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( : 2) __ WiseAdvice


: 28.01.2008
: 778



- !

, 03 2012 . 23:08 +
Yail [ + !]


 - ,

002 (699x700, 552Kb)

003 (700x693, 556Kb)



, 25 2011 . 10:10 +
[ + !]

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1 -
2 - Nelson Reed Helen...
8 - / Stefanie Clark
9 - .Michael Whelan
10 -


.Michael Whelan

, 30 2011 . 18:28 +
EIVA26 [ + !]

Michael Whelan


2 (400x158, 20Kb)


1 -
2 - Nelson Reed Helen...
7 - / Stefanie Clark
8 - / Stefanie Clark
9 - .Michael Whelan
10 -


, 02 2010 . 22:16 +
_ [ + !]

(. 1945 , ) — -, .
, «», «», « », « », «», «», «- », «-» «».



Gil Bruvel

, 30 2010 . 00:54 +
Improvise [ + !]

Gil Bruvel
, , 1959 . Gil Bruvel c , 4 . 12  .
Gil Bruvel 1974 : , , , , , , , , -, , , -, , . .


Martine Johanna

, 23 2010 . 23:45 +
affinity4you [ + !]

(Martine Johanna) . , .




, 15 2009 . 15:44 +
__-_ [ + !]


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, 15 2009 . 15:38 +
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Stephan Martiniere

, 25 2009 . 13:14 +
affinity4you [ + !]

Stephan Martiniere |

Stephan Martiniere - , , . 2D, 3D.
. . - Midway Games. .
, , , , 2 3.
: Myst 5, Uru: Ages Beyound Myst, Uru: The path of the Shell



, 11 2009 . 15:14 +
--_ [ + !]

