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  • (, ..) (39)
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  • (32)



 - e-mail



: 03.11.2011
: 3129
: 269
: 4472



: (0), (3), (1), (1), (1), (0), (1), (2), (1), (17)

: (21), (33), (175), (152), (74), , , ...(18), (23), (10), (28), , (101), (16), (49), (12), (39), (78), (, ..)(39), , (79), (475), -(149), (2), (1), , , (66), (6), (78), (5), , , (13), , , (9), (45), (32), , (126), (23), (29), (8), (44), (10), (134), (81), (140), (47), (58), (14), (7), (35), (21), (13), , (22), -(123), (21), (47), + (112), (20), (34), (223), (68), , (112), (28), (25), (8), , , (67), **(3), **(21), **(0), **(0)

, 10 2013 . 01:37 +


. ( , , ),

, 10 2013 . 01:25 +
[ + !]




, 10 2013 . 00:57 +
[ + !]

! , ! , \"\" .

1) lang-8.com/ - , ,
2) sharedtalk.com/ - !
3) omegle.com/ - . . -
4) langled.com/home.php - ( , )
5) www.englishbaby.com/ - , , , lessons
6) www.interpals.net/ -
7) livemocha.com/ -

YouTube :
1) www.youtube.com/user/MinooAngloLink -
2) www.youtube.com/user/dailydictation - . .
3) www.youtube.com/user/duncaninchina -

1) www.manythings.org/ - , . TESL / TEFL. ( ), , .
2) situationalenglish.blogspot.com/ - , . 150
3) engblog.ru/ - ,
4) www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/language/ - ,
5) www.amalgama-lab.com/ -


20 ,

, 10 2013 . 00:54 +
Happy__baby [ + !]



10 youtube

, 10 2013 . 00:48 +
Joker-6 [ + !]

1. Duncaninchina www.youtube.com/duncaninchina/
2. VOA Learning English www.youtube.com/voalearningenglish/
3. Learn English with Steve Ford www.youtube.com/user/PrivateEnglishPortal
4. Business English Videos for ESL www.youtube.com/bizpod/
5. Bbclearningenglish www.youtube.com/bbclearningenglish/
6. PodEnglish www.youtube.com/podenglish/
7. JenniferESL www.youtube.com/user/JenniferESL
8. Real English www.youtube.com/realenglish1/
9. The Daily English Show www.youtube.com/user/thedailyenglishshow
10. Sozoexchange www.youtube.com/sozoexchange/

xWoT2l6tXlM (512x512, 28Kb)



, , : Pop-ap ABC ( )

, 10 2013 . 00:38 +



", ":

1 -
2 - : Google - Dicter
21 -
22 - ! ..
23 - , , : Pop-ap ABC ( )
24 - : +
25 - :
33 - ... ,
34 - , !
35 -




, 10 2013 . 00:22 +
_ [ + !]

- 10 .
. :)



, 28 2013 . 10:57 +
OlgaVladimir [ + !]





http://www3.unileon.es/.../dicteacti.html -


http://www.didieraccord.com/ -

http://www.fsj.ualberta.ca/.../1-tdm.htm http://mapage.cybercable.fr/.../index.htm -

http://www.leconjugueur.com/frindex.php -

http://butcher.newmail.ru/french.htm -.

http://www.utm.edu/.../vocab.shtml -

http://www.lepointdufle.net/properso.htm -

http://www.nelsonthornes.com/.../default.html -

http://laurentboss74.nanoweb.info/index2.htm -

http://www.ciep.fr/.../index.htm -


http://www.studyfrench.ru/.../ -

http://www.laits.utexas.edu/.../index.html ---------"-------"-------

http://www.lexilogos.com/francais_la...tionnaires.htm -

http://lexiquefle.free.fr/ - http://www.polarfle.com/ http://peinturefle.ovh.org/ http://www.heinle.com/.../v1.htm -

http://elsap1.unicaen.fr/.../cherches.cgi -

http://www.atoutmicro.ca/educ.htm#langfr - (, )

http://georges.dolisi.free.fr/index.htm -

http://babelfish.altavista.digital.com/.../tr - http://www.cortland.edu/.../ -

http://www.ciep.fr/.../index.htm -

http://www.academie-francaise.fr/ - ..

Prompt – on-line 6 http://www.translate.ru/text.asp English, Fran?ais, , Deutsch, Espa?ol


On-line http://fog.ccsf.cc.ca.us/.../grammar.htm English

(, , -) http://www.momes.net/.../homonyme.html Fran?ais

http://www.synapse-fr.com/francais.htm Fran?ais

ABC de la langue fran?aise http://languefrancaise.free.fr/ -, , , , , , , ..)

