


 - e-mail



: 06.05.2014
: 3009
: 189
: 3506


" -- , ":
1 -
2 - -
3 - 10
4 - !!!
5 - 25
6 - : 9
7 - -
8 - 100
9 -
10 - .
11 - . .
12 - ,
13 - .
14 -
15 - .
16 - ! - : - !
17 - !/ .
18 -

-- , .

: == !!!(11), - ,, , =(43), --, (3), -- (3), -- + (8), -- (27), -- , , (6), -- , (13), -- , , (51), -- (16)

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, 14 2014 . 12:22 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]

Really? - ?
What? -?
What a surprise! - !
Well I never! / Blimey! - !/ blimey='God blind me!', , !
That's the last thing I expected! - , !
You're kidding! - !
I don't believe it! / Are you serious? - / ?
I'm speechless! - !
I'd never have guessed. - !
Postcross_postcard_maria_van_bruggen_surprise_19 (600x600, 38Kb)



, 07 2014 . 18:55 +
_ [ + !]



, 07 2014 . 19:39 +
Joker-6 [ + !]

10 youtube

1. Duncaninchina www.youtube.com/duncaninchina/
2. VOA Learning English www.youtube.com/voalearningenglish/
3. Learn English with Steve Ford www.youtube.com/user/PrivateEnglishPortal/
4. Business English Videos for ESL www.youtube.com/bizpod/
5. Bbclearningenglish www.youtube.com/bbclearningenglish/
6. PodEnglish www.youtube.com/podenglish/
7. JenniferESL www.youtube.com/user/JenniferESL/
8. Real English www.youtube.com/realenglish1/
9. The Daily English Show www.youtube.com/user/thedailyenglishshow/
10. Sozoexchange www.youtube.com/sozoexchange/



, 07 2014 . 00:01 +
Volody24_gl [ + !]

, , . - . , , . , , . , . , . . , ,- . . . . . , , bebris.ru . . , , , . , . , , , . , . , , . .

Volody24 gl



, 18 2015 . 16:13 +
Mages_Queen [ + !]


1. some any.
, , : «Have you got some drugs?» (« - ?») , any. : «Do you have any drugs?»
(« - , ?»)


: 9

, 25 2015 . 23:07 +
_ [ + !]

: 9

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. , , «» – . .




, 25 2015 . 23:07 +
444 [ + !]



, 25 2015 . 23:12 +
Spirit_of_Sky [ + !]


1. Hello/ good bye - /
2. Good morning! / Good afternoon! / Good evening! - ! / /
3. Please thank you - /
4. Sorry -
5. I don't understand. -
6. Please speak more slowly. - , , .
7. Could you repeat that? - ?
8. What is your name? - ?
9. My name is . . . . - ...
10. Nice to meet you! -
ace6f33003544d992e5c404141092241_b (600x333, 37Kb)



, 25 2015 . 23:13 +
Milendia_Solomarina [ + !]

. - , , , , ( -), - . :

  ( 30 , 3 )

! ! ! . , , 30- . , , , , . , . Pimsleur . , - , ..


Comprehensive ESL Russian includes 30 lessons of essential grammar and vocabulary -- 16 hours of real-life spoken practice sessions -- plus an introduction to reading.

Upon completion of this Level I program, you will have functional spoken proficiency with the most-frequently-used vocabulary and grammatical structures. You will be able to:

* initiate and maintain face-to-face conversations,

* deal with every day situations -- ask for information, directions, and give basic information about yourself and family,

* communicate basic information on informal topics and participate in casual conversations,

* avoid basic cultural errors and handle minimum courtesy and travel requirements,

* satisfy personal needs and limited social demands,

* establish rapport with strangers in foreign countries,

* begin reading and sounding out items with native-like pronunciation.

. , 10 , .. fenglish.ru   30



Pimsleur English Unit 01
Pimsleur English Unit 02
Pimsleur English Unit 03
Pimsleur English Unit 04
Pimsleur English Unit 05
Pimsleur English Unit 06
Pimsleur English Unit 07
Pimsleur English Unit 08
Pimsleur English Unit 09
Pimsleur English Unit 10

Pimsleur English Unit 10
Pimsleur English Unit 11
Pimsleur English Unit 12
Pimsleur English Unit 13
Pimsleur English Unit 14
Pimsleur English Unit 15
Pimsleur English Unit 16
Pimsleur English Unit 17
Pimsleur English Unit 18
Pimsleur English Unit 19
Pimsleur English Unit 20
Pimsleur English Unit 21
Pimsleur English Unit 22
Pimsleur English Unit 23
Pimsleur English Unit 24
Pimsleur English Unit 25
Pimsleur English Unit 26
Pimsleur English Unit 27
Pimsleur English Unit 28
Pimsleur English Unit 29
Pimsleur English Unit 30


2   3 - ( 30-90, )




, 25 2015 . 23:14 +
Milendia_Solomarina [ + !]



-mail.ru ( ), , , !!!! - 3- . , :-)



. .

, 21 2015 . 12:40 +
_ [ + !]

. .

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1 - - .
2 - , : - 1 100.
14 - , . .
15 - - . .
16 - . .
17 - . 2 -.
18 - . 3 .
20 - . 5. .
21 - . 6. -.
22 - . 7.



, 21 2015 . 13:00 +



, 21 2015 . 22:52 +
Joker-6 [ + !]

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1. . .



, 21 2015 . 22:54 +
the_swan [ + !]

. .


- Arresting attention
1. - I say.
2. . - Look here
3. . - Excuse me.
4. , . - Yes, what is it.
5. , . - Yes, what can I do for you.

- Thanks
1. ( ). - It was very kind of you to do it.
2. . - Thank you very much.
3. , ( , , ). - Thank you for doing it (for coming, for telling).
4. , . - Thank you, anyway.
5. . - Thank you in advance.
6. He (3). - Don't mention it.
7. He . - Not at all.
8. . - You are welcome.

- Apologies
1. . - Excuse my being late.
2. . - I must apologize to you.
3. , , . - Forgive me, please, I meant well.
4. . - I am sorry.
5. . - I beg your pardon.
6. , . - Excuse my interrupting you.
7. , . - Sorry, I have kept you waiting.
8. . - I did not mean to hurt you. I meant no offence.
9. He . - Don't be cross with me.

- Congratulations and wishes
1. . - I congratulate you.
2. . - Happy birthday to you.
3. . - Have a good time.
4. . - My congratulation to you.
5. . - Many happy returns of the day.
6. !- Happy New Year!
7. ! - Merry Christmas!
8. . - Good luck.
9. . - Have a nice holiday.
10. . - Have a nice trip.
11. . - I wish you a speedy recovery.

/ - Introducing people
1. ... - Let me introduce...
2. . - Allow me to introduce (to present).
3. ... - May I present...
4. . - I want you to meet my wife.
5. () . - This is Mr. Smith.
6. . - May I introduce myself.

- Parting
1. . - Good bye.
2. . - See you later.
3. . - I must be going.
4. . - I have got things to do.
5. . - I have an appointment.
6. He . - I won't take any more of your time.
7. , . - Thank you for coming.
8. He ( ). - Keep in touch.
9. . - I shall be missing you.
10. . - Take care of yourself.
11. . - My best regards to everybody at home.




, 21 2015 . 23:17 +
Joker-6 [ + !]

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, 16 2015 . 00:27 +
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, 01 2015 . 12:13 +
Schamada [ + !]

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