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: 07.11.2009
: 66922



, 19 2009 . 10:20 +


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: Herman J. Verwaal of Exloo ()

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Schrauf, M., Lingelbach, B., & Wist, E.R. (1997) The scintillating grid illusion. Vision Research, 37, 1033-1038


contrast2.gif (6460 bytes)


chromat.gif (830 bytes)

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(E.H. Adelson), 1995

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japan.gif (7747 bytes)

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. (r = 0, g = 255, b = 150).

: A.Kitaoka, 2003

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disappear.jpg (11159 bytes)

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: , 2006.

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green.gif (3366 bytes)


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