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 - e-mail



: 06.05.2013
: 57580
: 1264
: 59480



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, 17 2021 . 10:47 +
Luyda52 [ + !]

Screenshot_8 (473x680, 189Kb)


, 11 2018 . 14:24 +
Nik2003 [ + !]




. , , .

, . — , . .












, 02 2018 . 21:43 +
_ [ + !]

Look here. – .
Thank you very much. – .
It was very kind of you to do it. – ( ).
Excuse me for being late. – .
I must apologize to you. – .
Forgive me, please, I meant well. – , , .
I congratulate you. – .
Happy birthday to you. – .
Have a good time. – .
Let me introduce... – ...
Allow me to introduce (to present). – .
May I present... – ...
Goodbye. – .
See you later. – .
I must be going. – .
By the way... – ...
I have been thinking. – .
You are getting away from the subject. – .
Keep to the point. – .
In short... – ...
Skip the details. – .
That’s all there is to it. – , .
But enough of it.– , .
I see. – .
Say it again, please. – , .
Is that the point? – ?
That is not exactly what I mean. – , .
Let us clear it up. – .
In other words. – .
I mean it. – .
I am coming to that. – .
It stands to reason. – .
All right, I give in, you win. – , , .
What has it got to do with the problem? – ?
You are carrying it too far. – .
It does not make sense. – .
It does not prove a thing. – .
Let us stick to facts. – .
It is not true to facts. – .
That makes all the difference. – - .
That is quite a different thing. – .
On the one hand. – .
On the other hand. – .
As to... / As for... (As far as...is concerned) – ...
Nevertheless. – .
Of course. Certainly. – .
Exactly. – .
That’s right. – .
I agree with you. – .
I think so. – , .
I am afraid so. – , .
I am sure of it. – .
I don’t agree with you at all. – .
Far from it. – .
I don’t think so. – , .
I am afraid you are wrong. – , .
I am not sure of it. – .
I doubt it. – .
I don’tknow. – .
I can’t say. – .
Is he? – ?
Really? – ?
Well, it is a surprise. – , .
Who would have expected that? – ?
You look wonderful today. – .
It does you credit. – .


, 21 2018 . 21:47 +
galinaak [ + !]


sociable –
faithful —
arrogant —
boastful —
brave —
bright —
calculating —
competitive —
confident —
considerate —
cunning —
decent —
depressed — ,
generous – ,
reliable –
curious –


, 03 2017 . 15:58 +
Hersonckay [ + !]

предлоги (600x387, 96Kb)


, 27 2017 . 21:29 +
elenaslava [ + !]

850 .



, 30 2017 . 10:32 +
_32 [ + !]


, . , , , , , .


0_3f811_d7b8a3af_S (11x11, 1Kb)


1 - ! !
2 - !
4 - ...
5 - .
6 - ...!
7 - ♦♦♦‼○ ! !○‼♦♦♦


, 07 2017 . 08:33 +
listra55 [ + !]





5284814_1aUntitled14_1_ (665x443, 229Kb)



, 13 2017 . 08:49 +
__ [ + !]




  • , «»     ,   —   .



, 08 2017 . 23:56 +
AAUUMM [ + !]




:), - , !


, 04 2017 . 20:53 +
_ [ + !]


, 14 2017 . 10:14 +
Mellodika [ + !]

. !


1. Are you kidding? - ?
2. Are you shitting me? - ?
3. Are you sure? - ?
4. Are you positive? - ?
5. Believe it or not - ,
6. Eyes were going to pop out of one's head -
7. Fancy that! - !
8. How could you approach him unnoticed? - ?
9. How in the world can you do that? - , ?
10. How could you say that to her for God's sake? - , , ?
11. Incredible! - !
12. It's impossible! - !
13. It can't be true! - !
14. I can't believe it! - !
15. I'm speechless! - !
16. I am shocked! - !
17. I am astounded! - !
18. I was surprised at her being honest. - , .
19. I never would have thought it possible! - , !
20. I'm sure he's lying. - , .
21. I would never have expected such an answer! - !
22. I didn't expect Jo to come on time. - , .
23. It took my breath away! - !
24. It's too good to be true! - , !
25. It comes as no surprise that Jane dumped him after the honeymoon. - , .
26. I can't imagine you did that. - , .
27. I'll believe it when pigs fly! - , .
28. I just can't believe we are together again. - , .
29. It was the first time in living memory -
30. Mary has come to my wedding, what a surprise! - , !
31. Marta got the sack after her presentation, No kidding? - , ?
32. My foot! - !
33. No-one could really believe their eyes -
34. No wonder he failed! - , !
35. No shit! - !
36. Really? - ?
37. That's a good one! - !
38. They published my article, I'm dreaming! - , , : !
39. To be startled - ,
40. To be speechless - , ( , )
41. To blink, as if you have seen a ghost - , (: , )
42. To get the shock of one's life - ; .
43. Unbelievable! - !
44. To catch one's breath -
45. To faint -
46. To jump out of one's skin - , ( )
47. To make smb. jump - , ( , )
48. Would you believe it? - ?
49. You must be joking! - , , !
50. You're joking, right? - , , ?
51. You're pulling my leg, aren't you? - , ?
52. You, of all people! - ? !
53. You were invited to the show. How amazing! - . !
54. You're not serious! - !
55. You don't say! - !
56. You could have knocked me down with a feather - , , ; .
57. Who could have imagined that? - ?
58. Who would have thought you would marry Nick? - , ?
6aA9NxQql7s (700x700, 160Kb)


, 13 2017 . 11:32 +
_ [ + !]

