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Пятница, 20 Марта 2015 г. 23:38 + в цитатник
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Выпуклый узор

Это моя новая хотелка) Хотя и сложная работа, но ведь никто же не говорит, что невозможная. Но это уже на следующий год, если, конечно получится, хотелось бы связать. Никто не хочет присоединиться?

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Рубрики:  FASHION/Knitting


crazy wool


Воскресенье, 24 Февраля 2013 г. 18:46 + в цитатник


Scarf in technology Krazy Vul

April 17, 2011 - 23:59 ~ Mayuttya ~ take any comments
Type of work

Cloakroom, Master Class Knitting, Sewing: Scarf in technology Krazy Wool Paper Thread

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You are not tired of my Crazy? No? Then all the fears - away! 
New handbag needed companion! 
How I did it is here http://stranamasterov.ru/node/179354

Cloakroom, Master Class Knitting, Sewing: Scarf in technology Krazy Wool Paper, Threads.  Photo 1

Make a scarf! With butterflies, as the bag.

Cloakroom, Master Class Knitting, Sewing: Scarf in technology Krazy Wool Paper, Threads.  Photo 2

Draw (well, as best I can) butterfly on a piece of A4

Cloakroom, Master Class Knitting, Sewing: Scarf in technology Krazy Wool Paper, Threads.  Photo 3

And suddenly find that the water-soluble paper 
is not enough! Do you think this stops me? Knowing what it is then I otoletsya, 
taking ordinary tracing paper and translate it to the two ends of my masterpiece "butterfly"

Cloakroom, Master Class Knitting, Sewing: Scarf in technology Krazy Wool Paper, Threads.  Photo 4

Spread on marked lines thread. Took wool. But then I realize the advantages and blueprints! Coated with PVA and its just glue the thread - it allows to put the intricate twists

Cloakroom, Master Class Knitting, Sewing: Scarf in technology Krazy Wool Paper, Threads.  Photo 5

I start to fall asleep all threads, each new layer squirting hairspray. Crap, of course, but the glue - I do not spray!

Cloakroom, Master Class Knitting, Sewing: Scarf in technology Krazy Wool Paper, Threads.  Photo 6

She took the white threads of two types - 
x \ b, and wool, thinking thereby to make the texture more interesting. 
However, looking ahead, I will say that 
if we make a scarf for spring, 
then x \ b thread of one color is enough

Cloakroom, Master Class Knitting, Sewing: Scarf in technology Krazy Wool Paper, Threads.  Photo 7

All, it is time to stop.

Cloakroom, Master Class Knitting, Sewing: Scarf in technology Krazy Wool Paper, Threads.  Photo 8

But, it turned out, my table is shorter than the next scarf - will complicate your life! Who table is greater than or less than the scarf, you can safely go to step 13. 
And we are doing double duty: (

Cloakroom, Master Class Knitting, Sewing: Scarf in technology Krazy Wool Paper, Threads.  Photo 9

Covering the top of water-soluble paper (the regulator will call it - a long time to write)

Cloakroom, Master Class Knitting, Sewing: Scarf in technology Krazy Wool Paper, Threads.  Photo 10

uzelochki advise on the end of a thread does not tie - and the hunt!

Cloakroom, Master Class Knitting, Sewing: Scarf in technology Krazy Wool Paper, Threads.  Photo 11

The left edge of wrap and move the work to the left. 
Well, all from the beginning!

Cloakroom, Master Class Knitting, Sewing: Scarf in technology Krazy Wool Paper, Threads.  Photo 12

Close work entirely

Cloakroom, Master Class Knitting, Sewing: Scarf in technology Krazy Wool Paper, Threads.  Photo 13

Dometyvayu to the end. 
It reminds me of spaghetti with Korean carrot ... Maybe I want to eat?

Cloakroom, Master Class Knitting, Sewing: Scarf in technology Krazy Wool Paper, Threads.  Photo 14

With an inner shudder going to sew. First stitch across. Machine, surprisingly, is going very well and willingly, although the firm is called the machine "is not a fountain." You know this?

Cloakroom, Master Class Knitting, Sewing: Scarf in technology Krazy Wool Paper, Threads.  Photo 15

Now stitch along. Squares out about 1cm * 1cm. I advise not to boil the pot 1.5cm squares and more to do!

Cloakroom, Master Class Knitting, Sewing: Scarf in technology Krazy Wool Paper, Threads.  Photo 16

Who does not miser and put stabilizer on both sides - can banter and giggle at me. This lucky guy is already ready to rinse practically scarf. I say goodbye to you and sit vykolupyvat tracing ...

Cloakroom, Master Class Knitting, Sewing: Scarf in technology Krazy Wool Paper, Threads.  Photo 17

Years passed ... ... Bag, which was placed in a couple of scarf, long wear, children grown up ... But I have repeatedly presented himself to the title of "Honorary schipalschik" still did it! And even already washed away scarf - this land

Cloakroom, Master Class Knitting, Sewing: Scarf in technology Krazy Wool Paper, Threads.  Photo 18

To do solidity brush.