Langue fran?aise http://www.langue-fr.net/ , . , , , , , . . Fran?ais

, http://www.chez.com/.../ Fran?ais

, , . http://grammaire.reverso.net/ Fran?ais

http://edulogiciel.francite.net/page6.html Fran?ais



Vive le Québec http://membres.lycos.fr/.../dicoquebecfrance.html Francais

Expressions québécoises http://www.ac-versailles.fr/.../lexique.htm Francais

Les expressions québécoises http://www.vivreaquebec.com/expressions.htm Fran?ais

Parler québécois http://parlerquebecois.ca.tc/ Francais

Attestations québécoises http://www.lli.ulaval.ca/.../exerque.html . , . Francais

http://www.citationsdumonde.com/accueil.htm Francais

http://philae.sas.upenn.edu/.../french.html English

Histoire de la langue francaise

http://www.tlfq.ulaval.ca/.../histlngfrn.htm Francais

http://www.monquebec.com/.../modules.php http://www.bonjourdefrance.com/ -

http://www.hfac.uh.edu/.../index.htm - http://www.class.uh.edu/.../

. , - . le journal en francais facile. http://www.rfi.fr/.../index.asp


http://www.ucalgary.ca/.../dict.html -

http://www.deaf-page.de/deaff.htm --------"-"--------"------- http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/.../shyl_tab.htm -----"—16



10 youtube

, 03 2012 . 16:04 +
Joker-6 [ + !]

1. Duncaninchina www.youtube.com/duncaninchina/
2. VOA Learning English www.youtube.com/voalearningenglish/
3. Learn English with Steve Ford www.youtube.com/user/PrivateEnglishPortal
4. Business English Videos for ESL www.youtube.com/bizpod/
5. Bbclearningenglish www.youtube.com/bbclearningenglish/
6. PodEnglish www.youtube.com/podenglish/
7. JenniferESL www.youtube.com/user/JenniferESL
8. Real English www.youtube.com/realenglish1/
9. The Daily English Show www.youtube.com/user/thedailyenglishshow
10. Sozoexchange www.youtube.com/sozoexchange/

xWoT2l6tXlM (512x512, 28Kb)



. 19 .

, 14 2012 . 17:27 +
Alina_RU_ [ + !]




















19 . , , , .

, , . 16 .


" ":

1 - . 16 .
2 - . 19 .
3 - . .




, 18 2012 . 19:03 +
Ananta [ + !]



100 English + 53

, 18 2012 . 19:00 +
Ananta [ + !]

100 free short English stories for ESL learners
with listening, grammar, comprehension, dictation exercises, and crossword puzzles

1. Sara Went Shopping
2. Man Injured at Fast Food Place
3. A Life-Saving Cow
4. Driver Loses Mabel, Finds Jail
5. Jerry Decided To Buy a Gun
6. Freeway Chase Ends at Newsstand
7. Better To Be Unlucky
8. Food Fight Erupted in Prison
9. Wanted To Know How His Pig’s Doing
10. Goats Being Hired
11. A Missing Cat
12. Book Him
13. Water Under the Sink (Part One)
14. Water Under the Sink (Part Two)
15. Theft Occurs Everywhere
16. Eggs and a Bunny
17. Hotel Says Goodbye to Clean Couple
18. $100 Deposit
19. Books Don’t Grow on Trees
20. A Murder-Suicide
21. New Store and Its Owners
22. Mayor Denies Hit-and-Run Charge
23. Gasoline Prices Hit Record High
24. A Festival of Books
25. Crazy Housing Prices
26. Happy and Unhappy Renters
27. Pulling Out Nine Tons of Trash
28. Cloning Pets
29. Rentals at the Oceanside Community
30. Trees Are a Threat
31. Gets Booked, Writes a Book
32. Popular Park Reopens
33. Swim Classes Begin Soon
34. Getting Older But Not Sitting Around
35. Agencies Get Millions for Homeless
36. Tenants Watch Building Burn
37. Bathtub Blues
38. Blood Drive at Civic Center
39. City Hosts 42nd Art Fair
40. City and Crime
41. Bank Robbery
42. Immigration Goes Online
43. Jimmy Fixes His Door
44. Larry Needs a New Air-Conditioner
45. Man Gets 12 Years for Fraud
46. Man Shoots Up Post Office
47. Murals Are Over 200 Years Old
48. Pier Collapses
49. Cameras in Police Cars
50. A School Girl Sues Her School
51. SUV Driver Sends Officer Flying
52. Boy Drowns in Neighbor's Pool
53. Woman Dies in House Fire
54. Pilot Killed as Plane Crashes into House
55. Fishing for Girls
56. Woman Shot Next to Her Christmas Tree
57. Man Fatally Stabbed Outside Nightclub
58. Fishing Boat Sinks, Everyone Saved
59. The Mysterious Carport Stain
60. Woman Lies About Winning Lottery
61. Victory Dance Leads to Death
62. Eat Your Vegetables
63. Honk if You're in a Hurry
64. The Man Who Loved Women
65. How to Get out of Jury Duty
66. The Way to a Man’s Heart
67. Female Seeks Mature Male
68. Let’s Go Fishing
69. Train Wreck “Frees” Cows
70. Valuable Guitar Found
71. Stepmother Kills Herself
72. Beautiful Teacher Smiles, then Walks Away
73. Are Criminals Taking Over LA?
74. Police Arrest Happy Van Driver
75. Open Wide and Say Your Prayers
76. The Final Phone Call
77. The Doctor’s Almost Perfect Children
78. There Goes the Neighborhood!
79. Let’s Go to Vegas!
80. Squirrel Attacks Woman in Golf Cart
81. He Goes to War to Save His Baby
82. English Is Confusing
83. Pump Up the Tires and Ride the Bike
84. Don’t Go Swimming on an Empty Stomach
85. The Park That Went to the Dogs
86. Brother, Can You Spare a Carburetor?
87. Golf Like a Girl, Manage Like a Man
88. Take Me Out to the Ball Game
89. Take This Job and Shove It
90. Where Did That Book Go?
91. When You’ve Got Your Health, You've Got Everything
92. It Doesn’t Have That ‘New Car’ Smell
93. Rich Man Invites Poor Student to Dinner
94. It Only Rings When I'm in the Bathroom
95. It Was an Old, Worthless Clock
96. Schoolboys Get Five-Finger Discount on Candy
97. Collecting Seashells at the Seashore
98. Check Your Bags at the Store Entrance
99. When I Retire, We Will See the World
100. Get Me a Caffe Latte or Go to Jail


