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: 16.10.2012
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8 - Four Squared Quilt
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14 - Fat Quarter Winners Book Tour- Week Two..
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16 - Triple Irish Flower Quilt.
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, 16 2012 . 21:54 +
kasana55 [ + !]

- !!!

01 DSCN1115 pix OK+NIMI (670x700, 206Kb)



, 17 2012 . 12:14 +
kasana55 [ + !]




! ?








, 17 2012 . 20:39 +
kasana55 [ + !]



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, 26 2012 . 09:14 +
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258 (529x700, 332Kb)


, 26 2012 . 13:55 +
kasana55 [ + !]

- !!!

f1 (482x364, 185Kb)



, 26 2012 . 14:14 +
_ [ + !]


, 26 2012 . 14:28 +
06Leka [ + !]


? ?


Four Squared Quilt

, 26 2012 . 21:17 +
tatMel [ + !]

Four Squared Quilt

Four Squared Quilt

four square cover



, 26 2012 . 21:23 +
06Leka [ + !]


00016 (516x700, 54Kb)


, 26 2012 . 21:32 +
santa3 [ + !]

. .

. .

, , , , . . )) , . , .

1 (500x343, 161Kb)

2 (500x339, 148Kb)




, 26 2012 . 21:56 +
tatMel [ + !]





, 27 2012 . 05:46 +
tatMel [ + !]


" "

, 27 2012 . 05:59 +
Los-ku-tik [ + !]

" "

, .   « »   .

: http://pannus.ru/domashnij-uyut.html


Fat Quarter Winners Book Tour- Week Two..

, 27 2012 . 06:08 +
tatMel [ + !]

Fat Quarter Winners Book Tour- Week Two..


Fat Quarter Winners Book Tour- Week Two






, 27 2012 . 06:13 +
rimirk [ + !]

- ()


, , - , , !


Triple Irish Flower Quilt.

, 27 2012 . 06:52 +
tatMel [ + !]

Triple Irish Flower Quilt.. .

Triple Irish Flower Quilt . .







, 27 2012 . 07:49 +
_ [ + !]


-    () (1985 ,  -) : 170x210

- () (1985 , -) : 170x210




, 28 2012 . 08:00 +
_222 [ + !]


. .

Quilter's World 2010 June_0032 (430x576, 117Kb)


, 29 2012 . 18:20 +
_ [ + !]



1. 12 ( 0,5 ). . 94 , 4 . , , .





, 31 2012 . 20:30 +
kasana55 [ + !]

- "" 4 (-)


, 31 2012 . 20:45 +
kasana55 [ + !]

- "" (-)


, 31 2012 . 21:29 +
Los-ku-tik [ + !]

Florabunda- Re-Post!


I have received a couple emails asking WHERE to find the Florabunda ((aka Jacob's Ladder)) quilt directions that were posted last week, and it hit me...the directions were posted SO FAR DOWN in that Bloggy Love Day post, and had so much "other" unrelated stuff, that it really needed to be it's OWN tutorial page so I could link it in the top tabs on the blog! That should make it easier for people to find, right? ((I'm already loving the block variations I am seeing cropping up! Way to go!))
So this is a Re-post for that purpose! Have my blocks gotten any farther? Nope! But Maybe today I can kit some blocks up and get a bit closer to being ready for my trip to Oregon in a week!
My love of traditional antique quilts drives me. I know it's not reinventing a wheel, but sometimes working up a traditional design can be just the outlet we need to put a purpose to some scraps that have been hanging around for a long time. And sometimes, simple units are the perfect place to show a different technique, or a technique that has been around a while, but still needs some explaining!

There is SOMETHING that I have been demo-ing in my workshops that might not be entirely new to you, but might shine a bit of light on why things go the way things go! And while I’m explaining this…I’ll give you the directions to the 9” Jacob’s Ladder variation blocks to recreate this antique quilt I showed last week! Because this quilt was found in Florida, and is made with wonderful 1940s & 1950s Florals, I’ve nicknamed it Florabunda!

summer2011 025

One block done! The Antique quilt above has blocks set 6 X 8 for 48 blocks. This will give you a quilt center that measures 54" X 72" before borders. As for me? I’m thinking bigger! 8X9 is 72 blocks for a center that measures 72" X 81" before borders. Do-able? Definitely! And a great place to use all those florals I have not had any clue how to use! I'm gonna be RUTHLESS!



, 31 2012 . 21:42 +


" "

, 03 2012 . 21:16 +
Los-ku-tik [ + !]

" "

, .   « »   .

: http://pannus.ru/domashnij-uyut.html


" "

, 03 2012 . 21:25 +
- [ + !]


, 04 2012 . 07:44 +
- [ + !]


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, 04 2012 . 07:52 +
orhideya6868 [ + !]

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1 (690x517, 153Kb)



, 25 2012 . 06:41 +
Miss_Astra [ + !]


. , , . , . , , . 980 . . 20 , .

1 (375x453, 149Kb)

, , .


115×155 ; 22,5×22,5 .


/ :
- , 65 115 ;
, - , 65 115 ;
, 80 150 ;
D , 85 150 ;
- , 30 150 ;
-170 150 ;
170 170 ; - ; .
= 0,5 , .
24- .


24- :
- 240 4,75×4,75 ;
- 48 9,25×9,25 .

- : 4 6×6 , 2 101×8,5 , 2 146×8,5 ;
- : 4 8,5×8,5 , 2 91×6 , 2 136×6 ;
- D ( ): 2 120×7,5 , 2 165×7,5 ( 2- . , , ( = 0,75 ) .


1. 120 . 22.1. , , . . . 22.1 8,5×8,5 .

2. 96 . 22.2 ( 8,5×8,5 ). D 2 . (. . 22.2). .

3. , . 22.1 22.2, ( 24 23,5×23,5 ). . 22.3.

4. 22.4 ( 136×91 ).


1. . () . .

2. . () , . .

2 (500x226, 85Kb)


, , . 3 ( 4- , 4- ).

( . 22.4 ), .


, , . , , . , ( 1,3 ), - . , . , . ! . , , . , . , .


, 25 2012 . 06:55 +
pupus [ + !]

" " Quilt Sampler. , ,
" ", -""

: 50 . 5-9 .
2,5-3 , 1
IMG_0487 (448x336, 46Kb)

 : [1]