It looks like invitation for you to knock them off! .
Let's hang them higher. .

You know what? Let's skip the delicate ornaments all together! We have tons of unbreakable ornaments with soft construction so they dont shatter. Safety first. , ? - . . .
Our Christmas tree is sure to shine really magnificently this year!!! !
Well put under it all the presents done up in gay paper yesterday. , .
We did a great job! Thank you! ! !
Time to have dinner. .
- - !

 : [1]