Extra Storiesdance3


, 02 2012 . 19:54 +
_ [ + !]

. (SELECT A VOICE) . TYPE YOUR TEXT HERE. SAY IT! . , ,, , . . , , , .



, 17 2012 . 01:55 +
elvirushka [ + !]

  (30 , )

! ! ! . , , 30- . , , , , . , . Pimsleur . , - , ..



2 - ( 30-60, )



, 17 2012 . 01:44 +
Saiensu [ + !]

- . . .

to vodka

1. -, , :
1.1. (Indefinite), .. , ,
1.2. (Continuous), .. ,
1.3. (Perfect), .. , .

2. -, :
2.1. (Present) - ,
2.2. (Past) - ,
2.3. (Future) , : , ..

3. .

3.1. Present:
3.1.1. Present Indefinite ( ), . .
I vodka every day. - .
every day : usually, seldom, often,
from time to time, from melkaya posuda, bolshimi glotkami
3.1.2. Present Continuous ( ):
I am vodking now. .

He is constantly vodking! !
3.1.3. Present Perfect ( ):
I have already vodked. - . (
3.1.4. Present Perfect Continuous ( -):
I have been vodking since childhood.
- ( inclusive).
- , ( exclusive).

3.2. Past :
3.2.1. Past Indefinite ( ):
I vodked yesterday. - .
( 3.1.3., ).
3.2.2. Past Continuous ( ):
- Unfortunately, I was vodking at the moment my wife came.
- , , .
3.2.3. Past Perfect ( ):
, .
- I had already vodked when my wife came.
- , .
3.2.4. Past Perfect Continuous ( -):
- I had been vodking for about a month when my wife came.
- , .

3.3. Future :
3.3.1. Future Indefinite ( ):
I will vodka tomorrow. - .
(.. )
3.3.1. 3.1.1.:
- If I vodka tomorrow I will be sick the day after tomorrow.
- , .
3.3.2. Future Continuous ( ):
I will be vodking tomorrow at 5. -
3.3.1. 3.3.2. :
- Soon! Soon I will be vodking!
- ! !
3.3.3. Future Perfect ( ):

- To morrow by 5 oclock I will have vodked.
- .
3.3.4. Future Perfect Continuous ( -):
- By to morrow morning I will have been vodking for a week.
- .


, 17 2012 . 01:44 +
Saiensu [ + !]

