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: 12.07.2014
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BH6 (700x539, 93Kb)
(Edward John Poynter)

thomas_cole_6_the_course_of_empire_the_arcadian_or_pastoral_state_1834 (700x427, 115Kb)
. . . 1834

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  ,   " ",  1868

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mod_article23252194_9 (472x700, 56Kb)
- . , 1824.

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MAURICE RAVEL. Daphnis et Chloe

4081251882_3fd60c9fd9_o (700x542, 125Kb)
Arcadia and Daphnis and Chloe

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Rupert Charles. Wulsten Bunny

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(Bordone Paris)

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pan_daphnis (475x397, 123Kb)
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burne-jones (450x560, 19Kb)

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fabian_de_montjoye_broche__daphnis_et_chloe__12531321459857 (640x428, 50Kb)
Broche "Daphnis et Chloé" . Joe DESCOMPS

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paris-bordone-daphnis-et-chloe (614x650, 79Kb)
Paris Bordone – Daphnis et Chloe

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Jehan-George Vibert 1840-1902 Daphnis and Chloe 1866 (700x432, 92Kb)
Jehan-George Vibert (1840-1902). Daphnis and Chloe. 1866

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Court Joseph Desire. 1797

, . : , — . : , . , . : , .

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Hersent Louis. Daphe And Chloe

752px-François-Louis_Français-Paysage_avec_Daphnis_et_Chloé_(1) (700x558, 83Kb)

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Nicolas-André Monsiau.

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Sir Peter LELY

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13. Gerome, Jean Leon - An Idyl (Daphnis And Chloe), 1852 (519x700, 114Kb)

Jean Leon Gerome, 1852

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