Цинь Тяньчжу родился в 1952 году в город Чэнду, провинции Сычуань. Член Ассоциации художников Сычуань...( Qin Tianzhu was born in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province in 1952. He is now member of the Chinese Artists Association, member of the Standing Committee of its Sichuan Branch, and painter at Sichuan Poet, Calligraphy & Painting Studio.
His works are simple, fresh and charming, composing of unique composition and classical coloring. His paintings have various themes ranging from little insects to great eagles to which he has injected his passion of life and philosophies. He suggests that paintings should be composed of will and carry the feelings of the artist. His works have been displayed at home and abroad. He has been awarded for his work "Qing Fen Tu" at the 18th Fine Contemporary Ink-and-wash Arts Exhibition held in Japan. A number of his works are collected in the Chinese Fine Arts Gallery, Jiangsu Fine Arts Gallery, Shenzhen Museum, as well as a museum in Japa)