  1. . – Rara avis. (.: « »)
  2. (., « , ») – White cash. (.: « »)
  3. . – To pull the devil by the tail. (.: « »)
  4. . – A sore subject. (.: « »)
  5. - To tread on air. (.: « »)
  6. . – A round peg in a square hole. (.: « »)
  7. - . – To be under someone’s thumb. (.: « - »)
  8. Act the fool. / Play the fool. /Act the ass. / Play the ass. (.: « / »)
  9. . – To be busy as a bee. (.: « »)
  10. . – To take oneself in hand. (.: « »)
  11. . – It’s still all up in the air. (.: « »)
  12. . – To hang by a thread. (.: « »)
  13. . – To sit on the phone. (.: « »)
  14. - . – To draw the wool over someone’s eyes. (.: « -»)
  15. . – As thick as thieves. (.: « , »)
  16. . – That’s the heart of the matter. (.: « ()»)
  17. . – To get out of the bed on the wrong side. (.: « »)
  18. . – To fly off the handle. (.: « »)
  19. . – Hungry as a hunter. (.: « »)
  20. . (.: «, ») – A silly goose. (. « »)
  21. . – To make a mountain out of molehill. (.: « »)
  22. . – Rolling in money. (.: « »)
  23. . – Open-hearted. (.: « »)
  24. . – One’s heart sank into one’s boots. (.: « »)
  25. . – To sit on a powder keg. (.: « »)
  26. . – To cover up one’s traces. (.: « »)
  27. . – Put it into your pipe and smoke it. (.: « »)
  28. . – He won’t set the Thames on fire. (.: « »)
  29. . – To play with edge-tool. (.: « »)
  30. . – To bare one’s heart. (. « »)
  31. . – To look for a needle in a haystack. (.: « »)
  32. . – To drink the cup to the end. (.: « ()»)
  33. ? (., « ?») – What’s biting you? (.: « ?»)
  34. . – To vanish into thin air. (.: « »)
  35. . – Like a bolt from the blue. (.: « () »)
  36. . – As plain as the nose on your face. (.: « »)
  37. . – You might as well talk to a brick wall. (.: « »)
  38. . – Disappeared as if by magic. (.: «, »)
  39. . – Packed like sardines. (.: « »)
  40. . – A heavy heart. (.: « »)
  41. . – A drop in the ocean. (.: « »)
  42. . – To live in clover. (.: « »)
  43. . – Nail drives out nail. (.: « »)
  44. () ( ) – When hell freezes (.: « »)
  45. . – A fine gesture. (.: « »)
  46. . – A hard nut to crack. (.: « , »)
  47. . – To buy a pig in a poke. (.: « »)
  48. . – It rains cats and dogs. (.: « »)
  49. . – To fish in troubled waters. (.: « »)
  50. Between the devil and the deep blue sea. (.: « »)
  51. (=0,71 ) – To measure another’s corn by one’s own bushel. (.: « »)
  52. . – It’s a small world. (.: « »)
  53. . – To pull strings. (.: « »)
  54. . – To call a spade a spade. (.: « »)
  55. (., «»). – On bended knee. (.: « »)
  56. () () - (., « - , v) – Nothing to sneeze at. (.: « »)
  57. . – Dumb as an oyster. (.: « »)
  58. . – Neither here nor there. (.: « »)
  59. . – To promise the moon. (.: « »)
  60. . – To beat the air. (.: « »)
  61. (., « »). – To plow through something.
  62. . – To swim like a stone. (.: « »)
  63. . – To sit twiddling one’s thumbs. (.: « »)
  64. . – To put one’s tail between one’s legs. (.: « »)
  65. (., ) – To turn on the meter. / The meter is running.
  66. (.) – Later-alligator. (.: « – », “later”)
  67. . – As like as two peas in a pot. (.: « »)
  68. . – To go through fire and water. (.: « »)
  69. (., « ») – Verbal diarrhea (.: « »)
  70. . – A knowing old bird. (.: « »)
  71. , (., «, ») – Just what the doctor ordered. (.: « , »)
  72. . – To kill two birds with one stone. (.: « »)
  73. Smell hell. (.: « »)
  74. . – To beat about the bush. (.: »)
  75. . – Bare as a bone. (.: « »)
  76. . – Thin as a rake. (.: « »)
  77. ׸ (., «, , ») – Black money. (.: «׸ »)


, 17 2012 . 01:42 +
PanteraSPb [ + !]



. , ,

, 17 2012 . 01:37 +
seleonov [ + !]

. , ,



, .
, .
, ,
- , ,

, , - , , . - , . , .



. .

, 01 2012 . 00:39 +
Sheree [ + !]

. .

 (300x300, 25Kb)


http://denistutor.narod.ru/  - - , . , , , , .

http://www.englishtopic.narod.ru/ - English Topics and Texts - .

http://esl.report.ru/ - , , , , .

http://www.english4u.dp.ua/ - .



. .

, 26 2012 . 23:16 +


 : [2] 1