http://www.adamcline.com/ Adam Cline .
http://www.epilogue.net/cgi/database/art/list.pl?gallery=885 Alberto Gordillo , .
http://rpg.gamenavigator.ru/ Al (CCGs & RPGs).
http://www.andersfiner.com/ Anders Finer PhotoShop.
http://www.anry.ru/ Anry .
http://www.homestead.com/terraescape/main.html Armands Mojoworld.
http://auroreblackcat.free.fr/ Aurore Demilly (Black Cat).
http://www.borisjulie.com/ Boris Vallejo ?
http://coquettish.org/ BOSATSU , .
http://www.bobotheseal.com/ Brian Jones BoBo the seal, 2d/3d .
http://www.bprince.com/ Brian balistic Prince 2d/3d .
http://www.bromart.com/ BROM .
http://www.cecilkim.com/ Cecil Kim (storyboard) .
http://conceptcity.ioupg.com/ Conceptcity -.
http://www.goodbrush.com/ Craig Mullins .
http://www.sonsofthestorm.com/ Chris Metzen Blizzard, Warcraft II?
http://www.christianlorenzscheurer.com/ Christian Lorenz Scheurer matte painter Square.
http://www.vacher.com/ Christophe Vacher .
http://www.nukleon.com/ Dan NukleoN Burke , Blizzard. http://www.danscott.20m.com/ Dan Scott Warhammer 40K, WarCry, Warlord . .
http://www.sijun.com/dhabih/mainscreen.html Dhabih Eng sijun.com - .
http://www.dorianart.com/ Dorian Cleavenger , , . http://www.seegmiller-art.com/ Don Seegmiller , . http://www.donatoart.com/ Donato Giancola ! ! http://www.dchiang.com/ Doug Chiang Star Wars.
http://www.edleeart.com/ Ed Lee 2d/3d -.
http://www.visuraimaging.com/ Eric Hanson matte painter, cg . http://www.watersketch.com/ Eric Tiemens /matte painter ILM, Star Wars. http://facezero.com.ne.kr/ Facezero ! . http://falcoon.hp.infoseek.co.jp/ Falcoon . http://www.artbyfeng.com/ Feng Zhu -, Episode 3. http://www.teamgt.com/francis.htm Francis Tsai Myst 3. http://www.frankfrazetta.com/ Frank Frazetta .
http://www.genesoul.net/ Genesoul , .
http://www.ghull.com/ George Hull Matrix Reloaded/Revolution. http://hanahalu.cool.ne.jp/ Hanaharu Naruko .
http://marzana.eowyn.nu/nitty/ Hyung-Tae Kim Manga Carta. http://www.wetpaint.ru/ , , .
http://www.igino.net/ Igino Giordano . :)
Inoue Naohisa ! http://www.iblard.com/ , Mimi wo Sumaseba.
http://www.jane-art.com/ . http://eden.dreamcrafter.com/ Jason Chan EDEN - cg . http://wwwusers.imaginet.fr/%7Ejmvives/ Jean-Marie Vives matte painter Amelie, Alien Resurrection . http://www.jo-chen.com/ Jo Chen . http://www.joachimart.com/ Joachim Barrum , Photoshop. http://www.joemadureira.com/ Joe Madureira -, Battle Chasers. http://www.jonathonart.com/ Jonathon Earl Bowser ! http://www.borisjulie.com/ Julie Bell , .
http://jdillon.net/ Julie Dillon , .
http://junny.babymilk.jp/ Junny , .
http://www.justinsweet.com/index.html Justin Sweet Black Isle, Fallout. http://www.jessecollier.com/Friends/Archiv...olio/index.html Justin Thavirat Blizzard, WarCraft III, StarCraft.
http://www.kagayastudio.com/ KAGAYA ! . http://homepage.mac.com/isap/ Kami goodbrush -. . http://www.cc.rim.or.jp/%7Eurara/ Keiichi Kunishige , . http://www.keithparkinson.com/ Keith Parkinson . http://www.kentmatheson.com/ Kent Matheson digital matte painter. - ? http://www.khangle.net/ Khang Le -. . http://mz.woobak.net/ Kim Myoung Hwan cg . , ! http://www.orbiterdesigner.com/bronzeage/ Kim Young Sang . . http://www31.ocn.ne.jp/%7Ekogaratsu/ Kogaratsu Final Fantasy. ? http://www2u.biglobe.ne.jp/%7Ea-kou/ Koichi mechanical creature .
http://www3.tky.3web.ne.jp/%7Er4kmt/ Kunihiko Tanaka . http://www.kyleanderson.com/ Kyle Anderson -, . http://www.larryelmore.com/ Larry Elmore , .
http://www.leohao.ru/ , . http://lian.exorsus.net/ L i a n , . http://www.lorenzosperlonga.com/ Lorenzo Sperlonga pin-up ( ). http://www.halcyon.ne.jp/mishow/ Maki Michaux , . http://www.liquidwerx.com/ Malachi Maloney , pin-up. http://www.marctaro.com/ Marc Taro Holmes Baldurs Gate, Neverwinter Nights . http://www5c.biglobe.ne.jp/%7Emaru-p/ Maruyama Kaoru . http://www.michaelwhelan.com/ Michael Whelan . http://www.hallsofcreation.com/ Michel & Rene Koiter -, Blizzard. http://www.itchstudios.com/psg/ Niklas Jansson , Prometheus. http://www.ne.jp/asahi/plasma/jungle/ Norikatsu Miyoshi . http://members.surfeu.fi/pveik/ Pekka Gecko Veikkolainen . http://www.peter-gallery.narod.ru/ , . http://www.guerillapixel.com/ Peter Loki Baustaedter digital matte painter ! http://www.saunderscreative.com/ Phil Saunders -, , . http://www.eyewoo.com/ Philip Williams 61 , PhotoShop! http://www.ralphmcquarrie.com/ Ralph McQuarrie Star Wars. http://www.clockgear.de/ Randis Albion , . Aquanox. http://www.pseweb.com/ Range Murata . http://www.wind.sannet.ne.jp/ren_mizusaki/ Ren Mizusaki . :) http://www.robertocampus.com/ Roberto Campus . ! http://www.invaderdigital.com/ Roger Kupelian matte painter, Final Fantasy, LoTR.
http://guro-games.com/ Guro , Painter.
http://www.rkoart.com/ . http://www.geocities.com/lemenayd/index.html Ron Lemen ( ) Presto Studios, Myst 3.
http://www.ryanchurch.com/ Ryan Church Skywalker Ranch, Episode 3. http://www.sonsofthestorm.com/ Samwise Didier Blizzard, . http://www.toyboxarts.com/ Satoshi Toy Igarashi cg . , - . :)
http://www.drawthrough.com/ Scott Robertson . . http://henrik.cgcommunity.com/ Seung Ho Henrik Holmberg matte painter . http://www.planetshane.com/ Shane Caudle Unreal, Painter.
http://www.shawnye.com/ Shawn Ye , .
http://www.venushin.com/ Shin Lin matte paintings. http://www.simonbisleyonline.com/ Simon Bisley Heavy Metal. , .. http://www.slipgate.ru/ Slipgate Mex. http://www.martiniere.com/martiniere.html Stephan Martiniere -, Cyan.
http://tatagh.org/ TaTagh Muchke !
http://www.zoisite.ru/ Tata , .
http://www.taie.by.ru/ - , . http://www1.odn.ne.jp/%7Ecet85550/index.html Tetsu . . http://www.leeillo.com/ Tim and Karen Lee . http://www.mbnet.fi/%7Ebadgers Timo Bg Vihola . , . http://www.diterlizzi.com/ Tony DiTerlizzi , . http://www.h3.dion.ne.jp/%7Et.com/ Toshiaki Takayama , , .
http://www.timurmutsaev.com/ -. http://home.broadpark.no/%7Evstromm/ Vebjorn Strommen - . http://www.segrelles.com/ Vicente Segrelles , . http://www20.big.or.jp/%7Ea-fun/ Wand Bilt ! !
http://www.supalette.com/nuke/html/index.php Wasssup Craig Mullins.
http://www.dusso.com/ Yanick Dusseault matte painter .
http://www.amanosworld.com/ Yoshitaka Amano .
http://www.bc.wakwak.com/%7Esilv/ Yoshiyuki Psy 19- . :)..........

: , .)))))



Mario Duguay

, 11 2009 . 15:11 +
Goddess_of_the_Moon [ + !]

Mario Duguay.

Master of my Life

Am a Child.jpgI




The lighness of being


Born Again Into the Light

The force of faith

Enter and Be Raised



The Apprentice

Source of life

The Sun



Being light


Crossing into the Light

Eternal Breath

I am health

Never alone

Following my Pathjpg





, 28 2009 . 12:19 +

Fay – , 104 , , : , , , , . , – 900 , . ( « Fay’», - , : , , !)… , «», 900 , , .


25 1985 . , , . , . 1996 , 10 , () , . , , , . 1999 Fay . 7 2000 . - 7 2000 , .

2000 . , , . , , .


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