Cloakroom, Master Class Knitting, Sewing: Scarf in technology Krazy Wool Paper, Threads.  Photo 19

Really - ready? Yes! And even today, was commissioned by walking the exam. Results - below.

Cloakroom, Master Class Knitting, Sewing: Scarf in technology Krazy Wool Paper, Threads.  Photo 20

Soft and supple, "4 -" (sorry to put "3 +" - all because of the extra yarn from wool - see paragraph 7) 
Beauty and brightness - "5 +" 
shocking effect on others - "5 +" 
Giving hostess scarf feelings its exclusivity - "5 +"

Cloakroom, Master Class Knitting, Sewing: Scarf in technology Krazy Wool Paper, Threads.  Photo 21

For the last three items I (or any of you) is willing to suffer first, especially as the process of making socks scarf softer and softer! (I hope that I do not think!)

Cloakroom, Master Class Knitting, Sewing: Scarf in technology Krazy Wool Paper, Threads.  Photo 22

Scarf Size: 30 * 170 with tassels. Sizes were tied to the size of the remaining pieces of the stabilizer.



Рубрики:  FASHION/Knitting


knitting edges

Воскресенье, 24 Февраля 2013 г. 18:05 + в цитатник
Это цитата сообщения Aelen [Прочитать целиком + В свой цитатник или сообщество!]

Спицы - наборный край.



Удобства ради все публикации, посвященные наборному краю, собраны в одну таблицу.

Клик по названию способа выдаст его описание, клик по картинке позволит рассмотреть внешний вид набора. Цветом выделены универсальные, по мнению автора, наборы.


Обычный способ Достаточно эластичный край, внешне незатейлив. Подходит как вариант по умолчанию большинству изделий.
Болгарский зачин Рельефный декоративный край. Хорош, например, на толстой пряже или как начало резинки 1х1. Невероятно хорош для лицевой глади, т.к. играет с нею на контрасте.
Итальянский набор Абсолютно эластичный край, нигде ничего не стягивается. Идеален для края воротника-гольф. Обаятельные зубчики.
Набор с открытыми петлями Удобный метод, когда еще не принято решение о виде планки, нужно вязать в обе стороны или если предстоит сшивание деталей швом "петля в петлю".
Набор в виде шнура Один из универсальных наборов. Эластичный край, состоящий из трех нитей.
Набор с фестонами Декоративен, неэластичен, конечно же, девочковый.
Набор с бахромой Декоративен, практически не тянется.
Наборный край с тройной нитью Довольно декоративен, в меру эластичен.
Машинный край Красивый плотный эластичный край. Идеален для резинки 1х1.
Двухцветный край Набор, дающий плотный, практически неэластичный край. Хорош для цветного вязания.
Край спицей и крючком Набор, дающий плотный край косичкой, который почти не тянется.
Утолщенный край Набор, дающий плотный, ровный, практически неэластичный край.
Крестообразный набор Один из универсальных наборов, не лишен изюминки.
Наборный край с пико Неэластичен, в меру декоративен, с шишечками-пико по краю.
Исландский набор Неэластичный наборный край с симпатичными зубчиками.
Ажурный набор Неэластичный наборный край, чрезвычайно декоративный.


Рубрики:  FASHION/Knitting




Воскресенье, 24 Февраля 2013 г. 17:59 + в цитатник

Set of loops pigtail 


Easy and fast set of loops on one needle with a hook . When used in this method, a set of knitting loops you get a neat smooth edge that is suitable for further knitting stitch front, since the edge is not twisted and not stretched. Also, this method is perfect if you want to get an edge with open loops.  

Set of loops pigtail

To start a set of loops to make primary loop hook, located on the left hand needle, get a working thread for needle. Then grab the hook before the main thread needle and pull it through the initial loop.


On needle formed the first loop of the initial series.


Next, move the working yarn over needle, again * grab hook needle and thread to work even following an air loop chain, and the spoke recruited new loop.


Again kiddle working thread for needle and repeat from * until you get to the required number of needle loops.


Then loop the hook put it on and start knitting needle selected pattern.


For the set of loops of open loop type the initial number of additional loops thread, cut the thread and secure the last loop, passing through it, the end of the thread.


Then knit a few rows of warp yarn, it's easy to dismiss the pigtail releasing loop.Since the initial series is a chain of stitches, it will be enough to dissolve the fixed loop and gently pull the thread.


Source: http://domihobby.ru

Рубрики:  FASHION/Knitting


crazy wool

Среда, 13 Февраля 2013 г. 23:23 + в цитатник
Это цитата сообщения кузьмина_людмила [Прочитать целиком + В свой цитатник или сообщество!]







можно выкладывать нитки не на авалон,а на ткань.Тем самым экономим нижний авалон.А верхний авалон остается,без него ни куда.Так вот вместо ткани  использована сеточка Она практически не тянется Нитки уложенырисунком,сверху-авалон,строчка 1.5 на 1.5 квадратиком .



Рубрики:  FASHION/Knitting



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Рубрики:  FASHION/Knitting


fork knitting

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