100 ...


100 ...


1. Hello/ good bye - /


2. Good morning! / Good afternoon! / Good evening! - ! / /



, 06 2016 . 18:27 +
Nataly2012 [ + !]


, 08 2016 . 14:32 +
vdomarvik [ + !]

. 15 ! . .

. 15 ! . 1.

! . 2.



, 12 2016 . 07:42 +
rinagit [ + !]

!!!100 4 ..

" ":

1 - englishpod
2 - "42": ? Do It!
30 - - ...
31 - 15 ,
32 - !!!100 4 ..
33 - (irregular verbs) ..
34 - .
35 - -. . .


, 26 2016 . 10:57 +
justvitek [ + !]

mother -
father -
daughter -
son -
sister -
brother -
grandfather -
grandmother -
aunt -
uncle -
niece -
nephew -

parents -
children -
grandparents -
grandchild (. grandchildren) - , ()
grandson -
granddaughter -
great-grandchildren (great-grandson, great-granddaughter) - (, ) 
twins - ,
twin-brother - -
twin-sister - -
cousin - , , ,
step-father -
step-mother -
step-son -
step-daughter -
wife -
husband -
widow -
widower -
father-in-law - ,
mother-in-law - ,
son-in-law - ,
daughter-in-law - , ,

4208855_RTKSklTIZ8s (604x457, 58Kb)


, 07 2016 . 09:39 +
TVORYU [ + !]

80 000 15 ! , !


, 01 2016 . 09:22 +
Viktoria_84 [ + !]

Nevertheless —  
Meantime —  
Although —  
Frankly speaking -  
So to speak-  
It goes without saying-  
To put it mildly —  
At all - ( ) 
In any case-  
So -  
Moreover —  
By the way-  
Indeed -  
Well —  
However —  
Telling the truth-  
Strictly speaking-  
To sum it up —  
Of course —  
As far as I know-  
In other words —  
Probably —  
To begin with —  


I am hoping , 
I am writing to say.. , .. 
I am really looking forward to.. .. 
I really appreciated all your help.. .. 
I am interested in .. ..  
I don`t care about.. ()… 


I suppose , 
In my view  
To my mind - 
In my opinion - 
I am convinced , 
Personally, I believe , 
Many people believe , 
As far as I remember  
From my point of view  


Despite our… … 
In contrast to this… … 
On the other hand… … 
Compared to the other… … 
..is clearly different from… .. … 


Definitely —  
No wonder-  
In fact, (he is)…- , ( )… 
He used to say…- … 
Not surprisingly,… — , () 
How about doing this-  
Over the past two days —  
Apart from the negative impact that…- , … 
One of the best thing about (the sport is).. ()… 
This might happen simply because (students)..- , () .. 


…in total. …- . 
It is estimated -  
If it is no longer…- … 
To sum up.- . 
In addition-  
In conclusion-

5640974_6rZCUWKnLAY (604x453, 55Kb)


, 06 2016 . 08:17 +
justvitek [ + !]


1 pick up  
2 go on 1) ()!; 2) (); 3)
3 get out , ; ; ,
4 go back
5 come on !, !; !; ,
6 come back
7 sit down , ,
8 come out ; , ;
9 come in ; ,
10 look for , ,
11 get up , ;
12 come up , ; ,
13 look down ,
14 go out
15 take off 1) ( ); 2) ,
16 come from , ,
17 find out , , ,
18 pull out , ; ,
19 look back ,
20 get back ()
21 go down , ,
22 come down , ; ;
23 turn back , ; ,
24 stand up ,
25 take out ,
26 wake up ; -.
27 hold up
28 turn around
29 walk away
30 be back ,
31 turn away
32 go up
33 get off , ; , ; !
34 hold on ()!; (); ,
35 look out 1) ; 2)
36 put on , ; ,
37 shut up ,
38 set up , ,
39 go over , ; ,
40 sit up ,
41 get away , ;
42 walk over ,
43 come over , ,
44 go away ,
45 go off , ; ,
46 go in
47 turn off 1) ; 2) ,
48 run out 1) ; 2) ,
49 hold out ,
50 walk out

4208855_2wm9KXr9wtU (448x250, 21Kb)

 : [4] 3 2 1